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2023-07-16 15:46:43

How to Make a Food Ordering Website and App in just 30 minutes

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Lukaku Barkley .

That .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yes .

What a goal .

Hey , what shall you order for dinner ?

How about the place where we went last week ?

That's a good idea .

Let me check , but I can't find the place .

Let's go there .

Then I'm too tired .

Let's order somewhere else .

How about the place where we went last week ?

That's a good idea .

Let me check .

Is your mind ?

Hey , I placed the order .

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Do you want to know how to create an app or a website like this for your restaurant ?

Then keep watching this video .

Yeah .

Hi guys .

Today we're going to see how you can create a food ordering website using wordpress .

So let's say you have a restaurant and you want to create a website for your restaurant so that you can take online orders from your customers and you can deliver those orders to your customer's location .

You can do that by watching this video .

So after watching this video , you will be able to create a food ordering website like this where you can list your food items and when a customer visits your website , they can order any food they want just by clicking order .

Now , once they fill the address details , they can choose when they want to receive the order .

Now , if they want to place the order , they can use this payment method to pay you and place the order .

Ok .

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So once someone orders food on your website , you will receive a mail to your inbox like this .

And here you can see the order details of your customer .

Next , we will also see how you can deliver orders to your customers by assigning a delivery person and they'll deliver the food .

We will also see how you can add a location tracking feature on your website like this so that the delivery person can easily find a customer's location .

And it will also help your customers know where the order is .

And we will also see how you can make this website as an app like this so that it will be easy for your customers to place order .

And you can also easily customize your site to any style you want just by using drag and drop .

Ok .

So having a food ordering website can help you get more customers and you can also make it quick and easy for your customers to order food online .

Also a food ordering website will help you build and improve your brand image .

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So make sure you watch this video till the end to learn how to create one .

So let's get started .

I'm brand for website learners and let's start creating a food ordering website .

So to create a food ordering website , we are going to do four parts .

The first part is to launch a food ordering website .

So to launch a website , just click the link below this video and it will take you to this website called make A double P dot com .

But you will find the food ordering website .

Now to see how the site looks , just click demo and here you can see the complete food ordering website that we are going to launch .

Ok .

Now to get this food ordering website , just click launch site , then enter your details and click next .

Now , enter your payment details and click sign up .

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Now , so now we have successfully purchased the website know to launch our site , click launch new site and it will take you to this page .

Now here enter the website address that you want .

I'm going to enter delicious food and now your website address will be delicious food dot make a WP dot com .

This is the address which people will visit to reach your site .

And as you can see , our food outing website has already been selected .

So just scroll down and click launch new website .

Now , if you click visit , you can see that our brand new website has been launched .

Now , this is just a temporary link to your site .

You can easily change this to your own dot com domain .

We'll see how you can do that later in this video .

Ok .

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Once you've launched your site , we can now go to the next step , which is to purchase the phone book plug in .

Now in , make a WP , you'll be getting the food book team which has the entire website set up and the hosting now to place the food order on our site and make the site work properly .

We need to get the plug-in license separately .

This plug in will take care of the food ordering process and the delivery of the food on our website .

So to purchase the plug-in , go to the video , you're watching right now and click the link in the description and it'll take you to this page .

So get the plug in , just click add to cart and the plug-in will be added to car .

Now click go to check out and it'll ask you to create an account .

You can fill up these details or you can also use a Google account .

I'm going to use my Google account .

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Let's click , continue with Google and then choose your account .

No , get the plug in .

Select the payment method you want .

I'm going to use my card now , enter the card details and basically this is a one time payment and you don't need to renew it every year .

So now we have successfully made the payment .

Once you have purchased the plug in next , we need to activate it .

So to do that , let's go to make a WB click admin and it will take you to your wordpress dashboard .

This is the place where you can control your entire website .

Now to activate the plug in , go to food book licensing .

And here we need to enter the license key .

Now to get the license key .

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Let's go to this plug in page , click here and then click downloads .

Now go to download and , and the license key will be downloaded .

Now , let's open the document and as you can see this is the license key .

So let's copy this license key .

Go back to your dashboard and paste it here .

Now here enter the email address which you used to buy the plug-in .

Once you're done , click activate here , you can see that the license is activated and we have a complete full ordering website .

So let's go to our site and click refresh .

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You can see that all the features are added to our site .

Now , if we click on food and click order now on any product here , you can choose the quantity you want and add the product to the car .

So click , check out here , you can give your details and place the order .

So now we have launched a complete food ordering website .

Now , if we go to food , you can see that we have these sample food items .

Now answer of this , how do you add your own food items here ?

Next , let's go to the second part of this tutorial where we see how you can add your own food items to your website .

Once you add your own food items to your site , your customers will be able to order what they want .

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So to add your food items , we are going to do two steps .

The first step is to delete the sample food items .

So to delete them , let's make products .

And here you can see the sample food items which we have on our site , not to delete them .

Just click here to select all the items .

Then click here and select , move to trash .

No .

If we click apply , you can see that all the sample food items have been deleted .

So if we go to our site and click refresh , you can see that the sample food items have been removed and we can now add our food items .

Once you have deleted the sample food items , we can now go to step two , which is to add your food product .

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So to add your food product , just go back to your dashboard , click add new and it'll take you to this page now to add your food product .

All you have to do is enter your product name here .

I'm going to enter chicken biryani .

Now here enter the product description and then enter the price of your product .

Once you're done now to add the images of your food product , just click set product image and drag an image from your computer and drop it here .

As you can see the image has been added once you've added the image , click publish and now we have successfully added the food items to our site .

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Now , if we go to our site and click refresh , you can see that we have got the food item which we just added .

OK .

In the same way , you can add any number of food items you want once you've added your food item .

Now , here you can see that we are the product price and rupees .

Now , instead of this currency , what if you want to have a different currency ?

So next , let's see how you can change this currency to change the currency .

Let's go to our dashboard , then go to Woocommerce and click settings .

Now scroll down and here you will find the currency option .

Now , if you click here , you can see all the currencies that are available .

So just select the currency you want and click save changes .

So this is how you can change the currency .

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Ok , let's say a customer wants to order a food product on your site .

Now , if they go to your site and click order now on a product and click add to guard .

Now if they click , check out it will ask them to create an account .

So if they fill up these details and click sign up , they will get this space here .

They can enter their billing details , but here , you can see that there's no payment method available .

So now to allow customers to make payments on your site and order food , we need to set up a payment method .

So next , let's see how you can set up your payment method on your website .

So to set it up , we are going to do three steps .

The first step is to create an account and raise a pay .

So to create an account , just go to the video you're watching right now .

Now click this link and it will take you to the site .

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Now , click sign up here and here you need to enter your email address to create your account .

Or you can also use your Google account to create an account in Razorpay .

I'm going to use my Google account .

So click sign up at Google and choose your account .

Now , here you need to select whether your business is registered or not .

So if your business is registered , you can select the type from here .

But if you haven't registered your business , you can select this .

I'm going to select this .

Now , enter your name and contact number here , then click next and it'll take you to the Razor pay dashboard .

So now we have successfully created an account in Razorpay .

Once you've created your account , we can now go to step two , which is to activate your account .

Now , in order to accept payments from your customers first , you need to activate your resume account .

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So to activate the account , just click , activate your account and you will get this KYC form .

Now to complete activating your account , you need to fill up these details and submit this form .

So let's fill up these details .

Now , as you can see , we have selected our business type .

Now click here and select the business category .

I'm going to select my category as food and beverage .

Then here you need to choose a subcategory as online food ordering .

And finally , you need to enter the description of your business .

Once you have done that , you need to choose , how would you like to accept payments from your customers ?

If you want to accept payments without your website , you can select this or if you want to accept payments on your website , you can select this .

I'm going to keep this selected and then here you need to enter your website's URL .

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So to get the URL , let's go to our website now copy this URL till here , then go back and paste it here .

Once you have done that , click save next .

Now here you need to enter your business details .

So first enter your P number here and then enter your name which is given in your bank card .

Now enter the name of your business .

I'm going to enter my website name and then enter your address here .

Once you have filled in all these details , click submit and verify and you will get this message .

Now , in order to accept payments from your customers , you need to complete this KYC .

So to complete it , let's click complete KYC .

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Now here you need to enter your bank details where you want to receive your payments .

So let's enter our details here .

Now , when a customer makes a payment on your site , you will receive that payment to this bank account .

Once you've entered the details , just click save and next .

And finally , you need to give your other details as proof .

So just click here , enter your 12 digit order number and then enter the capture as shown .

Now , click submit and get OTP .

Now you will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number .

Now just enter it here and just click submit form .

Now here , click on the check box and again , click submit form .

So now we have successfully submitted the KYC form .

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Once you have submitted the form , it will be verified within 3 to 4 working days .

So after four days , if we go back to our account , you can see that our recipe account has been activated .

So now you'll be able to receive payments from your customers and your amount will be transferred to your bank account directly .

Ok .

Once you have activated your account , we can now go to the final step of setting up the payment , which is to create this account with your website .

Now to let your customers make payments on your site , you need to create your resume account with your website .

So to return to your account , let's go to our dashboard , then go to Woocommerce and click settings .

Now go to payments here en dise and click on set up and it'll take you to this page now to create the recipe account with your website .

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Enable this option .

Then you need to enter these details .

So get these details .

Let's go to our recipe account , click settings .

Now go to API keys and click generate live key .

As you can see , we have got the details which we want .

Now you need to copy these details and paste them on your side .

So first let's copy this one and paste it here .

Now let's copy this and past it here .

Once you've entered these details , just scroll down and click save changes .

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Now , as soon as you click save changes , your Razor Pay account will be connected to your website .

So now your customers will be able to make payments on your site using Razor Pay .

Now , if you go back to our customers checkout page , you can see that the payment is not available .

Now , now if you click refresh , you can see that Razor Pay payment has been added and your customers can make payments on your side .

Now , let's pull up these details here .

Your customer can choose when they want to receive the ordered food .

So let's click here and choose the time Now , if they click place order , you can see that they have got different options to make the payment .

So let's say they want to make the payment with card , they can just click on it , enter the card details and then click pay .

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So now you can see that the payment has been made successfully and the order has been placed .

Ok .

Now the customers can track the orders by clicking here and it will take you to their dashboard .

Ok .

So this is how your customer can place an order and make payments on your site .

Once a customer places an order , how will you know it ?

Now , as soon as someone places an order on your site , you will get email notifications on your inbox .

So if you go to our inbox , you can see that we have received two emails .

The first email is from Razorpay and the second one is from wordpress .

Now , if we open the first email from Razor Pay , you can see all the details of the payment within three days , this amount will be transferred to our bank account .

Now , if we go back and open a second email from wordpress , you can see the details of the order .

Ok .

You can also see the orders from your dashboard .

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So let's go to our Wordpress dashboard , go to full book and click orders here .

You can see the orders which you have received .

Now , if you click view details , you can see the details of the order and the billing details .

So once you get the order here , you can see the status of the order .

So let's select on the way as you can see your tracking status has been changed .

Now , if the customer checks their inbox , you can see that they received an email .

If they click on it , you can see that they received an update about the order status .

Now , if they go back to orders on your website and click refresh , they can also see their update from here .

This is how you can know when someone places an order on your site .

Now , you know how someone can place an order on your side .

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Next , let's see how you can make this website as an app on a mobile like this so that your customers can easily place the order from their mobile to do that .

Click on Google Chrome .

Let's open the site on mobile .

Now , click on the three dots and click add to home screen here , enter the side stream and click add then again , click add .

And as you can see , we have got a shortcut to our site .

Now , if you click on this icon , it'll take you to your side .

As you can see , we have got our exact site in mobile view .

Now let's see how your customer can place an order on their mobile .

So to place the order , just scroll down and click orderer on the food .

Here , you can select the quantity and click add to card .

Now click , check out you enter the billing details .

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They can choose when they want to receive the order , choose the payment , then click place order and the order will be placed successfully .

So this is how someone can place an order on your site using mobile .

Ok .

Now when a customer places an order , how do you deliver their food ?

So we need someone to deliver the food to our customers .

So next , let's see how you can assign a person to deliver the food .

So to do that , all you have to do is let's go back to our dashboard , then click users and click all users .

Now click add new and here you can enter the details of the delivery person .

Now click here and assigned the role as delivery boy .

Once you're done , click add new user here , you can see that a new delivery person has been added in the same way you can add as many delivery persons as you want .

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Now , if the delivery person goes to the inbox , you can see that they have received an email .

So let's open it here .

They can see the user name .

Now they can click on this link and set the account password and they can log into the account once they log in .

This is how the delivery person's dashboard looks like once you've added the delivery person .

Now , let's see how you can assign an order to the delivery person .

So to do that , let's go to our dashboard and like full book and click orders .

Now click on view details on the order we received not , and you can see the delivery person you have added .

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So select the delivery person and click assign .

So this order gets assigned to him and the delivery person will get a notification .

Now , if the delivery person goes to the dashboard , you can see that they have received the order .

And if they click jury deals , they can see the complete status of the order and the location of delivery .

So this is how you can assign a person for delivering the food .

Now , if you see here , we have got the address details like this instead of this , what if you want to get the location on a map like this ?

You can do that by adding a tracking feature to your website .

Next , let's go to part three of this tutorial which is to add a location tracking feature to your website .

So to do that , let's go to our workers dashboard .

Now go to food , book and click settings and location settings .

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Now , to enable the location tracking on our site , we need to get the Google Maps API key and enter it here .

So to get the API key , just go to your browser search for Google cloud console .

Now click on the first link and it'll take you to the site .

Now go to billing and click add billing account here .

You need to give your information .

So choose your country and choose the type of business .

Then click this box and click continue .

Now it will ask you for your contact information .

So enter your mobile number and click send code .

No .

If you check your mobile , you would have received the verification code .

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So enter the code and click , verify no and select your account type .

I'm gonna choose individual and it will ask for your card details .

Now , as you can see here , these details will be used for your verification and you won't be charged until the free trial ends .

So let's enter our card details .

Then click here .

Now if you click unregistered individual , once you're done , click start free trial and here you need to enter the security code for your card .

Once you're done , click continue and click , start free trial .

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So now we have successfully activated the free trial on Google Cloud .

No great project .

Now enter the name you want .

I'm going to enter Google Maps , API and click create .

Now to get the Google Maps API key , click here and go to API S and services not select library .

And it will take you to this page where you will find the API S for Google Maps .

So to get the API key , we need to enable these two API S .

So let's click on maps , javascript API and click enable .

No go back , click on the place .

It's A P A and click enable .

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Once the API S are enabled , click credentials , then click , create credentials and select API key .

So now we've got a Google Maps API key .

Once you've got the API key .

Now to enable the location tracking on your site , we need to add this key to our website .

So let's copy the API key .

Go back to your dashboard and pain it here .

Once you're done , scroll down and click save settings .

Now , here you need to add the restaurant's location .

I'm going to select my location .

Now , let's say you want to deliver only to a particular distance .

You can do that by adding the distance here .

I'm going to enter five kilometer .

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This means when someone places an order which is about five kilometer from your location , they will get a message like this once you're done , click save settings .

Now we have successfully enabled Google map services on our site .

So to see how it works , let's try to place an order as a customer .

So let's go back to our site , click order now and this opens .

Now let's click add to cart and click , check out here , fill up these details and click log in .

Now enter all these details and click place an order .

You can see that they have got different options to make their payment .

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So let's say they want to make the payment with the card , they can just click on it , enter the card details and then click pay .

So now you can see that the payment has been made successfully and you can see that the order has been successfully placed .

Ok .

Once the order is placed , let's go to our admin dashboard , go to orders and here you can see the orders .

So let's click view details and change the order status as on the way , then click here and to the delivery person and click assign .

Now you can see that the order has been assigned to the delivery person .

Now , if the delivery person checks his account , you can see that he has received the order .

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And if they click due details , they can see all the order details .

And once they scroll down here , they can see that they have got the location on the map .

And if they click here , you can see that it shows the direction from the shop to the customer's location .

Now they will get the food from us and deliver it to the customer .

Once the delivery person delivers the order to the customer , they can click here to complete the order .

So now you know how a customer places an order and how you can deliver that to the customer .

Ok , now while placing the order , the customer has to type the address manually instead of that .

What if you want to autofill the address details to your customers without entering it manually , you can do that easily by enabling the auto filling feature .

By enabling this , we will get the exact location of the customer which will make it easier for the delivery person to deliver the food to any of the outer filling feature .

You need the Google API keys .

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So let's go to our wordpress dashboard , then go to food book , click on settings , then go to location settings and copy this Google API key .

Now go to Woocommerce and click autocomplete , checkout address and past the Google API key here .

Once you're done , click save changes .

Now the auto filling option will be enabled on your site to check that .

Let's go to our checkout page .

Now , if the customer tries to enter the address , you can see that we have got the adder suggestions .

Now , the customer can select the order from here and proceed with the order .

Ok .

This is how you can order , fill the adder details of your customers without entering it manually .

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Next , let's see how you can add extra food options to your customers .

Now , let's say when a customer orders a food product , you can add extra food options like this along with the order which the customer might like .

So to create an add on for your food product like this , let's go to our workers dashboard , then go to products .

Now click on the product and scroll down here .

A click on add features and click add group .

Now give a name for your section .

I'm going to enter extras .

Now , here you can add the add on which you want to give and its price .

Now , I'm going to add a Meg and its price has 10 .

Now to add another add on , just click , add , enter the name and it plays once you're done , just click update .

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So let's go to our site and the first is Pete , they can see the add-ons which they have created .

Now , if they want to add this to the order , they can just select it and it will be added to their card .

Ok .

Now , here you can see that our website address ends with make a WP dot com .

Now , instead of this , what if you want your website to have a simple address like your website name dot com , which looks more professional .

You can do that by getting your own domain name for your website .

So to do that , let's go to the final part of this video , which is to get a custom domain for your website .

So to get your own domain name , just click the link below this video and it'll take you to webspace kit dot com where you can get a domain for your website .

Now here enter the name you want for your website .

I'm going to enter delicious food dot com .

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Now , if you click search , you can see that this domain name is available .

Now to get this domain name for your website .

Just click add to cart and then click continue .

Now it'll ask you to select a hosting plan as we already have hosting for our site on Make a WP let's click skip and it will take you to this card page .

Now , here you can see that we're getting our domain for one year and after one year , you need to renew your domain to keep using it .

So to get this domain , let's pull up these details .

No , choose your payment method , no , enter your payment details and we got her out .

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So now we successfully made the payment and if you click continue to client area , you can see the domain name which we had purchased .

Ok .

So once you've got your domain , now , how do you create this domain with your website ?

So to create this domain , we are going to do two steps .

The first step is to add this domain to your website .

So to add this domain , let's go to make a WP dot com and click domains .

And here you need to enter the domain name which you have purchased .

So I'm going to enter delicious food dot com .

Once you've entered your domain name , let's go to the final step which is to add the IP address to your domain .

So to add it , let's go to this tab and then click domains and then click manage DNS .

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Now next to the air record we need to add a I PR s which is shown here .

So let's go back to this page , copy this IP address , then come back to this tab and paste it here .

Once you're done , click save changes , not the kind of the domain .

Let's go back to MKWP and click on a domain .

So now we have successfully created a new domain name with our website .

So to check it , let's open a new tab and type a new domain name .

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Now , free press enter , you can see that we've successfully created our domain and we've got a food ordering website which we just created .

So now our customers can just go to your domain name to access your site and place orders easily .

So this is how you can get your own domain name for your website .

OK .

Next , let's see how you can edit the content of your website .

So to edit the content of your site first , let's go to the page which we want to edit .

Since I want to edit the home page , I'm going to go to that page .

Now , click edit to the mentor and it will take you to this editing section where you can edit any part of the page .

Now , let's say you want to change this text .

All you have to do is just select the text and enter your own text in the same way you can change any text you want on this page .

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So to change this image , just click on it now , play here and drag and drop the image from your computer .

As you can see , the image has been changed .

In the same way you can change any image on this page .

Once you've made all the changes , click update and your changes will be saved .

Now , if we go back to our site and click refresh , you can see that as has been updated with the changes we made .

Now let's say you want to change this logo .

So to change it , let's click customize , then click head up and click head an app bar .

Now you can see the default logo which is here on our side .

So to change it first , let's delete the logo .

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Now click on upload , then drag your logo and drop it here once you're done , click publish .

So check it .

Let's go back to our site and click refresh .

You can see that we have successfully changed the logo .

So this is how you can enter the contents of your site .

OK ?

So that's it guys .

This is how you can make a food ordering website using wordpress .

Now , if you're ready to make your own food ordering website , just click the link below this video and it will take you to the Make a WP page where you can launch a site and start building a food ordering website .

Also make sure you click the subscribe button to see more videos from us .

So thanks for watching .

I'll see you in the next video .

Take care .

Bye bye .


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