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2023-08-25 06:47:06

Ultimate Weight Loss Hypnosis -- 30 Day Challenge! (Lose Weight FAST)

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Hi , this is David mcgraw and you're listening to the ultimate weight loss 30 day challenge .

Congratulations for being here today because this session is an extremely efficient way to use the power of your mind to reach your ideal weight .

This session will focus in on four key areas of weight loss , motivation , stress , release energy and positive thinking .

Now , when you awaken these four key areas of body mind , mastery , you will easily and automatically manifest your ideal weight .

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Now you'll most likely find that this session is more powerful than any other hypnosis session available today because this session is embedded with a powerful new technology called Boral beats that are specifically designed to guide your mind into a profoundly deep state of mental relaxation where you'll easily enter into this super learning state of mind and create the positive changes within that will transform your body and your life .

Now , this is a 30 day challenge .

So be sure to listen every day for 30 days and you're gonna be shocked at the results that you will achieve .

Now , as you listen to this session , you may find that my words will become obscure from time to time .

You don't have to pay attention to my words .

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Just allow your mind to wander and drift and if you fall asleep , rest assured that the process is working powerfully on your subconscious mind .

And please do not listen to this session while involved with anything that requires your full attention to get the most out of this recording .

Please listen with stereo headphones and take a nice deep breath and when you're ready to enter into a trail away down to your belly feeling of total pain and relaxation .

Yeah , New Orleans close your own letting go and bring your awareness to your body .

Relax and notice your breathing toilets to gently clones simply breathing in .

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Imagine for no need to change your breathing .

You are standing under a waterfall of pure white light .

Just notice the rhythm of your breathing , allow this light to move down to the top of your head .

With each breath , you will become more flowing around and more comfort .

Then down to your get more relaxed , drifting down through your shoulders and more peaceful .

Just listen and out to your fingertips and follow while you continue to breathe , allow this light to flow down through your chest , become aware of the surface and is supporting your win .

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You are going to feel good , positive and confident allowing you to relax from this moment in time release .

You have nothing else you need to do and let go .

Then nowhere else you need to go in this wave of energy while you can continue to hear the sounds around .

You just listen to my voice down into the hips and simply a lie or so to relax .

You are relaxing as you listen to let him go .

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You know how to relax and moving down into the , you know what it is like to be in that state , just be freely and letting go or that daydream state where your mind won then traveling out through the feet .

When you are this relaxed , relaxing even more , you are able to quiet your everyday thoughts and go to a place continuing to allow deep within your side to gently flow down a very special by the top of your head .

That is your essence relaxing deeper .

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It is in the house that you feel comfort , bringing tranquility through the and safety .

It's in this place and moving this wave of energy that you feel love , go through the hands and feet .

So just let yourself experience that safety in allowing this wave of energy to gently release almost as if anything that needs to go were thrown around you .

Envelope in the light feel that turns into blue cleansing deep inside of you , magnifying the energy you may be experiencing this food and relaxation .

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Pure light opens and purifies the energy centers or comfortable muscles , tired feelings , yes , glands , whatever they're selling , just allowing that to multiply allowing your entire body to release to magnum and relax and to become greater , asking anything that needs to be healed .

This is something that only you can do to float to the surface to be cleansed , nobody else can wash away .

So take your time now , transforming the pure in to groom you allowing the emotional body to be comforted .

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Each of the ideas that we're presenting to you today will be accepted by your creative body to be balanced , taking root being nurtured as the goal light permeates grow physical and spreading .

And there is an inner happiness integrating into the very depths of opening the body because each other's ideas and spirit or way you have positive life changed .

And they are here now going deeper now just for you , deeper and deeper feeling so safe .

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And as your body fills with the relaxation , visualize yourself carefully , all 10 and tremendous comfort will flow as you drift to him , he was completely gone and deeper with each breath , your subconscious will become is completely open and more comfortable .

Been receptive to every positive suggestion and more relaxed as it benefits then applies to any more peaceful relax .

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Now , that's right then drift even deeper , relaxed and peace so relaxed as you rely and so comfortable and it is quiet serene place within your breath coming in deep notice the red annexation flowing through your body experience a wonderful Peacefulness , send an extra wave of relaxation picture your body .

Now to many areas you'd like as you would like it to be so that every muscle nerve see intend or sense your body or loose as you wish to lose and relaxed .

See yourself slim .

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You now choose dreams come and under any for all circumstances .

Release that image .

Now you are a con and drift even and relax .

When sitting at a desk , you are completely relaxed , you now stay calm and your conscious mind sinks into rest at all times in your subconscious emerges .

The more times people around you receive these positive suggestions , the more relaxed and calm , you feel your mind controls your body .

You cope with each thing as it comes out from this moment on and then continue .

You are in control of this weight .

Still the suggestions give you perfect control .

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You are relaxed of your weight and you and accept these suggestions deeply in your subconscious .

You want this to happen and allow them to become a permanent part .

You expect this to happen .

If your personality , you deserve to have this happen , they are accepted completely by your inner self .

When you awaken from this trance and become a part of your life , you are more refreshed , they are invigorated .

You are now enjoying a lasting subconscious control .

You've ever felt before over your body .

Always find hypnosis , relax and you can now easily become your ideal way fresh and and in varied , you now experience perfect control over your metabolism .

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When you awaken from a hypnotic sleep .

You always feel the rate of your metabolism imperfectly increases to the perfect level .

We're aligning for reason and ready for anything .

As you listen to this record relaxed with the vigor dynamic , relax your body .

Now that gives you pet as you relax , even deep energy imperfect coordination .

Imagine your body becoming a allow you to slide your ear , your jeans then drift deeper , feel your or in when he tries to dream .

Take another deep breath , any stress is dissolving .

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All the breath melting , flowing the wind now works out , just release any strengths and allow any let it of intention .

The ation to filter your entire body with your breath , relax and drift even deeper .

Now , picture or sense yourself on a beautiful path , allow positive images to flow into your mind .

You may see flowers on each side .

Images of yourself with your new real is the sun is comfortably warm on your skin .

See yourself easily able to deal with any stressful events you may feel asleep , feel your emotions .

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Notice how the path feels beneath your feet , not so good , it feels to have as you easily move forward and react the way you are .

You see a figure you're now in complete control of your responses .

While closer to the figure as you do you recognize this future cell , imagine an invisible shield around you the slim whenever you from outside to become , allow your subconscious mind to create a special closely at this figure for you right now .

What do you notice about this future ?

So your shield creates a safe place for you to practice .

You're new .

How is he healthy behavior or is she different from your present day ?

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So , no , I see and relaxed .

You feel ?

How do you feel when you look at this figure , open your mind ?

No , if it feels safe and appropriate and absorb the suggestions inside this future self given in the first person as you speak to .

So the differences between that future bond each day , I surround myself with a protective shield .

Your body is learning something very important how to create the shields are de away from his dress in the prison .

The dress slides off the shield .

Your easily remembers and act on that .

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The more stressed others become the calmer I see through the eyes of his future .

So I am calm .

And what way does the world look different from the one you are experiencing in your life ?

Now , I now have new responses .

Two old situations look back at your presence .

So the more relaxed I feel , what do you see , the more I accomplish from now , the more I go you can fall in this future self allowed to help you in your daily life .

I concentrate easily on my work memory of being in this future book all Outside .

Sink down in distractions fee to your deepest awareness .

I experience more humor .

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In my life through your bodies , memories life easily , easily recall this experience laughed or reliance on his future self to help you .

It increases my feelings of wellness .

Become aware .

I feel the corner is much easier .

I I call and brown know that you are making healthy choices of both food .

I am now releasing the sheds from my easily achiever .

This feeling of well being stays with me throughout the day , gradually safely releasing this excess weight .

See yourself acting in reacting calmly from something even deeper , easily coping with any such feeling vital .

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And a lot allow that image to become very clear and detail in the knowledge that you easily reach and maintain your ideal weight .

Imagine yourself choosing new healthy behaviors when he is becoming absolutely still quiet , still and relaxed .

Let's imagine learning self discipline that as a matter of fine too become still .

Imagine her son unfairly solid ground experience the stillness of feeling , the urge to move do best and because you live for him in independence of the control that your mind has over your in the distance , shines a radiant cooling , open your subconscious mind .

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This golden light represents a wis you are open to the rays of the sun to achieve a greater sense of freedom in your life and allow the suggestions to be absorbed in order to achieve a sense of freedom , you must cross a swamp my body now easily processes everything I eat .

The swan stretches before in major change and unseen risks , it appears to every food I eat feeling is my body perfectly .

Your journey through this wall may bring on discouragement .

I now love myself and confusion .

Whether or not I eat , you may be sidetracked or even lose sight of your more love I experience for myself .

You may forget lots of started on this journey .

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If we tempted to lower your sights , my metabolism is increasing to just give up .

And every day , the key to this journey is to realize that this bright calories easily helps to generate the energy .

You need to complete your goal .

I have the right to change my parents rules about eating .

As you focus on that consider the expanse of this excess weight that will be available to you .

I love myself .

Take a moment .

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My mind controls my to allow those opportunities to come to me have been dealing lives are so easy that way with those opportunities and feel what it's like my subconscious mind to have each shows me through dream and everyone has reacted to .

Yeah , all I can read and maintain my ideal weight .

Connect with your sense of purpose about this goal .

Mind directs my book and let that sense of you lose your room , trim , unattractive in everyone to a deep full , I visualize myself , easily reaching , breathing and maintaining my ideal weight of excitement at the opportunities available because I live on the other side of this one .

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I'm now eat small .

That's a nutritious meals .

More deep breath .

Now I eat slowly and savor each one .

Bring all the tools and resources with me and I see myself with new love .

Is you in this journey .

Continue to focus on the , the didn't know that you easily meet any challenges .

I'm eating a balanced diet as you make this journey , I'm changing my lifestyle .

You have all your support in energy .

You need to be successful .

I now exercise on a regular schedule .

Let the images of those new opportunities carry through highly motivated to make time to the other side for a consistent exercise program .

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Take a deep breath .

Now , all negative feelings about myself , clear your mind or dissolve is fading from my life myself in every day .

And he passed anxiety about problems in people .

The work of self and fades are beginning , right ?

I let go of you see self love as a life buried deep inside of you .

I nurture myself .

Look for that easily .

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Turn any problems over the electric and expand because I've released excessive worry , love each and peacefully and every day , all night relaxing , then drifting deeper .

I release any worries to my higher power .

It's time now to get in touch with your interview to help him my higher power .

I know easily access the answers within me and become aware of how you could share it more fully own actions and behaviors .

Imagine you are in a field or allow others to live their own lives .

A beautiful day with blue sky .

Everyone has a right .

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It's an obligation to solve their own problems .

The field you are sitting in is like a green .

I easily take care of my own grassy carpet and allow others to do the same and feel so so up beneath you , I am more energetic .

You like theory about others beautiful wild flowers around you .

I focus my energy on resolving the challenges in my life .

From the distance .

You see someone walking .

I am comfortable discovering who I really am inside .

This person .

Looks very friendly and wives .

I am relaxing in discovering my true self and his carrying a gift wrapped in gold paper .

I feel safe learning about myself as the person approaches , I enjoy life .

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I brought you here easily able to express these positive affirmations in your daily life .

The gift is a symbol that represents your , you are easily eliminating any negative thoughts in how you can share and improve your subconscious mind .

You accept the gift , release Aase all and it's some negative self images that no longer benefit .

You take a moment to share with the wise person what this government is giving a positive self image .

And I thank them for bringing the gap .

A new confidence in a deep a last so long .

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Think about a gift for a moment , realize and drift even deeper where could you place this gift in your date here so that it's always within reach from now .

From this moment on for the rest of your life , you can always access your interview , enjoy using your subconscious mind .

And so to your advantage , your thoughts , your subconscious mind always responds to your positive loving suggestions .

Your view of the world has changed a new self awareness .

The world of self love is developing deep inside seems bright , more clear .

You are in control of your self image .

The colors are more vibrant and this causes you to be completely self confident .

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The air even smells fresher .

You are more confident in every area of your life .

Enjoy this new improved world within allow your own special qualities to grow and surface .

Take a few moments now to absorb this transformation that you are here and a very special person enjoying this shift within at your deepest level , erase any doubt from your mouth , absorbing the change .

Truly believe that you are more positive in every cell , more confident , every cell and they easily treating the healthy trim that you desire for yourself .

This new information is absorbed in every area .

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You are receptive to positive and emotion and beneficial suggestions , you know , easily maintain positive feelings about yourself in any situation .

This positive change becomes a natural part of your behavior that leads you to take action , your personality towards your way , laws , goals and your being .

You now take responsibility for your life .

Relax , then drift deeper .

Now , feel a new self love growing stronger every day .

Look over that endless struggle against the old habits .

Now , negative labels from the past and simply choose to do something different .

Each time you make that different choice because of your improving self image .

Your life shifts in a new direction .

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Your body is working in our leave behind those eating .

You have negative patterns .

Now , more energetic , let them go forever and more positive towards your way laws .

You are now filled with peace and acceptance for the power .

Mhm And emotion congratulate yourself on another job .

All the awareness of your own so forth is Dre and Dale eat healthy food .

As you follow these positive suggestions .

I am because I want you to understand yourself better .

I am disciplined in my feeling heard her so long ruin from within .

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I'm beginning to lose weight that self love grows stronger and every day I feel strong .

But you understand that there are no mistakes in life .

My lessons , I keep my focus .

I think there is a process of trial and error in experimentation , living a healthy lifestyle .

The field experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately was I believe in my ability to lose weight .

And I keep what you make of your life is up to you naturally healthy .

You have all the trains and in the resources you need .

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To create the positive that you desire .

I find it to stay out that you are a living miracle .

I eat healthy , you know , accept compliments from others easily and with pleasure .

I love eating healthy food .

You thank you .

I am happily achieving my work .

Enjoy learning to trust yourself .

I now clearly see myself .

You enjoy taking time just that the ideal way perhaps to exercise .

I love and to care for my mom or to spend a quiet half an hour .

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I look listening to your favorite music in few , whatever you , I am responsible for my own , you know , release any regrets for the past and live for the future .

I look the future filled with self love and feel great , self confidence and care for my body .

And how's your figure ?

I feel a stranger each and every and every day , accepting all suggestions which are positive and beneficial for you in releasing anything that does not fit into your life at this time .

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If you were in bed and ready to drift into his own sleep , you may turn the recording off or simply ignore the count in a moment .

They'll count from 1 to 5 .

When I reach the count of five , you return to full awareness , feeling completely rested and refreshed one , feel the energy flowing back into your arms and legs to feeling more and more fully aware and alert with every number that I count three .

Feel the expressive energy flowing freely throughout your mind .

And Bonnie , and do you ever thought the emotion and sound every cell functioning perfectly ?

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Four , becoming more alert with every number that I count .

Yeah , I'm fine .

Eyes open back to full awareness , fully aware and alert .

Take a deep breath and stretch .


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