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2023-08-25 06:57:13


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And girl , I know you wanna gain this weight .

OK .

Like we all do , we all do when I was taking the whole thing in the morning .

Uh uh No , y'all , I was like feeling so heavy .

I was feeling sluggish like definitely an alternative to taking a pet because I did not wanna take that .

Hey Navy , welcome back to my channel Loves .

So I had to come back with this video for you guys um talking about the weight gain protein shakes .

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I made two videos in the past on these shakes and y'all have had so many questions since then , like so many questions about just the shakes in general and how many times you take it and working out while taking it and like just the schedule with it and just all of that .

So I really wanted to like address all those questions all in one video and a lot of the questions were like repetitive .

So I just figured why not make a video just answering all the questions and uh letting y'all know the best way to gain this weight sis because I've seen a lot of y'all talking about like you can't gain weight and uh uh you're gonna try it out and all that type of stuff .

So I wanna help you guys with your journey .

Now , let me just say as a disclaimer , I am not in any way , a professional um any information that I'm telling you guys is just simply what helped me and or what worked for me .

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So , I mean , I feel like if it works for me , why not try it ?

But at the same time , like I'm not saying all my information is just like professional , like this is literally from experience .

So like if you don't gain as much weight as I did , like any little thing can change like the results .

So if you don't work out the same , if you don't take it as many times , if you don't add the same exact ingredients , if you don't drink it on the same schedule , like all those factors play and have an effect on the results that you're gonna get .

So although I went from 105 to 1 20 in two weeks , um it might not be exactly the same for you .

Some of y'all seemed a little mad like in the comments about how you can't gain weight and I would say don't be mad y'all cause I felt that way at one point when I just was , felt so small , like I felt like I just couldn't gain weight .

Like I was just like , dang , this is like my last resort .

Have some hope .

Ok , I hope that it works out for you .

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But anyways , let's get into these questions .

I'm literally about to go on um some of my videos and scroll through to see .

OK , so this question , oh my gosh , I got this so many times .

Um Did you work out after eating or before morning or afternoon ?

So many questions just talking about like my workout routine ?

Like when did you work out ?

How often did you work out ?

So I worked out after I took the shakes , like immediately after , um , I did it at night , I didn't work out in the morning because I took the shakes twice a day , morning and evening .

So in the evening after I took my shake , that is when I worked out and I just simply did like at home workouts , you guys , like , it doesn't have to be anything drastic .

You don't have to break your muscle .

Like , you don't , gotta do the most to get a workout in , like , I literally bought some resistance bands and did some at home workouts like in my house , like super easy .

It didn't take forever .

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Like , and I did like working out from home a lot better simply because like , yes , the gym does give you like that motivation sometimes .

Like you feel like you're doing something in the gym , like , but at the same time when you're at home , you're a little more comfortable .

Um , you don't have like the pressure .

So yeah , working out from home work good for me personally , feel free to go to the gym if you want .

But yeah , that is when I worked out at night .

And how many weeks did you gain 100 and £30 ?

And thank you for the video .

It's very inspiring to make you reach your goal .

Thank you , girl , I'm just trying to help somebody but um two weeks and it wasn't 100 and £30 .

Um I went from 105 to around 1 20 .

So did you take the shake every day or just on the days that you work out ?

So I took the shake every day for the whole two week span .

And I also worked out every day because it's a thing like y'all when it comes to working out , it goes hand in hand .

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So the thing about working out is that you don't want the weight to go to places that you don't want it to go .

Like you're trying to , well , for me personally , I was trying to control where the weight goes because a lot of people were warning me before I started taking the shakes like don't take it .

It's gonna go to the wrong places like it could go to your stomach , it could go to your face like everyone just had all this input on these shakes and specifically where the weight is going to go .

And I was like , I have a plan like y'all don't understand .

I'm going to work out with it and try to redirect where the weight goes too .

So that's what I was doing and it works .

Like I was working out my legs .

So I was toning my legs out and doing also butt exercises because I know y'all out here trying to get thick .

Ok .

And I was in the same boat .

I was like , I need a little something like I'm trying to get some of this weight to go to my butt .

So I was doing butt workouts with resistance bands .

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I wasn't really focusing on my arms as much .

I was not doing cardio because that would have burned off all the extra calories that I was building up .

So that wouldn't make sense .

So do your research on that you guys like that is the most important part to know how to work out with it .

Can you take this while you are pregnant ?

Ok .

I don't even have like the container anymore , but I remember I'm pretty sure on the container it says either do not take if you are pregnant or ask a doctor first before taking , if you're pregnant .

So either way , I'm not sure exactly which one it said , but either way I would not sit here and tell y'all to take it if you're pregnant .

I took mine before I got pregnant .

It was literally like a few weeks before I actually got pregnant , which is crazy .

Um , so good thing .

Like , I just , like , missed that little time gap .

But yeah , I wouldn't take it if I was pregnant , if I was you or ask your doctor , you know , would it help if I wore a waist trainer when I'm not working out ?

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Probably .

That's actually a good idea .

I did not wear a waist trainer when I was on the protein shakes .

But I feel like if I did , it would probably have toned my stomach more and also added a little more , you know , shape to like my hip area .

Um Somebody else said , how often did you work out every day ?

I already answered that .

Oh , a lot of people are asking about the workout app that I use .

So for the workout app , it's on the App store .

It's literally just called workout .

You guys like hold on , let me double check while we're talking .

Last time I checked it was still on the App store .

So I'm not sure why y'all were having trouble finding it .

I can insert like a little screenshot on the side .

Wait a minute .

Oh , yeah , here it is .

Ok .

So it's called Workout for Men .

Actually don't ask me why I got this one specifically .

I was just looking up free workout apps and this one happened to do the job the best .

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Like once again , watch my other video on uh the weight gain protein shakes because I talked about this app and showed you guys a little bit of what it does , but it's kind of like a beginner's workout app .

So it's a really good one actually .

Um I would recommend it .

Of course , there's tons of other free workout apps or whatever or websites , whatever you wanna use .

That app really helped me .

Like sometimes it's just like the little things that give you like that extra push , that extra motivation .

So um yeah , somebody asked , can you take it with water alone ?

And I think I also saw the question of um can you also use milk ?

And from what I read on the container , you can use either water or milk .

I use the water because I'm not really a huge fan of milk , but it's definitely a preference thing , but you can definitely use water or milk .

And also I was getting questions on mixing it and what you can add to it .

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Like , um I personally added um some ice cream to it and that's how I got my calories up .

Like that's how I increase the calories with my shake .

It'll also make it thicker because especially using the water .

It's a little , it's not as thick and I kind of like my shakes and stuff to be , you know , thicker .

So I can feel like it's more , it has more substance to it .

That's just me personally , I wouldn't suggest or recommend adding too many things because you don't wanna like , do too much with it .

And that's the other thing with these shakes .

I'm not gonna lie .

I started feeling like , really heavy with it .

Like , it'll , like , weigh you down , which is why I was taking it in the morning and in the evening .

Um , once again , go watch my other videos if you wanna know about my exact schedule .

And , uh , how much I took in the morning , how much I took in the evening ?

What times and all that ?

Like , I already have a video on that but just to clarify when I was taking the whole thing in the morning .

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Uh No , y'all , I was like feeling so heavy .

I was feeling sluggish like no .

So were you still eating regularly while taking this or was it like a meal replacement since it has so many calories ?

I would say , how can I work this ?

Ok .

I would say that it can be a meal replacement .

Hence how many calories it is .

But because I was trying to gain weight , a significant amount of weight , I uh had my meals along with the shake .

Like that was an extra amount of calories that I was adding on to my daily intake .

Like that was the whole point of me taking the shake so I can get those extra calories so it can be used as a meal replacement .

But I did not do that .

Dang , that's a lot of questions y'all .

I might be back with another video answering some more .

We will see .

But let me see if there's a few more I can answer right now .

OK .

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Someone asked , does the protein mix come with the scoop inside ?

Yes , it does .

OK .

I kinda already answered this one .

They said , what if I'm weight training and trying to grow my butt and thighs ?

Will this protein shake help it grow or does it make you gain overall weight ?

So I can't exactly say where the weight is gonna go because everybody is different .

Y'all .

Like for me personally , I knew from the jump that I wanted to work out with this and try to put the weight where I wanted it , which clearly was my butt and my thighs and honestly overall , but like I just didn't want it to go to my face or my stomach really to be honest , like who really would ?

And yeah , so I hope this video was helpful you guys that is um a lot of the questions that I was getting under my videos and girl I know you wanna gain this weight .

OK , like we all do , we all do .

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And from what I saw from the other videos that I made this has helped y'all a lot to um definitely an alternative to taking a pet because I did not want to take that .

Like I told y'all like I heard some things about a pet .

So I hope that uh y'all can try this out and it works for you just like it worked for me .

And yeah , thank you guys so much for watching .

Let me know if you have any more questions down in the comments below .

And also y'all make sure you are caught up on all of my other videos .

Y'all know I've been doing my little Diy New House um transformation series of videos .

So make sure you're caught up on those and yeah , you guys I will see y'all in my next video .

Bye Navy .


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