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2023-07-18 12:34:58

30 min Sun Salutations Yoga - Strength, Balance & Flexibility

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So a lot of those bullets , you're looking at them at , you know , 30 point font on a power point presentation .

Those bullets are about two lines long .

That's bullet line line .

That's it .

That's all they were .

Some of them weren't even two full lines .

Those are not nearly as long as you think they are .

They really are not when you spread it on an 8.5 by 11 .

And you got , you know , 0.8 or one inch margins on the , on the left and right side which I , you know , I , I think we use the one inch margin .

So , uh they're really not nearly as long as you as you think .

All right .

Um Let me see , Angela , I find myself , let's see .

I also find myself having a difficult time .

Angela is an admin .

How do we quantify ?

We talked about that noble .

I , I answered some of these , I think I was off on the , in the wrong section of the chat here .

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I got some of these just looking down through folks just trying to get , get through some more here .

OK .

This is a good one .

All right , Nelson .

Uh it looks like a statement but I wanna , I wanna , I wanna clarify this .

Nelson said , so we don't put core competency section with your template anymore is what you're saying , customer service , sales , etcetera .

That is not what I'm saying in the career profile , when you talk about who you are and what you've done , you're aggregating your big .

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One of the things you absolutely need to include in the career profile is the core competencies .

You can literally say core competencies include and then list them out because customer service sales and so forth .

Then as you start to go down through the resume , you're seeing the highlights and then you're seeing all the bullets that are substantiating that you are a customer service person or you are a seller or you are a leader or whatever manager or whatever it is or you understand , budgeting , forecasting , uh you know , debits and credits , whatever it might be .

So , yes , put them in and yes , six do , I'm flying alone and my wife is upstairs with the dogs .

OK .

Does bullet points , OK .

UB I print , hey , there does bullet points method uh similar to the Star interview approach .

Uh the star interview approach situation , uh action respond right there .

All that good stuff .

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Go ahead and straighten your arms and let's lift our way up into our tabletop pose , making your way to hands and knees , palms under your shoulders , knees underneath your hips , just for cat and cow .

Breathe in to drop your belly , squeeze your shoulder blades behind you , lift your gains , exhale , reverse this motion rounding through your spine and just keep going in and out of those two poses , linking breath with movement , little back , bed and exhale round it out .

Keep going here two more really focus on pushing into your fingertips and knuckles .

Take the weight out of your wrists .

Last one .

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Uh I guess I never really thought about it that way .

Uh , but I , I suppose , yeah , I suppose .

All right .

Um , let me see , Robert .

Robert Lawn .

My understanding is that prospective employers can't ask about previous salaries .

Is that nationwide or just here in California ?

As a matter of fact , uh , you know , these laws are changing so quickly and it is not universal , uh , but employers and many of them that ask on the application , they are asking for previous salaries .

Uh use your , you know , I I'm a , you know , I'm a fan of giving that information .

Um but you know , it , it's ok if you don't .

Uh but what I would definitely not do is tell them a desired salary uh at all , at all costs .

All right .

Uh Tyv ma Yeah , don great .

Watch that , watch that , watch that video .

Um different locations , same position six to again for seven years .

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Experience , how many bullet points preferred ?

Uh ok .

So he had the same position , different locations for seven years .

So six to what I would do is you put the , the position , then you put , you know , worked at this position at these locations .

Boom , you know , boom , boom , boom .

So you give a descriptor of the position , you know , I was this at these locations and so that's , you know , was the , you know , without using the pronouns , but basically , you know , tell the descriptor where you worked then , you know , three bullets for seven years or four should cover it .

Three years could be , one bullet could be three bullets .

It depends how many various things you did and how many projects you worked on .

So , it's , it's , it's really , these are not , I don't want you guys to get too hung up on .

Do I have too many bullets ?

Do I have too few bullets ?

Just remember ?

Ask yourself the question is this bullet worthy ?

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Go back to those eight , the golden and the great eight best ways to prove your value on a resume .

Actually , I have a video out there called Eight ways to prove your value on your resume .

And I , I go into detail about those things .

Just check that out .

That's in the resume playlist on the , on the youtube channel .

But don't , don't , don't , don't stress out .

It's about , it's about the quality of the content and the , and , and the what and the , and the how you say it , that's what matters more so than the number of bullets .

But you will be surprised that , you know , seven years you might not need more than three bullets .

Ok ?

Let me see .

Thank you for answering .

Oh , wow , Malaysia .

It's 8 20 ami Love it .

So it's already Friday where you are .

I think it's Friday where you are .

Thank you for answering .

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By the way , folks are a few minutes left to get in on the coaching , free coaching call and I am back tomorrow , but we're midday , my time , 11 o'clock eastern and we're gonna talk about how to use the job description to ace any interview .

I am gonna talk about how to look at it and how to evaluate it and how to really surface information out of it .

It's , it's , it's pretty cool stuff .

So hope you can join me for that .

That's at 11 central 12 Eastern .

And what would that be ?

10 10 sorry , nine o'clock , Pacific .

All right , and applying for ?

All right , let me see , Nelson .

You are welcome .

HC .

Hi .

I am applying for engineering programming jobs .

Should I list my relevant skills at the top or the bottom of the resume ?

This is gonna sound silly , but you might want to list them both depending on what those skills are .

So , folks , and this is for all you technologists .

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Knees can be bent and just let your upper body drape over your legs .

Maybe adding a gentle sway side to side and release your hands down to the matt .

Bend your knees , push into your heels to roll all the way up to stand at the top of the mat , shining your palms forward .

Ok .

Let's begin with some half sun salutation .

So there's no Teranga , no V we're just working on our fault and really connecting the energy of our legs rooting down into the earth .

So you're gonna inhale arms rise , exhale fold all the way down .

Feel free to bend your knees here , halfway lift flat back , fingertips to your shins .

Shine your heart forward .

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One of the things you want to do is and I really strongly suggest you guys watch three secrets to get your resume noticed and how a , how a reviewer reviews your resume and where their eyes go and specifically what they're looking at and what they're looking for .

And HC , when I , if you sent me your resume , I would look at the top and I would I look at your name and then I look at the career profile which is at the should be at the top and I'm looking for an executive summary of you .

I should be able to tell from that career profile , which I will not read in , in , in its entirety immediately because I'm only glancing who you are and what you're about .

And up top , if I'm looking for a technologist , it would be sweet to see you are skilled in this , this , this and this in sentence format skills include in sentence format .

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As part of your , you know , core competencies includes technical skills include and list , you know , the money skills , the 3 to 5 money skills that you have .

And then at the bottom , if you have a skills section and there are more skills that you have or more languages that you know , or more software products that you've used and you have a greater list , then repeat them , repeat those skills , the ones you put up top and enlist all the other ones , folks .

It , it sounds ridiculous .

But trust me , when I tell you , no one is actually reading your entire resume .

Word for word , they're scanning it .

So if I see right away , you've got what I'm looking for up top , I'm gonna be excited and that's gonna reshape the way psychologically that I think through the rest of your resume and , and most of them are skimming and they're missing half of it anyway .

So , you know , people say , well , gee should the highlights be different than the bullets ?

No , you wanna repeat certain things .

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It's , it's , it sounds silly but people don't catch it the first time .

They don't , they don't know .

And they also want context where you did that highlight or they want to see the full list of skill .

It's ok to repeat it .

So I put it in both places .

I hope that I hope that helped and I , and I know it might have sounded weird .

Jeff Brew .

You're welcome , Rachel Nap .

Great to see you .

You are finishing your undergrad in May and I'm looking for my first jobs .

Many roles I'm interested in require technical skills not necessarily taught in a bachelor's degree .

Ok .

How can you express your willingness and ability to be trained in the skills in the application to be suitable for the role ?

So Rachel , that's a great question .

One of the things uh that , that I would do if you can , if you can , I always encourage this to all the college students because this , this is a common issue .

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First thing is if you can , the best scenario is get yourself trained , take some certification training , do it on your own if you can .

It's an awesome resume builder .

If you cannot , it , I realize it's not feasible for everybody .

Some people might be working 23 jobs just to pay for college .

What employers are generally looking for in entry level people is that you have some transferrable skills that will give you a head start in , um in , in , in what it is that you're , you're gonna be doing technically for them So as an example , I was an electrical engineering undergraduate student and I took a couple of computer classes , it was like for and Pascal and something like that .

So I was really dating myself .

When I graduated .

I went to , I mentioned I went to Anderson consulting what's now accenture .

And I was uh uh going to be a software engineer .

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So I needed these technical skills and I was programming a lot in languages .

I'd never heard of or never used .

But I was able to say , hey , look , I'm technologically , I have a technical mindset .

I'm analytical .

I know how to develop , you know , software in general .

And you're , you're , you're articulating the fact that you have skills and , and traits and other things that you've developed that are transferable to the whatever it is that the company wants you to do and most of the organizations that are hiring college students that are graduating , recognize that they're gonna have to train them , train them up .

So the on the job training is gonna be great .

What you wanna make sure of is that you're looking at those companies that you're targeting , what are the required skills that they're , they're looking for ?

And then figure out are there any analogous skills that you have ?

So you might be able to .

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So for my example , if I , when I went to Anderson , when I went to the interviews , I talked to people ask , so what software languages is popular that you're developing software in .

And then I looked at what I had and then I , I just made analogies that , oh , this is , you know , this , these are somewhat common because , and so you're just , you're always trying to make analogies of what you have and how it can be applied if you do not have it .

Uh And actually by the way , as an announcement , I'm gonna be given away uh free copies of interview interventions starting next month .

That's actual physical copies .

Wherever you are in the world , it's free .

I'm gonna mail it .

I bought it for you .

I'm gonna mail it to you .

It's like a six or $7 handling and shipping charge or whatever .

That's it .

Um In the book , there is a my silver bullet interview uh questions .

Question number 10 is how do you educate yourself ?

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Not that you necessarily get asked that question , but any time any of you are in an interview and you get asked a question about skills , you do not have that , that uh answer the way it's shaped and framed and there's three parts to it , check it out uh or you know , get the ebook or whatever .

Um But that's the way I would respond to that .

So I hope um and , and I think , you know , I just wanna make sure how can you express your wins and , and the other thing too is in cover letters , uh talk about your interest in learning these kinds of skills and that you , you have a background in these types of things , but you are interested in learning those types of things , which are the things that the company needs .

So , I hope that helps .

Let me see , Jasmine .

Yes , it's Friday morning and you make coffee .

So , so tomorrow at 11 it's gonna be Saturday for you and hopefully you'll be , you'll be on that one .

All right folks , I am getting ready at 6 37 .

We are running another one at about 100 minutes here .

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Uh Let me answer a couple more .

And if any of you are on the fence on the boot camp , you got about three or four minutes to jump in and before I answer these last couple again , if you're enjoying this , I want you to give me a like a comment and a share .

And one other thing if you are on my email list , you're already a tips for working in life subscriber .

You got an email about this session if you are not on my tips for work and life , email subscription list and you are simply a youtube subscriber .

I hope you all are subscribers .

Hang on to this URL because I'm not gonna release this video publicly for a little while .

So if you want to go back and watch it , you're gonna need the unlisted link which you all have for being here .

So you wanna make sure share this with yourself right now or do whatever , go to the share button and share it to yourself and email it or whatever , but hang on to that link because it's gonna be unlisted , but you can come back and watch it because you already have it .

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All right now , let me go through this , Iris .

I'm not sure if that's Iris sm or Lee should the benefits you achieved in the job be put in the achievement section rather than the bullet point .

Uh What do you do in the job description ?

Um I'm not sure um Iris , what what you mean there ?

Uh Basically the resume template that I recommend as a career profile section , a career highlight section , a work experience section , an education and other section and so on in the highlight section and in the in the work experience section are where the bullets and the benefits and all that stuff should go .

So I hope that's clear .

And if not , I would definitely watch how to build the ultimate professional resume .

It's the 19 minute video I I mentioned on the youtube channel .

OK ?

Journey Success .

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I'm pulling my lower belly in and then maybe you add on just like we had done .

But this time with both arms up overhead , a really strong pose .

One more breath here and go ahead and lift all the way up .

Bring that right knee in with you .

So squeeze and engage through your hip .

Lexor .

Let's add a twist left hand to your right knee .

Open your right arm up to the side .

So my hips face the front of my mat .

My chest faces the long edge of my Mac .

One more breath here and facing forward .

Go ahead and release , shake it out .

Probably feeling that through your left leg .

Same thing on the other side .

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All right , Andrew , what made you get into this business of helping people with their careers and jobs resumes , et cetera .

Why did you leave the corporate world ?

Ok , folks .

Uh iii , I love that question .

Everybody's got a story .

I am a uh I'm a bleeding heart .

So when I , when I was younger , I was very , very interested in science and math and physics and all that stuff , which is why I was an electrical engineer .

And when I got that degree , I realized I didn't want to be an electrical engineer .

So I looked at the things that interested me and also the location I wanted to be in Chicago , which is my hometown and I went to school at Iowa State .

So , and I'll make this , I'll make this as quick as possible .

But I , I spent a lot of time in technology management and technology consulting because I loved helping companies and , but I really loved helping people .

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Try not to dig your toes in the floor .

Right hand to your left knee , left arm opens up .

Mhm Facing forward and really shake it out .

So let's take one Viasa , one round of our sun salutation .

A inhale arms rise , fold forward all the way , relax your neck halfway lift , plant your palms .

I'm just gonna step back lower to chatter or all the way if you prefer cobra or upward facing dog , downward dog exhale , inhale for one full breath here and look forward .

Bend your knees , step or hop to the top of the mat .

Halfway lift once you're there and fold a little deeper .

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So the folks that I was helping , whether it was my customers or my team or my staff , the mentoring and coaching is what really drove me .

And then as I grew in my career and I started managing larger teams .

Uh I , I worked at a company where I had a lot of people that were under my purview and I was running a , a division and doing all the sales and the marketing and the delivery and all that good stuff .

But the people aspect of that and coaching and mentoring them was what I loved most .

So when I was about 38 or so , or , you know , maybe 37 I started to do some soul searching and I really wanted to focus on what I love to do most and I looked at the intersection of what do I love to do most and what am I skilled and equipped to do in long term ?

What do I want to do ?

And I actually , I wrote a blog post about it that's on my , on the mile walk blog , on the tips for working like blog about how to avoid career stagnation .

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Uh you know , with , with me , I , um you know , it's , it's , you know , you're here because you want to get a lot out of your career , your career has a lot to do with your , with your happiness .

So I felt like if I could go after that , you know , that just , that just became a mission and then I just , I just kept going .

So , you know , it means the world to me to be able to help you .

And , you know , I know some of you , um you know , leverage a lot of my free stuff .

That's great .

Some of you uh pay for my courses , but my mission is clear .

My mission is helping you .

I don't , I don't always get paid for my mission , but my mission is not gonna change .

And I think you need to think about that .

A lot of you career changers out there .

We go through this in the boot camp .

Um , there's a lot of soul searching up front to make sure .

And even if you , even if you like what you're doing , it's still my job to help you .

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If you are looking at different , uh , career opportunities or different jobs or different companies , how do you , how do you transition to the new job , making sure a new company making sure that they actually can satisfy and that's gonna be a better place for you .

So that stuff is , um , that stuff is really important to me .

So I let my passion drive it and I always , I have faith that I will figure out how to support myself financially if , uh , if I'm doing what I love .

And so that's , that's kind of how I got there and it's just been , it's been great and thank you for asking .

All right , let me see .

All right .

Let me , let me take a couple more here , Rachel .

You're welcome .

All right .

So 999 damage .

Hi , Andy .

Should I limit my work experience section to only two or three jams ?

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Hands on your hips and he'll find some length and fold all the way and you can bring your hands wherever you'd like here , just giving ourselves a nice big stretch through the hamstrings decompressing through our spine .

Hm .

Walk your hands out so you can bring your chest parallel to the floor , hands on your hips , push your feet into the mat , calm on up and we'll do that same thing just doing Warrior two this time towards the back of the map .

So you can just pivot .

So you have your left toes pointing back and bend into your left knee , reach your arms out and let's reverse her right hand down , left arm up , straighten your left leg .

Triangle pose to the back of your mat .

Both legs are straight here .

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Left hand reaches down , right arm extends up , push your feet into the floor , go ahead and rise on up and this time instead of having your feet parallel , turn your heels in and your toes out .

So it's at about a 45 degree angle .

Hands at your heart here , bending down this wide squat , focus on pressing your knees open and we're gonna bend that right knee as much as we can straighten the left leg and see if you can lower down , sconce your side lunge .

You can always have your hands on the floor for more support here .

I'm using my right arm to open my knee a little more and go to the other side .

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Um You guys have been great uh an hour and 46 minutes .

So we , we topped yesterday's remember tomorrow is about the job description .

You got a couple seconds left to get into the boot camp or email me at support at dot com .

If you got any questions , the other thing , give me a like a comment and a share if you love this video and hang on to the URL because I'm not gonna release it to the public for a few weeks .

So you're all my people , you got access to this .

You spent the time here , you're on my email list , you keep that link .

Uh and I think I'm gonna send you an email over the weekend with all the links to these .

But as long as you're on the list you'll get that folks .

I had a ball come , come see me tomorrow .

I'll be here again .

Uh , it'll be a little frostier .

It's a little earlier in the day .

So hopefully , uh , you know , maybe Friday , you can take a little time out of work .

I tried to do it at lunch time to get , to get it , uh , to as many as you as possible .

So , until then have a great one .

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Reach that lift leg back behind you square off through the pelvis and maybe you just want to hold the pose from here or you can melt on down , placing your hands on the mat or on your arms take five breaths here .

So , cooling down , trying to slow our heart rate a little and let your hips be heavy and start to lift back up .

Let's go back into our downward dog .

So we can repeat this over on the second side .

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So this time , left leg stretches up , bend your left knee , open up your hip and you're gonna place your left knee somewhere behind your left wrist , extending your right leg back behind you , making sure you're not leaning on one hip more than the other in choosing the depth that is most appropriate to you in this pose right now .

Mhm .

And we'll come back out your last downward facing dog .

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So stretch out , make any little movements and adjustments that you like here .

And because of all the chatter that we've done , let's take a puppy pose , stretch .

So bring your knees to the mat , keep your hips over your knees and walk your hands out in front of you melting down until your forehead makes contact with the mat and you're just working on pressing your shoulders down , pressing your heart down .

Hm .

And you can do this with active arms .

So keeping your elbows off the mount or you can also relax your arms and let your elbows down .

Whatever feels best to you here sliding forward .

Sphinx pose just come forward onto your belly , smaller back then than what we've been doing here .

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Your farms are still on the ground big breath in and exhale .

Just go ahead and flip on over onto your back before we come into Shawana .

I really do like to end with a spinal twist .

So for this one , let's keep our left leg straight .

Pull your right knee into your belly and you can cross your right thigh over towards the left , reach your right arm out to the side .

So I'm trying to stack my right hip over my left one .

This is the exact same shape we did when we were standing up .

That need a chest twist , same thing , but a much easier , more passive version .

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Three more breaths here and let's really move back through to center , making our way to the other side .

Pull your left knee in and you can cross it over to the right , reach your left arm out , stacking left hip on top this time .

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But keeping your chest facing up , release back through to center check to see if there's anything else your body might need before coming into Shaar .

Final resting pose might just be hugging your knees to your chest .

And whenever you're feeling ready , widen , take space , stretch out your arms and your legs and really give yourself this well earned rest this time to integrate the work that you've done to let everything settle and land within you .

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Let go every muscle in your body , just relax about two minutes here .

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Start to breathe a little bit deeper , move your fingers your toes , your wrists , your ankles , you can stretch your arms up overhead , lengthening out .

Let's turn to one side so we can come up and take a seat .

Join your hands together at the front of your heart .

Let's chant together to close this class .

We'll inhale to chant .

Breathe in .

Oh mhm And I must say thank you so very much everyone for doing this practice with me .

I hope you enjoyed it .

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I know it was definitely a bit of a challenging one .

I certainly feel it in my body .

But hopefully you feel really good and hopefully this is a practice .

You can return to time and time again .

These types of flows get easier , the more that you do them , especially if you're new to sun salutations overall , please subscribe , leave me a comment before you go and hopefully I'll practice again with you very soon .


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