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2023-08-26 14:48:16

HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS ON TIK TOK, Go Viral on Tik Tok as a Small Business

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उम्मीद करती हूँ कि आपको ये विडियो पसंद आया होगा और अगर आपको ये इंफॉर्मेटिव और हॉल फल लगा है तो जरूर लाइक कीजिये , अपने फॅमिली के साथ शेयर कर कर स्पाॅट फ्लेवर को सब्स्क्राइब कीजिए मैं मिलती हूँ आपको अपने अगले विडियो में तब तक के लिए सुषमा साइनिंग फ्राॅड फ्लेवर टेक केरबा बाइक

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I literally started with my name and I was posting all sorts of random content .

I had no idea I was going to be putting it to use for my small business at all .

Well , then I started noticing that there were a couple of other small businesses that kept popping up on my For You page and I would scroll through and I would see a bunch of them and there would literally be people who were blowing up overnight and their businesses were getting hundreds and hundreds of sales .

And I was sitting there like I want that , I want my business to be bigger and better .

I need to get on this platform and I need to start sharing my business on here .

Like , what have I been doing ?

So what I decided to do was take my actual personal tiktok and turn it into my small business , tiktok .

I did already have a couple of followers , but honestly , nothing too crazy , like probably under 1000 I would say .

And so it wasn't big or anything like that and then transformed it completely .

No , not at all .

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It was literally so tiny , but I decided to start posting about my small business from this point on and I was really , really dedicated to it .

I was kind of nervous at first because I was like , is this even gonna work ?

Is it gonna be a big waste of time ?

I don't know if I should do it .

Like , what if this doesn't work for me ?

And I kind of had to stop and say , like , look , let's put those fears out of the way because the worst thing that can happen is that you waste your time and that you don't grow .

And in that case , I just ended up creating a bunch of content from a business that I can use on other platforms like Instagram .

So really , for me , I looked at the situation as though there really was no way to lose with it .

So I was like , let's do this thing .

Like let's take it seriously .

So I started researching a lot of videos on how to go viral on tiktok , how to grow your tiktok following kind of looking at their algorithm and different ways and it works because each social media platform is modestly different .

You're not gonna grow the same on youtube as you do on tiktok .

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So it was really important for me to understand that first , there were really two pieces of advice that I decided to take on and to stick to really consistently when it came to tiktok first was that I was posting during peak hours .

So I tested out a couple of different times in which I would post , like I would try the morning , the afternoon and in the evening and really late at night .

OK .

So these were all times that I was trying to figure out when is my video going to be the best to post at come to realize that honestly , the best time for me to be posting was around 7 30 to 9 30 or 10 at night .

This is usually when most people are done with dinner , they're done with their daily activities and they're now just spending time chilling on their phone .

So a lot more eyes are going to be able to get onto my videos .

So then I was posting all of my videos within this time frame every single day .

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Yes , that was my second point that I really , really stuck to and was consistent with when I was growing my tiktok platform was that I started posting 2 to 6 times a day .

I focused heavily on creating as much content as possible to put on my tiktok and to put as many videos out a day as I possibly could .

Literally Monday through Friday .

I was probably posting a good 456 times a day on there , especially that first week that I was getting started on the weekend .

I was really only posting about 1 to 2 times .

This is mostly because I don't do work on the weekends .

I am very strict with myself and that I try not to do any work for my businesses on the weekends .

So I kind of just prepped two videos for Saturday and Sunday and said that I would upload those and that would be it .

So I wish I would have done a little bit more on the weekends .

And kind of prepped for those and kind of spaced it out .

But honestly , I really don't think it would have made that much of a difference anyway .

So those are the two biggest things that I used to grow my platform .

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I have been using tiktok for my small business for maybe a month and a half a month , month and a half , literally nothing crazy at all .

I'm telling you guys , I've just been posting consistently after a couple of weeks of posting literally 2 to 6 times a day , you definitely can get burned out pretty easy .

So you could either batch produce your content or if you want to , you know , lower your number .

That's actually what I did .

I actually lowered the amount of videos that I was actually sharing on tiktok .

This is something that I want to change soon because I'm going to be moving to batch making a lot of the content so that it's nice and neatly after a couple of weeks of posting 2 to 6 times a day , I found myself getting really kind of worn out and just honestly tired from posting so much .

I kind of lost the passion for it and I was posting a lot of the same videos .

So I decided to take a little bit of a step back and I only started posting about once a day and I found that once I had already kind of gain that traction with my 2 to 6 videos a day .

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My account was still growing at a normal rate and honestly is still going , I mean , by the time this video is up , I know I'll have over 20,000 followers on tiktok and I literally get so many comments a day at this point now that it's actually kind of tough to keep up with commenting back to everyone .

Um But that is a big tip that I do too .

Ok .

I'm going to add on a third one because I think this one is really important as well .

I posted 2 to 6 times a day then moved it eventually to consistently posting once a day .

I posted during peak hour times .

So I was posting from 7 30 to 10 30 I was commenting back on every single comment that someone posted on one of my videos .

This is definitely a time consuming and can be a big challenge as you're growing , but it makes such a difference .

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I promise you overall , I think that consistency is really what led me to these 20,000 new followers on tiktok and it's such a great space to build your small business because like a lot of people mentioned , if you want to get started on tiktok , the barrier for entry and the threshold to like go viral is so much easier than other platforms , which is why so many people including myself highly suggest getting on tiktok as soon as possible .

Literally , your chances of going viral are so high on there .

It is insane .

You could literally post five videos and go viral and get hundreds of thousands of new followers and people to your website , which is insane .

I mean , name another platform that you can literally do that without having to pay .

Like there , there literally is none .

So I highly suggest it if you're looking to get started on tiktok , feel free to go and follow mine to get some fun ideas .

I actually just posted a vlog where I talked about some different ideas for posts over there .

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I'm gonna link that blog up here for you guys as well as it down below because I think you'll find that it's really interesting .

I show some behind the scenes of what I'm creating for my business as well as give you guys kind of a list of really fun ideas that you can post and share with your fans and your followers over on your tiktok page .

Lastly , I want to talk about the results that I had with tiktok because I think that's what is most important .

What really happened from me posting consistently on tiktok and growing my followers to 20,000 people .

What and how did that help my business ?

Well , first off during this time , I decided to make the switch from mostly selling on Etsy to selling on my new Shopify website .

It is Lolo Dash boutique .

If you want to go and check it out .

It's always linked down below for you guys , but I was making a switch to my website .

And so I needed to start driving traffic to that website that wasn't now coming from people searching on Etsy .

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So I actually was sharing that website and I still am and it drove insane traffic to my website .

I literally went from having like maybe three or four visits a day to having well over 3 to 500 people visiting my website daily , which is insane .

Um That's just been the biggest help honestly has been using tiktok to drive people to the website even if they aren't buying on my website .

I do have an email often that pops up on the front page so that they can get notified whenever there are new arrivals or new things going on in the shop .

They can also just search around on the website and they're going to be more likely to return if they check it out , seen it .

They follow me , they see my videos popping up again and again , not only did it start driving sales and traffic to my website ?

It also grew my Instagram insanely .

OK .

Let me just talk for two seconds about Instagram because y'all my Instagram was I literally like never posted on my business Instagram , which I know shame on me .

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I am literally missed like all about sharing your small business and and growing it on social media and stuff , but it was just not a focus that I could spend time on , especially while I was doing my full job teaching .

So I knew that when I made my full time transition , I really wanted to focus heavy on growing that part of my business as well .

I literally went from like 200 followers on Instagram to like 1100 followers .

And I'm just sitting here like , oh my gosh , it literally grew so fast from all of these different people on tiktok , like going and checking it out from my link in my bio or on my website .

And that's awesome because not only are they following me on tiktok , but now they're following me on , on Instagram .

So they might be watching my youtube videos and they're probably checking out on my website .

So it's helping to cross promote my different social media platforms as well .

So it grew my Instagram .

I'm sure a couple of you guys who are now subscribed to my channel are also from my tiktok .

So hi , if you are , it's been awesome for doing that as well .

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And then of course , the obvious one , it did help increase my sales .

Yes , I have been getting more and more consistent sales daily over on my website as well as on my Etsy because more people are finding my Etsy shop from it as well , even though I don't link it on my tiktok , as you can see tiktok has been a big help for me and my small business .

It has helped me grow literally on social media platforms , build my branding , build my following and people that are interested in my product as well as get more sales .

And it has been so easy guys .

It's like I said , I've literally spent a month and a half , like building this up to 20,000 followers .

That's insane .

That's as many I have here on youtube and this took me like six years to get like it's insane .

It's crazy .

You definitely need to go and sign up , start sharing your content , share your behind the scenes , just get started guys because it has been a game changer for me and so many other small businesses right here on the screen .

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I'm going to link for you another video that I think you're gonna want to go and check out next .

I think this will be really helpful for you , especially if you are a small business owner , which I'm assuming you are .

If you're watching this video next , I'm gonna put over here a playlist with more small business related tips .

I'm also gonna put my subscribe button right here so you guys can stick around on my channel for more videos .

I upload new videos every Tuesday at 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time .

And lastly , I'm gonna put my actual vlog channel over here .

I'm gonna be uploading 1 to 2 times a week over on this channel and I'm just sharing fun lifestyle and really cool vlogs .

So without further ado guys that brings us to the end of the video .

Thank you so much for watching .

I will see you all in my next one .

Bye guys .


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