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2023-07-18 12:43:24

Zen Yoga _ 10 minute Beginner Yoga _ Sean Vigue Fitness

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And hello , my friends Shan .

Shan dot com .

Welcome to Zen yoga , your yoga routine .

Let's get all comfortable , wear some comfortable clothes for this very gentle routine and bring it back to child's pose in front of this beautiful lake .

Today , we're gonna focus on breath on releasing on stretching and taking these 10 minutes just for ourselves to get away from all the distractions .

So take some deep breaths here breathing in the nose and out the nose .

I'll do my best to use my yoga voice , which I am using right now for this voiceover and breathe deep into the diaphragm area .

I think of breathing into your abdominals and take that left arm .

Let's thread it right through .

It's called threading the needle .

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It's a fantastic pose to get a nice little twist , a little rotation in the spine to stretch the shoulder and to bring a little bit of blood into the brain and breathe into that pose .

All right , moving to the other side , take the right arm , thread it underneath the left arm and breathe every pose is very active .

You wanna to keep drawing your left shoulder back a little bit more keep reaching your right arm a little further through .

So you get that nice twist in the spine .

All right , bring the arm through hands and knees position .

Cat cow stretch .

Here's the cat right there .

Inhale round the upper back up , drop the head , then drop the tummy down .

Look straight ahead .

We have the cow inhale lift , articulate the entire spine .

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Exhale down into cow smile , inhale , rounding up a little smile for the camera there .

Exhale down .

Always feels really good on the spine .

Let's do it again .

Inhale round a little bit higher .

Let your neck go nice and loose .

The head becomes heavy and then drop the stomach down , looking straight ahead again .

Inhale up .

We go enjoying the shade .

Exhale down good fiddling with the shirt and downward facing dog arm , shoulder width , legs , hip width with the exhales , release that chest towards the knees .

And let's slowly very slowly .

My friends , let's walk the legs one at a time .

Keep your breath steady , keep your neck loose .

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So your eyes are looking right to your knees and we are back and forth fingers open as wide as you can think of .

Man .

Hands from Seinfeld , make the hands as big as possible .

It takes pressure off your wrists and we get a good stretch in the hamstrings .

All right .

Bring it all the way down onto your forearms , elbows underneath the shoulders .

We call this the baby cobra .

I was having a good time here , aren't I draw the shoulders back a little bit more .

A lovely , yes , I said , lovely stretch for your lower back and add a little twist here , side to side baby cobra with a little twist back and forth , releasing the spine , releasing any tension in the back and then press it back downward facing dog .

Get that ant off the mat .

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Let's walk those legs again for a little more of a stretch in the walk .

My friends turn your knee slightly into the center .

So as you bend it , you turn it into the center , you get a nice twist in the lower back .

We're always fighting complacency in our lives .

Too much , sitting too much standing .

So these poses come along and just eradicate the tension from those positions .

Good big twist , sorry , showing a little lower back there .

That's just the way it is .

All right .

Come on down again .

Forearms down , draw those shoulders back a little bit more or you can go to upward facing dog hands are on the shoulders and then twisting side to side , make sure your shoulders are down and back .

Your glutes are tight .

So squeeze the glutes every time you exhale and take it side to side .

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You're gonna get little adjustments perhaps up and down your back .

Doing this good , secure the sheet and press it back again .

Child's pose , reach the fingers a little further forward this time and draw the shoulders back .

A little more kind of moving within that pose .

Moving the upper body side to side of my knees .

Well , they're a little further apart this time .

So it allows space for my body to just drop right down in there .

Good breath .

All right hands under the shoulders , pressing up gate pose , bring your left knee down right leg out .

Let's take it over to the side .

So I'm mirroring you here .

So we stretch it over to your right side , hand gently on the leg .

Keep that left shoulder back and down .

And then we have a side bend on the other side .

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Great way to stretch out the sides .

Get some motion in there , get some circulation and heal that body .

All right , other side gate pose .

I suppose you've noticed a shirt plank or die .

I don't know if that Zen actually , to me that feels very Zen because I love planks .

I love anything that elevates my health and fitness on every level and bring it into your side .

Ben , there you go .

My friends keep that left shoulder back and down .

So it's not creeping up right onto the ear .

One of our biggest defenses postural is the shoulder creeping into the air .

You see , I just checked back .

There's a pretty sizable gator back in that little El Cove there watching me .

We have a relationship with the gators .

They don't bother me .

I don't bother them .

All right .

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A little wider stance in the down dog and walk those legs , hitting some different areas .

The angle is a little bit different .

Wonderful thing about body weight routines and workouts is the possibilities are endless and you make just little little changes and you can bring in all different parts of your body , bring in different muscles .

Shoulders are back , neck is loose and lots and lots of breath .

The muscles need oxygen .

All right .

A little Zen fiddling with the shirt and reach that left hand across to the opposite leg .

If that's too much , just drop the hand to the floor .

We're doing a nice twist here .

It's like an add-on to threading the needle or you can just go back to threading the needle and then reach to the other side , got a little leverage with the hand there .

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So increase the twist with the breath .

Every exhale go a little bit further .

Yeah , we are grace in every movement .

Get a great way to discover how your body works when you do these stretches .

All right , we come to the wide legged forward fold .

So grab the opposite arm with each hand and just sway gently side to side as you exhale .

My friends give the abs a little squeeze .

It's gonna protect your lower back and ensure that you get a massive stretch up and down your spine .

You get to use the gravity to your greatest advantage and the knees come down , walk them forward .

Fix the shirt or as we call it in the business , the blouse and bring it down on your back .

Let's hug the knees in .

Oh , that's nice .

Breathe into your lower back as you rock side to side , wiggle your toes , wiggle your fingers .

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I'm doing little lip trills .

I do those actually , every morning before I teach , before I film , when I wake up in my theater days .

I always did those to warm up my voice .

So think about warming up your voice as well .

All right , we're tucking in the shirts .

Getting serious here .

Take the arms over the head and drop the legs to the side .

Either side is fine .

You're going to do both .

We're gonna go back and forth the lying spinal twist .

We call this one particularly the windshield wiper .

That was a no scratch .

It wasn't a pick .

We go side to side tips of the toes down .

Good .

This routine , by the way , my friends do it in the morning , do in the evening .

Do it any time it's available to you anywhere .

Anytime .

Yeah .

Good .

Wiggle those toes , little ankle movement , little pops and cracks and breathe into the lower back .

Knee hugs .

Ok .

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And now embryo pose , I finish all of my classes except for spinning with this pose .

Find the most comfortable position on your side , draw the knees in and focus on your breath .

Because how often do we have time just to breathe ?

To meditate , to pray to be in the moment and enjoy .

I remember those , the trees were really pretty looking up at the trees with the sun coming through and the breeze .

It's like a poem .

All right , my friends bring it up , see it to cross like a position .

Let's put the finishing touches on our Zen yoga class .

A little wave there .

Take it over to the right side , bend , inhale the middle , exhale to the left .

Keep that spine nice and limber head again to the right inhale and exhale .

Take the arms up over the head .

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Exhale , pull them down and back , opening the chest .

Are you ready ?

Inhale , bring the arms up , palms together , hands coming down and Nama stay my friends .

Wonderful work , Sean would like to say something to you live now .

Alright .

My friends hope you enjoyed that little dollop of Zen yoga .

A little shorter version than we're used to doing on this channel .

But sometimes we don't have time for a 30 minute session or an hour long session .

So take about 10 minutes right here .

This is great any time during the day , preferably when you're at Target , do it before you go to bed at night .

Do when you wake up in the morning .

It's a fantastic all over body stretch .

It's that neat paradox .

It's relaxing and invigorating .

At the same time , the deep breaths , energize the cells , things start to really move , but you're also releasing .

So use it to be energized or use it to be relaxed and it works perfectly both ways .

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All right , my friend Sean Vini dot com .

Pleasure .

As always , I will see you next time and always remember Plank or die .

God bless .


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