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2023-08-24 07:43:21

How To Lose Weight For Men – The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide

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Hey there , my friend , my name is Dr Anthony Valdez .

I'm the founder here at the Fit Father Project and I want to welcome you to this awesome video and associate article on how to lose weight for men .

It's a hugely important topic that I'm extremely passionate about .

And in this article , I'm going to cover our five step framework that we call mm Fat that covers the five foundations that you absolutely need to lose weight .

We're gonna lay that all out .

I'm gonna teach you exactly what to do so you can get started on fast weight loss .

Let's dive in .

I know you're gonna enjoy this Fit Father project dot com , right ?

So the back story on this mm Fat acronym is here at the Fit Project .

We've helped over 10,000 fathers lose over £75,000 of fat .

And from helping all those guys , we've kind of distilled down what really works .

What are the five steps that we need ?

And that's what this Mm Fat acronym stands for .

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So the first m stands for Mindset and this is extremely important because one of the biggest mistakes I see as a men's health doctor is when guys start to try to lose weight , they focus on the exercise and the diet stuff first without getting their mind right , without creating a clear action plan and without discovering some of their internal motivations .

Now , here's the thing as you probably know from reflecting in your own life , weight loss is not just about food , it's not just about exercise and knowing what to do .

It's really getting internally aligned .

It's about really figuring out how to create your , make your behavior sustainable by getting the inner motivation .

And really the one thing that we help guys do like the one action step before we talk about diet exercise is we have guys write a weight loss mission statement .

We have them right down specifically in the next 30 days , what they want to achieve with their weight loss , whether it's 5 , 10 , 15 or even £20 and then we have them right down , why they want to get it done .

What are the big juicy reasons why they want to lose the weight ?

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And we get , we get clear on that .

We talk about both the benefits of what's going to happen in their life when they get the weight off , the new energy , the new confidence , the increased vitality in the bedroom , the more passionate relationship , you know , feeling better , pride and confidence when you're at work , just feeling more trim .

But also we got to get clear about the costs , the cost .

If we don't get the weight off that pain lever , what's going to happen to your family ?

If you don't get the weight off , what's gonna happen to your energy , your career , your sense of confidence , we need to really use our brains to crank up both the pleasure and crank up both the pain when we're starting to lose weight to get really motivated and aligned .

So we create this mission statement .

It goes something like this in the next 30 days .

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I am 100% committed to losing £10 by eating a healthy diet by exercising three times per week so that I can stay strong and permanently healthy for my family , wear the clothes I want to wear , feel more confident at work and to ensure that I don't get sick and I don't have a heart attack like my dad had .

That would be an example of an amazing mission statement .

And that's the first m once you create a mission statement , which I'm going to challenge you to do after you watch this video .

The second M is we need to get your metabolism corrected .

We need baseline metabolism correction .

And really there are two ways to do that .

First thing is when you ensure that you're getting enough sleep , your body simply will not get rid of fat if you're in a sleep deprived state .

So at minimum , we need to have you getting seven hours of restful sleep every night .

And a lot of guys who come to me saying , Doctor Anthony , I just can't lose the weight .

They're sleeping less than seven hours .

And when we miss sleep , what happens is our bodies just do not process carbs properly .

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A hormone called insulin gets all out of whack and we're storing fat all day long and our body doesn't want to release the fat because we're in constant stress mode because our body , when we don't sleep senses stress .

So our hormones get all out of whack .

And that's why we need to get the minimum amount of sleep seven hours before we even talk about food and exercise , which are some of the next things in this mm Fat acronym .

But we also need to get your hydration on point because hydration too is required , the proper amount of water is required for every single metabolic reaction that's gonna help your body release the fat and increase your metabolism .

So at minimum , I want you drinking 100 ounces of water per day , seven hours of sleep , 100 ounces of water .

If you have those things in check , let's proceed to the next f in the mm Fat acronym .

F stands for fuel , fuel , meaning nutrition , nutrition and fuel is the foundation of your ability to lose weight .

You cannot out exercise a bad diet .

That's something that I will probably tattoo on my arm one day because I say it so much here at the fit project .

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We need to make sure you're getting the right number of calories in and that's the foundation of weight loss .

You know , we need to get the fuel down before we even talk about exercise .

And that's why we put together a free one day meal plan for guys that covers exactly what you should be eating .

There's links in this video , there's links down below in the article .

Well , roughly what we want you to do is build what we call perfect plates and we want you to build those for breakfast , lunch and dinner and a perfect plate is that when you have a plate of food , half of your plate should be filled with some kind of veggie you love , you know , broccoli , a salad , mixed greens , asparagus , Brussels sprouts , some kind of fibrous green veggie .

A quarter of your plate should be with some kind of protein .

You love chicken steak fish , uh sardines , you know what I I like sardines .

I don't know if anyone else out there like sardines , I'm Italian .

But uh I say that sometimes and then the other quarter of your plate should be some kind of healthy carbs that you like .

Things that are great are some fruits , you know , brown rice , oatmeal , sweet potato .

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Um even some Ezekiel bread , which is a great kind of bread that we recommend in our free one day meal plan .

But point being is I want you to build three of those perfect plates for breakfast , lunch and dinner .

And that's just a really simple starting point to get on a proper meal plan and get the f for fuel started .

Now , there are some more intricacies that we cover in that free one day meal plan that I recommend you .

Uh , you let us email to you straight to your email , but I just want to give you the f in the big picture that we need to get fuel down before we get into a which stands for activity .

Another huge mistake the guys make when trying to get the weight off is they try to do formal workouts .

Um without actually getting baseline activity done first , I want you to have 30 minutes of activity every single day .

That's just moving your body .

It's walking around , you know , it's just getting off your butt if you have a desk job , like I sit way too much .

I make sure that I set a timer and I get 30 minutes every single day .

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And a really useful thing is to have a pedometer on your iphone or a step counter of some store , a Fitbit and try to get around 5000 steps .

And that's more than 30 minutes of daily activity .

But we just need to make sure that we get enough activity because it turns out from the research is that our brains , if we don't get enough daily activity , our hunger circuits go haywire .

If we see too much .

It turns out that we just get hungry all day long , but we hit what we call the daily activity threshold .

Then our hunger levels are more level and we're not craving all these kinds of sweets and stuff .

So if you feel like you have just rabid food cravings , it could be because one , you're not getting enough sleep and two , you're not hitting the daily activity threshold .

So 30 minutes a day , get it done in the morning , get it done on your lunch break , get those steps in .

That's the easiest way to do it .

And finally the tea in the mm fat is timed workouts .

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We recommend that if you're starting off to lose weight , all you need is 3 to 4 30 minute workouts that are just really condensed and they boost your metabolism .

And because of that , we put together our free 24 minute fat burning workout for Busy Fathers that covers the 24 minute workout .

And there's links here to that as well because I want to show you exactly what you should be doing with your workout .

And we recommend that you do these uh these functional workouts that really reignite your metas 3 to 4 times per week .

So maybe a Monday , Wednesday , Friday , daily activity every day , adequate sleep every day , adequate hydration every day and those good meals .

And that's really the foundation .

A lot of people want to make this weight loss stuff complicated it's not , it's not complicated but it does take consistency and habits and that's where the art comes into this game is .

How do we make this stuff simple ?

How do we make it sustainable ?

And that's really what we're experts at here at the project .

You know , we really give you the tools and the actual action plan .

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We hand it to you and our free one day meal plan and our free 24 minute workout .

So if you want some of these sources , check them out , me and my team will email it straight to , you know , you're really gonna love it .

Now , if you watch this video on youtube , I want to invite you to subscribe to our youtube channel um because we have tons more great videos just like this on healthy eating , on building muscle , on losing fat , the best exercises and the best meals to eat .

We cover all that .

You can see some of our videos playing here and I want to invite you to subscribe to our channel and dive into those other videos and I can't wait to help you stay strong and permanently healthy for your family .


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