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2023-08-25 07:11:33

How To Make A Coffee Scrub (DIY Emulsified Coffee Scrub With Real Caffeine)

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Hi , everybody .

Welcome back to Sunshine Soap and Candle Company .

You guys have been asking me for quite some time now about coffee scrubs .

So today we are going to be making an emulsified coffee scrub .

So emulsified basically means that it's not going to have a greasy texture on your skin because once it combines with the water , it's gonna turn into a creamy consistency and then it's gonna rinse down the drain and then we're going to use coffee today as uh an exfoliate , but also with the caffeine in the coffee and the caffeine that we're gonna be adding into the product .

It offers a little bit of skin tightening properties and it helps to kind of wake up the skin .

So in this tutorial , I'm going to be sharing with you my process and step by step how I do it and also be giving you some tips and tricks along the way .

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But if you would like the full written recipe plus tutorial , please head on over to my Patreon campaign where you can check this recipe out and so many more for just a $5 pledge .

All right , let's get started .

All right .

So for best practices you want to put on gloves and a hairnet , especially if you're going to be selling your product .

And my entire workspace has been completely wiped out and sanitized .

OK .

So the first thing we're gonna do is weigh out our ingredients for our heated phase .

So a , a lot like making a lotion , there's gonna be a heated phase and a cool down phase .

And so directly into this container , we're gonna start off by weighing out our seal alcohol .

Now , seal alcohol and flakes like this .

Um and it is a fatty alcohol .

It has a really good skin feel .

Um it's very silky .

It just makes a really nice texture in your oil and water emulsions .

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So we're gonna be weighing off the CEO alcohol first and it's also used as a thickener and a partner .

Ok ?

And to my fetal alcohol , I'm gonna be adding in some bees wax .

I'm using white cosmetic grade be matte bees wax and I'm using this because bees wax adds a nice barrier to your skin .

And it's also a nice um hardener for the sugar scrub .

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Of course , you could use um a vegan wax like candela in place of bees wax , but your ratios will not be the same because candela wax is much harder than bees wax .

It has a much higher melt point .

And I really just like the way bees wax uh fields in these sugar scrubs .

So that's why I choose to use these blacks and then directly to this , we're gonna be adding in our emulsifier .

So you can use any type of emulsifier .

Really .

Um For this recipe , you can use regular generic um E wax .

You can use a soft and silky blend , you can use polo wax .

Um You can use BT MS 50 that would be really nice in this recipe as well .

But today I'm gonna be using something called Cream maker blend .

I got this from making cosmetics and it's a combination of Glycerol Ster eight and pig 100 star eight .

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And the reason I'm using this today is because I really like the way uh this feels on your skin .

Um The pig strate 100 is added to a lot of lotions and conditioners for basically , it's conditioning and cream c properties .

And the Glycerol ST is a combination of glycerin and stric acid .

And so it also has a really nice creamy feel to it .

And actually the pig 100 strate actually lifts oil and dirt off your skin and rinses it down .

But then the Glycerol strate provides a nice moisture barrier and helps your skin retain water .

So I really like this ingredient for the coffee scrub is here .

So this is what's gonna also give you that emulsion .

So basically , when we combine everything together into the scrub , um you're not gonna have any floating oils in the scrub and when this hits the water in your shower .

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Um , and you , and you scrub it onto your skin .

It does turn into a creamy type consistency .

It doesn't leave any oils on your skin and it rinses down the drain very cleanly .

So you don't have to worry about a slick shower or tub floor .

Next , we're gonna be adding in our apricot kernel oil and I'm using the apricot kernel oil because I really like the way apricot kernel oil feels .

It's a light carrier oil and it just has a really nice silky light airy feeling to it .

So we're gonna be adding this in .

Yeah .

All right .

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And then next , we're gonna be adding in our grape seed oil .

I love grape seed oil because it's a super inexpensive oil , but it has lots of antioxidants and it's very emollient .

Ok .

Thank OK .

Next in , we're gonna be adding in some shea butter .

Shea butter is a really moisturizing butter and it just is so healing and I love the way it feels in water and oil blends .

So we're gonna be adding in shea butter today .

All right .

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At this point , we are ready to go ahead and melt down our heated phase ingredients .

So I'm gonna go ahead and melt this down and then I'll bring you back to show you what we're going to be weighing out for the cool down ingredients .

All right .

Now that everything is melted down , we're just gonna set it aside here to cool while we weigh off our cool down ingredients so directly to this glass speaker , I'm going to be adding in some caffeine extract .

So we're using real caffeine in this product again to kind of help wake up the skin and invigorate your skin .

Um draw circulation to the top of your skin .

Help with that uh skin tightening effect .

It's just a really nice product .

I use this in some of my um facial products as well .

So we're gonna be adding this in .

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OK , perfect .

And then to this , we're gonna be adding in our fragrance oil .

This is an optional ingredient .

You do not have to add fragrance oil to this because the coffee already has its own strong smell .

But um just to enhance the the coffee smell , I'm gonna be adding in espresso fragrance oil from Bramble Berry .

It smells exactly exactly like walking into a coffee shop .

It's my favorite coffee smell .

OK ?

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And then next we're gonna be adding in our preservative and we're using the preservative here for two reasons .

The caffeine extract is a water soluble ingredient .

So we want to make sure because we're doing a water and oil blend .

We want to make sure that we're using a preservative .

Also , once this product gets into your shower , you want to make sure you're protecting it from any water that might be entering the container .

So don't skip this step .

Ok ?

We're just gonna give this a mix .

Let's see .

It's turning kind of opaque in color .

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Again , that caffeine extract is not gonna blend completely until we get it .

Uh um emulsified are in uh and with the emulsifiers there , OK .

So we're gonna set this aside and now I'm gonna just take the temperature of my heated ingredients .

OK ?

We're sitting at about 100 and 40 degrees .

We do want to make sure this is a little bit cooler .

Um The opti that I'm using can be added in at less than 100 and 60 or 100 and 76 °F .

But I do like to be closer to that 120 range before I add in my cool down ingredients .

So I'm just gonna go ahead and set this aside and allow it to cool and then I'm gonna show you what I've done here with the sugar and the coffee .

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So to this um bigger container I have added in my sugar and my coffee and as you can see , my sugar is sitting at a much higher ratio than my coffee .

Um that is for a couple of reasons , coffee grounds are neither water soluble or or oil soluble .

So basically if you use too many coffee grounds and they go down your drain , it can , it does have potential to clog up your drain so you don't want to use so , so much of it .

Um Also it is very messy .

Coffee grounds are really messy in your shower .

Because they don't dissolve .

So what happens is when you are using this as a scrub , it does kind of get all over the place and you have to rinse down your shower .

So using the sugar in combination with the coffee kind of reduces the mess um in your shower and actually has a really nice skin feel and you're still getting the benefits of the exfoliation from the coffee without the worry of um blocking up your drains .

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So we're gonna take this um coffee and sugar mix and we're gonna put it into a kitchen aid mixer and just blend it up .

So it's all evenly dispersed .

Ok ?

So I just have my paddle attachment on and I'm just gonna go ahead and mix this on low and get the coffee and the sugar all mixed up together , ok ?

That should do it , ok ?

We're sitting at right around 100 and 25 degrees now .

So I'm gonna go ahead and add in my cool down ingredients .

This is gonna emulsify just a little bit .

Um Meaning we're not gonna see any of those floating oils .

Uh Once the caffeine is dispersed into this mixture here , it will , it will combine and we're just gonna give it a good mix .

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I'm gonna grab another spatula and just make sure I've gotten all that product in there , ok ?

We're just gonna give this a good mix and as you can see , it is very well combined .

There's no floating water separating out of the mix just gets very nicely combined , ok ?

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And then the next thing we're gonna do is just go ahead and add this into our sugar and coffee mix and we don't have to worry about the sugar melting because uh sugar is water soluble .

So we are just adding in basically an oil , uh melted oil mixture and a MLS combination here .

So it's not gonna melt the sugar even even at a higher temperature .

Ok .

So we're just gonna go ahead and get this going on low and then we're gonna pour in that mixture .

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All right .

And then I'm gonna stop there and just kind of scrape down my sides , make sure I'm getting everything very well combined .

So , as you can see the mixture has gone uh a brown color from the coffee .

Now , I'm using organic uh coffee that I just picked up at the grocery store was already ground up .

That way I could just make sure that the um coffee grounds were evenly ground up in the same consistency .

And of course , we're using organic for obvious reasons , ok ?

I'm gonna give this another good mix .

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So if you do not have a Kitchenaid mixer , you can of course , just use a handheld um electric mixer , just want to make sure everything is well combined or you could just do it by hand .

Although , um doing this by hand , you may not get such a good , um , blend of the products here .

So I do recommend either using a kitchenaid or an electric handheld mixer .

All right , I'm gonna get my containers prepped and ready to go and then we're gonna fill the containers .

All right .

So we're just gonna go ahead and fill these into these little eight ounce pe T containers .

I got these from Nature's Garden .

Um , they hold their eight ounce containers , but I think the scrub itself will weigh , it , will weigh it .

So I can tell you exactly how much product .

So this is what the scrub looks like .

It's still rather warm .

So this is gonna change in consistency , very much , um , over the next several hours .

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So I will bring you back in to show you a product demo of how it works when it's set up completely space .

It smells wonderful .

Ok ?

You get a paper towel .

There we go .

Ok ?

And you can just every so often scrape down the size of the container , make sure you're getting all the products .

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All right .

So this recipe fills up 88 ounce containers and you can , um , also you'll have a little bit left over that you can reserve for yourself and maybe a little four ounce container and use it in the shower .

Ok .

Like I said , this consistency changes very much over the next several hours .

So I'm , I'm gonna bring you back when it's completely set up .

And also to show you a product demo .

All right , everybody .

It's been a few hours .

So I'm gonna go ahead and show you how this coffee scrub has set up .

We're in the bathroom , we're about to do a product demo .

So as you can see , it gets a lot firmer .

It's very thick , it's not fluid .

So let's go ahead and do a product demo .

I did have a little bit of extra product that I stuck in a little four ounce container .

So we're just gonna go ahead and wet my hands in my arms .

Take this one and then I'm just gonna get a little bit of product .

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It has a really , really good consistency so you can just take a little bit and you rub it in .

As you can see , it's turning into a really nice cream like consistency and it feels really good .

And as that sugar dissolves , you'll get a nice lotion consistency on your skin and you can see what I was talking about earlier with the coffee grounds .

They don't dissolve .

So you just rinse off I and your skin feels really nice and smooth .

All right , everybody .

That's how you make an emulsified coffee scrub .

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Keep shining .

Catch you on the next video .


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