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2023-08-25 06:54:03

10 SIMPLE LOWERBODY EXERCISES _ Grow Your Legs & Booty - Full At Home Workout Routine - No Equipment

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Welcome to this booty workout .

We are starting off with a warm up of marching in place .

You want your core tight and you just want to march like you mean it , you are marching all the way to the land of booty .

Paradise .

Is that even a thing ?

Booty ?

Paradise ?

Let's go .

Awesome .

Ok .

Next up , we have hip openers .

This workout is really good .

If you are trying to grow your legs , I'm going to be doing all the exercises without any weights .

But if you are more advanced and you're trying to grow your legs , I recommend you add in dumbbells when you can and resistance bands as well .

We are focusing on growing those legs today .

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Ok .

Next up , we have side steps .

Keep that cord tight and just step side to side good .

Just a few more seconds .

Add in those hands .

If you're feeling good finally for a warm up , we are going to do a Macarena .

Your core is tight and you are just rolling , rolling , rolling .

Hey , you look good .

Keep going .

Ok .

First set of exercises , toe touch squats , you're going to keep your core tight .

You're going to keep your feet super duper wide and you're going to squat and touch your toes while squatting because we are advanced over here .

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We can't just be squatting like normal people .

We got to touch our toes while we do it too .

Are you ready ?

Let's do it .

Good .

Keep going .

Really ?

Keep that cord tight .

Remember to sit back as if you're sitting in a chair and try not to let your knees pass your toeses too much .

It's ok if it goes a little bit , but try not to let it go too far past your toes .

Good , good .

The white stance really helps to target that side .

Booty .

And squats in general are good for your quads and your butt .

Mostly your quads , but it's also targeting your butt .

We're going to do some exercises specifically for your booty in just a second .

So just keep going .

You got this awesome .

Next up , we have squat pulses .

You're going to go into your squat position and you're just going to pulse up and down .

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Like I'm doing , your core is tight the whole time and you are just controlling this movement .

This is really going to target your booty , but mostly your thighs .

The main booty isolation exercises are coming , I promise .

Let's do this together .

Good job .

Really keep that cord tight .

Remember to sit back , your knees shouldn't be going too far past your toes .

I know it burns , but you got this .

You can do it keep going .

There you go .

You're doing a good job .

Just keep going .

Just keep pulsing .

Take your time .

Take it easy .

Take a quick break if you need to , but just get right back into it almost there .

Good .

Next up , we have leg extensions .

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You're going to get on all fours and you're going to extend your leg .

Like you see me do , your core is tight and you are activating your booty or going to do this on each leg .

This really targets your booty like no man's business .

It's so good .

This should be a slow and controlled movement .

Your core should be tight .

Good job .

Good .

Squeeze that booty girl .

Good job .

Go ahead and switch your legs and do the same thing on the other side .

Really focus on squeezing your glutes good .

You should be feeling the burn .

You're doing good .

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All right , next up , we have our left clams .

You're going to lay all sexy like keeping your core tight , keep your heels touching and just open your , your knees the way you see me do again .

This is a slow controlled movement .

This really targets your side booty nicely .

Seriously .

Can anyone do this exercise with a straight face ?

It is so funny but it works .

It works .

Go ahead and switch to the other side and do the same thing .

Make sure your heels are touching your core is tight .

You're thinking positive thoughts and you're wondering why on earth you're doing this , but we're doing it for the booty and it's totally worth it .

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Let's do it together after this .

You get a break .

So it's not too terrible .

You're doing good .

Awesome .

Go ahead and take a break .

Drink some water , pat yourself on the back .

You're doing so good .

Subscribe to my youtube channel if you haven't done so already and check the description box for freebies and I'll be back after the break to do the next round of exercises .

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Welcome back .

We are starting off with a thigh raise and you are going to just raise that right thigh as best you can go through your own range of motion and make sure your core is tight the whole time .

This is a really good exercise for your inner thigh to work that muscle that's in there .

Just get it nice and toned , try to stay balanced .

I know it's a bit tricky .

Just do your best .

Awesome .

Go ahead and flip over to the other side and do the same thing .

Keep your cord tight and just raise that left leg to the best of your ability .

You might notice that one leg moves a lot easier than the other .

That's totally normal .

Just do your best .

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That's all you can do .

You worked out today and I'm so proud of you .

Awesome .

All right .

Now we're doing bird dog .

Your core is tight and you're just extending alternate legs and alternate arms .

This is good because it works your core and it really works your booty .

If you remember to squeeze as you extend , let's do it together .

You're doing good .

Just keep going .

Yeah .

Good job .

Just a couple more .

Hang in there .

Keep that cord tight .

Good .

Good .

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Awesome .

Next up , we have Superman and while you're doing this , you want to squeeze your booty and this is also going to work the , your lower back as well to strengthen it and just do your best with this .

There is no way to do this with any type of dignity .

So just um , just let's do it together .

It feels better when we do it together .

Good job .

Really try to raise your thigh off the mat if you can , you can see that it is very challenging to do that .

But if you can try your best to do that and squeeze your booty as well , good .

You're looking good , but are looking good already .

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Awesome work .

All right , I'm gonna have you stand up and do some step jacks just to get your heart rate back up .

Your core is tight , you're waving and you're stepping as quickly as you can .

I know .

I know it's nice to be on the floor , but let's get up and get that heart rate up again .

You can do it .

You got this , keep going , keep going .

It's ok .

If you have to slow down a little bit , it's ok if you have to catch your breath .

Just get right back into it and keep going .

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You did it awesome .

All right , next up , we have lunch pulses .

You're just going to put one leg in front of the other and you're going to keep your core tight and you're just going to drop down vertically and rise back up .

Squeeze your glutes in this movement .

Also engage your thighs and let's just do it together .

Follow my lead .

Go at your own pace .

There's no need to rush this good .

Keep that cord tight .

Good job .

You're doing good .

Go ahead and switch legs and keep going .

Make sure that back knee is not touching the floor .

Good job .

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Surprise you get a break .

Go ahead and take a minute to rest , drink some water , catch your breath .

Subscribe to my youtube channel .

If you haven't done so already , it's totally free for you and it means so much to me and when we get back , we're going to do just three exercises and it is the end .

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Welcome back .

We're starting off with a wall , sits just find a nearby wall and sit in the air supporting your back with the wall .

Your body should be at a 90 degree angle to the wall and the floor .

Yes , we are doing maths all for booty .

Totally worth it .

Dope .

Totally worth it .

All right .

Let's do it .

Just hang in there and make sure your core is tight and engaged this is going to burn out your quads a lot , but it is a good exercise to be able to do , hang in there .

You can do this .

You can dab if you want to hang in there .

Just a few more seconds .

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It burns , it totally burns .

You got this though .

Good job .

All right .

We're gonna take us to the top and get those toe , touch , squats in again .

Just squat like usual with your feet , super duper wide and touch your toes , keeping your cord tight the whole time .

Are you ready ?

You have only one exercise after this and we're done .

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Keep going just a few more .

Awesome .

And for our last exercise , sidekicks , your core is tight and you are kicking and punching to each side .

This is targeting your side booty mainly and it's so good .

It also targets your core a little bit because you need to keep that core engaged for balance .

Best way we can possibly end this workout .

Let's do it .

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Keep going .

You're almost at the end .

You got this awesome work .

Good job .

You made it , go ahead and hug your knee to your chest .

Hold onto a wall .

If you need to , your thighs have worked today , you deserve this .

Go ahead and switch your legs when you feel comfortable and just hug that knee to your chest when you're ready .

Join me in doing some good mornings .

Your core is tight and you are hinging at your waist , like you are saying , good morning sunshine .

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This is a nice stretch for your thighs , the back of your thighs , your booty , everything is getting stretched out with this finally .

Well , not finally , but I want you to go ahead and stretch out your quads .

Just pull that heel to your booty core is tight or you can hold on to something .

Go ahead and switch legs and do the same thing on the other leg .

Finally , we're just going to do some slow side lunches , just lunch from side to side , slow and gently .

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So get your heart rate down and we're done .

Thank you so much for working out with me today .

Subscribe to my youtube channel if you haven't done so already and I'll see you in my next workout video .


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