Hi , I'm Phil mcknight Braves coffee specialist .
And today I'd like to show you how to make the best cup of coffee you can at home .
One of the secrets to getting great tasting coffee is using quality coffee beans that are freshly roasted and ground right before you use them .
We've got an inbuilt grinder in this machine .
So it allows you to grind directly before you brew .
The other things you need to do to get great taste in coffee is make sure you put your espresso machine on .
Well , in advance of brewing , that makes sure that the group head and the porter filter are up to operating temperature .
They should be very close to the same temperature as you brew water .
Also have the cups on top of your machine .
Preheating .
That way the cups will be warm so that when the espresso is delivered into those cups , it won't kill the delicate aromatics contained in the Cremer .
So let's make a coffee .
We're just gonna insert our porta filter into our grinder cradle here and grind some fresh coffee directly into our porta filter .
Our 8 60 espresso machine uses stainless steel conical bursts in its grinder .
एक चम्मच डाल देंगे और अब साथ में इसमें डाला है ।
इसको हम मिक्स करेंगे ।
अगर स्ट्रॉंग बनानी है तो एक चम्मच डाल दे हाँ यार
So this brings our thermo coil up to around 100 and 60 degrees C .
So we can uh have steam to texture milk .
We've just filled our milk jug up to the V with uh fresh really cold milk .
And when the thermo calls up to temperature , we're just gonna introduce uh texture and heat into our jug .
So we can hear now that our steam system is almost up to temperature .
Just wait till you get the Perth till it's uh really up to full pressure .
Now , we're just gonna pause it while we put it into our milk jug , switch it back on .
So what we're doing is we've got the , the tip of the steam wand just at the surface of our milk .
So we're getting our milk to spin while we're just breaking the surface of the milk .
So we're actually introducing texture and we're heating at the same time , they're not two separate uh functions .
They're actually one process .
So you can hear that gentle hissing that's just breaking the surface of the milk .
And we're just using uh our hand just to judge the temperature of the milk .
So when it's just slightly too hot to touch , you'll know that it's up to temperature .
We're just at temperature now .
So we just stop our steam , drop our jug down , wipe our steam wand and then push it back into the drip tray .
So there we have really beautifully textured milk , really fine micro bubbles .
All we're gonna do now is pour that straight into our espresso , just swirl our espresso to break the surface tension of the Cremer and just slowly introduce the milk , integrating it with the espresso .
We're just trying to create a blank canvas .
Now , we just wiggle backwards and forwards a bit and just back up the milk jug .
And there we have the perfect latte right there .
Yeah .