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2023-08-27 08:27:22


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I'm going to come back to this .

So .

Mhm We are to turn this small client and do job .

I love giant slide though .

Basically , whoever makes the slime bigger , I can make it bigger .

Oh , so I know we haven't been doing a lot videos lately and I just want to explain guys , we've been working on something super duper , duper important and very exciting .

And I'm so excited to show you guys , but we can't show you just yet , which really sucks .

But just wait guys , I promise it'll be worth it and it's gonna be great .

And also the slim a tree shop is all restocked so you can go get magical clay food coins , whatever you want and magical clay and all things we get the packaging .

So here it's one of these boxes and then there's packages .

You'll see that a little bit .

Here's a sub box .

It looks like this .

It's really , really pretty .

And then inside my favorite part , the rainbow , literal rainbow in there .

I love it .

And then it says right here , let's get straight into this package .

You perfect , right ?

OK .

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So let's straight out the end of the video yo give us the slide .

Here they are .

This is not , I , I know I actually made regular slide , although they're already jiggly I over activated then , then activated , then over time .

Yeah , I had a hard time but I made slime at the end .

I like it .

All right , cool .

Now , choose one of these and one of those will tell you what you guys , these are the other slay packages .

These ones are like baggy .

So if you get like two clas or a food clearing , this is what you would get it in .

I got the blue one .

Let's see .

Which slob have I got Loma .

Oh , that was so funny .

I mean I can work with slo I think I can do it .

I totally do .

I know you can do butter .

All right .

Well , I guess let's go get this applied .

I'll go first .

Ok , guys .

So I have to do Flom .

So first thing first .

So what should I do ?

Should I do like rainbow or should I not do Rainbow ?

Who , what have I did ?

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Blueberry ?

Oh my gosh .

I'm gonna totally do like a blueberry .

No , a mixed berry .

We're gonna do like grape and blueberries .

Basically .

Wait guys , I don't think work .

I need a box .

This one .

All right , I need to make this line big .

So let's just like get there and just kind of shovel shovel , shovel that in there .

I do this for you .

Now let me get the blue .

All right , I'm all done .

This color is really pretty .

I got my beats now I'm gonna need some food coloring .

I'm thinking how will we do ?

Blue , blue ?

I think blue look cool .

Grab a blue food coloring .

Now .

What else ?

Oh , scent , I should totally put scent in there .

Uh I need a grape scent .

Come on .

Great , great , great , great .

There we go .

Ok , perfect .

Add some baby oil and like maybe some shampoo or foam soap , add some foam .

So just so that I could try and get like more and make it just bigger and stuff .

All right .

Ok .

I think that's it all I can get .

Oh , last but not least school glitter .

I should totally get some glitter .

Always forget about glitter .

I think this is one .

Looks good .

I gotta get this one because this one's so pretty guys .

Look at how hollow I don't even is this even .

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I think it's hollow but my goodness , it is beautiful .

It looks animated almost that .

Now me some blue glitter .

Yeah , you get some blue glitter too .

Ok .

I think this one matches the blue .

I got this one is also like really holographic too .

Looks really pretty .

All right guys , I think I got everything that I can get since it's a , I can't really use it any of the other ingredients I feel like .

So I'm going to go and make that gigantic .

Ok , so I got a bunch of pink , light pink and some light violet .

Oh I'm gonna get some glitter .

You know what I think I'm gonna get this kind of glitter .

The big one at , at how pretty it is .

And now you know what I think I need more and now I'm just gonna get some pink one .

Which pink , the pink one do you see this guys ?

So , so sparkly and I think I'm gonna get some set and that will make me win this challenge .

I am going to get cheesecake because I love cheesecake and I am gonna grab some lotion just in case I need it for fun .

Ok ?

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I think that's all I'm gonna take because I mean this who wouldn't win , right ?

Let's go .

Ok , we're back , let's do this .

I went to buy my wine blue first oopsie .

I'm gonna start by in my I got a lot of magical clay guys and purple .

Yeah , I didn't know how to make flo .

Sorry .

I think Plume is a pretty good one to make something bigger .

I think magical Clay is a better one to make something .

Oh , definitely the best one to make things younger .

Wait , you agreed with me .

Yeah .

Oh OK guys .

It's a bit bluer than I expected , but I think it'll still look good right now .

I'm gonna add some baby oil , maybe make it glossy , maybe add a few pounds to it .

I don't know it .

Glossy guys don't forget that baby oil makes lime glossy number .

I don't know .

1000 from a Mirra just gonna say I love magical .

I think we all know .

She just thought I mentioned that in case somebody didn't know .

Right .

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You have the last one I don't mind .

I mean , look at this kitchen , isn't it ?

Like beautiful , like amazing .

Look at it .

OK .

So I'm gonna put my foam soap now , put some , hopefully add some volume to it .

And then I'm also gonna put the grape flavoring that's not flavoring scent on top .

I'm just testing out a little new thing .

Seeing it .

It's really annoying to add on .

I don't know if you guys know that it's very annoying to add on because it kind of gets everywhere .

I'm hoping that the foam soap will make you easier and better to add on this .

It's so cool .

It looks like frosting on a cave .

Now , let's mix it guys .

I think there's a lot of clay for my slime , but that's ok because it's a magical clay , right ?

All right guys .

I'm also in my slime now and it's very cringy .

Look at that .

I'm cringy .

Anyways , actually , it's kind of ok like this .

It's not like completely sticky .

I can stick it off my hand .

So I think it's ok like this because sometimes maybe more flame will stick in there .

I don't know .

Now let's put the flow .

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Oh , that looks really pretty .

That's a really pretty combination .

That's really cool .

But you know what , not cooler than mine because mine has this delicious cheesecake scent better than your grape scent .

Did you know Paulson liked grape scent .

A there's a tip for you .

Forgot .

Oh no .

What have I done guys ?

I'm gonna need to put some activator in this .

All right , guys .

So I added the activator and this is what it turned into , right ?

OK .

So I think that I'm going to take out half of my slo and then I'm gonna put the rest of this slime in there and then we'll put some purple slime in there later because this needs help , guys .

I don't know what's happening .

The slime is not sticking to the foam meats for some reason .

So I'm just gonna take the foam meats now , I'm left with this .

It's all right guys .

It's all right .

No talking about .

Ok .

Well , the slime completely is fine now .

I don't know exactly what happened and I think I'm magical .

You know what ?

I think it's Paul's fault because he somehow managed to make slime that couldn't stick to phone beats .

Yeah .

Blaming Paul guys .

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I don't know what kind of slime is this or how Paul made this , but like I've never dealt with such slime .

It's sticking to my hands but not to the flow .

What did he do to the ?

Yeah , Paul , what did you do to the , it's all clay .

I too .

I mean , not that I don't love magical beaut clay in there .

Oh , yeah .

True .

Never mind .

I , I was just supporting you .

Ok .

Ok .

Thanks .

Any time guys , I'm in a giant pickle here because Paul hates sticky slime , but he needs sticky slime .

So I don't even know what the heck is his problem .

But I'm just gonna have to cover it in me and hope that it does not stick to his hand .

I know .

What's his problem ?

He tried to make good slime and fell .

That's true .

We should just , we shouldn't just anymore .

We should just do ugly slime .

He's not capable of nice slime apparently .

No .

All these years .

I know .

Right .

I mean , he should learn from me .

I'm like so good at it and like he should learn like what ?

No , no , no , no , he should learn from me .

I meant like from my smartness , you know , so he should cheat .

No , no , no , no , no , no , I would never cheat .

I'm just like super smart .

All right .

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I'm gonna add a little bit of purple in there just because for color and prettiness because appearance is all I have for this .

It's all I got going .

So I gotta make it look good because it is not good .

And I got a Snapchat filter fix this .

I'm just gonna go ahead and get rid of these phone beads on here .

Excuse you ?

Sorry , you just gotta get rid of all this first .

I should just quit I should just quit .

Look at this .

I , I think you should quit .

I think you're right .

I think you should just quit .

No , I'm not quitting .

I'm not a quitter .

I'd rather lose , which is probably what's gonna happen .

Right .

We make that little ball .

See , like this lime literally just doesn't stick to the beats .

This is ridiculous .

I'm done .

Done .

Great for you .

You're done .

Are you done ?

No , I'm almost done though .

All right .

I put some blue glitter here , that purple gla over here like man looks great and I'm done now .

Oh You're done .

You put on this judgment time .

I already said I'm done .

That's giant .

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My defense .

I was terrible .

It's , you've been capable of making a flow .

It huge .

Me , you don't believe me .

Try it yourself .

Oh Yeah .

Well , look at my amazing bear and gorgeous bear .

I made .

All right .

Well , may I add that with magic clay which we all know magical clay can fix by ?

Who do I look at all ?

Right .

Let's go .

Wow .

You made a beautiful bear .

I did not see that one coming at all .

But wait , hold on , hold on .

You said a bear , right ?

But also kind of looks like a pig .

It's a bear , but it looks like a pig bear , man .

Pig that looks like a pig and that's a pig .

That's great .

That's a pig .

I love it .

I love this little piggy .

I don't want to poke it .

Well , I don't want to destroy it .

She's so cute .

Right .

Yeah .

Hold on , hold on , hold on , hold on .

Wait , stop , stop right there .

Stop right there .

Alert , alert .

What is done right there ?

What , what are those two little eyeballs right there ?

What are those ?

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Well , I guess , let me explain that to you .

I was over here making my bear , you know , building it and making it and like , um , you know , creating this beautiful masterpiece .

And then all of a sudden just like these things came rolling over right here and I mean , they literally suck on the face .

OK ?

And you didn't think about taking it out .

Why would I take it out ?

Because you are made of flo you are supposed to make butter , this is flow .

You got our eye , not beads are foam beads .

I , you see the inside is white .

If your inside is white , it means it's a foam beat .

It was this one , I don't know what to think about this .

Let's move on to yours .

All right .

This is what this is not giant .

Uh I give you a cup this big and this is what you made .

This look at the difference , this tiny cup and made this uh this cup made .

That's the same size .

It's , it's close but not almost the same size .

So you made a , what is it ?

An alien brain ?

Is that what it is ?

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It's um it's , it's , that looks like a brain .

It's , it's that , it's an alien brain .

Gazp Gazar .

Oh , my gosh .

That's so cool .

I love a Gazar .

All right .

So I'm gonna put the alien dessert right now and see , because I don't mind putting this one .

That's actually some pretty nice folks can I pick it up ?

I can't pick it up .

I can't pick up your slime Amira .

I know .

It's , it's your , it's your slime , I promise .

I know it's your slime .

It's incapable of making a flu if you could give me any other slime .

And I could have made it really good but not Flom .

Your slime is incapable of making flo .

I don't know how you did it but you did it .

Yes .

May I mention it ?

Smells like grapes .

Note to self .

Don't do another grape thing .

I'm just mentioning it .

I don't like grape san .

Now .

You can have this back .

It actually looks cool .

It feels nice .

It's very like puke .

What is that ?

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It's a , it's a , it's a flame b now it's tiny .

It's not jump on this bear .

It can transform , it can transform into a different slime .

You see .

Whoa .

That's right .

And now I can pick it up .

Who ?

That's great .

I like it , but now it's not a film anymore .

Well , I can just remake it into a OK .

You guys are making it hard .

I mean , you made flume right there basically with these eyes right here and then you made flo , that's not really Rome because I want you to get your slime , try and make some flame .

If you can make foam with your slime , then I will quit this challenge .

Ok .

Here are some of my slime .

If I can make Flom out of this guy , she quits .

You can't trust me .

You're setting yourself up for failure .

It's , this is flo , you quit .

That's notlo , let me see .

Hm .

Let's see here .

Yeah .

Yeah .

This is one of the worst slime I've ever made .

I know .

I know .

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Well , it's a fix .

It .

Make it big slime challenge now .

But hey , look , this is kind of like film .

Not really , it's just slime with , oh my gosh .

I'm , I'm sorry , Amir .

I try to be a good , all right .

Well , this is gonna be a hard one but , um , I made a baby bear .

Where did that come from ?

At that point ?

My slime is better .

Am I made a baby bear ?

Oh , it's so cute .

I'm kidding .

Oh , yes .

Can I kill the baby bear ?

Ok .

Can I kill it this way ?

Um , yeah , this one I don't want , I don't want it .

All right .

This is gonna be a very difficult one .

So I choose mine .

I thought it was gonna choose me .

I think my slime is probably the best slime on this table right now , do you mean ?

Yeah .

What do you mean ?

I even have a baby right here , baby bear holding mommy beard basically didn't make it tears apart .

It's not slime you .

You don't even have .

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I think mine is the best .

You challenged me to make slime .

And I made sign .

And now I think mine , I , I think I deserve to look .

We need to do a second round to see who .

Actually , I know the second round brings the entire challenge .

That's right .

I know that far from two .

So give us a sign .

Please tell me it's different or ?

Oops , I actually took some of your slime .

Oh my gosh .

Thank goodness .

Wait , this is am Yeah , this is am .

Oh my gosh .

Thank goodness Paul .

That was if you , if you need help to make slime , I can totally help you .

I know how to make slime a mirror .

I just had the trouble making it that bad for some reason .

Ok , I just overactivity then under and over it again .

I know what you did .

Well , you know the troubles of slime anyways pick your package .

I will pick blue again .

I'll pick you .

Wait , how do you make fluffy slime ?

You a leprechaun ?

I think she's a leprechaun .

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That's how she's so lucky .

Fluffy slime .

Like really go get your ingredients .

Ok , guys .

So for mine , it is clear slime and it's jiggly slime .

So I'm thinking pigment , excuse me coming through it .

It was my turn .

I'm gonna take shaving cream .

I fluffy slime .

It's shaving cream .

Right .

Right .

It does let me whatever .

Anyway guys , I was gonna do strawberries originally but cherry would be so much better .

I'm definitely doing that .

OK ?

So I'm gonna put some pigment .

OK ?

For my glitter , I am gonna grab some floats , lime coloring in pink .

Why not ?

OK , guys , I got to pick it .

Now I'm gonna get some red glitter .

This is gonna look so pretty cool cause there's cherry female slices .

All right , we're gonna get this giant one and then , and then I'm gonna get a finer one .

This 10 I'm gonna go to the very bottom which is the finest of the glitters .

Hey , look at how fine that is beautiful .

OK .

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And I got some glitters and what else should I get ?

Sprinkles ?

Little heart Sprinkle , right ?

You are happy to see some cherries slices around here .

I haven't seen any cherry m oh I'm taking them sharp guys .

I just realized there's no freaking cherry female slices .

So I'm gonna have to change my thing which isn't that bad .

I'm going to make it watermelon because we do have watermelon and they look really cool .

So I'm gonna get some watermelon female slices and everything's gonna be completely fine because I also have a watermelon scent and I think I'm done and I all right guys , I'm now gonna get some watermelon and some are there .

It is perfect .

I got , you just realized I almost forgot I need water to make the jiggle slime .

So we're gonna grab , um , like four bottles .

Just , I don't think I'm gonna need that much , but just in Kate and then I'm gonna need a bowl too .

What else can I add ?

I , I think I'm all done .

I would add some fish .

It's some foam meats .

But Paul yelled at Jeddah for adding a little bit of two foam meat .

So I think I'm just gonna stay safe and not add any meat .

They get her fat for this slime .

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They want to put a bit of activator into it first and then I'll add the water .

I know how to make fluffy slime .

All I have to do is put a bunch of shaving cream and I'm gonna win it .

You use the everywhere .

No , no , no .

I'm making pigment slime .

OK ?

Now I'm gonna mix that .

I added a wee bit of activator .

It's pigment slime .

So I think it should be OK .

All right .

So I'm just gonna add it like that .

And , um , then I'm going to add my water more , more , more .

My pigment mixing is gonna be inspired by Talisa Tassel because she adds the pigment like that .

And then I'm gonna add water on top and make it kind of jiggly feel pretty .

OK ?

This water is beautiful .

I should make it hot tub .

This is so beautiful guys .

Look what , what , what , what this is totally working out right here .

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I'm just gonna need it a little bit more .

Is that how I look with my film ?

Uh No , this is actually really good .

It just needs to get , you know , it needs me .

Oh Yeah , of course .

Yeah .

All right .

I made my fluffy lime this .

It's good .

It's good .

Now I'm gonna , I'm gonna put some slime calorie .

You said after forever guys .

I , I finally got the slime to absorb all the water .

It is sticky now though .

But look at how freaking beautiful it is .

It's like liquid love .

You want some love mom ?

Now I'm good .

And now I'm gonna put some pink .

All right guys added more water .

Look at this little bubble bubble .

Oh Look at how beautiful .

All right guys here it's my slime .

Now I added a bunch of activator suits like not stretchy at all .

I'm gonna add my last bit of water water and hopefully it activates again .

Ok , guys .

Look at how beautiful .

Look at .

Watch who who ?

It's so freaking pretty .

OK ?

And now I'm gonna add some watermelon scent .

It's got to smell like watermelons and I'm pretty sure Paul likes watermelon so we're not gonna have that problem again .

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Oh It smells so good guys .

It needs more .

All right , I add some more and then last but not least I gotta add the glitter and the female slices .

What do you do ?

I'm trying to put my not working .

I think I just need to put a little bit more right ?

That should do it .

Oh All right guys .

This smells amazing .

Now I'm gonna add my glitters to it .

Add a wee bit of that .

A wee bit of this sugar and pink and a wee bit of that .

Now we mix that in and then I add more into the top .

Then I will be done .

Now we just add a little bit of that there .

We bit of that there .

Oh right .

You're done .

Are you done ?

I'm almost done .

All right .

Awesome .

Its judgment time guys .

You want to go first ?

All right , you go first .

Let's see what you , you had a that fit in here in this little cup and you made this entire thing .

That's absolutely what I mean .

I , you're mad .

Whoa .

That's insane .

Beautiful .

Right .

It is very nice .

Very beautiful .

Did you do that ?

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What match in water ?

So is this , it looks like it's sticky to your hair .

It's just because I was I made it , you know .

Oh man , it's not sticky like I'm touching water but I'm not getting any water on me .

Now .

You were supposed to make that sound of the line .

Oh , sorry , I got excited .

Go ahead .

You do excited .

Well , it's kind of ruined .

I will just add some butter to the top .

Oh man , that is so cool .

Wow .

I am impressed by your slime Amira .

No , it , it , it Oh , it smells so good .

Yes , man .

Very nice .

Anyway to show yours Yes .

Mine , it's a beautiful creation .

It's called , yes , because it's our cloud .

So pretty , pretty nice .

I like it .

It's not stretching .

Can you hold it ?

Oh .

about that .

There we go .

All right .

Um , it's fluffy slime .

Yeah , it's pretty fluffy .

I like it and it's not sticky .

What I know .

Right .

So , do I win ?

Well , hold on still .

Judging here .

This is pretty nice .

I like this .

Hold on .

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My hands weren't blue , right ?

They were , I didn't make any blue sign .

I just , is this even mixed .

This is not even this food you got , you got my hand .

It was hard to make it .

It's actually that's , that's a um artistic creation .

OK .

Well , anyway , comparison for size , she's got bigger sign .

You had this much and you , you made it a little bit bigger but not that much .

And also a yours is really pretty .

So you win this .

I redeem myself .

I don't know what happened to mine .

I just want to say thank goodness you didn't have Paul Fly for this round because I would have been terrible with shaving cream .

But if you guys hope you joining me , you call out for another one of these videos and that is so much .

I really hope I didn't say .


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