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2023-08-25 06:47:17

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Watermelon Every Day

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Hey there viewers summer's right around the corner .

That means you're probably going to be eating a lot of unhealthy foods to counteract that you should mix in some healthy stuff once in a while .

How often do you eat watermelon ?

Not only is it one of the most popular summer snacks ?

It's also really healthy .

Let's talk about what happens to your body when you eat watermelon every day .

Does it keep you hydrated ?

Can it save you from heart disease ?

Does it allow you to see better ?

Wait , can watermelon really reduce your risk of cancer ?

We're talking about all that and more .

Number one , it reduces your risk of cancer .

You heard me , the more watermelon you eat the less risk you have of developing cancer .

There's one particular nutrient you have to thank for this .

Let's talk about Lycopen for a second .

Opine is the nutrient in watermelon that gives it the red pigment .

It's famous for .

It's not just there to make it look pretty , it has a ton of great health benefits .

It's the same thing with tomatoes and grapefruit .

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Not only does watermelon carry Lycopen studies show , it has about 40% more than raw tomatoes .

So , what magic does Lycopen perform ?

Well .

It ain't exactly magic folks .

It's science and that science says Lycopen cleans your body cells from any damage done to them .

This helps prevent certain types of cancer .

Research has shown a link between lycopene consumption and cancer reduction , particularly breast lung and prostate .

So the next time you're near a picnic table and somebody has watermelon , don't pass on the offer .

Just make sure somebody hasn't put alcohol into it unless you're into that sort of thing .

What's your favorite Lycope food ?

Are you a watermelon person ?

Maybe tomato ?

Can you handle the sour taste of grapefruit ?

Sound off in the comment section and start a conversation with our bestie community .

Number two .

Watermelon keeps you hydrated .

It doesn't matter what the weather's like .

Summer always has a couple scorching , hot days , being outside in the heat is going to exhaust you .

That's why it's important to stay hydrated .

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Good news .

Watermelon can meet your needs .

Watermelon has one of the highest levels of water content of any food on the planet .

It's made up of over 90% water and no , I'm not gonna hit you with the , why do you think they call it watermelon cliche or do you think I'm some kind of amateur over here ?

Nevertheless , many us adults suffer from chronic dehydration .

This is when you're not getting your proper water intake each day .

Dehydration is a miserable state of affairs .

It causes you to be tired and irritable .

Your body also won't function properly .

If you're one of these people , you need to be getting more water .

It's not as fun to be guzzling from a glass or bottle .

You wanna switch it up and make it fun .

Enter watermelon .

It tastes delicious and quench your thirst .

Say goodbye to all that fatigue on top of that , the mix of water and fiber and watermelon will keep your belly full .

Number three , it reduces your risk of heart disease .

Not only can this fruit prevent cancer , it can also save you from cardiovascular disease .

This is once again thanks to the wonders of Lycope .

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It boosts your heart health studies have shown that consuming Lycopen on the regular can lower your blood pressure .

This allows your heart to pump blood easier and save it from working too hard .

Aside from Lycopen watermelon also has something called LC .

This is an amino acid that maintains your blood flow while you're working out as a result .

Your heart remains healthy minerals like magnesium also contribute to the increase in cardiovascular health .

This is just one of the many benefits to eating watermelon each day .

Number four , you recover from workouts .

Have you started your workout routine yet ?

Well , you better get on that warm weather will be here before you know it .

If you've been going hard at the gym , you need food that helps you recover .

Watermelon is one of the best after a hard workout .

You're usually left hurting , pumping iron is no joke .

Studies have shown that athletes who drink watermelon juice generally report less soreness after a workout .

Their heart rate is also slower .

This again is due to the power of LC Tralene .

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It helps your muscles recover quicker than usual .

This way , it won't get in the way of your next workout .

Now , it may seem like it's all positive when eating watermelon .

In reality , there are negatives .

Let's get into that .

But before we continue , are you looking to get in shape for summer ?

Check out our recent video discussing 14 natural ways to boost your testosterone level .

Now , back to our video on what happens to your body when you eat watermelon every day .

Number five , you experience digestive problems .

Yep , it's one of the downsides to eating a lot of watermelon while you may think that watermelon seeds are the main culprit .

That's actually not the case .

I mean , yes , they are super annoying , but there's something else you need to take into account something .

I was raving about a second ago .

It's all the water drinking too much water generally leaves you feeling gross .

I'm talking about severe bloating and annoying pain .

It sometimes makes it hard to stand up straight .

The excess fluid in your digestive tract causes your abs to ache .

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You might also suffer from a bit of diarrhea and this is just one scenario if you have irritable bowel syndrome .

It can be a whole different bag of issues .

Let's talk about fod maps for a second .

These are ferment carbs that are hard for people with I BS to ingest .

In this case , I would avoid watermelon altogether if your stomach is sensitive , a daily diet of watermelon won't serve you .

Well , let's get back to the positives .

Number six , watermelon can help you lose weight if you're going for that summer body watermelon is your friend .

All of that cardio and resistance training just won't do if you're not eating the proper foods to go with it .

Watermelon can help you feel full , suppressing your appetite and stopping you from eating too much .

Check this out watermelon is super low on calories .

A single cup of diced watermelon holds just under 50 in those calories .

You have 12 g of carbohydrates .

This is where you get your fiber .

This means you can eat watermelon several times a day and not feel stuffed .

That is if your digestive system isn't too sensitive .

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The next time you're at the grocery store gathering your usual haul of health food .

Make sure watermelons in your grocery cart .

Number seven , you get so many nutrients we've talked about Lyco and LC .

These things are great , but there's still so many other nutrients in watermelon to love .

Watermelon is a gold mine for vitamins and minerals .

For one , you have a ton of vitamin C which helps repair your body's damaged tissues , immune system and wounds .

It also helps maintain your cartilage , teeth and bones .

Just a single cup of watermelon holds 21% of your daily vitamin C intake .

In that same cup .

You also have vitamin A , which along with serving the immune system , strengthens your kidneys , heart and lungs .

A cup of diced watermelon will give you close to 20% of vitamin A as well .

On the mineral front , you'll also get a pretty decent serving of potassium and magnesium .

Just another valid reason to start eating watermelon each day .

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Number eight , it will help your eyes to put it simply watermelon helps you see better .

Trust me .

If your eyes aren't affecting you right now , they will one day .

Let's talk about macular degeneration for a second .

It already sounds like a drag .

Well , it is macular degeneration is an eye disease that happens as you get older .

It gradually grows worse over time .

It happens when the central portion of your retina wears out .

This central portion is known as the macula .

This leads to blindness .

Luckily you have watermelon on your side .

Remember Lycopen from a few minutes ago .

Well , it helps to prevent inflammation and oxidative damage .

It's this red colored nutrient that prevents macular degeneration from happening .

At the very least , it will slow it down .

This really comes in handy for adults over 60 .

If you feel your eyes getting worse , try your best to cut up some watermelon a snack each day .

Will definitely do you .

Some good watermelons are great for you , but so are a bunch of other fruits and veggies .

There are also foods that aren't so good to have every day .

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Have I sparked your interest ?

Let's keep the conversation going with a couple more videos .

Shall we check out what eating cucumber every day does to your body or how about what eating chicken wings every day will do .

Go ahead , pick one or better yet .

Watch both and learn more about which foods to have .

Do you eat a lot of watermelon ?

Let us know in the comments below .


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