This delivers the optimum particle size .
So you get great tasting espresso .
We also have dose control on our espresso machine .
This will allow you to control the dose with some precision .
So you get uh consistency every time you extract espresso , let's carefully take out our grinding handle .
You'll see that this is what freshly roasted , freshly cop , freshly ground coffee looks like .
Always looks like we have way too much .
But when we just do a bit of distribution , we take our Tampa tamp down nice and firmly , we can see that the cap on our tamper is level with the top of our filter basket .
And that's the key that we've got the right dose .
All we do now is insert in , wipe the top of our basket , insert into the group here and then brew immediately .
So you can see that our espresso is dropping .
Now it's a really dark rich color and now our , our espresso has been extracted .
What we wanna do is just transition to steam .
इसमें हम आधा चम्मच पानी डालेंगे ।
हम इसको स्वीट करेंगे ।
ये हमारी बीट हो रही है , हमारी बीट हो रही है इस को थोडा और करेंगे जब तक ये झाग ना बन जाए ।
अब ये हमारी कॉफी तैयार है ।
ये देखो कलर चेंज हो गया तो इसमे चीनी भी मिक्स हो गई है ।
ये अब हमारी कॉफी का पेस्ट तैयार है ।
ऍम दूध डालेंगे ।
इसको बॉयल होने के लिए रखेंगे ।
ये हमारा बॉयल हो गया दूर ।
अब हम इसको कप में डाला ।
अब हम कॉफी कप के अंदर डाल देंगे ।
So this brings our thermo coil up to around 100 and 60 degrees C .
So we can uh have steam to texture milk .
We've just filled our milk jug up to the V with uh fresh really cold milk .
And when the thermo calls up to temperature , we're just gonna introduce uh texture and heat into our jug .
So we can hear now that our steam system is almost up to temperature .
Just wait till you get the Perth till it's uh really up to full pressure .
Now , we're just gonna pause it while we put it into our milk jug , switch it back on .
So what we're doing is we've got the , the tip of the steam wand just at the surface of our milk .
So we're getting our milk to spin while we're just breaking the surface of the milk .
So we're actually introducing texture and we're heating at the same time , they're not two separate uh functions .