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2023-08-26 14:59:04

How to Make a Beautiful Bridal Rose Bouquet with Frosted Paper

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Welcome to craft school .

I'm going to show you how to make this gorgeous rose .

Now , this was the very first flower that I've ever designed .

And I have to tell you it's probably the easiest , but nonetheless , it's stunning .

And after we're finished making our roast , I'll show you how to make a bread of bouquet that looks something like this for materials .

I'm using a frosted paper called coral and that is a text weight and for the leaves , I'm cutting it out of jelly bean green and this is also text weight , but it is not frosted .

And you can use this in card stock as well .

I have an 18 gauge paper covered wire , 24 gauge paper covered wire and then a ribbon that I'll wrap around the stem to match my flowers .

I've printed out my patterns for tools .

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I'm using a high temperature hot glue gun needle , nose pliers with a wire cutter , a heavy duty wire cutter , a curling tool and some craft scissors .

You can cut your pedals and leaves by using the SPGC file and cut them on your personal cutting machine .

Or there's also a PDF template and you can cut them by hand for each rose .

I have three of the small pieces and then four pieces that have multiple petals .

I also have the seal and a leaf and then I've cut out a few extra leafs to show you how I'm going to attach this on a separate wire to integrate those into your bouquet .

The first thing you're going to want to do is curl your pals .

Now , you guys have probably seen me use the edge of my scissors to curl .

But now I have a curling tool that was made for me by scars and I'm gonna show you how to do that technique .

So I'm starting with my small ones and I'm curling the two corners and you can see I'll show you the full shape here .

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It sort of bulges on the both sides .

You'll want to curl each of the corners rather than just one straight because you'll get a better shape .

So here's the correct way and I'll show you the incorrect way .

So if you just curl it straight , it's gonna look like this and it's not quite as pretty .

That's ok because I'll just take this and rec curl it .

That's the beautiful thing about paper .

You can , you can recur it and shape it once I curl it , I'm also gonna use my fingers like this and just nudge the corners down a bit and create a point .

I'll go ahead and do that for all of my pals .

Once I have all of those curled , the next thing I'll do is take these multiple petal pieces and glue them into a cone .

So I'll put just a line of glue right there on that tab .

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You can see each one has a tab and right , you can see there's a point , I'll fold that over and make it into a cone and I like to get these done and let them cool while I'm working on the inside pieces .

So let's talk about hot glue guns .

If you guys have been watching my videos for a while , you'll probably remember me saying that I only use a low temperature hot glue gun .

And , you know , I think I've changed my mind .

So low temperatures might go to when I work on crate paper .

But what I'm finding is that frosted paper because it does have a bit of a finish on it .

It doesn't hold as well .

And I've just had so many difficulties getting things to stick that I've discovered this hot glue gun if this is a Sher Bonder and it has a very fine point .

And this is probably my favorite one I've found so far .

So I reserve this one for when I'm working with frosted paper .

I've learned how to use it .

So I don't burn myself .

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Um You can too , but for other um crafts , I will go ahead and use my low temperature just , just so , you know , sometimes it's good to have two different hot glue guns in your tool kit .

So here they are all four pieces and you can see how the cone is very small and then it starts to broaden as I get to the last piece .

Here , these two are very similar .

You can tell that this one is a bit more flat than this one .

So you'll want this to go in last I have here my 18 gauge floral wire .

And the reason why I like this paper covered floral wire .

There's a link for it below is that I can finish a rose and not have to use floral tape .

This is if I keep it clean , this will do the trick and it just saves a little bit of time , especially if I'm doing a bouquet where you don't see the stems quite as much .

So it's just a time saving thing .

And it also looks really pretty .

What I'm doing here is I'm bending my floral wire , I would say about a quarter of an inch at the end .

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The reason I want my glue to have a bit more to grab onto .

So I'll take my first piece and I'm actually going to flip it over so that my curls go upwards , put a line of glue right along the edge , make sure you can see that and place my floral wire right into that glue .

And you can see that the hole there is getting full of , of glue and that will help it stay on and not pop off once that's cool .

I'm going to roll this paper , I'm making it a bit more snug at the bottom and roll this into a cone .

I'm going to leave about a half an inch flap right there .

Put just a dot of glue on the inside and then close that up .

I'll hold it till it cools and then I'll curl it back the other direction .

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You can use your fingers to sort of nudge it .

And this is what you want it to look like .

Something like this for the second pedal .

I want the curls to go the other direction .

So I'll place it so they curl down towards the table .

I'm gonna put about a triangle of glue .

Oh , I don't know , maybe a half inch size there .

And then I'll place that about the same angle so you can see the tips match each other .

But I want this one to overlap and I'm , I'm going to pinch it into place .

So it will get a little bit of a wrinkle .

So I'm pinching it at the bottom .

I want this to be as tight as possible .

And the third , I'll do the same come on about that much glue and I'll overlap on one side .

It is a little bit hot .

So I have to be careful and then pinch it again and I'll hold that till it's cool .

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You'll see , it's a little bit wrinkly and that's ok because this will be covered up by the next set of pedals .

The most important thing is you'll want it to be reasonably tight at the base , the center of your rose should look something like this and I promise you this is the hardest part of the rose and the rest is simple and fun .

So you'll start with your three pedal cone piece and you can see there's a hole in the bottom .

You may not have a hole with every single one .

And that's OK .

You can just punch it through , but just slide your wire right through that hole towards the top .

And right before I get it there , I'll put some glue onto the base of my center , slide it into a place and then I want to rotate it so that it's the most pleasing to my eye .

I try not to overlap pedals .

So they're right on top of each other , but you just kind of fiddle with it until it feels right to your eye .

And then I'll add the four pedals .

This one does not have a hole in it .

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So I'll just poke my wire right through , slide it up and then add some glue at the base .

One thing you might want to consider is don't add glue onto the flap where you had glued it before .

Because oftentimes I find when you put hot glue on top of hot glue , it might loosen it , it will heat it up so that it loosens a bit .

That's just sort of a rule of thumb .

So you can see there's the four pedals and then we'll add the fifth or the five pedal that is the first five pedal .

In this case , I'm just going to add glue to the base since it's open enough .

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So that looks , and then the final set and since you have two stacks on top of each other that are a five and a five , you'll want to make sure that you rotate those pedals so that they hit each other right between the first and there's your rows .

And that was pretty simple .

So the last piece that I'll add to this is the sequel .

It's really tiny and that's why I love this fine point here .

I'll add a line of glue and then overlap two of the little sequel pieces .

You can curl those if you want to , you don't have to .

But it's an option .

You just kind of curl them out like this .

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There should be a little hole for your wire , slide that into place and add just a dot of glue the base .

And that gives you a beautiful finish on the back of your rose .

Since I'm using these roses in a bridal bouquet , I want to have the green leafs integrated throughout and the easiest way for me to do that to make sure it's even is to add a leaf right to the base of the flour .

I didn't do a score line on the sleeve .

So I'm just going to fold it in half .

Use my curling tool to give it just a bit of shape .

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Put some glue right on the base of that leaf and then I'll place it behind and this will give just a peek of the green leaf between each flower when I arrange that into a bouquet .

So let's make one more .

I've cut extra leaves for this bouquet as I want to use them behind the bouquet , do the same thing , just fold them in half and then we'll use the tool to shape .

I have two different sizes .

I have the large one for the center and then two small ones .

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And really , you can use any size .

You can use too large .

You can , you can do it in twos or threes of any sizes .

I always feel like having plenty of greenery in a bouquet is a good idea .

I'm using my 24 gauge wire for this because I don't want quite the bulk .

But you could also use your 18 gauge a place a bead e right down the center , lay the wire into it .

And that while it's still cool , I'll take my second leaf and just sort of place it at an angle right there in that bed of glue and I'll turn it over , put some glue on the back of the third leaf and place it going the other directions .

So it looks something like this and this is the way I add extra green into my bouquet .

So I have 12 roses and a handful of extra leaves .

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I'm gonna pull out some of my roses and just start arranging them .

The nice thing about working with these flowers on a wire is you can actually bend them .

How do you want to do that ?

What I want to create here is a cone shape , kind of a , a half circle and then we'll surround it with leaves .

So as I'm adding in more flowers , I'll just bring my wire so that everything fits and I'm , I'm looking at it from behind .

You can see what I'm seeing back here .

But oftentimes I'll want to turn it around and take a peek because if I see a leaf , I'd like to pull up here and I want to rotate this flower here .

I'm , I'm tucked between those two flowers .

I'll do the same over here .

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I'll have a hold of it like this and then I'll just turn it around and reposition and adjust again .

I want some of these leaves to peek through .

Not too much .

I don't want them to overpower the roses , but just to see enough of a little green smattering throughout the bouquet .

So this looks pretty good to me .

One of the things that you might want to keep in mind is , don't crowd your flowers too much .

Go ahead and feel free to bend them back and to use that wire so that they're not so tight that they press against each other and you'll also get a bigger bouquet .

So I'll show you from behind what it looks like and everything looks pretty good .

This is about where I wanted it as far as the flowers , I'll add these next , but I want to hold it in place .

So you can either take a ribbon , a cord , something and tie that around or you can use floral tape .

And I think I'll use the floral tape method .

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So for those of you who are not familiar with floral tape , it's actually a lot different than tape and that it's not really sticky .

It's a paper that stretches like a crate paper with wax on it .

So in order to get it to work , you have to heat it up with your fingertips and then stretch it as you turn it , it often rips really easily .

But that's ok .

You can just apply it right on top of the floral tape that you've just applied .

It takes a bit of time to get used to it and to learn how to work with it .

So don't feel too frustrated , but you can see how it's starting to keep this together really nicely and it , it's actually kind of sticky too .

Ok .

That's enough for now , I'll add more later .

But once I have the floral tape on , I'll go ahead and go back and just adjust something can shift and make sure that it looks exactly what I'm looking for and then I'll add the green leaves .

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So for these green leaves , for the most part , I want them to be back behind the bouquet to cover up some of this wiring .

There might be a place or two that I want to slide a leaf into .

I think that I'd like one right into here .

So I'll slide that through the bouquet .

You can also adjust your flowers .

You can slide them in and out a little bit .

If you see one that's maybe out too far , you can slide it back in deeper or vice versa .

I'm going to fill in some of these gaps in the back , adding some leaves and once I have those in place , I'll add some more floral tape .

So on a handheld .

Ok .

You want to think about how long you need to handle .

So one thing I do know is this stem is too long .

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So I'll pull out my heavy beauty wire cutters that will give me more than one cut at a time .

I'll pull these out a bit and then just cut these down and to cover up all these raw edges , I'm going to add some more floral tape .

This is where I'll bend my handle down so it makes it easier to hold and then we will cover up the stem with this ribbon .

I have this beautiful silk ribbon here .

I think I'll leave about a foot and a half and I'll place it right at the base of the flowers .

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Pull that with one hand and then wrap the stem with the other .

Once I get to the bottom , I'll just rub it really tightly and then just go back up the stem .

It helps to trim , trim the ribbon so that you don't keep twisting .

So I had both ends of ribbon .

I'll place this one on this side , bring the first ribbon up over the top and then loop it back through the second ribbon to tie my knot .

And this will give me a nice straight knot .

Sometimes this might take two people to do , then you can tie a bow so that it looks something like this .

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You can use this technique to make a bridal bouquet or a similar one to make a tabletop arrangement .

And when you do and take pictures , make sure you tag us at hashtag mate with Lia and click the button below so that you can be here for the next classical video .


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