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2023-07-19 14:28:33

Yoga for Beginners - Healthy Spine _ Day 4 EMBARK with Breathe and Flow

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Hey , welcome to day four of this beginner yoga program today , we're focusing on back bands and we'll then continue with breath work and meditation when you're ready .

Come on to your back in half Shabana .

So you keep the knees bent , the salt of the feet on the ground .

Come on to the back , close your eyes for a moment , the palms could face upwards or down to the ground .

It doesn't matter , feel your own body here on the ground , how it's supported by the earth by your mat or carpet or whatever you're laying on , feel your own breath coming in and out through the nose without changing , without controlling anything .

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Simply feel simply be here , arrive , take the time on your back in the next couple of breaths to set an intention for your practice today .

Something you're working on physically or mentally .

Something that makes this practice more personal and that makes it fit more into your current life situation , bring your heels closer to the hips , keep the eyes closed .

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If you want to press into your heels , lift your hips up for bridge posts , come a little bit higher onto the shoulder blades .

But keep a gap between the chin and the chin and the chest .

So you protect the neck .

Take three deep , nice and slow breaths here .

Engage your glutes , lift your hips up high , press more into the heels .

Last deep breath in , actually release the hips down to the ground .

Very good .

Keep the feet as they are just bring the knees together .

Stay here for a moment .

Slowly , blink your eyes open .

Now , bring your knees to the chest .

Hold on to your hamstrings to the back side of your legs .

Rock forward and back a few times .

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If you want , eventually , you will cross the ankles .

Roll over the knees .

Come into a table top , come onto all fours .

So make your way there , shoulders over the wrists , hips above the knees , unpack the toes this time on your inhale , arch your back , look forward her round your back , push the ground away , chin to the chest in hell .

Arch your back , look forward for cow pose .

Exhale around your back .

Cat post three more just like that .

Just the breath .

All we're doing is connecting breath to movement .

Inhale , arch your back , look forward .

Exile around your back chain to the chest .

Two more last one come back to neutral .

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Very good .

Come onto the toes .

Send the hips back towards the heels .

Feel the toes and the feet stretch out .

Keep the arms straight .

Start to move forward as far as possible .

We are again , warming up the wrists and the hips back .

Let's do three more forward and back .

Feel the wrist , the fingers every time you come forward and the toes defeat every time you come back .

Last one and let's meet back in neutral .

Now , the fingertips are pointing towards the knees .

Keep the arms straight .

Stay on the toes .

Send the hips back nice and slow gently .

The palms might lift up .

And this one , we're targeting more the forearms and also the fingers breathe especially into the forearms .

Keep their breath nice and slow .

If that's too much , then just shift forward , lean forward more .

So you're not so deep in the post .

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Let's take two more nice and slow breaths here .

Very good .

Slowly released .

Come back to tabletop .

The fingertips are now pointing forward again , come onto the toes and the hips up and back downward facing dog .

Let's take a moment here to arrive .

If you want to straighten one leg , then the other .

We call this walk your dog peddle one heel down towards the ground and the other .

Go ahead and do that .

Most important is to set up the hands , the fingers press into the palms , press into the fingertips , push the ground away .

The chest is moving towards the thighs .

Arrive here , slow down your movements .

Focus more on the breath .

Let's take two more nice and slow breaths here .

Fully arrive in this down dock in your practice .

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Mentally , physically be here lift your heels , bend your knees , walk the feet forward between the hands , take a deep breath in , lift up halfway length now through the spine .

Hands to the shins exhale forward forward .

That's 22 more just like that .

Inhale .

Lift up halfway exhale to fold .

All we're doing is moving with the breath warming up .

Waking up the body inhale , lift up halfway exhale to fold , bend your knees , roll up through the spine nice and slow as you continue to inhale the arms reach up , exhale forward , fold to end down .

Take a deep breath in and lift up halfway .

Exhale , step the left foot back , low lunch .

Set the left knee down , stay on your left toes into your hands behind the back .

Now reach your hands towards the left heel towards the left foot .

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You open the chest forward and up and gauge your left glute perhaps , arch your back more .

If it feels good for you , tilt your head back , you're looking up towards the ceiling .

Two more breaths here , release , reach both arms up and over your head .

Low lunch , reach your left arm forward , the right arm behind you open twist , send the energy out to the arms .

Lean back slightly , feel the activation in the core and breathe .

Reach both arms up and over your head .

Take a deep breath in exhale , hands down , frame the right foot .

Step the right foot back playing pose .

Now , set the left knee down bring that left foot out to your left side .

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Keep the left knee on the ground , rotate the right heel down , reach your right arm , up side side plank , supported side plank on the left side present to your left palm , reach up through the right fingertips , draw the navel in towards the spine , release the right hand down , playing post on the feet on the toes .

If you want to set the knees down , already , keep pressing into the palms , push the ground away .

Now let's all shift forward , come high onto the toes , then set the knees down , bend your arms lower all the way down to the ground .

Place your hands underneath the shoulders a little bit more forward , press into the palms and tuck the toes , cobra pose , lift the chest up , squeeze the shoulder blades together , look down to the ground .

So the neck is nice and neutral .

It's an extension of the spine .

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Keep the elbows and hold here for 54 and gauge your glutes more .

That means flex your butt cheeks 32 and one .

Release everything down .

Very good .

Keep the hands as they are .

Keep those hips , those feet on the ground on your inhale and engage your gluts .

Lift the chest up , ax her lower down , keep the hands lifted in her .

Lift up , exhale , lower three more inhale , lift , lower two more lift and lower .

Last one .

Lift up and lower down .

Very good hands down .

Shake out the hips left and right present to the palms .

Child's post , sent the hips back .

Take a moment here to breathe .

Arrive .

Remind yourself of your intention , fear the air coming in and out through the nose .

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If you would like to continue , let's meet in downward facing dog .

Send the hips up and back , press into the palms , the fingertips grip into the mat , the chest moves towards the thighs in her , lift your heel , bend your knees , her walk to feet forward between the hands in her .

Lift up halfway exhale forward , fold , two more just like that .

Inhale , lift up halfway , exhale to fold .

Last one , inhale , lift up flat back , lengthen through the spine .

Exhale to fold , bend your knees , roll up through the spine to standing the arms , reach up l forward , fold and he lived up halfway .

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Excel step the right foot back , low lunch , set the right knee down , stay on the right toes , interlace your hands behind the back , send the hips forward and down , reach with your hands towards the right heel , towards the right foot .

Engage your right glute , arch your back off of the heart up towards the ceiling , perhaps , tilt the head back two more breaths here when you're in a low lunch , reach both arms up and over your head .

Draw the navel in , keep the core engaged .

So now you are less in a back bend , reach your right arm forward or left arm behind your open twist , lean back , slightly , reach out through the arms through the fingertips , pull the belly and feel the rotation to the left coming from the core .

Reach both arms up and over your head again .

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Deep breath in exhale , hands down plank , post hands down , step the left foot back , set the right knee down , rotate the right foot , the shin to the right of your mat .

Left heel down , left arm up , supported side , playing on the right hand , press into your right palm .

Continue to grip with your right fingertips into the mat .

Reach your left fingertips up towards the ceiling .

Release the hand down plank posts .

Come on to the toes , knees up or down .

You decide hold it there , just two breaths .

Focus on the air coming in and the air leaving the body shift forward , come high into the toes , set the knees down , bend your arms lower all the way down to the ground .

Very good .

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Now , fly the arms back just like airplane wings , untuck , the toes , squeeze the shoulder base together already .

Now flex your butt cheeks , lift the chest up in here .

Exhale , lower down , nice and low five more in he lifted up Excel or keep it going .

It's so important to work on that back strength because we really don't use those muscles much when we sit in the office or in the car last two .

So it's so important for your overall health to keep the body strong on the backside .

Lift up and hold here .

54 , squeeze the swallow blades together , lift the hands higher up .

21 , release everything down .

Very good , beautiful job .

Shake out the hips .

Now come on to the forearms , fingertips are pointing forward .

Ideally , the four arms are parallel to another .

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But if that's of course not accessible for you to date and bring the hands closer together .

But ideally , we are working towards this external rotation in the shoulders by keeping the four arms parallel to another .

Get your glutes , keep the toes untucked , send the chest forward , the shoulders go down and back away from the ears .

You can either look straight ahead or down to the ground .

Just two more breaths here .

Every good reads everything down .

Shake out the hips one more time .

Place your hands underneath your shoulders .

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Child's pose , press the hips back , let's meet in downward facing doc , lift your heels , bend your knees , walk the feet forward between the hands lift up halfway to lengthen .

Exhale to fold , bend your knees , roll up to standing the arms , reach up chair pose as you exhale , bend the knees and the hips back .

Pull the belly in , reach your arms higher up .

Last deep breath in exhale forward , fold , straighten your legs hands down .

Now , bend your knees , sit the hips down , come into a seat .

Very good .

Cross your ankles .

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I'll bring your right hand on top of your left knee , your left hand goes behind , you keep the spine nice and long .

So you're lengthening out from the base of the spine all the way up to your head .

On your exhale , you rotate and twist to the left side .

Stay there , keep the breath going inhale to lengthen out through the spine .

Exhale to twist two more .

Just like that with the breath in brings you back to face the front of the mat release , switch sides , the left hand goes to the right knee , right hand behind you lengthen out to the spine .

Inhale , exhale , twist to the right .

Stay there with the breath inhale , lengthen axial twist two more .

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Very good in her release .

Face the front of the mat again , so you can see us towards the screen very good .

So for today's prana and breath work we are doing , which is also known as square breathing or box breathing .

And you keep the hands comfortably on your knees or on your thighs , you're breathing only through the nose in and out .

So the lips are sealed as in most of the breathing exercises in yoga .

And we try to lengthen the inhale the hold after the inhale , the exhale and the hold or the pause after the exhale to the same amount of time you're doing a four second , inhale a four second , hold at the top , a four second exhale and the four second .

Hold at the bottom .

Ok .

So nice and tall .

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I count you through it , relax your shoulders down .

Exhale all the air out first .

Start to slowly inhale through the nose for four , 32 one hole at the top four three 21 .

Start to exhale 4321 .

Hold of the bottom 432 one .

Nl 4432 one .

Hold at the top 4321 .

Exhale four three 21 .

Hold at the bottom 432 one .

Keep it going in .

Have a 43 true one .

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Hold 432 one XL 43 21 .

Hold again 432 one N 43 true one .

Hold 4321 XL 4321 , hold 432 one .

Keep going on your own inhale for four seconds and all the hold and exhale also for four seconds or four count .

Keep going on your own .

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Sit nice and tall , relax your shoulders down , eyes are closed , bring all your awareness to the breath , the sensation of the breath , slowing the breath down .

Now you're really controlling the breath , you're controlling the inhale and the exhale and also the pause and gap in between .

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We're starting with four a count of four to make the inhale the hold the exhale , the hold all the same length , the more you practice this one , the more you can extend that count or increase that count or extend the length of time .

So you could in a future round also go for a five second count or six to see how that feels .

There's many options to modify this .

And for now , we're starting with that basic , which is most commonly taught with four seconds .

Let's do three more rounds here on your own .

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You finished that third round after the four second hold after the exhale .

So whenever you get to that exhale , fold for four seconds , then you come back to that normal breath in and out through the nose , relax , whatever is coming up needs to come up for a reason .

Keep focusing on the inhale and the exhale .

Nowadays , unfortunately , most people have the impression that yoga is really all about doing poses .

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It's all about flexibility , but that's really not the case and really not our philosophy of yoga .

Our philosophy is that yoga is about building strength and stability in the body and awareness .

So , of course , the poses , the movements are very important , they're very beneficial and it's good to do them often because a lot of us come into yoga with pain , any kind of injuries .

And oftentimes yoga , in this case , the physical poses and movements really help to get rid of that pain .

And so that is a good starting point to be free of pain , to dive deeper into this journey .

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Then you continue doing breath work in addition to the movement , just like we did today , you pick up and continue your meditation practice just like we're doing right .

Now .

And that practice that you do on the mat , the movements , the pose is called a the breath work prana and meditation is your formal practice on the mat .

And that practice extends into everything in your life .

Really , when you leave the mat , the things you learn in this practice benefit your life off the mat .

You might be very new to this practice of yoga .

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This is the first program you might be doing the first couple of classes .

Not that this is just the beginning .

Yoga is a , is a complete lifestyle .

It's a system has many tools to offer to live a healthy and happy life .

Those poses that you see everywhere is just a small part .

All the wisdom , all the knowledge and finding out who you really are can only happen in stillness still as you're connecting to through movement , through breath and through meditation .

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This is the practice to find out who you really are .

Yoga offers the tools to guide you there .

What are you here for on this earth to do while you're here ?

How does everything work ?

How does nature work ?

All this knowledge is there and you can download it in deep states of meditation .

As you continue our program , you will continue to move but also to breathe and you will continue the meditation .

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And at some point , you might want to increase the amount of meditation , the length , the amount of breath work to really dive deep the tools are there for you to use .

When you feel ready , feel free to continue hearing the seated meditation or find your way on your back .

For the final part of our practice , wherever you are , if you are changing your position , do it mindfully , the eyes are closed , continue to observe the breath surrender , be be here .

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Now you're focusing on the air coming in and the air coming out of your nose , distractions arise that's normal .

Choose to come back to the breath .

We are very proud of you for practicing with us today .

I'm very excited to see you tomorrow on the mat for day five .

The flow and gratitude I must .


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