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2023-08-25 06:48:54

HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT AS A TEENAGER and Maintain it (Tips from my 30 POUND Weight Loss)

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and I finally successfully lost £30 and kept it off .

The reason why you need every time you stress is not your fault .

Now I remember going through high school like that a lot .

You said the people were a lot slimmer than me .

Like how would you do ?

Hello , daily student family .

Welcome back to another video .

I hope you're all doing well .

I hope you're all doing good .

And if you're new here Hello .

My name's Kim and I hope you subscribe .

We are on the road of 65,000 subscribers before my birthday at the end of September .

And I'd love to have every single one of you guys on here .

As you guys can tell from the title of today's video , I'm gonna be doing the highly requested how to lose weight as a teenager Video .

Now , for those who don't know , I am 20 years old , so most of my weight loss journey was actually as a teenager .

And I've previously spoken about this in another video .

But I have had experience with Yo-Yo dieting , which means basically unsuccessfully losing weight for three years , where I was going back and forth back and forth , losing £10 gaining £10 losing £5 gaining £5 .

All this back and forth .

And I finally successfully lost £30 and kept off .

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And I wanted to do this video dedicated to tips and advice , but only relating to how to lose weight whilst during school .

All that type of stuff .

And I have a video on confidence coming up very , very soon .

Like today , it's all about how to lose weight .

As a teenager , I'm going to be doing my best to give you guys some tips and I only grow things that I could give you guys as advice because I honestly would say I tailor it differently as a teenager if you haven't already , Don't forget to come over and follow me on my inspirational fitness page , where you get more behind the scenes in my day to day life and my fitness , as well as all the updates , end up being on there first .

And I have something very , very , very exciting , coming very , very soon , which I can't wait to share with you guys so everyone on there is going to know first , but also come over and follow me my ins on my personal instagram page as well a weight loss for teenagers .

Now I remember going through high school .

The one thing that used to always get me down was the fact that a lot of the people I 99% of the people were a lot slimmer than me .

Like at the girls who were able to wear the really short skirts , the short dresses , all this type of thing .

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And although I kind of could I and I was able to wear short skirts , I was able to wear short dresses , always that constant comparison of I just just don't look like them .

I just don't look like the girls that they were advertising at the time on Instagram and all these other types of things , and that used to get me down a lot in secondary school a lot in my teenager .

The problem I found with secondary school is that it's such a pressure cooker environment that a lot of the time everyone thinks the same .

If one group of people want to think that this type of booty standard is the one that the rest of the year group should follow , that is what ends up being happening and led to me being so conscious about my weight , which led to me trying to lose weight constantly .

And it ended up being unsuccessful weight loss because it was yoga , dieting or trying to lose weight as quick as possible because I was too afraid of what everyone else around me was thinking of my weight .

That led to me being more stressed and stress causes craving , which means my weight , we only would have never been successful anyway .

So what happened is I started to knuckle down , and I really came up with weight loss tips that were successfully and finally going to help me .

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And I didn't want to follow what other rules other people were placing anymore .

I wanted to break free from that , and it was so important for me to finally not to be attached to that mentality anymore .

And that is the number one tip I'll tell you before we go into all the main tips is that you're only going to be successful if you detach yourself away from considering what anyone else looks like because chances are they're going to go on their own journey they might look a certain way now , but over throughout the years , everyone's gonna change , Everyone's gonna shift and everyone's gonna look different .

So right now I need you to focus on yourself and where you really want to be .

Tip number two Have your goal in place .

Your goal is a healthy , successful lifestyle .

That is the main number one goal you could ever , ever ask for , especially in your teenage years .

Your goal should never be anything that anyone else has put in place for you .

No celebrity , no love Islander , No Kylie Kardashian .

No Jenna Kardashian .

No .

One .

And this is for you and your health .

And it's really , really important to understand this because it's a long journey .

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A weight loss journey is a long , beautiful journey where you finally become the most confident , beautiful version of yourself you could ever , ever wish for .

And I'm going to do a video on how I feel for after my weight loss journey in terms of confidence and feeling .

But right now , when you have that importance in mind , this is why this tip is so important that you need to forget what everyone else is doing .

What everyone else is wearing all these clothes that you currently can't fit into or those dream clothes that you're currently wanting to fit into eventually to put those in a box right now and think about yourself .

Think about not how long you have left to go .

Think about how you're going to deal with the day to day to day .

Day by day is going to be the best and the easiest way for you to think about this weight loss journey .

Tip number two is to avoid these fad diets .

Now , when I say fad diets , if Kylie Donna starts selling you a weight loss tea , you need to click off the page right away .

These weight loss teas , these crazy diets , these all these types of incentives , these people , a lot of the time promote are not going to be the way .

Trust me , I have done everyone under the sun , you name it , I've done it .

I've tried it .

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I've been there in my teenage years .

In high school , I was like , Give me anything and anything to try , like the Kardashians or any type of social media person or any type of trend is happening I'll try it and they don't work .

They don't work at all .

And the thing is , the faster you lose weight , the harder it is to maintain it , first of all , but to even continue after continue , it's gonna be very hard .

It's gonna be very , very short lived .

I mean , this is why you're here .

If these methods worked , none of us would be here right now .

And the reason why we're here is because we've tried those and they just don't work .

Tip number three Now I've used this as an easy mentality .

The tip number thing for teenagers is , if you don't want to see this as a diet , do not call it a diet .

This is just a healthy lifestyle .

And the number one thing I say for living a healthy lifestyle as opposed to going into this heavy forced diet is just reducing stuff of the things that you love to eat .

Don't cut out anything , just reduce it back .

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If you're a heavily sugar drinker on fizzy drinks , pop on soda , those are one of the things that I would really really tell you to reduce .

Back , back , back , back to back and leave it back , back , back before quarantine and lockdown .

Because the thing is , these sugary drinks add up more than you will ever know .

Not only do they add up so heavily , I want you to understand how much sugar is actually in these drinks .

One thing that sugar is gonna do is when it's one of the fastest ways to gain fat .

Not only that , but also sugar is gonna spike your insulin .

So you might think , Oh , at 12 p.m. I'm gonna have a can of soda or fizzy pop or fizzy drink or sugary juice .

The reason why you then end up feeling extremely hungry later is because sugar spikes your insulin .

Insulin is what causes spiked .

Insulin is what causes cravings .

So when you think this weight loss journey is harder , it's difficult to eat healthy and all these other things because that tiny lenience that you allowed yourself at 2 p.m. of drink drinking this sugary drink .

Actually , it's not your fault because it's just the way your bloodstream is now working .

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It's just your the way your insulin is mechanised to work .

It's mechanised to take that sugary drink in and then turn it into more bubbly cravings that are waiting to be released and unleashed later on in the day .

That's how it works .

That's why I always say , to try your best to find healthier alternatives lemon water .

But I think finding alternatives to sugary drinks .

And that will be the number one food that I'll tell you that I know as a team we absolutely love cos all my friends when we were teenagers , everything like that .

Sugary drinks is the number one thing to take to school and to have juice , apple juice , orange juice .

That is the number one thing that I would tell you to be very , very cautious of and to reduce , and I trust trust me if you try it for two weeks straight .

Comment down your results because you will see masses of differences .

Sugar clings onto you like there's no other thing .

Protein releases and goes out of the body .

Vegetables releases and goes out of the body .

Sugar stays and stays and stays and stays , and that's what you really want to understand .

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First of all , before going into this as a teenager , thinking that you have to cut out everything and everything and nothing is helping you .

Actually , this is how sugar works .

This is how sugar is formulated .

Tip number four .

When you then want to incorporate these snacks and these sugary stuff , do it on occasions .

Pick your occasions .

Pick .

It's a birthday pick .

It's a nice you know , Friday afternoon with your friend start off by having less than you used to .

And that is so important as a motto for teenagers .

Is that all that is ?

Is less than you used to , but not cutting it out completely .

Tip number six .

Now this one could easily be one of the most relatable ones that I have said yet .

But it's actually one of the most most important , and that is finding ways to control your stress level now .

Like I said at the beginning , a secondary school can be in a massive pressure cooker that can really , really affect not only your mental health , but actually how much you end up eating now for people who are not saying that the people who are slimmer and here are healthy aren't stressed , they just deal with it in different ways .

But for those of you who are wanting to go on a weight loss journey .

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And you found that actually , every time you're stressed because of school , you end up eating or because of other circumstances , whether it's home , life , friend life , anything like that .

And I will honestly tell you that school is probably if you experience stress now , it was probably going to leave you behind once you leave school , to the extent that it is at school anyway , because there's just so much going on in school .

Such a pressure cooker environment , who are 100 plus people , are coming together .

You have to get on to have to experience each other every single day .

So what I'd say for you is trying to ease your stress when you're at school by focusing on other things or trying to detach yourself away from the stress trying to be within your inner self yoga meditation , picking up other hobbies that don't make you feel like you need to care so much about what's going on in school .

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In terms of friend wise , you're there 18 years of your life , so really trying to deal with it , trying to find your happiness and other things and not being so reliant on having to care about the current affairs of what is going on and who or who's dating who or who's being mean to which day .

And although these are things that carry on throughout adulthood as well , I don't think that because like that school , that they're immature .

Oh , trust me , it happens in the adult world as well or university in my case , Um , so it's just about how to control your stress , the reason why you eat every time your stress is not your fault .

The body is producing these hormones that spikes your insulin .

That makes you then want to eat more .

That is just how it works .

So find yourself something that's going to ease your stress .

Breathe every time you're stressed , every time someone's irritated you , every time someone's made you feel a certain way , breathe .

Need to disassociate .

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This idea of that food is going to give us this solution , this method to making us feel better all the time , and that is the key to finding our alternatives of not rapidly and overly gaining weight due to this reliance that we have on food .

So I think find your and being able to find that during the school is going to be one of the strongest things because not not everyone can do it .

And it is a hard ask .

And it is something that's hard but trying to find ways that that isn't going to make you go and eat something huge at break lunch time or even after school .

When you come back from home because you've had a very , very stressful day at school , try to find other ways to deal with it .

Try to find other ways to calm yourself down other hobbies and other sports .

Listen to a podcast or the daily all these other things that it's going to calm .

Your stress is going to be so important because you don't want to be spiking your insulin and creating that sugar spike .

An insulin spike that's gonna give you sugar tip number .

Now we have heard this tip since we came out of the room , but it could not be any more true .

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Our weight loss is calories and versus calories out .

So when people feel like their weight loss journey is taking forever , that means you haven't yet mastered how many calories you're actually consuming .

in versus how many it is pushing out and that your metabolic rate will determine how money you're pushing out every day .

But how many you're taking in is down to your control now .

First of all , it's really important that this tip is that you should actually get moving .

And now the reason why this is so important is because it backs up .

The fact of calories and investor carries out .

The more you're moving , the more you're ensuring that your calories out is even greater now your deficit , this deficit that you want to create that causes this 1 3500 which is how much calories equals a pound of fat , is actually being crushed and crushed and crushed down is by moving .

Join a sport , and if you can't join a sport , go running with a a friend .

Go running with a family member , do a 30 minute jog or walk every day starting today , do it for 14 days and comment your result down below .

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It happens just that effectively .

And remember , the younger you are , the easier it is to lose weight .

It's gonna be so much more easier for you than someone who's five years older than you , let alone 10 years older than you .

So for me , if I go running for 30 minutes every day for two weeks and I see masses of results , so especially someone , although I mean I was a teenager only a year ago .

So especially for someone a lot lot younger than me , it's going to see much , much bigger results .

So you can trust when I say if you started going walking or jogging for half an hour every day today , including your rest days for the next two weeks , your comments of your results down below in two weeks is gonna be incredible .

And guys , I hope you have enjoyed this video .

There will be a part two .

Don't forget to subscribe because you are on the route six 5000 subscribers before my birthday at the end of September , as well as I've got an inspirational fitness page , we get more behind the scenes in my day to day life , as well as fitness updates on there and any other updates .

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Everyone on there gets to know first , So do come over and follow that as well as my personal instagram page Don't forget to turn your bell notifications on because we are a daily fitness tips channel .

So if you want your daily dose of new fun fitness challenges , all that type of thing do subscribe now to be a part of it .

I love you guys so much , and I'll see you guys very , very soon .

Bye , guys .


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