Hello and welcome to another passion for dancing video today we're gonna teach you the underarm turn .
This is a turn the ladies do .
Uh So let's get started right away with the count and 123567 , another angle .
123567 guys .
All you're gonna do is your basic step .
So you're going to go forward , replace together and back , replace together .
I covered the basic step in detail in our previous videos .
So just go back and watch that , make sure you really get that .
But that's all you're doing with your steps .
The main thing that's different here is that you're going to use your arm .
So you're going to go down and up as you're doing your basic step .
So let's just show that once I'm going to do my basic step and I'm going to go down and up with my arm .
But all I'm doing with my steps is just the basic ladies .
Let's do your step .
Now .
Uh you start with the basic uh but then you have to do a solo spot .
Turn to the right .
So just gonna show it right now and , and talk about lady steps .
So ladies , you go back , replace together and now you're gonna go forward and turn , replace and turn and close .
That's it .
One more time you go back , replace together and forward turn , replace , turn and close .
Ladies .
Let's take a closer look at your steps .
Now you're gonna go back with the right replace right on to your left and close right foot to left foot and then you're gonna go for your turn forward , turn replace on the right turn and close left foot to right foot .
Let's talk about the lead .
Uh So guys , you have a big job here to do .
Uh You wanna make sure that you are giving the lady the correct signal , uh that uh underarm turn is coming up .
Um And to do that , all you need to do is imagine the letter J .
So just imagine the letter J and that's what you're gonna do with your left arm to signal that the turn is coming up .
So let's show it uh at this angle .
So you can see uh again , it's happening with my left arm , guys , we go down and up .
Yeah , and again , the letter J with our left arm and that's the signal for the , for the lady that the underarm is coming up .
Um Once she knows it's coming up , she's gonna want to turn on the next part .
Um So all we're gonna do is kind of support her .
We don't want to yank her and turn her too fast .
Just kind of follow along with her .
So once I did my little J preparation here , she's gonna turn on her own and all I'm doing is supporting .
Um , now which counts am I lowering and bringing my arm up ?
Uh It's on one and three .
So I go down on count one as I step forward and then .