Hey there , it's Keno .
We're going to continue our exploration of strength in the body .
The most powerful tool to build strength in your body in the Ashtanga yoga method is to jump back and jump through .
Now , if you're a total beginner to the practice , you want to check my other video on how to jump back , how to jump through for beginners .
This would be a tool for someone who's like an intermediate level who has strength in the upper body .
A little bit of strength in the core .
That combination will help you a little bit deeper into this movement , but you can expect some challenges along the way .
All right .
So the easiest way for say , an intermediate student to work on jumping back is again to break it down into a couple of distinct movements .
The first thing we're going to have is the knees lifted and the hands in between the feet and the butt .
That's a really important position .
You put your hands next to your butt , it's really hard to get off the ground .
You put your hands next to your feet too far forward .
So that easy placement between the feet and the hands , then you're gonna take your weight forward and the butt will come off the ground .
You'll step back .
Now , what's key here is that you learn to bend your arms and step directly back into , then inhale upward , facing , exhale , downward , facing .
And if you're able to do that , you can probably take a little hop forward better with a ponytail , but my hair is down now , then you can slide your feet all the way through .
OK ?
Let's just go over that one more time .
It's the jump back .
That's really the key .
OK ?
So jumping back requires you to be able to bend your arms and lean your chest forward .
So that's really the tool .
So let's really review that .
OK ?
I'll break that down really slowly .
So you lean forward , step , step just 1 ft off the ground , you bend your arms to take the chest forward and then you step all the way back into you , inhale upward , facing , exhale down .
All right .
If you don't bend your arms as you lean forward , you won't develop the upper body strength , use that movement before you even start to jump .
Thanks so much for watching .