Have you guys ever dreamt of having well sculpted arms without much effort .
Hello , people .
I'm welcome to or well sculpted arms without any much effort without going to the gym without any equipment or without carrying any weights .
Yes , that is possible with these simple moves to practice every day .
So let's get started .
The first up exercise is called the United biceps .
So all you have to do is extend your elbows right in front of you .
All the arms actually .
And we're going to work on the shoulders , biceps and the triceps all at the same time .
So this move might look very easy for you , but it is extremely challenging to move your arms when the elbows are stacked together , once again , extend your arms in front of you like this , how to go face and eye and make sure that your arms are at shoulder weight distance and then bringing the arms together towards your face like this .
And then this extend .
So that makes it £1.01 repetition .
And you have to do at least around 10 to 12 repetitions and 2 to 3 sets of this exercise .
So do this work off your arms , biceps and shoulders together for at least a minute till you actually start feeling the burn and the arms start crying .
And after the arms have warmed up nicely , take a breather break for at least four or five seconds before we move on to the next exercise , which is called the chest press away , the chest press away .
We bought the simple exercise here .
All you have to do is place your palms in front of your chest like this .
Now , palms are facing away from you .
So palms place like this elbows will be once again at the height of your shoulders , elbows , put your height , have a shoulder height and the palms are at the height of your chest .
Now , from here , you are going to push outward like this as you are pushing a ball actively from your hands and bring it back and bring it back at all times .
Keep all the muscles of your hands engaged and bring it back to the shoulder height .
Elbows , keep height at shorter distance and keep doing this move once again for 10 to 12 repetitions and 2 to 3 sets each .
And did you feel the bone in your entire arm muscles ?
The triceps , active biceps , active shoulders , totally active finger flexor and a very , very good exercise for your wrist also and relax .
So this was an easy , quick way to work out on that extra flab , especially if you're struggling .
The flab in the inner corners of your aunts and to watch most of the interesting videos with me .
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Keep spreading the love guys , send me your comments and keep rocking .
Bye .