Hello , friends .
My name is Ishi Singh .
And in this video , we are gonna make a fluffy slime using only two ingredients .
It is super easy to make and can be made under 60 seconds .
So let's get started first .
We need a bow to mix the slime .
So our first ingredient is white blue .
You can find it easily on the stationary shop and our second ingredient is shaving cream .
It is also easily available .
So let's get started .
First .
We need some glute .
Now we need to add some saving cream .
Now we will start mixing it .
Now , our slime has started to take a shape .
Now we need to play with it and stretch it .
Now we need to add some water in it .
Now , we will mix the slime with water for some time here .
I am keeping this slime for five minutes .
Now you can see our slime has become stretchable , so our slime is ready to play .
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Thank you for watching and be creative .