Hello , I'm Dr Sanjay Pannier .
I started Amrita Homeopathy .
In 1997 .
We integrate homeopathy , nutrition , yoga and aesthetics .
We are placed at two locations in Bangalore at Kanga and Mali .
Many Children don't put on weight even though they may be fed every two hours .
Parents often become very anxious .
We may not consider the child to be underweight unless their weight is grossly below normal .
According to their height .
Generally , there is a scale which says that ok , this much height , the child is there , so this much weight the child should have .
So let us say the child's height and the weight proportion .
If the weight of the child is 20% less than what it should actually be at that particular height , then only we can consider that to be as an underweight and it is only then we need to deal with this particular situation .
If the child's weight should be 20 kg , 20% reduction in the weight , then the actual weight that the child should have is only considered as a lower weight for that particular child .
And hence otherwise the patient's parents did not get upset about it and we did not do too much about it .
But let us say the weight is less than 20% of what it should actually be .
Then you need some kind of treatment to improve the absorption and assimilation .
So very often it happens in premature Children that you feed them so well .
Yet they don't put on weight because they are premature babies and their body has not grown in proportion to what the other actually they should have grown .
So their requirement is higher .
So there you must feed more frequently and yet , if it is not putting on weight , it could be a problem with the assimilation , absorption and assimilation .
So their homeopathic medicines play a role .
Medicines like sanicula , abrotanum , iodum , namu tuberculinum are excellent remedies in this kind of a condition where they don't put on weight despite eating well .