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2023-07-18 12:38:58

SPLITS Tutorial _ Learn SPLITS in 10 steps _ For inflexible beginners _ Yogbela

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Hello , everyone .

Welcome to you be I am Preti arch tutorial may practice split .

I know which is a dream posture for most of you and used to be for me .

Also , when I started my journey , my body used to be really stiff in the beginning , but with practice and consistency , I could achieve it .

Not only me , hundreds of my students have achieved it .

So if I can they can , you too can split , achieve .

We need three things loosened , hamstrings , enough , stretched quads and opened hips in specs many arch tutorial may cover .

I have divided this tutorial into 10 arsenal with their reps and breads .

Make sure that you practice the sequence as it is in the same manner one after the other so that your body is nicely warmed up before you attempt the final posture .

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Most of us consider split as a very difficult posture to achieve .

But as a with the right technique , consistency and faith on yourself , you can easily achieve it with strong and right intent .

Start keep a double with you so you can pause your video here , get a double for yourself and let's get started 1st , 1st posture is cow .

So get on to your force fingers wide , open wrist comes right under the shoulder , knee comes right under your buttocks , feet flat .

Now with an inhalation , look up , concave your back , push your el burn out , exhale chin into the chest around your spine .

Draw your needle in , in her .

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Look up , concave exhaled into the chest .

Round 10 drips of these second Asena is downward facing dog .

So from here , tuck your toes , take your knees off .

Downward facing dog , keep your fingers wide , open biceps in line with your ears .

If it is difficult for you to straighten your legs slightly bend your knees and keep your heels off the floor , make sure you have good length in your spine .

10 deep breaths here .

Now , in downward facing dog only bring your feet closer and paddle third posture , high lunch .

So step your right foot forward in between your palms .

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Gaze a head right knee , right ankle sharply in one line , right thigh parallel to the floor , constantly pushing your left heel back to keep your left leg straight .

Once this alignment is set , put the hands at your waist , lift your chest up .

Breed here .

Those of you who are good , extend your arms up and 10 bombs down here you go right leg back .

Now , 10 breath on the other side .

Now , step your right foot forward outside of your right palm , left foot forward , outside of the left palm .

Fourth posture is through the kata happened one line .

Join your bumps .

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Work on , taking your armpits down again .

10 deep breaths here and tap fingertips down straight in your legs .

Bring your feet slightly closer .

Hi fi apart .

Grab your big toes with three finger grip is the fifth posture .

Inhale , look up , lengthen your spine , exhale forward fold .

Just feel the stretch in the back of your legs .

And the prez here pull your lower abdomen in with every exhalation .

If it is difficult for you , keeping your knees bent is fine .

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Here in hell , look up , finger rips down .

Both the hands at your waist .

Slowly come up with an inhalation .

Before we move on to next posture .

You can also practice goddess and silence .

Open up more , both the hands at your waist , spread your legs wide , right tose to the right side , left tose to the left side , sink down , sink down .

You can keep your palms to the chest center .

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Stay here left forearm on your left thigh , push right knee out to the right change and now side lunch fingertips down the right dose to the right side .

When your right knee left dose off center , you can take support .

Hold this position .

Now let's move forward , send your right leg back , big stances between your legs .

Sixth posture .

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But we do little dina preparation for this one place your palms on the top of your shed with an inhalation length in your spine .

And when you exhale , take your palms on the back , on your calves and form fold 10 times .

Now , grab your big toes with three finger grip , thumb , index fingers or finger inhale , look up , lengthen your spine .

Exhale forward , fold and 10 inhale .

Look up , exhale out completely with the bumps down .

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Now , turn your right tose to the right side and turn your left dose slightly to the left side , hips square right leg , absolutely straight .

And your weight is equally distributed on both legs .

Gaze forward with every exhalation work on deepening your forward pole or you can walk your fingertips ahead with every exhalation .

10 deep breaths here in which is seventh posture , lock your hands back , center on the other side , same thing , 10 deep breaths .

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Every exhalation work on pulling your abdomen in deepening your fold hair and feel that intense stretch in the back of your legs .

The same kind of stretch you will experience while doing split with more intensity .

Now , eight posture center down to the right side , walk your right foot closer to the right edge of the mat , left heel off , left knee down , release your left toes , both the palms down .

And if you are really good for arms down , Andy Brett's here soon after this sleeping pigeon , walk your right foot close to the left edge .

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If you are really comfortable , you can walk your palms forward and put your forehead down , feel the stretch in your right glutes and your right outer thigh .

Walk your hands back , press your palms into the mat .

Tuck your left toes right foot down to the left , right knee down .

Walk your left foot close to the left edge of the mat , four arms down , send your right a little bit back .

Release your right dose .

Gaze ahead .

Feel this deep stretch .

Walk your left foot close to the right edge of the mat .

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Stick to your forearms for some time when you feel good , walk your palms forward , put your forehead down , experience the stretch in your left glutes and left outer thighs .

Inhale , look up , walk your hands back , moving on to the ninth posture .

So for this one , sit back , spread your legs wide , make sure your spine is lengthened .

If it is not , you can keep your knees slightly bent , which will help you in accessing your sitting bones and which will give you could lengthen your spine .

You can also keep fingertips each side of your hips and lift your buttocks off .

Sit back nicely .

So when you sit back , make sure that your body is slightly leaning forward .

Ok .

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So the next practice is the dynamic one as and then the forward fold , turning torso to the right while going forward , exhale , going back , inhale 10 times from right to left and 10 times from left to right when you are going down , make sure that you exhale and every time you are going down , work on going closer to the floor .

Ok .

And feel the stretch in the back of your legs .

If it is too much for the knee , either you can keep your knee slightly bent or you can slightly reduce it .

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So let's start center now , fingertips forward , I'm back forward back .

So when you're coming forward , exhale back , inhale .

Now , next strap you're going to hold and you can also stay here if you are good .

Walk your bums forward , go down completely , walk your hands back .

Ok ?

So moving on to 10th , slowly fit together downward facing dog .

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Now , strap your right foot forward , left knee down , release your left toes , both the palms on your right thigh allow your hips to sink down .

10th practice is a dynamic one .

It is a combination of a Asena and half split .

So first we'll stick to this position , allow your hips to sink down here .

This is the foundation one foundation for 10th practice two .

Your low lunch three , sink down .

So your hips will offer a lot of resistance , but you have to work with your mind with every exhalation .

Work on sinking down more .

Ok ?

Now , we'll start the practice fingertips each side of right foot , hips back straight in your right leg .

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God , two .

Now hold , feel the stretch in the back of your leg , ok ?

Center .

Now we'll repeat , same on the other side .

Step left foot forward , knee down , release , put the pumps on your left thigh allow your hips to sink down every exhalation , sink down more .

Go for 10 counts , fingertips , each side of left foot , no hips back straighten 10 times .

Now hold .

Ok .

So we are done with the prep work .

Now , how to enter into the position .

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We'll try that with the towel .

So keep a towel with you and fold your mat .

It will give good cushioning to the knee .

Keep your left knee on this folded mat and your right heel on your double fingertips , each side of right leg , slide it forward and then back 10 times .

You can do this practice 10th time .

You can hold this position .

Repeat the same on the other side 10 times , ok ?

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Now we'll practice the final posture without this right foot forward .

Left me back , start walking right foot forward .

You can slide your heel deep in it .

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Breath here or wherever you are just make sure you breathe comfortable forearms down and hold slowly , mindfully walk your hands back and take your leg back .

Now , the other side , what your left foot followed , slide .

Even if you are here , just make sure that you breathe here and get comfortable with it .

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Comfortable for arms down , breathe here , mindfully walk your hands back slowly .

Take your left leg back .

Split is a journey you may not achieve in the very first go .

But every time you practice , you will see yourself progressing to measure your progress or to track your split journey .

You can take a picture of you practicing split today and then after 15 days and then after a month and make sure during these days you are consistently practicing this tutorial every week twice , you will see the change , you will see the progress .

Just a word of caution , do not overdo , don't push yourself too hard , listen to your body during the practice .

Otherwise you may end up injuring yourself .

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I would recommend you to practice this tutorial twice a week , which is good enough for you .

You can share your split progress with me on Instagram .

You can share your experience in the comment section .

I'll see you next time till then , take care .


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