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2023-08-27 08:29:58

5 Different WATER SLIMES From Jsh Diys TESTED! Slimeatory #562

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Back is a laboratory , right ?

Guys today I am gonna be trying out Jcciys um water slime .

So yeah , let's do this .

All right and let's just show you how to end the video .

Yo .

All right guys .

So this first one we were supposed to use um dial um shampoo so we're just gonna do do that .

Add a lot into here because that's what he did .

So .

Yeah .

Alrighty .

Oh it's like already globby like yeah Globby .

Whoa .

Ok .

And then just just to get some salt and just like , well that's so weird .

Ok .

I'm just gonna add it slowly because I think if you add too much you will melt it .

So I'm just gonna mix this and I think you're actually supposed to make this like a lot so I'm gonna try and mix it a lot so I'm just gonna keep mixing it .

Ok .

Well it's kind of like not , not very globby .

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Well , I think I'm just gonna leave it like this um I don't want to melt it by putting too much salt so I think I'm just gonna leave it like this and you're supposed to leave it to like kind of dry out and he said like six days were his .

So I guess I'm just gonna have to check back on this in six days guys , one week later .

Ok .

So here is this one , here's how this turned out .

It is very blue .

Ok .

And it's very , very jiggly and wiggly , but it might still be kind of like slimy and maybe it doesn't stick .

So let's try it out anyways .

All right , let's let's do this .

It's very glossy .

I'm gonna just try and do it like really fast .

00 , this one is bad .

Ok , so this one , this one's bad .

Oh my gosh .

It's like it's not even because like sometimes they're like slimy , they're like a cool slimy but like this one isn't even slimy .

It's just like droopy and watery and like , whoa , that one , that one did not do good .

Wow .

Ok .

That one was a complete fail .

Yeah , that's all I have to say about that .

That was , that was , this one is terrible .

I don't like it .

It's horrible .

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It's not even good for like just like a bath slime .

Ok .

That was a fail .

Alright guys .

So this next recipe is using um soft soap soap , hand soap I think .

And this is the soap that I use guys .

All right .

So it is very like weirdly watery and kind of slimy ready .

Do you see how slimy that is ?

Like what the heck .

All right .

So now we're gonna go ahead and add some salt and add a little bit .

Just mix it all up .

Oh , that's interesting .

Oh .

I think it's already starting to like slim .

This is so weird guys .

Ok .

I'm just gonna try and mix it .

I wanna mix it a lot because I know he does mix it a lot .

So .

Yeah .

Ok .

It's already actually starting to like , not stick to the walls of this like container , which is really cool .

It looks like really cool here .

I'm gonna try and show you guys see that .

It's like it's , it doesn't stick .

It's , it's so weird .

I feel like this is enough salt .

I'm gonna add a tiny bit more just to see .

Ok , there .

Ok .

It makes it a lot .

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The smells so good and here it is there is our slime .

Oh , wow .

That actually didn't stick .

Like there's a little bit of um soap on there but it actually didn't stick that much like , wow .

Uh and we'll just let this dry out for like six days and then we'll see what happens .

All right .

So here's how this would turn out .

This one is very clear now and it's already , I can see that it's really jingly but it does look pretty slimy .

So I'm excited .

Let's test it out .

All right .

So let's do this .

Oh .

That's weird .

That , I mean , that is weird .

Ok .

So it's definitely like really globby and like kind of slimy but it kind of feels more like hand sanitizer than slime .

Like it's still very , very sticky to my finger but it's like like parts .

It's very weird , very thick and it feels like hand sanitizer and it's like very cold too .

So , so that is very interesting .

Um This one was a fail , I guess , but it is kind of like a little bath slime jelly type deal .

So that's pretty cool too .

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but yeah this one was a fail um yeah that's all I can say .

All right guys this next one we're gonna be using Pantene um clear shampoo so let's do this .

Ok ?

So it's a big batch too so it's not like that much I think it's a good amount right here then that should be good and then you're actually supposed to add some water too and I don't and then you're supposed to put some water it like 1 to 4 ratio so I think yeah that should be good .

Ok ?

And then you're gonna add some cream with tar tar just like a little bit .

There you go cream with tar tar just like a tiny bit on the top so we're just gonna add some I think that should be good and you have to wait like 15 minutes and then we can mix this afterwards so yeah let me just wait 15 minutes .

Alright you guys so it's been like 15 minutes now and I'm gonna go ahead and mix it , see what happens .

Oh , well , it actually kind of looks like a , like slime .

Ok .

So you're just supposed to mix it slowly , I think .

Whoa , this looks so cool guys .

Ok .

So I've mixed it for a while now .

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Um , and I kind of just let it set and just let the shampoo go back to the bottom and now I think you're supposed to get like you're supposed to skim the excess water out on the top .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and do that really quick .

Ok .

So I skimmed off all the water and here he is , I think there's still some water .

Oh , let me just go ahead and get that still a little bit of water in here .

Take that .

Ok .

So I got all the water that I could off of the top and now I'm just gonna let it dry out for a night and we'll see what happens .

Cover it and leave it .

It's been like a week and I think the longer you leave them , the thicker they become .

So they , they should be .

Ok .

So it's , first of all , it's very , very , very clear .

But now let's do with the , um , poking test to see if it is actually like slime .

Oh , I'm scared because this , this is just gonna stick all over my hands , isn't it ?

All right ?

Oh , wow .

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Ok .

Well , that was a fail guys .

This one is completely a fail .

It's slimy .

Honestly , like this could be like a cool little slime body wash , you know , to play in the bathtub , but this is not slime at all .

Um It's just slimy , it's not slime , but it's slimy .

So that one is a fail .

Um Let's go see that .

Ok .

So this is also part of love that one , this clear one .

But we basically took all the water from the top of this one out and we , I just left it in here .

Honestly , I just left it in there and it seemed pretty gooey .

So I decided to experiment with it and I put some cream of tartar in and a bunch of it and you can see it at the bottom right there .

It kind of just sink down , but basically nothing happened , but I left it here because I just forgot it .

Um , so it's been a week now and I just , it kind of looks globby too , so I wanna try it out and see what happened to it .

Oh , ok .

Well , this actually kind of looks like it turned out better than the actual thing I did .

Like it's more , um , thick and slimy .

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This is a , it's still pretty sticky , very sticky to my finger , but it's very slimy and honestly it's pretty cool .

It'd be very cool for a bath slime too .

But , um , um , not , it's not a fly .

So that is a fail too even though it wasn't really even anything but yeah that was a fail too .

Let's uh let's try the next .

Alrighty guys this next year is supposed to be like a mouth wash one .

So first you're supposed to get some gel facial clean cleanser and this is like the thickest cleanser that I can find .

So I got this one .

Go ahead and put that in there .

Oh that is very jelly .

Ok .

Alright .

And then the next thing you're supposed to do is add a little bit of um a mouth wash .

Alright .

So you're just supposed to add a little bit to this just for the smell .

So there we go .

That's good .

Ready .

Let's mix that in .

Well , that kind of looks like it like activated it .

Ok ?

There we go .

All right next up is to add a little bit of water to help it form , I guess .

And that's good mix that in there too .

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It's already really globby , ok ?

And then you're supposed to add some iodine salt and it's supposed to be like iodides like otherwise it won't work .

So yeah , be good then that's good .

Mix that up and then you're supposed to put it in the freezer but he said that it didn't work like that .

He had to put it in the freezer .

He took it out like a while after then he had to add some um shampoo to it and then it worked .

So I'm gonna go ahead and add the shampoo now you have some coconut um shampoo .

That's the shampoo .

He said add that in there .

Oh , that's thick .

Well , OK .

Well , this is really weird and thick and like really globby .

So that is interesting .

It smells very , very good .

It's already starting to kind of like slimy and you guys can see that , but now I'm gonna go ahead and put it inside the um freezer .

OK , guys .

So here is this one , I left it in the fridge for a while now and it actually has bubbles on the top , which is really cool because it kind of looks like clear slime .

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So I'm excited for that and then on and it looks pretty thick too and on the bottom it's kind of clear .

So that looks interesting too .

And when I , when I turn it like this , it doesn't drip that much .

So I'm excited for this one .

Ok ?

So let's try it .

Ok ?

Oh No way .

It's like actually like very OK .

So I'm going to poke it .

Oh This is so weird .

Ok .

I'm just gonna , I'm just gonna like try and get it out .

Oh yeah , that did not work .

All right , we're not gonna do that .

I was gonna put that back in it .

Kind of reminds me of a shower jelly honestly , which is really cool because it's kind of like a gelatin free shower jelly .

And I feel like if you just want to do a little bit more modifying to this , it could be like a really cool shower jelly .

It's very cold .

I like how it feels .

It's cool .

It's like an ice pack .

But yeah , here's how it turned out .

Um , it's not , it's very globby .

It's a lot more like globby than the other ones .

Um , it is still very , very , very sticky .

Maybe if I put more like cream and tartar in it .

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But yeah , it's very sticky and it's super , like it's not even stretchy at all either .

So honestly , I don't even know what I prefer at this point .

I don't know if I prefer the other one or this one because this one is like just a sticky but it's kind of more like globby and solid .

But yeah , this is a fail to um let's try the next recipe I guess .

All right guys .

So that is it for all the JSHD white slimes .

I decided I'm gonna do a little bonus round and cook guys .

I'm gonna just add all of the shampoos that I got and see what happens .

I'm just gonna let it dry out too .

So I'm gonna add this Pantene one and we're gonna add this coconut one and then I'm gonna add this uh oops to you .

This is a three in one .

Kids shampoo .

I didn't use this one in the recipes but I did buy it .

So I'm gonna use it and then um this soft soap one .

I didn't use this one .

Either , but I'm still gonna use it and then this other soft soap , but this one is hand soap because it isn't body wash go .

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Um the style one only a little bit because I don't have that much anymore .

Here we go .

This uh facial cleanser , we go and then I'm just gonna mix it and we'll see what happens .

OK .

So it's kind of globbing up .

But I feel like that's just because , you know the shampoos I would add some food taring but I kind of don't want to because I feel like that also kind of like thins it out because it thins out , it kind of melts it so I don't wanna add any food taring so yeah .

Alright so it is pretty slimy .

Ok .

I'm gonna add some um salt just a little bit and I'm gonna mix that too .

Oh yes it's working .

It's actually very thick gonna add a tiny bit more salt and I'm going to just leave it .

I'm just gonna leave it for like days a week and um I'm gonna leave it uncovered and see if it can dry out .

Oh did you guys see that ?

It's actually super thick .

Oh ok .

All right , we're gonna leave that for like a week uncovered and see what happens .

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Ok guys .

So here's how this will turn out in a week now and um it actually like cleared up like a lot like it used to be kind of like really dark but now it's actually like , it's still pretty , like there's a dark tint but it is very clear as you guys can see and it actually looks like the thickest from all of them , which is very crazy because I literally just put like everything in here .

So .

Yeah .

Whoa .

That is so weird .

But it probably still is gonna be complete like a complete fail .

So .

Yeah .

No way .

Ok .

Well , it's sticky .

Ok .

But it's not as sticky as the other ones .

Weirdly , surprisingly , it's not as sticky as other ones and it's actually super thick .

Did you guys see that ?

Did you see that ?

I , I got it like to separate .

Like there's nothing in there .

There's just , oh my gosh , this is insane .

Ok .

I have to try it from over here again .

You guys watch this , watch closely ?

All right .

Oh , that one wasn't that good ?

Do you see that ?

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It's almost , oh my gosh , actually so good .

Ok .

This is like one of the best , um , shampoo slims I've ever made .

Wow .

It still does not feel like homemade , you know , clear slim at all , but it's like very , very close .

And then you can actually kind of like grab it versus the other ones are kind of just like really slimy and droopy .

This one you can actually grab it .

It's kind of like where like if you keep moving it'll , it'll slime .

But like if you like go slow it'll just like fall everywhere but it still sticks to your hands a lot .

But this one actually is very , very cool .

I like it .

I can't believe I actually made this .

I don't even , I don't even remember what I put in it honestly .

Like I , I put a lot but wow , this is crazy .

You guys rewind and try and recreate this recipe and like post it on Instagram and tag me because like , this is actually so cool .

Like this is one of the best shampoo slimes I've ever done and like , it wasn't even a recipe .

It was just me messing around like , oh wait .

Oh my God .

So that was a very , very interesting .

This is really , really fun to do .

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I , this is like the first time I've ever like , actually waited a while for these songs .

I think my favorite would actually have to be mine that I made .

I know it probably sounds like I'm just favoring mine , but that was actually really cool .

You guys comment down below which one is your favorite one ?

Or if I'm doing any of these wrong or if you want to try out my recipe and that is it .

I hope I see you next time .

Bye .


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