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2023-08-25 07:27:34


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Hey guys , what's up and welcome back to my channel .

I hope you guys are doing great .

I feel like it's been a while since I've done a slime video on this channel .

So today I am going to be sharing with you six slime recipes that I love making all the time .

I hope you guys enjoyed this video .

If you do enjoy it , be sure to give it a big thumbs up and if you are new to my channel and if you could maybe click the subscribe button , that would be so so awesome .

Also , before we get started , I wanted to let you guys know that I did a squishy and slime dares video on my second channel .

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So in case you guys haven't seen that video , I will leave a link for it down below , but I wanted to do another one .

So if you guys have any squishy and slime dares or like even challenges , then be sure to leave them in the comments down below to be featured in my upcoming video with that all being said , I hope you all enjoyed this video and let's get right into it .

Ok , guys .

So the first lime that we are going to be making is glitter slime .

So I have some clear glue over here and I'm going to pour one cup into a bowl next to give this some color .

I'm going to be using food coloring .

So I added one drop of blue and one drop of green .

I'm trying to get that perfect blue green mermaid kind of color if that makes any sense .

Now comes the fun part A K A adding in the glitter .

So I used several different kinds of glitters for this .

I added in this blue green reflective glitter , which was so pretty .

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By the way , then I added in some iridescent and silver glitter .

Basically , you want to add different kinds and colors of glitter .

So that will kind of give it more dimension .

This is legit , my favorite part of the video , I love mixing and glitter .

It just looks so pretty and I don't know , I just really love how it looks .

So this is definitely my favorite part .

Now you can go ahead and activate your slime .

So you wanna add the activator in little by little so that you don't end up adding in too much or too less of the activator .

So you wanna keep adding it in and mixing it very well .

Here is the completed slime .

You can make so many variations of this slime by adding in different colors of food coloring and different kinds of glitter next up , we're going to be making fluffy slime .

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So for this one , you're going to need white glue and I am going to add in half a cup of it into a bowl .

Then you're going to need shaving cream and foaming hand wash .

So I used half a cup of shaving cream and then I added in about like I would say eight pumps of the foaming hand wash .

Then you want to mix that in all together next to give this some color .

I'm going to add in some yellow acrylic paint and I did add in a lot of the paint just to get a really nice , vibrant yellow to make our slime thicker and stretchier .

We're going to add in some corn starch and some body lotion .

So I added in one tablespoon of corn starch and then I added in a few pumps of the body lotion and I'm gonna mix that in very well .

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And now you can go ahead and activate your slime and here is the completed slime .

I really love the color of this and it's so much fun to play with the third slime recipe that I'm going to be sharing with you is cloud slime .

So I'm going to pour one cup of white glue into a bowl .

Then I'm gonna go ahead and color it using some acrylic paint .

Now , you can activate your slime and you want to actually kind of over activate this because the instant snow will kind of like start melting the slime .

So it's better that your slime should be kind of over activated .

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Now , you're going to need instant snow .

This is different than like the premade snow that you can get .

I will leave a link down below for the one that I used .

But according to the packaging , you're going to need one teaspoon of snow with a quarter cup of water .

And by the way , I did actually use way more snow than this .

You want to start dipping your slime into the snow and you want to need it together .

And as soon as you start needing it , it will kind of start melting the slime .

So you wanna keep adding in more snow to this and eventually you will be left with this really cool slime to play with .

I absolutely love the texture of this .

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It's so much fun to play with and this is like for sure , one of my favorite slimes ever for the fourth slime .

I am going to be making crunchy or fish bowl slime in a bowl .

I added in a half a cup of clear glue .

Then I'm gonna add in my food coloring and mix that in .

You can of course color your slime , whatever color you like this is kind of optional .

But I ended up adding in this white iridescent glitter to this lime because I thought it would give it some dimension even though we are gonna add in like the fish bowl beads .

And again , I absolutely love mixing in glitter .

So now you wanna go ahead and activate your slime .

Now , this time around you want your slime to kind of be sticky .

So it's not really fully activated at this point .

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Um But you just wanna make sure that it's sticky so that the beads can actually like stick into the slime .

So now I'm gonna add in my beads .

I will leave a link down below for this .

I got these from Amazon .

I think I added in half a cup of the beads .

Now you can add in more or less but don't add too much of the beads because if you add in too many , they will start coming out of this slime .

And let me tell you guys , it isn't fun at all .

And here is the completed crunchy slime .

Next , we are going to be making some foam .

So in a bowl , I added in one cup of clear glue .

Then I added in a lot of food coloring here .

Um I was using like this neon pink color and I wanted it to be like an actual neon pink .

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So I went kind of heavy ended with the food coloring again to give this some dimension I added in some glitter .

Not gonna lie .

I add in the glitter mainly because I just love adding glitter into it and I love mixing it in plus you can never go wrong with adding in some glitter .

When you're activating this line again , you do kind of want it to be on the stickier side because we are going to be adding in the foam beads .

We are now going to add in the magical foam ingredient .

A K A foam beads .

I got these from Amazon as well .

I placed my foam beads into a bowl and then I'm pouring my slime on top .

You want to keep adding foam beads in this until the slime cannot take any more of them .

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And there is the completed foam for the final slime recipe .

I am going to be making some butter slime .

I added in one cup of white Elmer glue into a bowl .

Then I'm gonna add in a lot of shaving cream and a few pumps of body lotion and mix that in .

I'm now gonna go ahead and activate my slime to get that butter like texture .

We are going to be using some diso clay .

You can also use model magic for this .

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But this was my first time using diso clay for butter slime .

And I will say that I prefer it way more than using model magic .

It just has this really nice texture to it , which is kind of hard to describe .

But honestly , I really love diso clay .

Thumbs up .

Here is the completed butter slime and that is it for today's video .

I hope you all enjoyed it .

Be sure to leave a comment down below letting me know what is your favorite kind of slime ?

I hope you all are having a fantastic day .

I love you guys so much and I will see you in my next one .


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