Milk and Indian sweets go hand in hand .
You can't imagine one without the other and topping my list is rest mala .
It takes me to another high .
So let me reveal the sweet secrets of this tasty treat .
I'm gonna start with boiling one liter of full fat milk .
Let the milk boil for at least 5 to 7 minutes .
First take around two tablespoons of milk and I'm just going to soak a few saffron strands in the milk .
Let's keep this aside , keep stirring the milk periodically .
Otherwise it's gonna start sticking to the pan and also scrape out the cream that gets stuck to the rim .
I have a bowl of cold milk over here and I'm gonna sweeten it with powdered sugar .
And also I'm gonna cheat over here by adding color so that I get a nice yellow color to the milk .
Once the sugar is mixed nicely in the milk , I'm gonna squeeze out all the sugar syrup from the sla and soak them in this milk .
You can see this well , back in the original shape because it's absorbed all the milk .
Now let them soak in this milk for some time .
The milk is boiling in seven minutes .
And now I'm going to add some sugar and again , let it reduce whenever you're boiling milk , especially for Indian sweets .
Make sure you use a steel or aluminum pan .
Not a non-stick one , you can see the milk has reduced quite a bit totally .
It's been boiling since 14 , 15 minutes and now I'm going to flavor it with some roasted cardamom powder .
Also , I'm going to add the soaked saffron and you can see the beautiful color .
It's pretty expensive .
So make sure you use every strand of it .
Boil it for a minute .
The milk is boiled to the perfect consistency and now I'm gonna let it cool down for at least one hour .
Let it come down to room temperature completely .
Before we add the RAAS , the milk is completely cooled down now and I'm gonna add a few drops of color .
Don't add the color while boiling .
And now I'm going to add the soaked rasul in .
Let's play this and also garnish it with some chopped pistachio flakes and some chopped almond flakes .
And my my is ready .
Be sure to serve absolutely chilled and I can't wait to bite into them .
So here I go .