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2023-08-25 06:51:06

7 Healthy Habits You NEED to Lose Weight

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You guys .

I literally just thought I lost my wedding ring .

I could not find it anywhere and we're searching all around the house .

Luckily I was filming .

So I could tell I had it just minutes ago and it somehow was stuck in the middle of my water bottle .

Like I don't use that finger .

I don't understand it .

So weird .

Anyway , they just literally just happen .

It was just blew my mind , but we're here and I'm so excited because I have seven tips that are like the best healthy habits if you're trying to lose weight or maintain weight loss , that if you can get these locked in .

Like these are the things that just help you carry this through your life and without even trying will allow you to lose weight .

And there is one that is like the last thing you would ever expect , but it is the most important , most impactful for weight loss .

As you always know , I share healthy habits all the time that are things that really have changed my life in like losing weight and keeping weight off .

And these are ones for anyone , whether you're just starting a fitness journey or you're like deep in , sometimes you need that reminder or there are little things that you don't think about .

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But the second someone says it and you do it , you're like , oh my gosh .

Yes , that is it .

So this is what I talk about all the time and it will be the first one I will talk about because it's so important and for some reason , people have a hard time with it and that is drinking water but not just drinking water chugging , drinking a big old glass or a bottle of water .

First thing in the morning .

So I always have like my 32 ounce mason jars .

I carry my LSF water bottles around constantly .

I recommend 2 to 3 liters of water a day for like the typical woman .

Um But if you're working out , you may want to drink more than that .

But especially first thing in the morning , it is going to help flush your body out .

If you're holding on to excess water and feeling bloated , you actually need more water to help reduce that .

So first thing in the morning , it flushes everything out .

It gets your body like awake and alive and it really will help you not only feel less bloated in the morning , it'll set you up for success throughout the day .

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And if you're drinking water throughout the day , it will also help reduce things like headaches and unwanted , just like grazing .

Because if you're mistaking .

You are hunger for thirst .

You know what I mean ?

Like sometimes you're not really hungry , you just need some water or something else or you know , like you're just thinking about it and you're creating this hunger , but your body is not actually hungry .

Drinking water will actually just help you kind of keep your mouth busy for a minute .

So you can decide , am I actually hungry or do I just need some more water ?

And if you are like a lot of women and you're like water is really boring and I have a hard time drinking it .

Try adding like fresh mint or lemon berries .

Honestly , like I'll muddle up like strawberries and mint something just to help add some flavor to it without adding a bunch of extra calories that you don't need .

The second thing I do .

That is a huge game changer for losing weight and keeping weight off is snacking all day long .

I feel like so many women .

I talked about this in my last video are like , how do I stop snacking ?

No girlfriend , you need to snack .

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You need to keep your metabolism working for you , but you have to be eating the right foods if you are snacking on Doritos all day long , like yeah , not the best .

You're not really going to be accomplishing your goals .

But if you're using the LSF meal plans , I give you so many snack ideas in there .

Some of my favorites like the hanger bombs , the sweet potato with like nut butter on it .

So good apples , berries .

Like there's so many good like parfaits in there too .

So you can have delicious healthy snacks throughout the day that are going to give you energy .

They're gonna help you feel full and they'll help you reach your goals because the last thing you want to do is stop eating or reduce like your calories so much that your body kind of shuts down because it's like worried , it's not going to get food again .

So you need to keep it knowing like I got you , I'm gonna give you everything you need so that engine can work for you and actually help you lose weight .

The other great thing about snacking all day long is it also is going to help you reduce your blood sugar spikes .

Like so that it keeps your blood sugar nice .

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And even again , that's going to help reduce your .

So you're not just grabbing everything and anything in sight , you're being more mindful about what you're putting in your body .

So again , you can have , have really good food .

You can keep snacking , but you're doing it the right way so that you can reach your goals .

Number three , a ton of people are going to disagree with me on this one and I don't care because it truly has changed my life and has helped me lose £45 and keep it off for like almost 10 years now , which is crazy town .

I can't believe it's been that long and that is to be distracted while you eat .

Ok .

But there's two things that kind of go with this .

So , you know , like most people say like , oh , like if you're trying to lose weight , like turn off all distractions while you eat and just focus on your food .

Like , to me that just makes me want to get through my meal and like move on to the next thing so I can watch my show .

I wanna watch or like check in with whatever .

So I actually think it's totally ok to be distracted while you're eating .

However , this is the key , you have to put your fork down between bites .

So I like watching TV .

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Like , right and I watch TV , when we eat dinner or like watch a show or something just because that's like what we like to do and that's ok .

There's nothing wrong with that .

But what you don't want to do is be like watching it distracted and just like shoveling everything in your mouth .

I will take a bite , I'll put my fork down , I'll enjoy my show while I enjoy my food that I'm eating and chew it and take that time to really like , enjoy the whole experience and that will slow your eating down so that you're able to actually like , decide if you're full or not because what happens and why they say not to be distracted is like I said , people like , zone out and just shovel everything in and then you end up eating more than you need because you're not paying attention .

You don't give your body time to catch up to be like we're good .

So if you put your fork down between bites , if you're enjoying a show or something , totally fine , that will actually , for me , it does help me slow down because I'm just in like a whole experience versus like I just gonna eat this meal so I can move on to then go watch my show .

Number four is making a lunch .

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This kind of sounds like dub .

But it's not because especially if you're going into an office , it's so easy to be like , oh , I'll just grab lunch out with friends or I'll just like run out somewhere during the day and that ends up leading usually to like really unhealthy choices and even if you're making healthy choices , like at a restaurant that maybe has some healthier options , it usually means there's a lot of sodium and added stuff still that like you don't need or maybe you don't want , especially if you're trying to lose some weight .

So creating a lunch that you can either take on the go or even if you're at home , I always have things like greens , brown rice proteins , avocado stuff .

I can just quickly throw together to make a healthy lunch , like , I know it's on hand and that's really important because that's my fuel in the middle of the day .

That's gonna keep me going .

It's making sure that I have that foundational meal .

Of course , breakfast is really important too .

But lunch I feel like is the one where most people end up messing up during the day .

Um , so at home I always have those things available .

So meal prepping , especially for lunch is key .

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I always recommend to people like , like meal prepping can feel really overwhelming .

I totally get that .

Uh So don't feel like you have to meal prep , every single meal start with lunch .

To me , that's like the best one to start with .

So start with lunch , make it simple and you can either meal prep your actual lunch like the whole thing or do what I do and just prep those simple ingredients that you can mix and match and throw together to have a like full healthy nutritious lunch .

And I honestly think it's just as important , like I said , whether you're at home or whether you're going to an office , like at home , it might be a little easier .

But what I found especially through this last year is it actually was harder for me .

Like I didn't think about prepping for lunch and I was like , oh , I'm home .

I don't need to do that .

But then I'd get to lunch and be like , oh , shoot , I don't really have anything I have to defrost this or I have to like , cook that .

And so I'd end up ordering lunch all the time and I got way off track .

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So at home , especially also , like , it was really important for me this last year to like , get that in check and start prepping those ingredients and all the meals .

Like in the seven day slim down plan that we're doing right now or in the meal plan are so easy to prep just your foundation because it's all about those healthy fats , healthy carbs proteins and your grains , right ?

So pick your favorites and just build bowls , build salads , build wraps , like make it simple .

You don't have to overcomplicate it and you can add a lot of flavor to mix and match like with the same ingredients and make it feel different for lunch every day in your week .

A lot of people ask me how I don't just like snack all day like , oh , how do you cut cravings ?

How are you not eating like chips ?

I am like a sucker for chips .

Hint of lime , Tostitos in particular are my favorites .

Um But like I could eat a whole bag of chips like just I could just do it .

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So I just don't buy it like I know it sounds like uh but like honestly for me , I have to just not buy it because if I have it in my house , then I'm gonna see it all the time and then I'm gonna be eating it .

So number five is grocery shopping with a list and I've actually learned over this last year to really prefer doing it online because I'm not tempted by those aisles .

You know what I mean ?

Like you walk by the one with the chips and you're like , like fine back your card up , go down it and then you just want to toss it all in there .

Just me .

No .

Ok .

For me it's like , been really good to like kind of get into that online shopping and have my list to know exactly what I need , what I want to get .

And you guys , if you watched my last video , when I talked about how I eat whatever I want and get abs like , you know , I eat pizza , I eat chips , I eat burgers , fries .

I do it , but I try not to have all the stuff in my house all the time because it just makes it too easy .

Right ?

And then you just , it turns into every day versus like a once in a while thing to enjoy .

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Um , and when I don't have it in my house and I want those things , I have to really think about it and it really takes a lot of effort to actually get them .

So I have more time I have to consider like , do I really want this ?

Do I need this ?

Should I make a better choice and nine times out of 10 , I end up making a better choice with what I have at home .

And then there's that like , you know , 1% of the time where I'm like , yeah , I want that burger and fries order it .

Um and that happens and that's ok but for me having that online shopping and really just the list in general is gonna save you money and it's gonna save your waistline .

So you're not over doing it all the time .

I have two more healthy habits for you guys that really are game changers .

Next one though is the most important .

And I say that I don't want you to skip the last one because it's also important .

But this is the most important thing you could do for yourself if you are trying to lose weight or if you are trying to maintain a healthy weight , it is not something you think about .

We think about food , we think about exercise .

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That's what our head goes to , right .

The most important thing you can possibly do if you are trying to lose weight is to get more sleep .

Yep , you got to get more sleep .

So most people get less than seven hours of sleep .

And there are like countless , countless , countless studies that show time and time again .

If you're getting under seven hours of sleep , you're prone to weight gain and obesity .

Like there's so many factors that play into that and we can dive into all of those .

But it's just a fact like at this point it's science , you guys , you can't argue with it .

And I know depending on your life , if you have kids , like , maybe more than seven hours is just not totally practical in this moment .

But I want you to fight for that sleep .

You got to get it .

Ok .

So this is just like a few reasons why getting like 89 hours , nine hours , it just like heavenly .

Why ?

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That's so important one , if you're sleeping , you can't eat like and I know I just got done telling you like you should be eating all the time all day and you should , you need that consistency throughout your day .

But if you're up , if you're waking up early , those are just all those hours that are extra hours of you being tempted to want to like have late night snacks or eat extra calories .

That's why intermittent fasting can be so beneficial for people .

Is it cuts down that window ?

So when you expand your sleep time , it's naturally going to cut down that window of like possible eating time .

Also , when you're really tired and you're lacking sleep , you're more likely to just kind of grab whatever you have .

Your body is gonna want those sugars and things to help like keep it like waking up .

Um And it's just not great like you're , you're tired , you're groggy and you're more likely to just grab any of the junk that's around you .

You don't want to take the time to make those mindful healthy decisions when you have rest .

You're like , ok , let's do my day .

I'm gonna make my salad .

I'm gonna do my thing .

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Like you just have more , um , control over the habits that you're forming throughout the day .

Also , when you're lacking sleep , your body produces more Grein and less leptin , which are appetite hormones and that will lead to weight gain as well .

So , one of them helps suppress appetite .

One of them makes you want to eat all the time .

And essentially so physiologically , your body is working against you when you're not getting enough sleep as it is .

So like between your body working against you , your hormones working against you and then you being tired and mindlessly grazing and eating everything and then you having this extra large weight of time to eat throughout the day , you're gonna end up adding unnecessary pointless calories to your day that aren't going to benefit you in any way .

So , do yourself a favor and get some sleep .

And the last habit that you need to commit to right now , starting today , if you're not already is to commit to 10 minutes of movement every single day .

I've talked about this for years .

Now .

You guys like that is where I started with my £45 weight loss .

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Me 10 minutes .

It's so simple .

That could be a walk .

That could be some stretching .

That could be abs , it could be anything .

That's why I give you the free daily 10 in the Love Fitness app because I want everyone to have access to a plan to get their body moving every day .

Creating that healthy habit is what leads to a long life of movement of health .

And it really encompasses everything .

Like yes , you cannot out train a bad diet , you can work out a million hours .

And if you're eating garbage , like it's not gonna only impact your weight , but also just your health in general .

If you're putting junk in your body , you can't out trainin that .

But you do need both healthy nutrition and movement exercise to have an optimal healthy lifestyle .

So yes , we're talking about weight loss here but weight loss is to help allow our bodies to be healthier overall .

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Um decreasing risk of diabetes , decreasing risk of obesity , heart failure , all of those diseases that come as you have that excess unhealthy weight .

But moving is so important for our longevity .

Think about like as you age , you want to be able to like live a vibrant life and do what you want to do and not be restricted by not having that physical movement .

So 10 minutes a day , at least you guys and the great thing .

And I say this all the time is when you commit to 10 minutes , some days , that's all you got , maybe all you have is 10 minutes .

But most of the time when you show up to do those 10 minutes , you're gonna want to do a few more and you're like , oh , fine .

I can do 10 more or five more or 20 more and you start to build a routine and that is what I want for you guys .

We're doing our spring slimdown challenge right now .

So you get the free daily 10 .

I'm giving you a free bonus move too , like just to push you a little extra to really get in that habit .

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And then if you want more , if you want to add on as you're doing that , you have the premium workouts in the app where I guide you , step by step , your personal training programming , you have the videos on demand that are full length workouts in there for you .

Truly , everything you need when it comes to the fitness side .

So if you couple like my nutrition plans that I've built so like perfectly to help you build these healthy habits , so you can actually learn how to feel your body , not just be told what to do .

And then as soon as you're done with the plan , you're like now what this teaches you .

So you can carry that through your life to maintain that healthy weight loss that lose during the plans .

And then you have the app to really support you in your workouts .

No matter what fitness level you're at , no matter how much time you have to commit , they're there for you .

So , hopefully these seven tips have really helped you guys .

Again , these are just seven habits that really changed my life that I continue to come back to and be like , yes , that was one of those things that really was a game changer .

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And again , if you only take one away from this entire video and you're like , hey , what's one thing I need to start right now .

Get more sleep , get it .

Give yourself 10 more minutes , 30 whatever you can do .

Fight for that sleep , girl , you're gonna feel so much better .

If you do .

If you like this video , hit the thumbs up and comment down below .

I want to know how much sleep you guys are getting because I think it's shocking sometimes when I talk to people , they're like four hours .

I'm like what ?

That's not OK .

So tell me how much sleep you're getting and I'll give you guys some advice and some tips in the comments to help you start to get a little more rest or if you're getting enough sleep like good for you .

Um Also please share this video if you think it would be helpful for someone else .

All of your likes your comments , your shares , tell me and tell youtube that you want more content like this so I can keep making it for you guys .

And if somehow you've gotten to this point and you're still not subscribed to my channel .

Hit that red button and subscribe .

All right , you guys , I'll see you next week .

Love you so much .

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Bye , the .


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