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2023-08-25 07:05:48

How To Make THIS Epoxy Coffee Table _ Resin Tutorial DIY

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And this is where you see the beautiful thing about the hair kettle , it's balanced so that you can just rest it and it , and it pours ever so gently .

You get really good control over the water as it goes into the cone .

Some people let the coffee stay moisture up for 45 45 50 seconds .

I go a little bit faster but you should experiment and see what you like .

And you can see the gasses are pouring up here on the top and we're getting a nice little dome on our grounds , which is going to make a nice tasty cup of coffee .

You want to stay off the edges of the filter with the water and really have good control over that .

And you also don't want to fill too much water into the , into the pot at one time , into the cone at one time .

You really want to keep the cap of the water as low as you can , the top of the water level , as low as you can .

About half .

You can , of course , put this on a rack .

You can put it on a coffee pot , but you want to keep an eye on it .

So you don't actually over spill and make an enormous mess when you're making coffee this way .

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And the neat thing about the pour over is you can make as much coffee or as little as you want with this .

If you just want to make a cup , you can make a cup .

If you want to make more , you can make more .

Um , I've even made whole pots with this before and that worked reasonably well .

I'm going to call that a cup and it's , uh , time to enjoy some coffee .

So , how did I do , Chen ?

Let me , let me test this .

I brought my own work .

That's , that's pretty good .

Coffee .

Does have a very sharp aftertaste .

The thing about this ?

The catch with the , is it , how much do you think this kettle cost $20 ?

That's a good best .

It's made of aluminum , I think .

Maybe stainless steel .

It's very light .

It feels kind of flimsy , almost like it's made of tin .

It is 60 bucks .

Yeah .

The reason it's 60 bucks is because you can really fine control the amount of pouring , you know , you can turn it on and off .

That's a fancy pore .

It's , you know , you can get all over the place .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Uh , the reason we're talking about this now they used to be really hard to get the hair stuff in general .

You used to have to know somebody in Japan to get it and , or send somebody over , go on a trip or import it at a great cost .

William Sonoma recently has started selling this .

You can get to Sonoma now it's a little bit more expensive there .

I think there's also a couple of people that sell on Amazon .

But in the meantime , if you would like to try pouring over , check us out , there's a lot of good videos on youtube as well .

And it , I will , I would like more of this coffee .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

And the neat thing about the pour over is you can make as much coffee or as little as you want with this .

If you just want to make a cup , you can make a cup .

If you want to make more , you can make more .

Um , I've even made whole pots with this before and that worked reasonably well .

I'm going to call that a cup and it's , uh , time to enjoy some coffee .

So , how did I do , Chen ?

Let me , let me test this .

I brought my own work .

That's , that's pretty good .

Coffee .

Does have a very sharp aftertaste .

The thing about this ?

The catch with the , is it , how much do you think this kettle cost $20 ?

That's a good best .

It's made of aluminum , I think .

Maybe stainless steel .

It's very light .

It feels kind of flimsy , almost like it's made of tin .

It is 60 bucks .

Yeah .

The reason it's 60 bucks is because you can really fine control the amount of pouring , you know , you can turn it on and off .

That's a fancy pore .

It's , you know , you can get all over the place .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Uh , the reason we're talking about this now they used to be really hard to get the hair stuff in general .

You used to have to know somebody in Japan to get it and , or send somebody over , go on a trip or import it at a great cost .

William Sonoma recently has started selling this .

You can get to Sonoma now it's a little bit more expensive there .

I think there's also a couple of people that sell on Amazon .

But in the meantime , if you would like to try pouring over , check us out , there's a lot of good videos on youtube as well .

And it , I will , I would like more of this coffee .


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