hi , thereby doodlers .
Well , in my last two videos , I was showing you how to draw and design really , really simple cartoon characters .
I know many people have said , uh , that it's really opened their eyes to why they're having problems .
Droid cartoons looks easy , but it's not everything that really looks easy , usually has a lot of skill and practise behind it .
So last time we decided that cartoon style is a form of two dimensional illustrated visual art and to kind of illustrate things , sometimes you need to put emotion in there .
Um , when I showed you how to draw faces last time , I showed you kind of two little dots for the eyes and an L shape for the nose and kind of a slice of orange for the mouth , which is very , very basic .
And we'll get you a long way with a kind of happy character , uh , just going through life .
But sometimes you want to make them sad .
You want to make them static .
You want to get a lot more emotion into a character , and just with very , very simple shapes , we can do that now very quickly , I'm gonna draw up this rogues gallery , uh , of blank faces , into which I'm going to show you how easy it is to get a lot of emotion and expression out of some very simple lines .
Now , when it comes to drawing faces , you have got a very important tool .
You have got your own face , and all you need is a mirror and look into it .
Love yourself .
Fall in love with yourself .
You can sit there and gaze at yourself for hours and hours and hours , but pull faces .
I bought this mirror at an auction about 20 years ago , and it's been in my studio ever since .
And every now and then I think , How do I do that face ?
I go to the mirror and I stare at it and I pull faces and and work out what happens to my face .
You know , with one side goes up , what happens to the eyebrows ?
What happens to the mouth and you can do this , too , and learn expressions and just stare into a mirror and draw yourself .
But let's see what we can do with these really , really simple shapes first .
OK , let's start with happy .
This is , um , if you want the kind of smiley eyes which are just little curves .
And you can put the eyebrows kind of at a funny , jaunty angle like that .
And we're going to do this kind of capital L for most of the noses .
It's really just kind of like a half section of orange or a melon or something like that .
And then we want sad and we're gonna turn these eyes upside down .
So they're kind of looking looking down , and yet the eyebrows are still pretty much the same .
We're still gonna put that nose in there and then just a very , very sad little mouth that we're gonna have angry .
I mean , for angry .
You really want to get this angry V shape in which is really connected to the nose , and we're gonna have these kind of mad eyes , bring them quite close together , and then we're going to turn that , um , slice of melon that orange bit upside down .
It may be a little bit underneath the shadow under the lip now , surprised the surprises are all in the eyebrows .
I just want to be really quite high up and so quite a gap between the eyeballs and the eyebrows again , the capital L and then a little kind of Oh , that makes him surprised .
Oh , I'm not putting these words in , Am I ?
So let's put sad .
I really do need an assistant .
I was drawing off the screen then .
So I've had to cover up these faces and start again .
So shy is gonna be just these two .
Really simple .
It's the opposite .
Is it ?
Well , it's the same as sad .
Um , and then we're gonna do that L shape .
But I'm still gonna do this little kind of wry little smile to one side , maybe .
Oh , to the eyebrows .
And then we were excited again .
Excited .
We can bring the eyebrows right up to the top .
Um , and and I think we can make the eyes quite long like that .
So they're wide open and again a capital L and kind of a big , long , deep slice of melon or whatever it is , and then fill it in .
You can maybe just have a little bit of kind of tongue showing down at the bottom for excited .
It carried away the spelling .
Now I'm gonna move this across , and now we're gonna have suspense Mm .
So I think I'm gonna bring this with a little bit of a kind of a hook up at the top .
There we bring that capital L .
And again , I think , maybe slightly longer rather than , um mm .
That's kind of suspense .
It's not .
Not an easy one .
I don't We're gonna do intense on this one , and I think we can have little kind of curly eyebrows like that .
I moved the eye ice further apart on this one , I think .
And it And then and then maybe just it's kind of like an upside down moon shape , isn't it ?
That one .
And we have hopeful again .
I think we want the eyebrows that are quite high up and Capital L for the nose and then a little kind of hope .
Yeah , I think that works .
What you have in all these marks here , of course , is an alphabet .
Um , and like an alphabet , you put all those letters together to make words here .
You're putting the same shapes together to create emotions , and the and the emotions are like the words that you're trying to create , and we're gonna have tired .
So I think we had the eyebrows up there and then kind of sleepy kind of eyes .
And then this is making me feel tired already because I'm having to think about doing how terrible is that ?
OK , that's tired .
So embarrassed .
I did it again .
So let me wipe that out .
You're gonna be wondering what this is I'm using .
What is it ?
It's a prick thingy .
Embarrassed .
What did I do ?
Yeah , I think you want the The eyebrow is quite high .
And again , the slight , surprised eyes and then L , and then you need a really kind of cheesy Mm mm mm .
And the embarrassed bit is going to be that the blushing cheeks .
Now here , we're gonna have worried , and I'm gonna do kind of we get your forehead kind of rock up .
So you need some marks in the forehead and quite intense kind of eyes like that .
And then a little kind of mouth like that , a worried mouth , fearful .
Well , I'm gonna put kind of fearful eyebrows , eyes and a capital L for the nose .
And then this is why I never kind of slightly turn the mouth to one side like that .
And this is gonna be static if I can spell it eyebrows up there and then I did different kind of eyes like that .
So it's kind of a curved , sideways V shape .
It's very , very simple .
And we bring the nose down like that and we want a huge smile .
So this really is a gigantic and a slice of lemon melon .
Probably be manic eyebrows .
So it's all in the curve of the eyebrows and very intense eyes .
And again , we want our nose and we can kind of do I don't know what called peanut shape , isn't it ?
I suppose , and , uh , kind of mad , thoughtful .
This is gonna be which is not so easy .
So I'm gonna do like this .
I'm gonna have the eyes kind of pointing off dreamily into the distance .
Thought , thought .
I think that does it .
And cheerful .
I'm gonna do the eyebrows like that .
And then I'm gonna do little kind of crunched up smiley eyes and a nose , and then I'm going to do little whistling .
We'll have some balls of music that you probably can't see them , and there you are .
You can go off and draw that now and then go and stare at yourself in the mirror and go and dream up some new emotions and expressions all of your own .
So you really want to look at your face and just spend hours looking at your face .
I know it's a bit narcissistic , but but you are the best model because you know what it is , the expression that you want to actually achieve .
So so get to know your face and start pulling faces like happy and sad , angry or surprised .
Shy .
It's a bit like acting this really excited .
Suspense .
Intense , hopeful .
Tired .
Mm .
Embarrassed , Worried , fearful , depressed , ecstatic .
Mad , thoughtful , cheerful .
Well , I hope you enjoyed that .
And if you did , why not go and try this other video , which is the first in the series of these How to draw cartoon people , Uh , or have a go with the mystery drawing and make sure you are subscribed to the this channel .
And while I go and get my e-book , everyone can draw because everyone can draw .
Uh , in the meantime , keep drawing , drawing , drawing , practise , practise , practise , putting lots of faces .
And I'll see you again next time .
You take care now .
Bye bye .