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2023-07-16 15:58:37

How To Draw a Male Face

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Hey , everyone .

This is Wei and thanks for joining me here .

Once again for this video , I'm gonna be doing a portrait sketch of a male face uh using a four B pencil and it's gonna be a very quick and rough sketch and I'll talk about some of the basic features of , of a male face and how you can make uh make it look more manly .

So let's get started and I'll talk about the process along the way , right ?

So let's draw this head .

Um this male head .

So first thing you want to do is to kind of measure the angle um to figure out the slant of the face .

So just going to draw a little line and this is kind of basically from eye to eye .

OK ?

And then from there , I'm going to do another slant to kind of show the tilt of the head .

I'm just gonna do that .

So these two lines will pretty much give me the um um kind of perspective of the head .

OK ?

So I'm gonna start with the eyes .

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I just gonna go in with the uh Hi , bro .

So male face is very , especially in this case , new model .

So let's start with the eye and a lot of eye is actually in shadow .

Um But I'm just gonna try to fix that , just gonna try to draw a little bit of detail so that it's just a little bit more interesting .

So with that , so it's just not all , you know , dark , um but you can see the shadow and you can actually sketch that and that , that could actually serve as like a reference point .

So if I do this , you know , this would actually area would be all shaded dark .

So , you know , this actually helps in in getting the uh getting other reference points in .

So let's move on to the , the eye .

So let's see the nose .

Ok .

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Well , in this case , I still know since that we're , we're almost in the side view .

So from the shadow area , if you go straight down vertical , that's gonna hit the edge of the nose somewhere somewhere right here .

Now we're gonna go from the corner of the eye , which is um this little shadow area here and then let's try to replicate that angle .

So probably something like that .

So I , so the nose is hitting down here .

Ok .

Let me move this up a little bit .

OK .

So I'm gonna sketch this nose .

I go from here here and then we're gonna get that angle on the nose .

So probably somewhere around here and then now we can , now we can , you know , now that we have uh this , these elements here , now we can move on to the other , other side .

And this would be pretty simple because it's just kind of like triangular shape right there .

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And then from the forehead , it's gonna go straight up , slice that , you know .

Um OK .

So we're gonna move down , see you move down this little crease here and from the middle of the nose , move down to the mouth and then to the corner of the lip .

OK .

So we , if we look straight like a vertical line , it's kind of uh see right around there in the middle of the eye .

So the corner of the mouth is right here approximately .

I mean , of course , you know , things can be off and happens quite often , but we just try our best to measure it .

OK ?

And then the lower lip , OK .

Let's see .

Now we can do this for the node , little pouch in the mouth and then there's the shadow area in the chin .

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We can measure , it's about from the nose here to the bottom nose to the the bottom lip .

It's almost double .

Yeah .

So just double it right around there .

OK .

So we gotta go and then we gotta go straight in , we just gonna replicate that slant and then how far it goes if you look at from here to here , almost double , that's where , where the chin line is .

So it's right around there , let's see , once we have that do this with the little cyber .

Ok .

All right .

I think we're fairly close .

I mean , some areas off , but let's just go with it .

The hair , let's see , right around there here and then the ear , um , just in general .

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Uh , so I move this over a little bit in general .

The ear is , uh , from the corner of the eye goes straight back .

That's where the approximately , that's where the ear starts .

And it's definitely true in this case .

And then it goes all the way , you know , down from the uh to the nose and it's pretty close .

All right , I can do that .

Now , what I am using is a four B pencil .

So kind of what I've been doing lately with the other portrait sketches .

All right .

So once we have this , um now let's get to the fun part right now .

We got stuff roughed in and we're just gonna start shading and I'm gonna start back at the eye again .

And it's generally a good idea to start with the eye just because it's such a central point for portrait drawings .

It's usually the eye .

It's the most important part .

Yes , I'm gonna do that .

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I'm gonna shade a stark , got it , had a little outline here .

I'm gonna shoot it there .

I'm gonna try to follow that shape and then here's the i and bottom .

Now with the male face again , it's very chiseled .

So you know , the marks can be a little bit stronger and , you know , it's not like a female face where you kind of want a good degree of softness , right ?

To make it look like it's feminine .

So right here , the eye is actually pretty dark .

Um , but there is some variations .

So I'm just gonna shade in like that first and then I'll go in and hit , hit some area just to make it a little bit darker and , and I'll give it like , you know , give it the form that it needs .

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So it could be as simple as that and then this brow area here , um I just shade a little bit for now , there's a lot of subtleties um on the face , it's just a matter of , you know , do you want to put them all in and the more you look at it , if you look at the forehead area , you can see that there's actually a lot of uh variations in the shade , right ?

So , but what you want to do is just , you just wanna take like some major ones and just kind of kind of hit those and then you can always , uh you know , exaggerate them if you want just to make it pop out a little bit because in drawing , you know , you really don't have to do something , you know , exactly as you see it .

I mean , unless you want hyper realism , but that's not what I'm trying to do here .

I'm just trying to have do some quick sketches and , you know , it's just a lot of fun .

All right .

So if you look at the face , let's , let's move down to this area , uh it's a cheek , this area is pretty dark , you see with male faces .

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This area here is pretty flat .

That's what kind of gives it a manly look .

All right .

So we're gonna show you this , the bottom is actually darker , so it's very loose , you know , it's just very uh quick stroke like the hair right here .

You can just , I'll just hit that like that , you know , just you can almost just do all this if you want .

OK .

Why don't we do that then ?

So just like in my other videos with the hair , you can just kind of go like this , just very simple shading .

Um Now once you have that , then you can go in and you know , do whatever kind of look at the reference and hit some of those dark darker patches so that you , you get like um some variation and some flow and uh by hitting the dark areas then , you know , all the other areas become a little bit lighter and that's how you get the highlights and like the back of the hair right here is pretty dark .

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So I'm just gonna run it over again .

OK .

All right .

So enough for the hair , let's , let's uh let's move back onto the face .

So you see that once I start darken the hair , now the eye , you see how , um how light it is because it's , it's comparing with , with , with the darkness of the hair .

So everything is relative .

Just remember that shading and then once you make one area dark , um the other , the other dark area might look a little bit softer or lighter .

All right .

So let's move down .

I'm gonna hit this a little bit harder just to give it a little bit more emphasis .

OK .

That's the note , see .

All right , let's go bottom .

So this is all in shadow .

Uh There's a little bit of highlight and that's , it's pretty important like on , on , there's a little bit of rim lighting right on the bottom right there and I kind of covered it with dark .

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So , um , but if I make the nostril dark , um that should bring back some of that .

So there , now you can see some variation .

So I'm just kind of looking at it carefully , you know , see where the darkest area is .

I'm gonna hit it and here's the , here's the rim light and it's , it's really important to leave a little bit of that because um , the rim lighting is what gives the uh this curvature here that , but it's not a flat area .

Ok .

So now let's do the lip again , it's own shadow and upper lip is usually dark , especially with this kind of overhead lighting .

So it's hitting the , the shadow on the lip , casting some shadow on the lip , the bottom .

Now , for the lip , you notice I'm doing this kind of stroke and that's just to , it helps to shade um , the lips sometimes because there is , there is this kind of texture on it .

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So sometimes I like to do that and you can try to , you know , see how it looks here here .

I probably made it a little bit too dark now .

It looks like he's got lipstick on .

But all right , let's , let's keep going dark dark .

And then as , as , as , as I'm looking here , I'm just looking at the shadows and I'm trying to find outlines to it .

I'm almost like just drawing this shape here , right ?

This little shape here .

I can just outline it a little bit and then I can go in and shade it .

And if you look at the subtlety , you see there's a little bit of mouse like underneath the chin and that's really important like um because light hits down here and it's gonna hit the uh reflect back onto the to the chin .

So that's why , that's why this area is usually a little bit lighter and it really gives the um uh gives this , you know , shape , some curvature , some roundness to it and it's very important shading .

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Ok .

Let's see .

Let's look at some subtleties here .

Let's see .

There's a little pouch here , OK ?

This dips in a little bit and the corner of the lip , let's make that really dark .

So I'm just gonna push right onto it .

See how hard that is .

I just , just go right into it that sometimes you really need to push hard onto the pencil in order to get that kind of darkness .

Ok .

It's almost like this .

See , I'm just kind of like if I go back to the eye , I can just go like that .

All right , just like that .

See how see this is almost just one stroke .

OK ?

I know it seems messy but it's OK .

It's just a sketch .

So like the eyebrows , I can just go like that .

So that makes it a little bit darker .

Ok ?

So let's see as , as I'm shading , I'm seeing more and more subtleties on the face and let's try to capture some of that backs .

Um So this is dark here .

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This is dark here , there's a little bit of darkness here and no , there's a highlight there .

You see this highlight right here right around here .

In order in order to um have this kind of highlight , you're gonna have to do some shading around it right ?

So if I make this area dark like this just a little bit .

So now now it looks like there's like a highlight right there and then I see the nose , there's a highlight right here .

So I'm gonna do that a little bit shade that in a little bit like that and that will automatic give us the little highlight right there .

Now if you end up covering it up , um you know , you can always just go back in and , and use like one of these needed erasers and just kind of dab it out but let's just leave it .

Alright .

Ok .

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So you can see uh you know , fairly quickly you can get something laid out and now I'm just kind of adjusting the the form and perhaps some of the features off .

And as usual when you're shading , you know , you can actually make minor adjustments because now you're laying it darker so you can actually correct some of the shapes if you want , ok .

So there's a highlight right here right here .

So if I do that , that'll that'll give us a little highlight there .

So the more you look at it , you know , the more stuff you see and it's just a matter of , you know , how detailed you want this to be , ok .

So I'm gonna shade this dark , I'm gonna hit this real hard .

I'm gonna push down into it just to give you a little bit more emphasis .

I go back to the hair .

See now this hair is really dark .

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Now the hair looks a little bit lighter now , right ?

And then the ear and the year is one of those areas where it's really not a lot of fun to draw .

It's just a lot of stuff going on there but you can simplify it .

Um , just hit the dark areas first , just , right , just like that just hit the dark and then , you know , just some minor shading here and there just to give us , give us some variation and , and usually with the ear , I mean , you know , you don't need to be that exact , like people don't really look at it like your shadow .

Ok .

Here , here , here .

Now if you're doing hair , uh when you're shading hair like this , if you just kind of like do a couple of quick strands , I mean , that's sometimes that's enough , it just like that , right ?

So just very loosely and that , that kind of gives it , that kind of sells it as a as hair .

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So like here I'm just gonna do like I can't see the neck anymore , but OK , so underneath the chin , see the Adam's apple .

Uh let's see , let's uh let's make this stark .

So usually it brings out the brings out the chin so it looks a lot better .

OK .

I'm showing the dark , this is currently going off camera , so I'm just gonna leave it rough and again , if you leave certain areas rough , um people tend to not look at it , which is good , so I'll just leave that area rough .

So I'll just go back in with the I um now I want to make it a little bit sharper just so that I can draw a little bit more focus on to it .

So after drawing , um you'll notice that the pencil gets really dull and like , you know , you'll be able to do this kind of shading , right .

And it's great when it's dull .

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Now , if I want a sharp edge , all I have to do is just turn it a little bit and that'll give me a very sharp edge .

So if I turn it to the right and I can do these lines if I want .

So I'm gonna get some uh small details here , I'm just gonna turn it just kind of hit some of that area , just make it sharper and even the eyebrow maybe just a little bit .

And what that does is just , it will help you focus your eye on this area because it's so much more detail than , than the other areas that you can't help to , to draw attention to it .

So I'm Chinese , you know , focus the viewer or you into looking at this area first because it is the most important area of the face .

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Yeah , so that's why I leave like these kind of areas very loose and rough because I don't really care for you .

Look at that , I mean , you , you look at it later on , you know , after you see see the rest of the , the , the important part for it .

So I hit some of that , this er put a little bit more , trying to fine , a little bit more subtly ain't you into it nice brow .

It's got a kind of like a meaner brow .

So I'm gonna exaggerate that a little bit and kind of make it a little bit harder right here .

A little bit more shading .

Ok .

The nose is , is dark , it's pretty dark .

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So I'm actually going into the details now , but , you know , you can , at this point , you know , you can really stop whenever you want to because it's not , you know , it doesn't matter how much detail you want to put in .

So , and I'm just gonna , I'm gonna let this fade out .

Um And what that does it again because I'm laying this fade out .

Um your eye will be drawn back to the to the eye .

Can I make this , make the chin come out a little bit more , make this dark , it looks like it's coming out .

So the whole , this whole chin pops out , which is kind of what you want for male face because , you know , you want it to look tough .

Yeah .

OK .

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All right .

So I just pushed a little bit more uh actually not too much .

Um because I think I had a lot of details on there previously already , but uh I just kind of went in , you know , a little bit more shading and a little bit more , you know , finer detail with the , with the sharper end of the pencil .

Um But that's about it , you know , um it's a lot of fun and , you know , just remember you're gonna do is just keep it loose .

You know , don't hold on to your pencil too tight and with male faces , you know , just you can , for the dark areas , you can hit those pretty hard and it's a little bit more forgiving than a , than a female face .

So , uh , give it a shot and hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you next time .


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