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2023-08-25 06:50:54

Sunnah Ways To Lose Weight Now

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Hey guys , it's Neil .

Welcome back .

So after I did my video about what I eat in a day , I told you guys that I lost £10 got a lot of requests on how I lost the weight .

However , I don't really feel qualified to give dietary advice .

I know a lot of people on youtube do , but I think it's kind of , I don't think , I just don't think it's right .

You guys don't know in the Koran , there is a lot of dietary advice , a lot of things that the profit PB upon him used to do .

So I thought , why not give you guys the ultimate dietary advice , obviously referencing what the profit PB upon him used to do and the Koran because it is the ultimate advice , right ?

That is what we're going to be talking about today .

Also , if you guys haven't already subscribed to my channel , actually , no way if you keep watching this video and you like what you see , make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications and all that good stuff .

But yeah , let's just get started with the video .

Ok ?

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So the first , I don't know if I should be calling these hacks benefits or advice .

Hack hack is pretty much like advice I'd say anyways , the first thing is a black seed , black seed is a big deal .

It has a cure for everything besides death .

You guys , let's just internalize this cure for everything besides death .

We should be putting this in our wheaties .

We should be putting this in our pasta .

No , not actually not in your pasta because that would be kind of gross and not only black seed , black seed oil as well .

It has been linked to play a role in fighting obesity .

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There's a lot of research that says black seed can help to regulate glucose levels , which all play a role in helping our body maintain a healthy and normal weight and it flushes out excess water weight from your body , which also , you know , helps to get rid of a loaded belly and on top of all of that stuff , it helps to regulate our metabolism .

Of course , if you have a good metabolism , the faster your body burns calories .

And I mean , I'm not like a scientist or anything better .

Your metabolism is the more you're going to be able to lose weight in a healthy way .

Next thing is the amount of food that we consume .

For me personally , I feel like 80% of the weight that we are is because the amount of food that we eat .

Obviously , I'm not saying that exercise and all these other things aren't important .

But if you're eating so many calories and you're not burning them off , then obviously they're going to turn into fat .

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So the amount of food that you eat is super , super important when it comes to losing weight and being healthy .

And there's also a head deep that backs this up .

A human being feels no worse vessel than his stomach .

It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight .

But if he feels it , then one third of food , one third for drink and one third for air .

So obviously , the profit piece to be upon him was saying that we shouldn't be filling our stomach all the way to the top where you can't move .

You can't lie down or you have to lie down because you ate so much food , everything in balance , right ?

I feel like a slam is so much about balance .

Also pointing out that we should only fill our stomach with one third of food and then the rest air and then the rest drink a super balanced approach .

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If we are filling our stomachs to the top where we can't move and we feel uncomfortable , then obviously we're going to gain weight , we're going to have too many calories just sitting on our body and then our body is going to be like , hey , let's store this into fat .

I feel like this is just another great example of a slam showing us balance , right ?

I feel like balance with everything .

Nothing to the extreme , not to the extreme where you eat nothing versus the extreme of where you fill yourself to the absolute top where you can't move .

This is just another great example of balance and how to be balanced in our life .

If you guys think about it , Islam is just such a way of life .

It comments on everything and everything that it mentions is in balance , which is I love , I just love it .

The next thing is breakfast .

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So obviously , when we're fasting , it says in the car and that eating so is really important because there's blessings in it numerous that the prophet peace be upon him recommended that we eat uh breakfast or so .

And of course , we shouldn't just be eating breakfast when we want to just rub it on and just skip it all together .

When you eat breakfast in the morning , you're less likely to be hungry and overindulged later in the day or just get super , super hungry that you come home and you just like , you know , gouge on whatever in front of you .

According to Hadith , the prophet piece of upon him would have soaked dates first thing in the morning , which would be considered his breakfast .

And dates are something that I love to incorporate into my breakfast .

Not only is it filled with fiber and really going , what's the word you know , get rid of all the , the stuff that is inside of you because you'll eat things and they really won't keep you full .

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Even if you ate a large amount of that , it really won't keep you full .

However , with dates , I feel like they're so filling , they have a lot of fiber , they have protein in them .

So they're really gonna keep you going .

Which is amazing because when it comes to weight loss , you really , really want to stick to things that are gonna keep you fuller for long hunger and obviously have less of the bad sugars instead of you wasting calories on things that aren't going to give you energy .

All of a sudden you're going to be hungry all over again in like a couple of minutes that always happens to me with sushi dates are super , super amazing .

Obviously , a lot of you guys know that eating dates is CNA profit peace be upon them , used to love dates and it makes so much sense why it keeps you full .

It's really good for your bow .

So many amazing things .

I personally love to put them in my smoothies .

If you've seen uh some of my other like food videos before , I love putting them in smoothies because they're so sweet .

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It's like you're eating a candy if you are a sugar addict and you are trying to lose weight .

I 100% recommend eating dates because they're really going to give you that sweet fix that you need .

Plus on top of that , all the the other benefits that I just mentioned .

The next thing is digestion and digestion , of course , is super important when it comes to weight loss .

If you have bad digestion , you know , you're going to be bloated .

Of course , when it comes to digestion , there's so many things that I can recommend .

However , if you guys don't know , this isn't really , but praying can actually really help with your digestion when you mix it with yoga as well .

These movements in a they are kind of linked to the movements that you do in yoga .

So mixing yoga with prayer , obviously , I'm not saying do them simultaneously at the same time .

But obviously , these two things help to relieve stress .

Also , they help to maintain a balanced blood glucose level .

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That's really hard to say blood glucose level , which is super important for our body when we are trying to lose weight .

Ok .

The next thing is exercise .

If you guys don't know , exercise is actually I didn't realize this until recently , which is pretty cool .

According to the companions of the prophet peace , be upon him .

He used to walk faster than other people .

And that's how he got his exercise , which is so cute when it comes to losing weight , living a healthy and balanced lifestyle exercise should definitely be included for this .

I feel like , do I really need to explain why exercise has so many benefits to it .

However , I love how the example the prophet needs to be upon him is just like a simple one of him exercising .

He wasn't , you know , doing squats , he wasn't doing crazy activities .

He was just walking really , really fast .

He was getting his heart pounding , he was moving , maybe he was even sweating if he was walking super , super fast .

Ok .

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So the next thing is fasting , not just fasting when it Ramadan , but fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is when the profit used to be upon him .

Used to fast .

Obviously , we shouldn't just be fasting because we want to lose weight .

It is a very effective way to lose weight .

I mean , some people gain weight during Ramadan .

But personally , for me , I always lose weight , my stomach shrinks .

Obviously , there's so many health benefits of fasting too .

And like I said before , I think it gives us a reality check of how much food we really need to survive and just how much food that we probably eat that we shouldn't be eating .

I always get this just big reality check when I'm fasting of , I don't need all this extra food that I'm putting into my body .

So not only does it help change you physically ?

I feel like it also helps to change you mentally if you guys agree .

Let me know in the comments down below .

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So just wrapping up this video and ending this video , I wanted to just leave you guys with something that the prophet used to do when he would find food or there would be food placed in front of him that he didn't like .

And he had food that he liked , he would eat it .

Of course .

And if he didn't like it , then he would just remain quiet , which is obviously a really polite way to handle food that you don't necessarily like .

So next time your mom or your wife put something in front of you , you don't really like just remain quiet .

Anyways , I really hope you guys enjoyed this video .

If you did make sure to give this video a like uh subscribe and yeah , thank you so much for watching .

I hope this video helps you guys .

Bye .


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