Hey , welcome back to art and let's draw another dinosaur .
And this time it's gonna be the awesome T rex .
So let's get started with a quick sketch and then I will show you line by line on how you can draw this .
All right .
So let's draw this T rex .
And to begin , we'll start out with the brow area first .
So we're just gonna draw a kind of like a little peak .
Let's go up and the inside , I'm gonna draw another one .
So that's kind of the brow area .
And then for the eyeball just come across and then the bottom is just kind of like a U shape , just close everything off .
OK ?
Just to finish off the eyeball .
And then once you have that on the , on the corner right here , just kinda come back in , just adding a little bit more detail to it .
OK ?
And then now to finish the snout in the jaw , we're gonna go out from here and this curve down and then we're gonna come back , just curve it all the way back right around here .
And then from there , we're gonna curve this one more curve all the way back here .
All right .
And then now we can join the , the lower jaw .
So for the lower jaw , we're gonna come down from here and let's close this off first .
So this is actually the inside of the mouth from this point here , curve right around here .
And then now to finish off the lower jar , this one's easy , which is gonna come down , come back in and right around here .
Let's give it a nice round shape all the way up .
All right .
And then now for the fun part , we're gonna draw in the teeth .
So let's start up here .
So I'm just gonna draw , just keep going back all the way back and then for the bottom as well .
Same thing here .
I'm gonna draw a slightly smaller , all right .
And then put his tongue right here , still a little curve coming out like that .
And then when I come back in , let's call her back .
And then right here , let's add in some lines right here because these are like stretched skin right here .
So I'm just gonna drop a few lines .
All right .
And then to finish that off , let's and a little dot There for his nostril .
All right .
Nice and mean .
And then now let's finish up the head and the neck .
So right here , we're gonna continue this line .
There's the skull on the back may come down for a snack and then come back here right underneath the jaw .
And this is the bottom part of his neck , which is kind of curve to hit this spot spot right there .
So that's gonna be a snack .
And then now let's come down and um drawing his arms .
So right here , I'm gonna add one little bump first , let's give him some muscle .
And then now for his arm , start here down and then just angle it out .
Come back up .
Here , here's the backside come down .
This is his elbow , come out , that's gonna be his wrist .
So it's not really small .
And then here one of his claws and I'm just gonna turn it down and then continue this and just hook it down .
All right .
So that's one and let's draw one more in the back here .
So curve and then just come back behind the fingers .
All right .
So that's his arm and we can join another one later .
But let's continue on with this side with the body first .
So right here on his elbow , he's gonna draw one little curb that's gonna be part of his tummy .
And then for his leg from this line here , we're gonna go up , just curve it up , this is gonna be his hip and then on this side when it comes down , I guess this would be his knee and then we'll slam it down .
Ok .
So come across here .
OK .
So that's the back of his knee and then we will come down here .
So that's one joint .
And then for this one on the back , we just curve all the way back .
So this is this whole hip and then to add a little bit of four here , OK ?
To make it a little bit more realistic .
OK ?
And then now I can join the bottom .
So we have one more joint down here , just come down , angle it , same thing here , just come down .
And then now on this side , we're gonna draw his foot just kind of curve it on this side , come down straight down and then just close everything off .
And then for the claw just kind of hook it and come back in and then one more .
So I'm gonna start here .
Let's go up and then come straight down and then here's the claw , one more , just kind of tuck it in behind .
All right .
So now let's finish up the body right here .
So here's the , the tummy area so we can continue this curve .
Let's start right here .
This curve and this is gonna be the beginning of its tail .
So now I can finish up the top of the body here .
So right here and continue on the back .
We're just gonna draw one big hump right over here to the hip and then we draw one more bump here and then this is gonna be his tail .
And then let's finish this line here on this line .
We're just gonna come in a little bit more .
OK ?
And then let's add in one line here just to make it look like it's kind of folding .
All right .
So now we can draw on his other leg .
So here's the back of this , it's gonna be right here .
So when I come down , just come across .
So this , this line is this one .
So let's give you some thickness .
We'll start here , we slam in and then the other joint coming down and then this side , same thing come down and then this one here , we're gonna turn it like this on the top here as well .
We're gonna turn it and then come down , close it off and then now I can draw one of his cars again and then one more in the back .
So , same thing as this one come out close and one more claw .
All right .
So that's pretty much it .
And now for the tail is really easy .
So I'm gonna start out , let's start on the top .
Then I'll just start right around here .
I'm just gonna turn it and have it go up because I don't have a lot of paper space .
But if you wanna go out more , you can definitely do that .
All right .
And then we continue on the bottom .
I'm just gonna follow this curve and as I get to the tip there , I'm just gonna , you start to taper it down and then round it off and close it off .
So that's pretty much it for the body .
And if you want to add in some details right around the neck area , it's got a lot of little folds and it actually really helps you can draw in some of these lines like this .
So it just kind of have a little wavy line coming down , even down here in a tummy .
I'm just gonna add a couple of folds .
All right .
And then lastly if you want to add in the other arm , I'm just gonna start here .
So I'm just gonna come out .
So here's the wrist and then I'll draw one claw , same thing as that one and then one more on the back .
And that is it for this T rex .
Hope you guys liked the way it turned out .
And if you do , please check out my other dinosaurs and I will see you next time .