Hi , this is addicted to salsa .
I'm Jocelyn and today I'm going to be showing a video of how to incorporate some of the ladies hand styling into a few simple moves .
So we'll be doing a right turn and a left turn for ladies adding in some hand styling to give it a bit of flair .
Ok , so we'll be starting with the ladies right turn .
Remember our basic right turn goes 123567 and back to your basic one .
So we'll be adding on our styling on five .
So you'll start your basic the usual 123 on five .
You'll place the left hand out in front of you .
Other hand is gonna go to the waist 67 and then back to your basic 123 .
So here it is full speed 123567123 and 567 .
Ok .
Now we're gonna be working on the lady's left turn with some ladies styling .
Remember the basic ladies left 123567 and one .
So with the ladies styling , your hands will be about waist level as you're doing your basic .
They're gonna come to the sides , move up into the middle and then they will develop in and out .
And remember as they come up to the top , they're going to be placed .
You don't want them to arrive already rigid .
Ok .
So with counts , it'll look like this .
123 at your waist .
Five , they're up six , wrap around your head and seven and one opens up to the back .
So with the full counts here we go .
123567123 and 567 .
Ok , we're gonna do our ladies turns that we learned with styling first .
We'll do the right and then we'll do the left on two timing .
So 567123567 do it again .
567123567 and basic 23 .
Now for our left turn 567123567123 and 56 .