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2023-08-25 07:07:10


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बहुत ही क्रीमी बनती है , बहुत ही रिच है जैसे कि आप इस्काॅन ही देख सकते हैं एक बार ऐसे बना लेंगे ना तो फिर बाॅण्ड भूल ही जायेंगे ।

मुझे फटा फॅसे बताइये आपकी इन पांचों फ्लेवर में से कौन सी वाली सबसे ज्यादा फेवरिट कोल्ड कॉफी है ?

मुझे बहुत ही होगी और आप इसे कब बना रहे हैं ?

उम्मीद करती हूँ कि आज की ये ऍम ठंडी ठंडी चिल क्रिमिकला कोल्ड कॉफी का विडियो आपको बहुत पसंद आया होगा ।

अगर आप को मेरी क्रिएटिविटी मेहनत पसंद आयी ॅ तो मुँह वीडियो को लाइक शेर और आपके अपने चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना बिल्कुल ना भूलें ।

ऍम हाँ चिंग जय हिंद , जय

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So if you'd like to make a bigger volume , then you could double or triple this recipe .

So one cup of white sugar , two cups of plain water , one teaspoon of vanilla extract .

And also because this salted caramel syrup , one half teaspoon of sea salt .

Always first let's put one cup of our water into the , into the sauce pan .

And then let's put our sugar , all the sugar .

We just need to put one cup of the plain water .

And again , let's give it a , a little bit of a stir .

OK ?

And then it down the heat .

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Once the water starts to boil , turn the heat to medium , we are waiting for the sugar to dissolve without stirring the mixture .

Remember do not stir or it might cost you sugar to crystallize .

As you can see without touching or stirring the mixture , the sugar is completely dissolved .

So don't touch it .

Just be patient .

Wait for the sugar to turn golden brown .

So now I can see some spots there that are getting brown .

You know , if you if you leave it like that , it burns so you can use the rubber brush , dip it into the water , brush it along those sides .

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Now , I can see that it is turning amber .

You don't have to wait for a little bit longer for this .

I think this is perfect for me .

Now , I'm going to turn off the heat and then at this point , we are going to add our remaining water now because the caramel is hot and this is cold .

It is going to spatter .

So you have to be very careful when you do this , you there .

That is just the perfect color for your salted caramel .

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So make sure all the sugar is restored as you pour in your remaining half , one cup of cold water might tend to crystallize .

So you have to keep stirring it and then that's your resulting salted caramel syrup .

Beautiful clear salted caramel syrup .

Today you have a very simple process to make your salted caramel syrup .

In our next video , I'm going to show you how to make our salted caramel frappuccino .

This time , we're going to make use of our salted caramel syrup and our salted caramel sauce in one drink .

Until the next video .

If you have any questions , let me know in the comments below .


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