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2023-07-18 12:39:57

Yoga For Beginners _ Adaptable Yoga For Exactly How You Feel & What You Need

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The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant .

When Einstein came up with this idea , he was commenting on our cultural over evaluation of the rational mind .

So in today's adaptive yoga class , we're going to honor and listen to our intuitive mind .

Our intuition , our body is always asking for what it needs in every moment , but often with too much focus on our mind's conscious frequency .

We ignore the messages that lie underneath it through yoga on our mats , we make space through our breath and the stillness to listen and respond accordingly .

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So today , we are going to slow down , sink in and make ourselves available to whatever our body needs .

Roll out your mat with me and let's begin .

I just wanted to take a moment and introduce you to the sponsor of this video re if you were like me over the last few years , I often find myself feeling overwhelmed and somewhat powerless by the never ending media updates surrounding the climate crisis .

And although we individually cannot directly halt or influence the corporate sector's lion share of the contribution , we can actually exercise our individual power by working to offset our own personal carbon footprints .

And even though this strategy won't immediately save the world , it does speak to the world we want to live in .

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It leads by example , for others to follow and is an actionable , effective and meaningful strategy which contributes to the right side of each of our characters .

And ren this video sponsor is a wonderful tool that helps with this .

When you create an account , it assists you in calculating your personal carbon footprint and then guides you through the process of funding projects that plant trees and protect rainforest in order to offset it , you then sign up to make a monthly contribution and receive direct updates from the projects that you chose to support .

So you can see your intention at work in the actual world .

Gandhi said be the change you want to see in the world Julianne and I always remind ourselves to do our best to live by these words .

And now Ren is the tool to help us do better .

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So if this speaks to you , head over to Ren's website using the link in the description because they have committed to planting 10 extra trees for the 1st 100 people who sign up from the link in this video .

And that too is actionable and inspiring .

Thanks , Ren , welcome friends .

Let's begin .

Today's class on our knees at the back of our mat and with a big inhale , let's reach up towards the sky , holding that breath in , grab both hands and stretch upward .

Feeling your shoulders extend , holding that breath in only to slowly begin to exhale and bring the palms of your hands back down to your heart .

Once again with a big inhale , let's reach up for a stretch , holding for a moment .

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Really feeling those shoulders come alive .

So you point your fingers this time up towards the sky and then slowly exhale , bringing your hands back down to heart with a deep inhale , sitting in the stillness , fill your lungs and slowly to the rhythm of your body .

Exhale back out the mouth .

Repeating again for a second time , filling up those lungs and slowly exhaling once again , quieting the mind on your third breath in holding for a second and slowly releasing .

Once again , as that exhale , slowly completes fold forward towards the earth on your mat , allowing your hands to slowly guide yourself into child's pose .

You can either bring your hands to the side of your body or keep them extended out front .

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This is your first task here , an extended child's pose to listen to what your body is asking for and to respond accordingly .

Breathing consciously in through the nose and peacefully and steadily out back out the mouth can add a little bit of rock side to side .

Feeling the stretch in those quads as you do .

Motion can be such a beautiful gift in a pose like child's pose or stillness can be what you're looking for today and that's perfectly fine too .

So whether you're rocking , whether you're still or your hands are extended out front , still find what feels right for you and sink deeper with every breath .

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If your mind begins to pull you out of this moment , use your breath as the string to guide you back to the present consciousness that you are working to achieve right here in this moment , it's perfectly normal for the mind to want to pull you away .

So when it does forgive it and just come back to your breath .

Now , on your next exhale , bringing your right hand down to the side , bend at your hips , reaching with your left arm to the right side of your mat , feeling the stretch through your shoulder and down your side body .

If that's not feeling right for you , come back into neutral child's pose .

But listen , that's the job you're here to do today .

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And on your next exhale , let's bring your left hand down to the side of your body and extend over to the left side of your mouth with your right feeling that whole side body come alive , sinking deeper with every conscious breath beautiful .

Now , on your next exhale , come back to neutral .

If it's feeling ok and reach down behind your back , clasping your fingers and stretch those shoulders up towards the sky .

If your body is not asking for a stretch like this today , stay in the stillness .

Sometimes an active stretch like this can be too much , but on other days , it can be exactly what your body is looking for .

Perfect .

Now , on your next exhale from whatever position of child's pose you're in , slowly come rising back up to hero on your knees .

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And let's bring our hands to heart , reconnecting with our breath and taking a conscious note of how your body feels right now here at the beginning of this class to come back to later .

Now , on your next inhale , we're going to take a breath and reach our hands up above our heads , then drop your right arm down to the side of your mat and lean with your left over the right side of your body .

If you'd like to go a little deeper , you can drop your left hip to the left side of your mat .

Breach over to the right with that left arm and feel that whole side body and soul as come alive with either version .

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Imagine each breath sending all the energy to open up the muscles with compassion from your left shoulder , all the way down your side body to the glute and on your next exhale , come back to neutral and let's take it to the other side , reaching with that right arm all the way to the left side , dropping that hip off the heels to the right side of the mad .

If you'd like to deepen the stretch or just stay neutral and just reach with the arm either way with each breath in and out .

Feel the opening and sink deeper .

Wonderful .

Coming back up to neutral .

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Let's slowly work our way over onto all fours , knees stacked underneath our hips and wrists , under shoulders in a straight line .

And let's slowly lift that right leg , point it back towards the bottom of the room and lift the left arm up off the mat and point it forward , finding our bird dog position .

If you wobble a little bit , that's perfectly fine .

Just work towards finding the stillness .

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Once again , the grace , the inner consciousness and on your next exhale , let's come back to neutral and go over to the other side , extending that left leg and reaching with that right arm , beautiful breathing in , coming back to the breath slowly and mindfully exhaling once again , finding the body's natural rhythm with the breath and on your next exhale , coming back to neutral , you can take another bird dog here exactly as we did , repeating the first time or take a moment and ask if your body would like to go a little bit deeper .

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And if so reach back with that left arm to grab the right ankle , coming into your kneeling half bow pose in searching for the stillness and grace on your next exhale , come back to neutral and find your opposite birddog position or your opposite kneeling half bow position .

And just remember like all balancing .

If you lose your balance , that's part of your journey , forgive yourself and just come back in .

Excellent .

Coming back to neutral all fours , let's slowly raise our knees , keeping them bent and come to the beginning of our first downward dog .

If you'd like to keep your knees bent like this , that's perfectly fine .

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But if you'd like to go further , strengthen them , locking your arms and slowly with each breath , bringing your chest down towards the mat , fingers fanned heels , pressing down and coming back to your conscious breathing .

If you'd like to add some motion , you can walk your dog by bending each knee one at a time and dropping the hips just slightly of the bent knee down towards the mat .

Finding your body's natural rhythm with the breath is exactly what you're looking to do or stay back in your downward dog in stillness .

Ask your body what it wants , experiment with different movement and then provide what feeds it best .

And on your next exhale slowly walk your feet towards the front of your mat .

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And while keeping the knees bent just slightly rise back up to standing inhaling hands above head , exhaling palms together and bring them down to your heart for dropping them to the sides of your body .

Palms , facing forward , chest out , chin , up shoulders , slightly pulled back , returning to her conscious breathing just for a moment to check in with her body before we continue this practice .

And now on your next inhale , let's raise our hands up above head .

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Exhaling , dropping hands down to mat , folding at the hips and stepping back with first your right leg , then your left into plank , dropping down knees first , then chest , then chin and coming up into upward facing dog pushing the earth away as we then return to downward facing dog .

That's the first flow of the practice .

We're going to slowly come back to neutral the front of our mat bent at the waist and grab both elbows with opposite hands and slowly if your body responds , well , let's rock back and forth in the rag doll , allowing our knees to bend slightly as we sway side to side or if it feels right , just stay in the stillness .

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Now , in your next exhale , we're gonna step back once again with just our right foot .

First , planting our toes , pivoting our foot to the front of the mat and rising up with left knee bent , stacked over ankle in tar vids , two warrior , two arms extended , reaching with that left finger to the very front , using our gaze are down our arm and towards whatever lies in that direction .

Finding our connective breath once again and on your next exhale , windmill , the arms bringing your body to the front of the mat as you pivot both feet to point forward , bending at the hips and bringing our hands down flat in front of us .

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Finding our Rita PAA , wide legged forward , fold .

If you'd like to keep a micro bend in your knees because it feels better .

That's exactly what you should do .

If you'd like to add a little motion bobbing up and down away and towards the earth to deepen the stretch .

It's perfectly fine to do so too .

Or sink into the stillness listening to your body and your breath and your heart and on your next exhale , let's slowly bring ourselves back up to neutral .

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Bending that right knee , straightening the left and coming up into Warrior two on the opposite side , reaching with that right arm extending , feeling the joints and ligaments pull as you gaze down to your right fingers , keeping that knee stacked above your ankle and engage that left leg pointing those toes directly parallel away from your body .

It's a perfect ana to fall back into your breath again and on your next exhale , let's pivot both feet pointing front again and bend at the hips slowly coming down towards the mat into our wide legged forward fold again .

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And if it serves you , you can reach towards your left leg with your left hand bending deeper , breathing into the stretch or just stay straight at the center and just like on the other side , you can keep your legs micro bent just slightly for safety and then reach back over to the other side , right hand to right ankle , left hand , supportive down the leg on the calf or the other ankle as well .

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Now , once again , inhale hands above head , exhale , falling down towards the mat one more flow here as we step back with our right , then our left foot , knee's chest chin or choon into inhaling upward facing dog exhale back down to downward facing dog .

Wonderful .

Let's slowly walk to the front of our mat and finish this flow by rising back up into standing and with a big deep inhale , let's reach our hands up above our head , putting our palms together and slowly exhale as we bring them down to our heart .

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Checking in with ourselves just for a second and then on our next inhale , let's raise those hands up one last time , exhale , fall down to the mat , bend at the knees and slowly lower ourselves back , seated onto the center of our mat and with our legs extended out feet pointing upwards .

Let's slowly find our forward fold .

If you can start by reaching your toes , that's a good spot .

But if your hands only go to your knees or maybe your shin , that's fine too .

The key here is not to bend in the back , but to fold at the hips and allow your body to go as deeply or as shallow as it requires where you end is exactly where you're supposed to be .

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With each conscious breath , allow yourself and your muscles to let go a little bit deeper as you exhale , feeling the tension release , feeling all that no longer serves you .

Leaving your body breathing in , filling up your lungs with positive love and light and exhaling all that has no purpose for you anymore .

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As you sink deeper and deeper into this , seated forward , fold , melting towards the earth and on your next exhale slowly and mindfully rise back up to seed it , dropping your hands behind your back and raise yourself into reverse plank Perno .

This is a perfect counter a to a fold as deep as you were just accomplishing .

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And whenever you're ready , mindfully exhale and slowly bring yourself back down to the mat , extending your legs , pointing your toes and rolling back into a climb position .

And for one final pose , let's clench our hands and point our feet and raise them both off the mat and tense .

All our muscles clenching them as tight as we can , pushing and pushing deeper .

Seeing how long we can keep every muscle as tense as possible .

And then let go instantly falling down towards the earth , collapsing and allowing ourselves to melt into Shawana corpse pose .

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The key here is to relax a conscious state of relaxation , making sure that the consciousness is focused on any points of tension and then letting them go , your legs can fall , whichever way they decide gravity will pull them , your fingers loose , your jaw and tongue relaxed your forehead , your face coming into the breath in and out , scanning your body for any last bits of tension still holding on .

You let yourself melt further into your mat .

Your body is feeling heavy , but your spirit is light and lifting up away .

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You can almost look down at yourself lying there perfectly , still breathing in and out , in and out into the stillness .

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Slowly coming back to your breath and consciousness begin to wiggle your fingers and toes coming back to your body , rounding your shoulders just to touch , maybe shaking your head back and forth .

Let's bend our knees , fold them over to the side of the mat , coming into fetal and compassionately slowly lift ourselves up finding ourselves back where we began on our knees in the center of the mat , hands on our legs to take a couple of final conscious breaths to reconnect as we breathe in and fill our lungs .

Think about when we checked in at the beginning of this class and how we felt then , then exhale out comparatively .

How do we feel now ?

Was this time well spent ?

Think about it just for a moment .

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And then with our last inhale , let's raise our hands up above our head , reaching towards the sky and slowly exhale as we bring our hands down to heart , feeling grateful as we take this moment to thank ourselves for all that our body has done for us for this last 25 minutes and for ourselves for taking this time and investing it in you .

It's a wonderful thing and I thank you for choosing me to be your guide .

Now must stay .

Thank you for joining me on the mat today for this beautiful practice .

And thank yourself .

Just take a minute and please thank yourself because not enough people in today's day and age , take the initiative to roll out their mat and take a little piece of their day to focus inward on themselves , their health and well being and their mind and body balance .

But today you chose to do it .

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And that's honestly no small feat .

If you'd like to further your practice even more , you can check out up in the top corner up there .

Boho , beautiful official , which is our streaming app and platform and there you can find all of our content , everything almost we've ever made , including full length exclusive content , different kinds of classes that aren't here on youtube exclusive calendars , basically everything and it's free to check out .

But if that's not for you , no big deal at all .

If we could ask you to do just one simple , easy thing , go down and click , subscribe to this channel .

It will help us continue to provide free content for anyone and everyone here on youtube at the click of a button with that .

I want to say thank you one last time and I'll see you soon on the map .

Not stay .


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