Hi , my name is Chris Hart .
I'm a cartoonist and today I'm gonna show you how to draw a face uh by constructing it according to the planes of the head , the outsides .
And we're going to see if we can come up with some interesting designs .
It's a basic looking head and needs a little work .
It's nice , but it's very plain .
And I kind of want to give this guy a little more character .
So we'll get into that here .
We put the nose up out first .
So we have the direction where he's going and I'm going to give him world weary eyes .
He's a world weary teenager .
We'll darken these in a little later .
He's uh not too happy and we'll bring this down to a chin over here and bring it up like that straight line rather than a gradual line .
Now , that means that this neck doesn't work from that angle .
We're gonna have to bring this back here .
So he's now leaning a little bit forward , stick the ear back here .
So now we have this interesting plane here and the back of the head has to have a little more mass .
So we're gonna bring that down this way .
Oh And since we're doing that , then we just connect the two .
You see like this , if you look for places to connect a concept and that line is really a concept , this straight line here .
And this is a nice line here to follow through with a floppy hair , floppy hair style a little bit where the sideburns would go .
So let's give him a little turtle neck here .
By the way , when you draw a turtle neck , the neck is round and because it's round , the turtle neck itself has to be round instead of instead of cut off straight , that's so that's a little hint that might help .
He's got poor posture the way I did as a teenager , let's have a little squiggle in here .
All right .
Now , let's darken some things in and see what we , what we have when we're finished .
Like the thick lines , it gives it sort of a retro look covering a lot on the forehead with that floppy hair .
You don't have to indicate a part .
So if you want to go somewhere in there , let me give him a little less back .
Now , we can give them just a little tweak of the expression .
So he's just slightly curious .
One eyebrow goes up the other's down , let's shade in here .
And there's the idea of how to create a character by shifting the planes