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2023-08-27 08:27:58

How to make Fluffy Slime with Foam, No Borax

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

today , I'm gonna show you how to make this really cool .

Fluffy foam slime .

We only need three ingredients .

We're gonna be using contact lens solution , P , VA glue and shaving foam .

And it's really easy to make .

Start by squirting some P VA glue into a bowl .

There's no exact amount , and it depends how much slime you want to make , then squirt in some contact lens solution .

You don't need a huge amount .

I'm adding about a tablespoon full , Then use a spoon to mix it together .

Next , we need to take the shaving foam , give it a good shake and squirt a load into the bowl .

Then use your spoon or your hand to mix it all together .

And it doesn't take long before it starts becoming slimy and sticking together .

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If you need to , you can add a little more contact lens solution .

Keep mixing it and you should end up with a fluffy ball of slime like this .

It's stretchy and squidgy and really fun to play with .

I decided to try colouring it with some food colouring , so I split it into three , took some colouring , poured it in and needed it into the mixture to give it some colour .

I did the same with the other bits of slime using different colours .

This red food colouring didn't really look red at all .

In fact , it was pretty disgusting .

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I also found that by adding the food colouring , it made this lime more runny and not really fluffy anymore .

If I tip them out onto a table , you can see they just sort of run into a puddle .

Still great fun to play with and make , but certainly not fluffy like before we added the colour .

So I decided to try again in a slightly different way .

This time , I added the glue , then squirted on the shaving foam .

I decided to try using these gel food colorings , which aren't so runny .

I squirted some on and gave it all a mix once it had mixed together .

It's at this point I added the contact lens solution .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Keep on mixing it until you get a nice fluffy slime .

Again .

The colour is quite mild , but the slime is lovely and fluffy .

I made some more the same way , using different colours , and when I was finished , I had this green , fluffy slime red , fluffy slime and blue fluffy slime .

Pretty cool , huh ?

The red is a bit more runny than the others , but it is still pretty fluffy .

You can stretch and pull and play with it and mix it together .

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But if you do mix them together , you probably won't be able to separate them again .

You can see it really is fluffy and quite satisfying just to splat on the table and play with .

It's great fun to squidge in your hand and to make indentations in .

I hope you've enjoyed watching this video .

If you want to see more , you can click on the links or take a look at my YouTube channel page .

Stay safe , have fun and , as always , thanks for watching .


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