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2023-07-18 12:42:57

Day 3 - Beginner Yoga _ RISE & SHINE YOGA CHALLENGE ☀️

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Today's video is in partnership with skillshare .

If you've been on my channel before , then , you probably already know how much I love using this platform .

Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of creative classes and courses to help you learn new skills .

Some classes I've taken in the past include journaling , marketing and of course yoga .

Recently , I've been looking for inspiration .

I can use to create new classes for yoga beginners .

Came across a really great chorus which is a 30 day beginner yoga challenge , which includes 70 lessons , whether you're a student or a teacher , there's so much knowledge to gain by using this platform .

If you're curious in learning more , the 1st 1000 people to click the link in the description box will get a one month free trial to skill share so you can start exploring your creativity today .

Hello and welcome to your beginner morning yoga flow .

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Today's 30 minute practice is going to be slow and gentle and we'll work on stretching the full body .

Go ahead and lie down all the way on your back , extend your legs out wide and relax your arms alongside your body , palm's face .

Up , go ahead and close your eyes .

Tune into the natural flow of your breath , breathing in and out .

Feel your entire backside body begin to melt in towards the ground .

Feel your legs and your arms become heavy .

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Shoulder blades relax , soften all the muscles in your face as you continue to breathe .

Tune into this moment , noticing your physical body and also noticing your emotional body .

What feelings are present for you as you lie here and go ahead and take about 3 to 5 more rounds of bread .

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We will take a moment to set our intention for our practice today .

Our intention today will be to simply embrace where we are .

So embrace where you are in your yoga practice on your mats , embrace where you are in life , accept and honor your emotions , whatever comes up for you today , practice with a sense of gratitude and acceptance .

Take one more deep cleansing breath in through the nose , open the mouth , exhale , release the breath out , begin to wiggle your fingers and your toes , maybe reach your arms up wide .

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Find a full body stretch as you point and flex the feet and then release your arms alongside your body .

Palm's face down , bend your knees and plant your feet flat on the ground , bringing the feet hip with distance apart .

We'll prepare to come into bridge pose for a gentle back bend .

So press into the palms , press into the soles of the feet to lift your hips up off of the grounds , squeeze the inner thighs together , relax your shoulders .

Imagine as if you're drawing your chin away from your chest , elongate the front part of your body .

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Take one more breath then and as you breathe out , slowly release your hips back down , we'll do that once more with a different option to come into an arm variation .

So again , press into the soles of your feet , lift your hips up , keep your hands where they are , or you can interlace your fingers into a fist .

Sort of shimming your shoulders underneath .

You squeeze the shoulder blades together , breathe as you exhale , release your fingers , release your hips down into your chest , wrapping your arms around the front of your shins and gently rock from side to side .

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And we'll prepare to come into a spinal twist , release your hands down , press your palms down , lift your hips up and then set your hips over towards the left side of your mat , bend your knees and float your legs all the way over to the right place your right hand on top of your legs and then reach your left arm across the body all the way up overhead and then back around , bend the elbow and let your arm rest on the ground .

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Bring your chin towards your left shoulder , close your eyes and breathe into the stretch , gently , bring your head back to center , plant your feet flat on the ground .

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Bringing your legs back to center as well and then rest your arms down , palm's face down , lift your feet up , bend the knees , lift your hips up and then send your hips over towards the right side of the mat .

Gently dropping the legs towards the left .

Breathing into your twists , reach your right arm across the body up overhead and then peel your heart open towards the sky .

Bend at the right elbow , release your right arm down , turning your head towards the right side .

Eyes , close , tune back into your breath here .

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Mhm And with your next breath , bring your head , feet and legs back to center , place your hands on top of your knees and begin to rock yourself up and then down .

So just massaging out the spine here , rolling up to a seed and then rolling back , we'll do this about 2 to 3 more times .

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Nice and gentle .

And then when you rock up , prepare to come into bow pose .

So feet lifted , knees still bends , finding that balance on the sit bones core engaged and most importantly , keep the spine tall and straight .

You can lean back if that feels more comfortable for you .

Hands can stay behind the thighs or reach the arms out wide .

Breathe , gaze out ahead of you .

Take one more breath here .

Awesome job .

Go ahead and cross your ankles , plant your hands out in front of you and come into tabletop poles .

So coming onto the hands and knees from here , make sure the joints stays stacked .

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So the wrists are going to be stacked underneath your shoulders and your knees will be stacked underneath your hips spread all 10 fingers wide , press down through the palms and then we'll move through cat cows .

As you inhale , drop the belly , lift your gaze for a cow as you exhale round through the spine for cats good inhale .

Belly drops a hail tuck , the tailbone under , continue to flow here on your own really making the movements , your own moving with your own breath , finding any extra movement that feels good .

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You can shift your hips from side to side , roll the neck around or even shift your weight back and forth and take about one more breath here one more round and then come back to a neutral spine .

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Prepare to come into melting heart pos walk your hands forward , press your forearms down towards the ground and rest your forehead down as well .

Press down into the center of your palms , lifting the elbows up to feel a deep stretch in the shoulders and the chest hips stay stacked over the knees .

Breathe into the belly , feel the rib cage expand one more breath , keep your forearms on the ground .

Lift your gaze and then come into Sphinx pose .

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So you're going to lower your hips belly down to the grounds , bring your elbows underneath your shoulders , press down into the palms .

Gaze out ahead of you open your heart .

Now , option to stay here or if you'd like a slightly different variation , you're going to lift your elbows up off of the ground .

You'll feel this deep stretch in your belly and also in your lower back , just find a variation that feels good for you .

I'll take 1 to 2 more breaths slowly relieves down when you're ready .

Bring your hands underneath your shoulders , elbows , hugged in , inhale for B cobra .

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Lift your gaze exhale to release .

Come down in .

He'll again , lift your chest and belly up off the ground , baby cobra and he'll roll all the way back down .

This time will come into upward facing dogs who bring your hands underneath your lower ribs , press down into the palms , tops of the feet to lift your hips , thighs and knee caps off of the ground , relax the shoulders away from the ears , breathe and as you exhale , drop your knees down , send the hips back towards the heels , child's pose .

Take a moment to check in .

Am I moving with awareness ?

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Am I practicing with love and acceptance ?

Take one more breath and then lift your head up , walk your hands forward , tuck your toes , lift your knees come into downward facing dog , begin to peddle out through your feet here .

So just bending one knee at a time , this feels really good in the hamstrings , stretch out the back of the legs and make sure you're pressing down firmly through the palms and keeping your head completely relaxed .

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And from here , begin to straighten out both of the legs , press your heels down towards the grounds .

If it's more comfortable for you , you can bend your knees , just try to maintain a straight spine .

One more breath .

Bring your gaze to the top of the mat and step forward .

Inhale to halfway lift , bring your hands to your shins or your thighs flat back .

Gaze out ahead of you and exhale forward , fold again in hall halfway lift egg hail fold , knees can be bent .

Inhale , half left , exhale , fold , relax your upper body .

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Let the arms hink heavy , bend into the knees and slowly roll yourself all the way up into mountain pose to Dana , roll the shoulders up and back , palm's face forward , close your eyes , take a big breath in , open the mouth .

Exhale , release the breath out again .

Inhale through the nose , open the mouth , exhale the breath out and he'll reach the arms up .

Exhale forward , folds , inhale halfway left .

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Exhale , plant your hands down and step your left foot back , low lunch , release your left knee down to the ground , untuck the toes , keep your hands on the ground .

For a runner's lunge variation .

Focus on pressing your hips down .

Gays out ahead of you take two more breaths and then squeeze the inner thighs together , lift yourself up , place your hands on top of your right thigh , lean your upper body back to deepen that stretch in your left hip .

Flexor gaze out ahead of you shoulders soften and then release your hands down inside of your right foot .

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Coming into lizard pose .

He'll tow your right foot towards the outer edge of the map .

Now , for most people keeping the hands down on the ground will be a deep enough stretch in the right hip .

For others , you may want to come down on your forearms for a deeper variation .

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But wherever you are , focus on your breath , relax the head down and focus on where in your body you can release tension and with your next breath , lift your gaze from the palms , you're going to shift your hips back , send your right knee back to meet your left knee .

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Moving through a tabletop variation , tuck the toes , send the hips back towards the heels and then lift your hips downward , facing dog , come back to your breath and gaze at the top of your mats again , step forward , inhale to halfway live , exhale , fold , slowly begin to roll yourself vertebrae by vertebrae all the way up , shoulders , rolled up and then back .

Pm's face forward .

Mountain posts , root down through the feet .

Take a big breath in .

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Your spine continue to press the hips down .

And with your last breath here , release your hands down on the mat .

Inside of your left foot .

Coming into lizard pose , bring your left foot towards the outer edge of your mat .

Feel that deep stretch in your left hip and then find what feels best for you .

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You can either stay here on the palms or lower down to the forearms , relax the head , the shoulders and breathe deeply , gently , lift your gaze from your palms .

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You're going to lift your hips , send them back , bring your left knee back to meet your right knee , tuck your toes under and then lift your knees , lift your hips downward , facing dog and press down firmly through the hands and the feet come back to your foundation .

Shift your gaze to the top of the mat and go ahead and step forward in between the hands .

Inhaled a half live a helpful inhale to roll the spine .

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Come all the way up mountain pose , palm's face forward , gaze ahead .

We'll find another cleansing breath .

Here , take a big breath in through the nose , open the mouth , exhale , release the breath out , bring hands to heart center and then turn to face the long ways of your mat , spread your feet as wide as is possible .

Bringing your toes in slightly heels out or heels in line with the toes .

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We prepare for a wide legged forward , fold , interlace your fingers behind your back , bringing your fingers into a fist , press the palms together and then straighten out the arms , roll the shoulders up and then back , inhale , open the heart and as you exhale hinge forward , lowering the upper torso in between the legs and reaching your fist up and over , continue to press the palms together to deepen that stretch in your shoulders , squeeze the shoulder blades together .

Hips lift high , slight bend in the knees .

Here is perfectly acceptable .

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We even between the feet breathe as you exhale , release your hands down to the mat .

Inhale halfway lift , exhale , inhale , halfway lift , begin to heal , tow your feet in towards each other .

Prepare to come down into a yoga squat mosa toes will point out this time heals in sending your hips down towards the ground .

So most important part here in your yoga squat is that you maintain a straight spine .

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So you don't wanna round through your back at all , keep pressing your hips down towards your heels and it's ok if your heels are lifted up a few inches as well .

You can keep your hands on the ground for support .

Another option is to bring hands to heart center , press the elbows against the inner knees to open up your hips a little bit more .

Keep your shoulders relaxed .

Hips open , close your eyes , tune into the sensations that you feel in your body .

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When you're ready , blink the eyes open , release your hips all the way down to come into a seat , butterfly pose , soles of the feet together , knees open wide .

Now , for this posture , if you'd like a deeper stretch , the heels are going to come closer in towards your body , you'll feel this deeper in your hips .

If you want a slightly less intense variation , just slowly slide your heels away from your body , wrap your hands around your ankles , inhale tall spine and as you exhale , draw the belly forward , lead with the heart and then forward fold , relax your head down .

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Last , maybe you gently press your elbows against the inner thighs , opening your hips a little more .

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Relax into the stretch soften with your breath and with your next inhale , lift yourself back up , come into a comfortable cross like it seats coming into easy pose , ankles crossed or whatever feels good for you root down evenly in your seat and just begin to roll the head around .

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I didn't go of any attention in the neck moving nice and slow and you can switch directions of your circles as well .

And when you're ready , bring your head back to center , close your eyes and notice how you feel .

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Now must stay .

Thank you so much for joining me , for this beginner practice .

I hope that you enjoyed this flow and I hope to see you on the mat again soon .


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