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2023-08-26 14:48:06

Making Coffee using the Chemex Classic 6 Cup

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Hi , everyone .

What's up ?

It's Joshua here from alternative brewing .

And today we're gonna be brewing coffee using the Chex Classic six cup brewer .

Now , the chem coffee maker is a world known coffee maker iconic for its hourglass figure , the heat resistant wooden handle and the fact that it is one piece of durable brow silicate glass .

And the Chem Classic is a pour over style coffee that use significantly thicker paper filters than pretty much all all other pour over methods do .

And this degree of filtration to your coffee is what gives the chex coffee a very clean flavor , void of even the smallest fine grinds and the texture to the brew .

Coffee is often referred to as silky smooth .

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Now , the Chex brewer comes in a 368 and 10 cup brewer and you can find the models with wood handles as well as glass with a variety of different filters also available sold separately like the pre folded circles or squares and even a reusable metal filter like the able cone .

So interested in getting brewing with this distinguished brewer or perhaps looking for an aesthetically pleasing piece for the kitchen .

You can find everything chex related in this length up above .

But for now , let's jump straight in and brew a coffee using the classic chem six cup brewer .

Now , these first two steps are pretty fundamental approach in getting a good chex brew from the start .

First things first with the paper filter out of the box , you'll notice that it's folded twice in half .

We wanna keep it folded , but we're gonna open it up to make the cone , making sure that there's one side of the filter with one sheet thick and then the other side is gonna be three sheets thick .

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And then when we place it in the brewer , we wanna make sure that the filter paper with the three sides thick is facing towards the spout of the chem .

And if you don't do this , then it may end up making an airtight seal with the filter and then the coffee will take extra long to drip down through .

And secondly , from here , we're going to need to rinse the paper filter before anything because it is a thicker paper filter .

There's more paper involved and you're far more likely to end up with a papery taste in the final cup .

If you don't rinse this paper filter out thoroughly enough .

And the bonus here is we're gonna be getting that nice and warm prior to brewing , then we're just gonna throw that rinse water out and it's time to measure out our beans .

So using a brew ratio of 60 g of beans per one liter of water .

In my recipe , I'll be using 35 g of beans to 580 mils of water .

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I find grinding on a medium grind setting or slightly finer or coarser than this gets me the best results for taste , add the grounds to the filter and then add a little well to the center of the ground .

And this is where we're going to pour into when we add our bloom water of 70 mils at 96 °C for our pre infusion , ensuring all the grounds get wet with a swirl of the chem till you see the slurry or move around as one .

Now you can let it sit here pre infusing for up to 45 seconds and this helps allow those grounds to degas , seen as little bubbles escaping from the brew .

And that little bit of extra time also ensures that the water fully saturates the dose .

But once that time has elapsed , you can begin pouring your water once again .

Now you can go and add all the water in one steady pour here , give it a stir at the top and then let it drain .

And I do this regularly myself as I find it is less time consuming and makes a decent coffee with the chem .

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But there is a method I do also enjoy using from time to time to get the richest sweetest coffee .

And that is pulse pouring with the kettle .

So doing four or five weighted out pours into the chem over the duration of the brew .

So after the initial bloom , my first pour is going to add around three times the amount of bloom water .

So 210 mils in the next 30 seconds , then from one minute 30 begin to add the rest of your water in three even pours every 30 seconds after that .

So for me , that's 100 mils at one minute , 30 two minutes and two minutes 30 .

And regardless of how you've added your water , once it's all in , give the brewer a stir at the top with a spoon to help it draw down nice and evenly .

Now it's always good to check at this point whether there is still air able to escape through the spout of the chem .

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If it is blocked , what will happen is your brew will stall and it will stop dripping .

So , all you need to do is break that seal either by lifting the filter slightly and then it'll start dripping again or placing a spoon or a chopstick down the chex spout .

And that will also break the seal too .

Now , the aim for the brew time is around 4 to 6 minutes and it's a little bit longer than other pour over brews because of this thick paper filter .

But you can also comfortably make coffee for two or three people using the chem .

And these bigger batches will naturally take longer to make yet are still very balanced in their flavor .

With that extended brew time .

Once it's done , it's time to serve up , remove the filter , give it a swirl and then you can pour it straight out into your glasses .

Now , if you want to impress your friends with a barista trick , then you can pour two coffees at once .

Using the chem by pouring very slowly on an off angle to the spout .

Get the brew to begin pouring out away from the spout first .

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Then slightly rock it back to get it pouring out of the spout too .

Perhaps practice this with some water first .

So there's no embarrassment or worse wasted coffee .

And by making a stronger brew , you can easily enjoy a chem coffee with or without milk and pouring it over ice will make a delicious cold brew come time for it and cleanup is super easy .

The paper filter can be thrown in the garden as compost and that's pretty much it .

Just a good rinse and dry out of the chem brewer itself is enough to keep it clean .

But the wood net can be removed if you want to place the chem in the dishwasher .

And that's the chem X classic coffee brewer for you .

It's an absolute champion of a pour over brewer .

Unmistakable in its design .

It brews a really great cup of coffee .

So if you have any questions on the Chem Brewer .

You can throw them in the comments section down below and we'll get straight back to you .

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And that way you stay notified when we bring out new videos just like this every week .

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Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time .


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