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2023-08-27 08:31:49


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We are gonna get a viral Instagram video today .

What's up everyone ?

Welcome back to my channel today .

I'm back with a brand new slime video for you and we are going to be doing some more random Instagram slime trends .

Y'all know this super jiggly water slime has been super popping on Instagram lately and I'm gonna show you all how to make that today .

So if you're excited to make sure you give this video a big slimy thumbs up for me also while you're here might as well go ahead and subscribe to my channel to become a unicorn .

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You are notified every single time that I go live or that I am just posting a video , things like that .

And yeah , I'm really excited to get on with the video .

So let's get started .

Shall we ?

All right .

So first we're gonna start off with the hottest trend in the slab community right now .

And that is a water slime .

If you don't know what that is , it's basically just a super jiggly clear slime .

So to start it off , I'm gonna go ahead and empty out some clear glue and some food coloring .

I don't know why I put the food coloring in first .

Honestly , I was just kind of feeling it that day .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and use this five ounce bottle of clear glue here .

I use the entire thing .

It's not like a normal slime where the amount of glue determines how much slime you're gonna have because we're gonna be adding in a lot of water to this .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and mix up the glue and the food coloring really quickly just until I get my desired color and then we're gonna add the water .

So I ended up adding in , I wanna say a whole water bottle's worth .

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However , I would definitely recommend that you just add in a little bit of your water at first just because you kind of want to introduce it into the glue because the glue is very thick .

It's gonna be very hard to kind of mix it all together if you add in all of the water at once .

So just add a good amount , maybe just a quarter of the water bottle .

And then you can go ahead and add in the rest of it and it should make a lot easier .

Just a little pro tip about that .

Next , I went ahead and filled that up about three quarters of the way and I poured that in as well .

So it's not a full water bottle .

It's like one water bottle and 3/4 of another water bottle , I guess .

Um And I'm just mixing that all together .

I just wanted it to be super jiggly so that you all can see , you could definitely even add more to this .

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It's just you don't really , you need to find the balance because if you add too much , it's just gonna be water basically .

So what you just saw was me adding in some Borax solution .

I'm using a weaker Borax solution that I usually use for my clear glue activator just because I want to introduce even more water into this line here .

If you want to do a weaker solution , it's just half a teaspoon of Borax to one cup of water .

And that is what I use while activating your water sign , you're probably gonna feel like it's doing nothing like you're just adding in a whole bunch of activator and it's not coming together .

But trust me , it eventually will , you'll start to see it come together in the middle first , but then you'll need to work the outer layer of the as well .

And it will just come together right before your eyes .

I actually left in the entire mixing here .

So you all can see how it's congealing together .

And eventually , you know , I just kept mixing because I know there was extra borax in there and it all came together and it looks really , really jiggly .

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So this year is how my water slime came out .

I was gonna leave it like this .

But then I decided I wanted to make it a little bit cuter .

So I added in some rubber ducky charms and I just thought it looked like a little bubble bath .

It was super , super cute .

This was a little sticky because it's super , super jiggly .

So before I played with it , I just put some all over my hand so that I wouldn't stick to me too much .

And then I just went in right next .

We're gonna be mixing some orb into some clear slime and I've seen my friend Rainbow Playmaker do this a couple of times .

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She likes to squish them up and just add them into like a clear slime .

So I was like , I need to try this .

This is probably really , really cool .

So I got the ju orb and I fully like , activated them in the water and stuff , but some of them actually , like , busted while that happened .

So I'm not too sure .

And then the other ones weren't even , like , ready yet .

I don't even , no , I honestly have no words for that , but I just decided I was going to go ahead and use them anyway .

So they're still pretty squishy .

So I have my clear slime here .

I don't show you how to make the clear slime in this video because I'm pretty sure we all know how to make clear slime which is clear glue and some activator .

Am I right ?

So this is just some leftover h2o which is a slime that I sell in my shop .

It's just a regular clear slime and it's normally very clearer than this .

Clearer than this .

It's much more clear than this usually .

That's how I should say that .

Uh And the only reason why it's super , super bubbly is because this is actually the one that I used to play with in the video for the restocking video .

So that's why it looks a little bit bubbly .

I didn't want to wait .

So I was like , you know , we're just gonna do this .

So I'm squishing in my little or , and I'm just throwing it in there .

It looks super , super cool .

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It almost reminds me of like a geo type of thing .

Like a rock kind of texture .

It looked really nice .

Ok , the sound the orb make when they're being squished is actually very satisfying to me .

And I'm actually kind of surprised about that .

Um , mixing it into the slime was a little bit of a challenge just because they're very slippery .

It doesn't really stick into the slime , which I kind of knew because I've put orb in white slime before , so I kind of figured that and it kind of actually um , melted the slime a little bit .

It was getting very , very sticky but other than that , it was actually really fun to play with .

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Alright y'all next , we're gonna be doing a super trendy cloud slime color mixing video .

I don't know .

I've seen my friends slime glitters and city do this all the time .

They're like the kings of cloud slime .

So I was like , I'm gonna try this .

All right .

So you're just gonna need a cloud slime .

You're going to need some coloring , preferably coloring that's not like in this lime and then some glitters as well .

I'm using some holographic star glitters , so I'm just taking this regular orange cloud slime here that I actually really love it .

Scented like orange soda and it smells so so good and I'm just kind of fluffing it up a little bit because we want to start the video off with it .

Super super fluffy and we're just gonna go ahead and drizzle it .

It is a commonly known fact that I do not really know how to drizzle cloud slime .

I'm pretty awful at it and it took me a couple of times .

I'm sorry about that .

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But also I feel like it's kind of my camera's fault because my camera's microphone sticks out of the camera .

So I usually , like , knock out my whole camera while I'm drizzling cloud slime this struggle very real .

Anyways , we finally got to a point .

I just kind of shifted it to the other side to make it look pretty .

We're gonna add in those glitters there .

I definitely added a little bit too much , but you know , some people say you can never have enough glitter and I kind of agree .

Now we're gonna go ahead and add in that food coloring to make it look nice .

You gotta get that good thumbnail shot and you are done .

You can just mix it all together .

Total fail .

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Alright .

Well , that was pretty much it for this video .

I really hope you all enjoyed this like Instagram slime trend kind of thing that I have going on .

I really don't know what's called this video .

The whole kind of concept of the video started with the water slime and then I was like , well , why don't I do this ?

And then why don't I do this ?

So you know , it's kind of a random Instagram slime compilation kind of just throwing it at you there .

You know , if you enjoyed the video , don't forget to give it a big slimy thumbs up and subscribe to my channel .

I mean , if you have gotten this far and you're not a unicorn , what are you doing ?

Come on .

Thank you all so much for watching .

I love you very freaking much and I will see you all next time .

Bye .

Didn't have .


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