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2023-08-26 14:34:45

What I ATE to LOSE WEIGHT at 50 Years Old 🍎 Pahla B Fitness

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Yeah , I get that .

I'm gonna have you scoot .

Thank you .

Welcome to my kitchen .

Let's talk about how I eat .

Hey , super quick .

Before we get started .

I just wanted to let you know that this is not any kind of professional advice .

I'm not a nutritionist or a dietician .

I'm not telling you what to eat .

I'm just showing you what I eat for curiosity's sake .

If you have questions about what you should be eating for weight loss , I wholeheartedly recommend that you talk to a professional .

All right , let's go .

Hey , killer bees , I'm Paula .

Be your best middle aged fitness friend .

And I am currently losing weight .

You guys , I get asked this question all the time and I want to be 100% clear about something I don't eat any particular specific way and the way that I eat works for me .

Not because of what I eat .

Exactly , but simply because I am eating the right number of calories consistently every single day .

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Let's talk really quickly about how weight loss works .

First of all , I know that lots of you think that you have to eat less and move more and the fact is you actually at our age really have to move the right amount and you have to eat the right amount and it's not necessarily less or more than what you're doing .

It's much more about being consistent .

I've talked about this in a couple of different places and so I'm going to point you to opening up the description box below .

If you're on like your mobile or a desktop .

If you're watching me on TV , you're gonna need to be on one of the other two things to be able to open up the description box .

I actually have a 22 page free information resource that talks all about how to lose weight at our age , how to figure out the right number of calories for you , how to figure out the right kind of exercise for you .

It truly covers all the bases .

So I'm not going to go into it a lot today .

I also have a five part weight loss podcast series .

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I'm going to point you in the direction of that too so that you can listen all about my weight loss story and how to lose weight and all the science behind it and honestly , truly everything you could possibly need to know .

But let's talk about what I eat you guys .

The first thing I did when I wanted to lose weight when I calculated exactly how many calories I need to be eating and what I did was I went to five different calorie calculators again , open up the description box for the free resource and it has the links to the five websites that I went to when I went to the five different calculators .

I told it that I'm 50 years old because I am .

I told it how tall I am told me how much I weigh , told them how many pounds I wanted to lose , which was not really all that many , about 10 and approximately how long I wanted to take .

Now , I actually told the different calculators that I wanted to take several months to lose the weight because I didn't want it to put me on some kind of extreme diet where I wasn't eating enough .

I told the calculators that I exercise moderately because I do .

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We talked about this last week and I want you to know that moderate for me might not be moderate for you , but this is moderate for me .

So the number that he gave me was 1350 .

That number might sound really big to you .

It might sound really small to you .

It might sound just right .

It doesn't really matter .

It's the amount of calories that the calculators told me I needed to eat .

Make sure that you calculate yours for me .

The easiest way to eat the same number of calories every day is to honestly eat the same things every day .

I have a routine that I totally stick with almost no matter what .

I eat a protein shake for breakfast .

Now , let me be super duper clear .

I don't eat a protein shake because it's super healthy .

I eat it because it's convenient and it's delicious .

I have a handful of spinach , a banana , eight ounces of milk , a scoop of protein powder .

And I buy the cheapest one I can .

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I get asked this all the time about which one's the best kind .

I don't have an opinion about .

Best .

I use the one that doesn't cost very much and tastes like a chocolate milkshake .

I blend it up in my Nutribullet and boom , it's breakfast for lunch .

I have one of two things and it really kind of depends .

This is where I get into a little bit of fling .

I already know what I'm gonna be having for dinner and that influences what I'm gonna be having for lunch .

I have two different things that I generally choose from from my lunch .

One of them is just a turkey and cheese tortilla wrap .

It's incredibly simple and incredibly easy to make .

It takes about 30 seconds .

It's one plain corn tortilla about a handful of spinach , a slice of sharp cheddar cheese and 45 or six slices of cream , black pepper turkey .

It's incredibly easy to make .

The other thing that I make is a salad .

I have a nice big salad bowl .

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I have a couple of cups of dark leafy greens .

I usually get the 50 50 mix that's spring greens and baby spinach .

And then depending on what I'm gonna have for dinner is what influences what I'm gonna put into my salad most of the time .

It's incredibly simple .

It's a couple of , a couple of , of cherry tomatoes and a can of tuna .

Now , if I'm having a lower calorie dinner , then I might put in like half of an avocado or a little bit of cheese , something that has more calories and is a little bit more filling .

It really depends .

This is where I can play with my calories a lot on the days when I eat a salad every day after lunch , I have a dessert of an apple .

I love , love , love eat apples .

And so that's a really easy way for me to get a little bit of fruit in my day .

Not a lot .

I don't like fruit .

So before dinner time , I'm right about 750 calories , which gives me a little bit of room to play with my dinner .

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I am , I am honestly the most boring cook in the entire world .

I have a list of about a dozen different dinners that I am willing to make that I like to eat and that I can almost always have the ingredients on hand for .

And every Saturday I make my kids pick what we're having for dinner .

That week .

We write it on the white board .

It's already ready to go .

I go shopping on Saturday so I know for sure that I have all of the ingredients that I'm gonna need .

And then boom , I make dinner .

My dinner is vary in calories anywhere between like at the very low end , about 350 which is pretty rare to a high end of about 500 .

Generally , my dinners are about 450 calories give or take a little bit when in doubt .

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Depending on what I have had earlier in the day , I can almost always fix the portion size to have either a little bit more or a little bit less and make sure that I'm still coming in in my calories and you'll notice that there's still room in my day .

I always , always , always save room for dessert .

You guys , you guys , I don't care if I'm losing weight .

You cannot take dessert from me .

So every day after dinner , after I walk the dog with my husband , I come home and I have a little treat of a nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt with a little bit of honey and a little bit of cinnamon .

And you guys , it is just , it's just the right amount of sweet .

It's the right amount of something and it's got more protein in it .

So it really helps me finish off my day and not be hungry for a snack .

Now , I know that I get asked all the time if I'm careful about my carbs or if I do intermittent fasting or any kind of like specific style of eating .

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And honestly , I really don't , I truly believe that eating foods that you love in portions that make sense is the easiest way to lose weight .

Way back when I 1st , 1st , 1st started getting healthy 15 years ago .

If you had told me that I had to eat the way that I eat right now , I wouldn't have been able to do it .

I , I absolutely would not have been able to do it .

I didn't eat healthy at all .

And even now there's absolutely room in my day for healthier foods .

I eat the foods that I like in portions that meet my calorie goals and then the weight takes care of itself because I'm not stressed out about trying to eat healthy or trying to eat a certain way or counting really anything other than my calories .

I try to keep things as simple as enjoyable as easy as possible .

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Also , even though I'm not gonna tell you what to eat , I do actually have a couple of practical tips that have totally worked for me to help me keep my portion sizes just right .

I always use the smaller cup on my Nutribullet instead of the big one .

You'd be surprised how much more actually fits in that big cup .

And for most of my meals , I use the small salad plate instead of the dinner plate .

Both of those are great ways to kind of trick your brain into thinking that you're getting this huge portion so that you can feel really satisfied and yet it's probably less than you would have eaten otherwise .

And it can really help you stay on track with your calories .

So you guys , I know that this is a fun little peek into somebody else's routine .

And now of course , I'm curious , tell me what you eat .

Do you have your calories figured out ?

Do you eat a certain way that's working for you or are you still trying to figure out exactly how to eat for weight loss ?

I would love to know .

Leave me a comment .

I'll see you in the next video .


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