Hi , I'm extremely , extremely , extremely happy that uh in the lockdown when they marched in the especially in health conscious it , you really want to make a change to your body .
You really want to do something .
Uh You have woken up so and over a video on the Instagram video , you know the hand a lot of you were extremely happy , you know , the two week workout challenge part of daily work experience , share fund .
I am extremely happy , so proud of you .
So to all of you who aren't still aware , stay fit with Ramya is now on Instagram to do come and follow me on that handle because I love the director .
A number of interactions here .
It's gonna be wholly about fitness , fitness , health , nutrition .
I have lots of plans coming up , lots of challenges coming up .
So do participate .
OK , forget that .
Now for a while .
I I in the in a topic , all of us want results .
All of us want to mostly lose weight .
I have always told you even though lifestyle no yo diets or in the magic number , let me burst that bubble .
But there are certain things that you can do to speed up the process in the , on a weight loss journey multiple times .
Tip .
Number one , don't drink your calories by drinking your calories .
I mean everything , everything beat tea , coffee with milk and sugar .
You win milk sugar , you know , that's fine .
But most of us 99% when tea , coffee , sugar , milk or the second thing is our fruit juices .
Uh , number one , the fruit from the healthy juice , you're taking a lot of empty calories , of course , holy drinks .
So in the , when they don't drink away your calories , calories and it's not that juice or keeps you full for hours .
So what is the real point here ?
Thirsty is a better thing to resort to than any other fruit juices or any kind of beverages or drink .
So whether hot or cold don't drink your calories .
The second thing don't sit ok , ideally now , unlimited video base now , but lack for lack of a better life .
But what I need to say is don't sit , we are burning a lot of calories .
The calories are almost 1.5 times more , for example , extra , extra , extra .
So if you have the parallel is a very simple thing to do , but it makes a huge lot of difference .
So don't sit sell up tip number three .
How many of you know the , that the 80 20 rule either when there is a marketing level , the popular 20% number input number 80% out regular basis .
But now even when the nutrition , 80% daily , 20% .
But by 20% alone , for example , when the ice cream addiction addiction .
So no , I cream chicken chicken , I'll tell you why because on the 80% 80% food will be all nutritious , balanced greens NAA protein , Nadia fiber , 20% and the ice and either way when the ice cream or French fries , so choose one thing .
You want another 20% of a 80% .
This is the basis of the rule .
And like in the days , b days is not wrong .
Don't think it's right also because to follow up on excitement .
So other than the calorie deficit and the calorie deficit after weight gain level , why do that ?
It's not good for your health .
It's not good for your mind in a extremities .
So balance daily .
Enjoy the murder .
You also enjoy the whole idea of weight loss even though sustainable lifestyle helpful .
So as I said , 80% 20% tip .
Number four , don't buy junk .
I repeat it don't buy junk .
Everything starts because number the I remember what my trainer and the golden tip wonderful technique .
I used to apply it , do whatever you want , but it should not come close to you .
After that .
Don't buy unnecessarily grocery shopping .
They have a large the first and the most important tip .
Get more sleep .
It's very , very important , but this is not just about , they have a function it's , it's especially for your weight loss and your good health .
Obviously , second reason it's a stress hormone in the stress hormone system producer cravings , cravings increase at least , but carbs fat .
So sleep is very , very important .
So that's it in the , in the and the weight loss and the confidence .
So please do try it out .
I hope it's useful for you and I'll be very , very happy if it is , do follow whatever I said and have a great day .
I love you .