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2023-08-27 08:29:48


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What's up slime squad today ?

We're gonna do nine more .

No glue slimes and some of these were even suggested by our Instagram followers .

I'm gonna be testing tooth face limes , some edible slimes , some shampoo slimes .

So let's get started .

First up is a three in one shampoo slime .

So here I basically just pour my three in one into a bowl and I'm gonna add some shaving cream and you wanna do a 1 to 1 ratio shampoo and shaving cream .

This lime recipe was suggested by Instagram follower Lois dig roots .

I hope I've seen your name , right ?

And thank you for the suggestion .

This is turning into such a cute little ball of slime , but now the recipe calls for some salt .

So I'm gonna add that with the help of Adam .

Thanks Adam .

You're the awesome time to mix .

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I don't really see where the salt is actually activating this .

Um It's still a little ball of fluff but it's really , it's really a lot of , it's really just shaving cream to me .

Um It's got some stretch but it's still sticky .

So I'm gonna try and put this in the freezer and see what happens after 15 minutes in the freezer .

This is what I got guys .

It's not my fluffy ball slime anymore .

It's more of an icy , icy breaking meth .

I , I don't know what to call it actually .

Um , it's not sticking to the touch anymore , which is awesome .

But , um , it's kind of melting on me and it , and it actually reminds me kind of cottage cheese .

It's actually like melted ice cream .

I would say this is not really a slime , but it was a lot of fun doing it .

And next up , I'm gonna be testing this coconut water shampoo .

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And guys , you know , I love this one and look at the double pore .

The cap is helping me out .

This is awesome .

So I'm gonna dye this one blue and if you don't have dye , don't worry about it .

So , um yeah , guys , these caps getting the most problem .

I , I don't know why I don't .

Oh Yeah .

And that happened again .

It got me this time .

Oh These caps drive me crazy .

Once you get in your pigment or your paint or whatever you want to use , you're just gonna mix it up into the shampoo .

All right , I'm gonna add some water and you just add a little bit not too much .

Once you're done with that , you're going to mix it up again to fully incorporate the water into the shampoo .

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This recipe calls for some salt and you just want to like add a small , little bit at a time because if you add too much at one time it gets bad .

And here with the stink and salt thing again .

Oh my gosh .

Thanks , Adam .

You are the best .

Ok .

So we just want to add a pinch of salt a little at a time and stir it in and you see how it's starting to come together .

It's thickening up .

It's getting this wonderful texture .

Oh , I love this one .

Let's decide I need a little more salt to get it come fully together and I'm gonna stir it up again and this is it .

We have slime .

This is the cutest little slime .

It's jiggling and you can fold it over and you probably want to play with this one the same day .

This one's not gonna store very well since the coconut shampoo works so well .

I'm gonna try the same thing with this tea treat mint shampoo and it's by the same company Ogx .

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So um yeah , I'm gonna add some pigment to mine if you don't have it .

And let's see guys .

Oh , I did it , I did it .

It did not get on me .

Awesome .

This purple is so pretty and you can use , I like these pigments because they don't change the texture of um the slime I'm trying to make .

But if you have a color dye that's fine too .

And like before I'm gonna add just a little bit of water and then I'm gonna mix it up thoroughly to blend it in with my shampoo .

Next , I'm gonna add in some salt and guys , I got smart .

I didn't close the lid this time .

Boom .

Third time I learned , right .

Add your salt and stir it up .

Nothing's happening .

It's not forming .

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So I'm gonna add a little more of the shampoo and see if I can get it to come together .

Still nothing's happening guys .

Oh my goodness .

OK .

So it's still soup .

It's not coming together .

This one doesn't work .

It's a fail .

This next slime recipe suggestion was suggested by Jay Godley 06 on our Instagram .

Thanks so much .

This recipe calls for some toothpaste and guys , I am loving this blue color .

It's so pretty and then we're gonna add in some water .

Now , you're gonna want to mix in the toothpaste and water together until they're completely blended .

Once you're done mixing , we're gonna add in a pinch of salt .

I did it again .

I closed the salt and I was able to get it open this time .

OK .

Pinch add it .

And let's mix that one in now too .

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It's getting a really nice , smooth consistency .

So I'm really excited to see what it does after the freezer .

All right , it's been 45 minutes in my freezer and let's see this and it's guys , it's sticky .

This unfortunately did not make slime , but it is minty fresh .

Next up is yogurt slime .

We've done this in the past and I really enjoy it .

It's kind of like an , but it's edible , which is awesome .

But I brought it back because it was suggested by Julia and Maya on our Instagram .

So I thought , why not ?

Let's do it again .

It's no glue , let's do this .

So you just need your yogurt and I'm coloring my yellow so that we can see it and it shows up better and it's just all around prettier .

So you're gonna stir that in .

Make your color .

I mean , if you don't want to , that's fine , but mine's yellow .

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I'm mixing it up and I'm gonna add in these cute little sprinkles .

Um , just to give it some life .

Oh , aren't they cute ?

I love , it's like little balloons .

Yeah .

But now I think I might have , should have waited to put those sprinkles in because the color is kind of bleeding out and it's like it's not that pretty anymore .

But anyway , we're gonna continue on and I'm gonna add some corn starch in here and you know , you're just gonna have to add a little bit at a time .

I'll probably put a cup in here this time .

Um , and you're just gonna mix it in , you want a stiffer consistency , um , not really dough , but you don't want goop either .

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So I'm gonna add a little bit more and I'm gonna try to get rid of this ugly green color that it's become by adding some more yellow after it's gotten to this consistency , you can actually roll it around and pick it up .

Now , guys , I am not a fan of this color .

It actually reminds me of like a baby's peas , split peas .

I don't know .

It's , it's not that nice .

So I'm going to cover it up with some more sprinkles and pray or cross my fingers that this works and the sprinkles do make it prettier .

But anyway , it's not about the sprinkles .

Look at this stretch .

This is yogurt guys .

And if you really wanted to , you could eat it .

Don't know how well it's gonna taste , but it has , is so soft .

I mean , it's a little sticky but the stretch is amazing .

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This is really cool stuff for this recipe .

I'm gonna need a little bit of baking soda .

It's a huge bag .

I know , but we actually had this leftover for one of our huge pool slimes .

And so I was like , why not ?

Let's do this ?

So I cut it open .

Well , I thought I did , but for some reason the seal was not busting apart or I guess coming apart .

I don't want it to bust everywhere .

That'd be so I had to cut it again and finally I succeeded .

I got it open .

Look at all this baking set .

I mean , who uses all this besides besides us anyway .

So I put a little bit in my bowl and then I'm gonna need some lemon juice .

And by the way , this recipe was suggested to us by Captain Kay 3 25 on our Instagram .

Thanks Kay .

Oh my goodness .

The bacon soda and lemon juice .

Oh , that noise .

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So after I listened to the sizzles for a little bit , I had a little more baking soda because I , I was trying to thicken it up a little bit .

And then once I mix that in fully , the recipe says to add in some shaving cream .

After I added my shaving cream , I started mixing it up and it started becoming like a um , pudding consistency .

So I decided , um , to make the slime , I'm gonna have to add something .

So add a little more baking soda and it started clumping up , which is a good sign .

So I just continued with that and I decided I need a little more baking soda , but I actually added too much .

So I just , you know , took it outside my bowl and kept on going .

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This actually reminded me of a corn starch and shampoo recipe .

I've done before .

That actually does work .

Um I'm still , the jury is still out on this one .

It's coming together , it's clumping like it wants to come together .

But I think it needs a little bit more moisture .

So I'm going to add in a little bit of shaving cream and try to give this slime some more moisture and make it work .

So the shaving cream didn't seem to work .

It's still wanting to fall apart .

So I had some baby oil on the hand and I'm gonna just drizzle it on the top and mix it in .

Unfortunately , this still didn't work .

So this just became crumbly .

This slime is very unusual .

It needs milk .

Well , actually this is a suggested slime .

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I don't know if it works .

Um It's suggested to us by our Instagram follower and I feel awful .

I've lost the paper with your name on it , but I will try and make it up to whoever you are once I find your name .

So you add in milk and I'm gonna add in some of this pigment .

I'm gonna stop using these pigments .

Uh I guess that happens every time .

Oh my gosh .

It , it , uh , there's no words , guys , there's no words .

Anyway , once I got off my hands , I then began to mix the color into my milk .

The recipe then calls for some baby oil and you don't need to put too much just a drop and mix it all together .

Next ingredient is shaving cream .

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Once your shaving cream is added , then you're going to want to mix it up and it's kind of like a , I don't know , a clumpy consistency because of the shaving cream .

But , uh , eventually smooths out and then you're gonna want to add in a little bit of salt .

Unfortunately , this is not making slime , it's making soup .

I wanted to test this coconut miracle oil body wash .

So I'm gonna put some of this into my bowl .

I'm hoping this acts a lot like the coconut shampoo .

That's so awesome by this , this OG experience to get it to show up better .

I decided to add in the remaining part of my yellow pigment if I can get it to come out .

And I didn't think that was gonna be enough .

So I decided to add some of the blue I had previously used and maybe I'll get green .

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Once I had added both my colors , I decided to stir it up and it looks good so far .

But I'm gonna add a little bit of water because that's what I did with the coconut um shampoo .

So I wanna see if that recipe will work for this body wash .

It looks like it wants to come together .

It's just it needed a little bit of help .

So I decided to add a little pinch of salt quick .

Do you see a little frog in my bowl ?

Ok .

It's gone because the salt made the bubble pop , but it was really cute .

I hope you saw it .

Um This is getting really gelatinous , which is awesome because it's getting really slime like .

But I want to see if I can make it into a fluffy slime because that would be cool .

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So I'm just gonna add in a little bit of this foaming body wash and I actually used it in the previous video where it was just this body wash and the ogx body wash and it actually made a fluffy slime .

Guys , it was really cool .

I decided to add some three in one shampoo because the slime is trying to die on me and I may have messed up .

I'm hoping to save this slime right now .

Oh Wait a minute .

It's sticking to the side .

Maybe it's coming together .

I'm gonna add a little bit more salt .

I am so trying to save this slime and I'm , I'm mixing like a mad lady but guys , it failed .

This next time was suggested to us on Instagram by our follower , Bricky B flippin .

And I'm so excited because I love some chocolate morsel .

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So I added about a half a cup and I am going to put it in my microwave for 45 seconds .

I know my microwave said 30 seconds , but I had to put it in there a couple of times .

So anywhere from 45 to 60 seconds and you should have results like these with melted chocolate .

And as I've told you before , be careful when you're dealing with the microwave because the bowl is hot .

You just wanna continue stirring this around to get a nice smooth even consistency .

And then once you've got that , you're gonna add in some powdered sugar .

I thought that the powdered sugar would just kind to integrate itself into the , the chocolate , but that was not the case it started clumping up on me .

It was not good .

I , I took it out and tried to save this , but rolling around in my hands was not working .

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So I decided to add in some more chips , chocolate chips and then add a little bit of oil so that it wouldn't clump up after I did this .

I put it in the microwave for 30 more seconds and it is still clumpy but it's got more moist , more moist .

It has more moisture and it's actually coming together .

Now .

Um , it's , I can pick it up with my hands and it's not crumbling and I can actually mash it .

Now .

It's not the most attractive slime and it is a little bit sticky .

It actually reminds me of , um , but , uh , I'm not gonna tell you what else .

I think it reminds me of .

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Ew , I am playing all up in it .

Ok .

To make it more , um , presentable .

I decided to add some sprinkles and it made it so cute .

I love the sprinkles overall .

This was an amazing slime recipe .

Thank you so much and it's so good .

So yummy .


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