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2023-08-25 06:59:52

Making Starbucks Drinks At Home _ But Better

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Ok , look , I gotta be honest with you , I didn't really want to do this .

It was requested by many , many people and I just can't let the people down .

So if we're gonna take this on , we're gonna do our very , very best .

Ok , so we're doing Starbucks drinks but better .

Now before anyone asks about the pumpkin spice latte because it's just a reoccurring thing every year .

I don't know how people are not tired of it yet .

All I have to say is this , it's not always about the pumpkin spice latte .

I really want to focus on the frappuccino here because this is something that for some reason a lot of people have a lot of difficulty making it separates .

It melts instantly .

There's a secret to it .

Some people know some people don't , most people don't .

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And then of course we're gonna go through a couple of other things like how to make a nitro cold brew and then the stupid pink drink , which I'm still against it and I'm staying against it , but I'll make it for you anyway because Papa love you with all that said , let's make this , shall we ?

I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks .

But where else can you just whip into a drive through and go and get coffee right then .

And there we've been in line for 10 minutes and now we can't get out because we're locked in .

Oh , wow .

Thank you .

Ok .

So , we've got the , well , we're not gonna drop this one .

I hate that noise .

Ah .

Oh , it's just worse than , like pulling nails out of my feet .

We've got two FRS , this disgusting thing and Nitro Colbert .

Now , all these are awful .

It's been probably like , 6 to 8 years since I've had a frappuccino .

We got the caramel one first .

I'll be sure to mix it .

It's probably melted a little .

Yeah , there's no coffee in this at all .

It's just like , so sweet .

You hardly even taste the caramel for the record .

It tastes like good , but , like , sickeningly sweet .

Like , starting my morning like this .

I can't imagine the mocha .

This one's a little more tolerable and the sweetness .

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So these are both really milkshakes if anything don't taste bad .

But , I mean , like coffee .

No , this has over 50 g of sugar in it .

Holy sugar .

The only reason I'm doing this drink or really any of this at all is because you guys have asked for it .

I hate this .

Yeah , it's not that bad but it's just like tea with milk or like coconut milk or something .

Nitro col brew .

Now , this is pretty straightforward .

There's nothing else added to this .

I mean , the nitro is there , but the flavor is awful .

So we can do much better than this .

Right .

So with any coffee , we need to briefly discuss the fact that you can already be about 85% of the way to beating Starbucks by choosing the right beans .

Obviously , you could go with a local small batch producer or you could go as far as I did and roast your own .

Yes , I'm gonna do it be using this Jean cafe roaster , but there are also $30 stovetop roasters that you can get on Amazon too .

Link in the description for all day .

Now , for this guy , I loaded it up with eight ounces of green coffee beans .

These are Nicaraguan and ethically sourced .

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Set the roasting tip to 455 °F or 235 °C turn that bad boy on and let it roast for about 15 to 18 minutes .

I actually typically prefer to go by color .

I want a medium roast .

So I set it to cool down mode just slightly before it reached medium because the carryover heat is gonna force it to coast just to the color that I want then by a bing .

But a boom , I'm crazy because I bought a coffee roaster just to flex on Starbucks .

Oh ps it's better to let these beans rest for about 3 to 5 days before using them anyway .

So once you've got good beans , let's talk .

Salted caramel , frappuccino .

Unfortunately , for me now to make the caramel , combine one cup or 125 g of granulated sugar in a quarter cup or 60 mL of water .

Mix that together , turn the heat to medium high and bring that to a boil .

Now , just let that I cook for about 8 to 12 minutes or until it turns a deep amber color like this .

Be careful not to let it burn because it will happen quickly .

Now immediately whisk in five tablespoons or 70 g of butter , one teaspoon or 4 g of kosher salt the beans from one vanilla bean pod keep continuously whisking until everything is combined and emulsified .

That means no hot butter lying on top .

Right .

Papa will be very sad .

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Now , turn off the heat stream and whisk in half a cup or 100 and 20 mL of heavy whipping cream until thoroughly combined .

Oh , and don't forget to splash TJ with searing hot caramel on accident .

Yeah , that really helps lift the flavor .

Then just pour this guy into a heatproof container to cool .

It'll be pretty loose for now .

But as it cools , it will reach the perfect viscosity .

Who doesn't like that word , right ?

It's just like a nasty word , viscosity .

Next , we're going to make ourselves a very simple , simple syrup by combining equal parts of water and sugar .

That's one cup and one cup place that over medium heat whisking continuously just until dissolved , then let it cool , cool completely .

Ok .

So when it comes to blending a frappuccino , it usually clumps up and you get this sort of like yucky poopy mess .

Thanks to you guys .

I got a bunch of great D MS from people who have worked at Starbucks suggesting that it needs an emulsifier to avoid that .

Simply put , you're gonna need Xanthan Gum link in the description for that as well .

But most grocery stores also carry it .

If you're gonna make a lot of wraps , then go ahead and place your simple syrup in a blender , surp blending and stream in exactly 6 g of Xanthan gum .

You get sort of a suggestive looking jelly .

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Otherwise you can add a tiny Sprinkle of Xanthan wall blending to achieve the same results .

One last thing , they usually use cold brew , which obviously can make yourself with little to no equipment , but actually opted for espresso for more depth of flavor .

And you can use an espresso machine like mine or you could use something cheaper like a mocha pot .

Now we're ready to blend this little feller in a blender .

Add two cups or 280 g of ice , half a cup or 100 and 20 millis of good espresso or cold brew , concentrate three quarters of a cup or 100 and 80 millilitres of whole milk or any non dairy milk .

If you're one of those people that gets all fary from milk .

It's ok .

I think I do too .

It's fine .

Three tablespoons of your caramel sauce and a quarter cup of your Xanthan simple paste stuff .

Then just let that blender rip and blend until nice and smooth again .

If you don't want to make the Xanthan simple , you can just add about a half teaspoon of pure Xanthan while blending .

Then just yourself a glass coat the walls with caramel .

Try to make yourself a nice little pattern .

Then pour in your fr leave about an inch of head space .

Then top it with a nice whipped cream and finish off the top of that whipped cream with a nice classy drizzle of your salty vanilla bean caramel .

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It's already looking and sounding a lot better than its Starbucks counterpart .

But let's see how the taste test goes .

OK .

So we have the Starbucks stupid sleep piece of sleep .

I mean frappuccino .

Oh Yes .

Try this one .

Holy .

We've got one that actually tastes like coffee .

It's not overly sweet .

If you were to taste these back to back , you would understand what I'm trying to get at .

It actually has that rich salted caramel .

It's got deep coffee flavor .

This is delicious and I do think that we've won , but of course you need a taste tester and I need to get a little back story .

Vikram does not like coffee .

Here it is .

And here's the second one .

All right , I will say the second one is a lot better .

Like the winner is really no .

So we needed a coffee drinker in here to really have the side by side of a coffee drinker versus a non coffee drinker .

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This one number dose , I'm gonna guess that yours was the first one because it was way better when we do but betters , it's always like you've got the in and outs and you've got the Burger Kings and like we use techniques to make them better .

I don't want to recreate this .

My idea of making this better would be making something that is not this but actually coffee because that is the whole point .

And to be fair , I used to work at Starbucks .

These are made with 5% coffee .

Oh oh , next up is something that I was forced to do by you guys , which is the pink drink and is also sickeningly simple .

Get yourself one cup of 240 mL of hot water dunk it in a Hibiscus tea bag and in a side tea bag before anybody complains , I tried using pure side powder and whole Hibiscus and it was way too dark to achieve the proper color .

Secondarily , I was not a fan of this whole process and I will never be doing this again .

OK ?

Papa just do this you want anyway , once that's steep for about 3 to 5 minutes , remove the bags and add half a cup or 100 and 20 mL of white grape juice .

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Yes , it's listed on the ingredients for the pink drink and add a little bit of honey to taste .

Now , finally pour that over ice top with a generous splash of coconut milk , stir together and garnish with fresh strawberries .

Now , hopefully this tastes better than it looks .

So let's give that a little whirl .

I didn't even want to do the pink drink for the record .

I'm not trying to have a bad attitude .

I just think this drink is silly .

It doesn't taste bad though .

Also this is like kind of separated and gross .

It either looks like dish detergent or it looks like fluids that are pink before we get demonetized .

Let's taste this .

I still don't like it .

I get it .

It's like a fruity , slightly creamy .

So gotta drink this .

Mm I don't really know what this is supposed to be .

That's the problem .

I can't recreate something that's not real .

I'll just let Starbucks have this one because I just hate this so much .

The winner of the pink drink .

Starbucks .

You can have this one .

Please take the trophy because I don't want it .

Now to recover from the sadness of the pink drink .

I figured we'd do one last little thing which is a little trick to make homemade nitro cold brew .

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Simply get 250 mL of your favorite cold brew .

Optionally mix in about 12 millis of maple syrup .

Poured into an ice canister link in the description .

Pop on the lid , twist on a fresh whip .

It , let that sit and aerate for about three minutes .

Now , put on some smooth jazz .

Get yourself a nice beer glass and slowly extract what is now your very first homemade ultra fizzy nitro cold brew .

And as it turns out it is even better than it looks .

Ok .

So we've got nitro coal , nitro cold brew at the end of the day .

Well , let me sip it first .

Oh , yeah .

I mean , look at that .

I mean , this is still actually shockingly carbonated .

I didn't know that the whip it method works so well .

It's ultra smooth .

It's a little sweet .

It's like a lightly carbonated beer .

But instead of getting all silly , you get inner nitro cold brew is only as good as the cold brew that's put in it .

I can drink Starbucks cold brew .

It's just extraordinarily flat and bitter in comparison to this , which is smooth , rich , sweet .

But anyway , we win this one for sure .

Vicker brought up a good point .

Actually , he's gonna know which one he's sipping on , which is why we create an illusion .

Number .

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Put it in your mouth hole , you just sip it just like a , like a beer number two .

I mean , they both taste good .

The first one was really sweet .

I'm gonna go with the second one because I like cold brews that don't have sugar .

I added sugar trying to fool him .

Wait .

Did I pick Starbucks ?

I added the sugar because I thought he would like .

All right , this second episode is over .

You want to know what else is an emotional roller coaster for Josh to do ?

Because you asked him to do it .

Be roll .

All right guys .

And that is it .

So .

All right .

A little bit of a weird but better this time frappuccino , I would say we won .

If you're a coffee drinker , if you're not a coffee drinker , then you're probably gonna prefer Starbucks , obviously because I want it to taste like coffee , the pink drink .

Uh I just to me , mine tasted good but didn't taste anything like theirs at all .

So we'll give it to Starbucks .

I hate that drink .

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Last one is the nitro cold brew now because I thought , well , probably gonna want it to be a little bit sweeter .

So I added a little bit of maple syrup .

Papa kind of spanked himself there at the end of the day .

The nitric cold brew that you make is only as good as the cold brew that you have .

So the better , the cold brew , the better the nitro cold brew .

I'll just stick to my morning lattes .

How about that ?

All right , we will do much better on the next one .

I can assure you that with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learn something , leave a like , subscribe and I will see you next time .


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