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2023-08-27 08:28:00

Make this TINY slime MASSIVE! CHALLENGE! Slimeatory #671

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What is our favorite toy ?

I was trying to do it but like he was so off of , he refused me like crazy .

I mean everybody heard me back next .

We are gonna be doing tremendous small slime , eight ounce slime into a giant slide .

We get 18 ounce slime and whoever can make it bigger wins .

So it doesn't have to be pretty right ?

You still have to be big .

I can do that .

Yeah , Paul , I guess that is OK .

Good .

That's why I'm here and I'm ready to compete to the shots .

Guys .

I have something super amazing to show you .

It is so cool and I haven't been waiting so long to show you guys are ready ready for this two , three .

Come on , get it out of the box .

Amira .

I get up .

Look at how beautiful guys looking .

Oh my gosh .

I'm so happy .

We have flamy glitter glittering .

We have this one's like the fruity kind of basic pack .

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Ok .

So right here we got cherry red and then orange , orange , lemon , yellow , lime green , blueberry blue plum , purple and watermelon pink .

There's no pretty guys .

They're all kind of like holographic I think except kind of like the cherry bread but it is still kind of like a true color one .

But yeah , they're so pretty guys .

I love this .

You guys can get all these glitters at flavor dot com or there's a link in the description if you get lost or anything along with all the other flamy supplies .

It's so cool .

It's glitter .

This is crazy .

I didn't think about it .

I thought it was just gonna go but it just fell right .

It did go full though .

Let's get into the charge .

Let me guys , I'm so happy to show you guys this .

But let's straight out into the video .

Yo .

Right .

So there you go .

And here you go .

You guys .

It's , it's beautiful .

Who wants to go first to go get your supply ?

Yeah .

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Yeah , I'm going first .

No , I'll just stay here looking at this beautiful slime look .

It's so crystal clear guys .

I got absolutely no clue what I'm doing .

Let's go .

All right .

So what are we going to do ?

Magical clay always works , right ?

And get some white , one white magical clay is great .

And then we're gonna go with teal because I like teal too .

And one more tea magical clay .

You know what ?

Everybody loves these , these magical clays , but I can't put too much of it in there because otherwise it's gonna turn into like a just magical clay .

We don't want that .

But anyways go get them 4 99 super low price .

And then this ones too we got .

No , I don't want that .

That's not gonna match .

We don't even need food coloring .

We just gotta make it big .

Now , look at this .

We haven't used that in a long time .

Peanuts .

You guys remember this ?

You make bubble gum , peanut , peanut , bubble gum time .

All right .

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And then we're gonna get some lotion , make sure it's soft because we're gonna add all this clay and then 00 she cream always makes it huge .

You wanna get some of that ?

This gonna fluff it up and oh scent just just so it smells good .

Just so it smells great .

Still get that stinks .

I spilled some and it's gross .

Anyway , so we're gonna take some oh Chou brownie .

I love Chucky brownies even though it doesn't match with my color .

I don't care .

Let's go .

Oh no , I don't , I don't need any glitter .

Phone beads , not teal phone beads big on beat .

I think I am red .

I wanna make a slime creature real quick .

I'm gonna take that .

I'm gonna take that and green and oh blue lu I'm gonna make some really cool funny looking one .

Let's go .

All right guys .

So for mine , I'm gonna attempt to try and make it like a really fluffy cloud fluff slime and it's clear .

I'm gonna put a bunch of glitter in it .

Slime , a glitter .

It's gonna look amazing .

So let's get the infant now .

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Ok , I'm gonna get a whole cup maybe two cups because I wanna make a lot .

I do not want to run out already got 28 ounce cups of the instant snow .

Ok .

Now for the scent I'm gonna do a literal rainbow .

It's gonna be difficult but I'm gonna do it all right .

So we're gonna get some cherry scent and then some orange scent I think we have orange scent right ?

Because we're gonna get some bananas since we have that .

Oh there it is orange and then we need green .

Yeah because we got yellow lemon we go with lemon it'll be lime blue for blue Hawaiian purple .

Not great because Paul hates grape .

Oh wait Paul's not the judge today .

Alright .

Ok I'm gonna get grape and then um pink can we get watermelon over there ?

And then um that is it all right ?

Ok so now I'm going to go and get some water because I kind of want to make the slime thinner and that way it will be bigger too .

I'll explain you guys not doing it .

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Ok and then um I think a little bit of soap will help you a little bit of this make it kind of like poofy and sizz , right guys not gonna go get all the food curries by the way if you didn't know the food corns are now 4 99 since you guys love them so much we were able to lower the price along with the magical place too .

They're all 4 99 just to let you guys know .

Alright , I'm gonna get some red food clearing some green food coloring that's orange and some yellow and then some green and then some blue , purple and pink I think that is it .

What else ?

Gosh , there's so many ingredients I feel what that's it .

Oh I'm kind of thinking since I am gonna be making like a fluffy one , maybe I should make like a giant kind of snow cone thing out of kool-aid .

That might be cool .

All right .

Two magical and I think that is it .

All right guys .

I think I got everything I need now , I'm gonna go , I'm gonna win this challenge .

All right , we are back and I will be taking all this flammatory glitter .

Thank you very much .

OK .

So wait , you can't use those , right ?

No , I'm using them .

OK .

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Then we share because I want to use them fine , I guess .

Anyways , look at how beautiful I was poking it .

So it's not super clear right now , but it's so beautiful .

This is just some um my is being sticky right now .

Anyway , this is just some flamy clear glue with some hand soap in it and then you just like clear up and it's super duper .

Nice guys .

I went to the slim toy store and look at this .

Whoa , I went shopping guys .

This good magical clay magical clay is the best .

You can't go wrong with magical clay .

Let's make this slime giant first things first .

I have to add a bunch of instant snow into my slime .

So we're going to get the water is , it's now inactivated .

Yes , here's my slime .

Now .

I will put some activator in it first because it's gonna melt like crazy .

Uh , Paul , you get there .

You usually start throwing around right now .

Right .

Well , this time I kind of went crazy with the supplies .

Don't know what I'm doing , but I'm figuring it out .

You , I don't know if you know this call , but you do that every time .

Can you just like , find me thinking about it ?

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Yeah , I don't , I know what to do .

You do ?

Yeah .

And we're gonna , we're gonna use this , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , we're gonna use half the slime put in this white clay here .

And , uh , let's see where that takes us .

Remember guys ?

It's not about how pretty it is , about how big it is .

Honestly though .

I think it is also .

So about that looks really cool .

Anyway , I think it's also about Paul how good it looks too because it can't just be giant has to actually be nice .

Slime .

Yeah , but if it's giant , I win .

So .

Ok .

Yeah , but that's what I just said .

It can't just be giant .

It has to be nice slime .

Ok ?

It'll be nice slime and giant .

Ok .

Good .

Ok .

Uh Paul .

Do you think that maybe you could like scooch ?

I'm sorry .

Is there not enough space in the toy ?

Well , you're taking it off , right ?

It's all free .

Real state .

You said that yourself ?

Last time you said I'm fine with it nicely .

Anyways , now I'm gonna add my into this , into this , now that I've activated it , I'm gonna add a lot that's like half the container .

Stop trying to steal my camera time .

Paul already got some water .

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I hope I'm gonna look so cool a lot .

Whoa , a lot of water into it .

I want it to kind of inflate every time I made cloud creams .

I always take forever and this lime ends up being like gigantic .

So that's what I'm hoping .

What will happen here ?

I'm adding to my other half .

My better half .

Look at that .

Yeah .

Mm mm mm mm bam .

It's already massive .

Amira .

You're already losing just so you know .

All right guys , here is my slime now .

I kind of falling apart .

I think I am going to add more water .

I feel like I didn't add enough water , which is crazy because I add Amira .

That doesn't look very good .

All right , my turn , Paul phone beats white slime equals winning slide .

Not how it works .

You squish that in there .

We make it pretty .

We win this challenge .

Go .

Team , press the subscribe button for Gucci Paul .

The button .

Go mir Well , this should is it like for you and subscribe for me .

Subscribe for me like for you .

Fine .

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That works like for Paul my gosh guys , I think had even more water into here .

This is , this is going crazy .

The snow is going crazy .

It is getting bigger though .

Oh my gosh .

Oh my gosh .

No .

Amir's catching up to me .

Come on power .

My phone be , let's go .

Cut him .

Pop , pop .

Let's go .

I'm gonna make this massive .

Come on .

Oh yeah , I'm putting bubbles in this .

It's gonna get so big .

Oh Yeah .

Oh Look at this .

Look at , there's more strategy and I still have half another slime .

Why do you say Irish ?

What did I say ?

Why am I saying ?

Irish ?

Like that .

What the heck , why did you say ?

But anyways peanuts in this part .

All right .

Look at that .

We're just versing colors here .

We're doing something good .

Right , man .

Ah , I never in my four year process of slime career .

Never have put peanuts inside butter slime .

Today is a special day because we're trying to make this mess .

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All right .

All right guys .

So my slime is very , very big , very thick now .

So I'm gonna add some activator , but I think it still actually can take some more water .

So it's going really good for me .

No , it's not .

Oh , no .

Look at me .

Look at me guys , look at me , look at this .

I can't open my activator .

Oh , I can help .

I got this customer support .

Oh , this is really thick but that's OK .

I brought lotion for this exact reason .

Yes , I make the weirdest texture .

It's so , so .

No , thank you .

All right .

OK .

No problem .

Right now we're gonna give a massage to this line .

We're gonna book it in and we're gonna make this , the softest line can leave all the tension from this line and we're just gonna squish it in .

I would not like a massage from you if that's how I'm gonna end up .

All right guys , here is this lime .

Look at how beautiful .

It's all sly .

It's actually very , very big .

Now , now I am not done with it though .

I'm still adding some more water and some more activator .

So more water .

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So what are you doing ?

Getting messing up this Norm toy as I usually do .

Oh , mind me , go back to your stuff .

Just trying to get together my ideas .

Ok .

Well , he's being suspicious , Paul is just why do you keep grabbing black and purple clay and throwing it on the floor for no reason .

I'm pretty sure Paul's trying to cheat right now , but he's just acting stupid .

Well , what the heck , apparently I took black and purple clay right here .

Grab that from the show .

No , I did not .

It was on the floor .

You down , you literally just you down on the floor and then grabbed it and put it on the counter .

It's the one you threw down on the floor .

What I'm gonna use this purple clay .

Nothing you can do about it .

You're cheating .

You don't know that .

All right .

So we got purple and look at this .

This is the colors right here that I need to make a flavor .

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Creatures .

C Yeah , that's , well , this is the stuff you dropped on the floor .

All right , here we go .

No , it is not .

I didn't drop it on the floor .

All right , guys .

Look at how big my slime is .

Oh , my gosh , it was .

No , no , I was still focus on my , my slime creature .

You look at them .

I like this guy .

Oh , no , I like this guy .

No , I like this guy .

I'm gonna go with this guy .

This guy's great .

What is that ?

Uh , I don't know .

Does he have a face ?

Uh , no , it's just a , he is he ?

Oh , he has power ?

Oh , ok .

Cool .

Yeah , I like him .

Um , although my slime , a lot of water in it now , I'm gonna add a little bit more in the snows to make it more kind of , you know , drizzly .

So I'm gonna add some more snow .

Let's just add the rest and mix that in .

And once I'm done with that , I will start on the color and the scent and the glitter and then I will be almost done well since she actually did pretty good .

I'm gonna have to go back to my slime now , I can't make any more creatures for you guys .

So I'm gonna , and I'm adding a bunch of shaving cream .

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That's my plan to try and be that much city over here .

This is massive .

Yeah , it's getting bigger and bigger .

Oh , no , I'm way behind now .

I shouldn't have worked on slime creatures .

It's ok .

It's ok .

I got this .

I have to add more water now to this because now you're just now .

But after I'm done with that , then I will get into the food coloring .

All right .

So now that we have all our slime creatures done and our slime done , we're gonna place them on there .

This little guy right in the middle and we're gonna put this big guy right here and then there's this big guy right here too .

We're gonna put him right , right here and then there's this psycho one .

And there you go .

This is my land story .

Slime junkyard .

Slime junkyard .

I like , I like it's big but not as big as this one .

But who knows if it's going to become slime at the end ?

Yeah .

Add it a little too much in snow .

But I think it's fine .

I think it's fine .

I just need to give it a little bit of TLC .

We'll see about that .

All right guys here .

It's the slime .

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No , it's giant .

But , uh , well , that looks like a cloud .

Yeah , it does .

Temperatures not so great .

It looks good .

Well , I'm still waiting , I'm gonna play some anyway .

Ok .

Yes , you do that .

Um Now I am going to change the colors and so I got to separate this into like seven different colors .

There's red , orange , yellow , green , blue , purple .

I'm gonna try to make purple and blue the biggest I want the end result to turn purple .

Check this out guys .

So this is a preview of another app we're releasing soon .

Still cool .

That's all I'm gonna show .

That's it .

You guys you know coming over the way you guys think it is but it's coming soon .

Ok ?

Now the food coloring put some right in there .

Put a lot of red , orange , yellow , green , blue , purple and pink .

Oh this is gonna look so cool .

Ok ?

Ok .

Now I gotta fix them all .

Yes .

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Alright guys all done .

Now I'm gonna add all the glitters to them .

So first we have red right here , add some red and then some orange into this one .

What was done ?

I'm so tired but this here look amazing .

Yellow , pink .

Hello , green .

I almost forgot green .

There's so many colors gay and purple right now .

We mix again really quick and then I will assemble .

I promise .

All right guys .

Now I'm gonna make my cone almost done .

Oh my gosh , my table is being so annoying right now .

Look it even sticking toy I need help .

All right guys .

I'm done with my snow cone thing .

And I have put all my slime in here .

It's gonna be difficult .

Maybe I should just put on .

Oh yeah , put it on top .

We're gonna set a little slot right here .

Yellow here .

The slime isn't as clear as I wanted it .

So the glitter is not gonna show as much as I wanted .

Which kind of sucks , but still looks good .

Green , blue , purple and then the pink .

Ok ?

And now we're gonna grab the cone and just put it on top like that .

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And I am all done .

Now I finally done .

Finally finish taking forever , but I am done .

You're right , Mira , you said you're done .

I , what are you doing , Paul playing the lavatory ?

Yeah .

Oh OK .

So , oh wait , she said she's done .

Let's go .

Let's go , man .

That's a big slime .

It is a big slime .

Oh man .

And that's just like the little part of it .

Oh Ja , that's a big slime .

So I said , who wants to go buy me that ?

Right ?

All right .

Here is my beautiful give me your Oh , no , I forgot this sense .

OK .

Here is my beautiful rainbow snow cone .

Uh It's in its casing right now , but it is actually that big .

Oh , it's very big .

He's hungry .

He likes to eat .

Can I touch it ?

Like ?

Oh my gosh .

This is so nice .

I love , can you do some for me ?

Wow .

Wow .

Wow .

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I love this .

The color is an idea .

I was just like this .

Oh my .

Oh my gosh .

Oh , my gosh .

That is pretty .

I want this on the shirt .

00 , my gosh .

That is true .

Let's just , um , remove the case ink .

Wow .

It's so huge .

Look at how beautiful .

Oh , man , that is something .

That is something .

All right .

Let me mix the , uh , clay into there .

Look at that .

Oh , my gosh .

I love it .

And the color , the ending , the product , it's coming out so nice .

It just looks like a piece of art .

Beautiful , beautiful enough enough of this , of this , right ?

I mean , this , this is beautiful .

It's great .

Let's take .

So we got little creatures here .

I'm not going to destroy them because I like them .

Like he's not going to destroy them .

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They like to eat the slime , a three creatures .

They're super cool .

It's not , it just wants to .

Ok .

Ok .

They're curious .

All right .

And then there's this guy .

Oh my God .

So small .

I know .

Look at this .

This is so small .

Just look at that .

Oh , this is like , yeah , what happened Paul ?

But it's like I think he said he spent a lot of time in which they work .

And my favorite is this guy .

He doesn't say much but I like it , you know , he kind of just , I don't know which one's my favorite .

They're also super cool .

Oh , I love them .

So , um look at this look .

Look cool .

That looks like an art book of art , graffiti , graffiti .

All right .

Ok .

Well , well , it's obvious Jay , she got the bigger .

So , here I thought I was gonna have it .

Yeah .

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I mean , according to your logic you said it doesn't have to look pretty .

So , yeah , exactly .

So , technically I lost .

Well , I'll be the judge and I think a mirror wins .

Yeah .

All right .

Well , we have a winner .

I think I chose the right winner .

A mirror and the winner .

You slime .

It's great .

It's very pretty .

And I love you have managed to make it a little bit bigger .

You probably could have won .

I could probably have won every video .

I hope you enjoy it .

Make sure you guys comment out , know what you think about flow glitter and that is , and I really hope I see you guys next time .

Bye .

Peace .


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