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2023-07-19 14:22:46

30min Hip Hop Fit Dance Workout 'Round 19' _ Mike Peele

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Hey , you guys , what's going on ?

This is Mike here with Fit on and I just filmed a whole bunch of workouts and I want you to get in on it .

We got abs , we got back workout , chest workout , we got everything .

So join in .

Hey , you guys , what's going on this point , Mike Pele here with a new video for hip hop Fit .

Now , you guys already know what I need you to do , right ?

And that's hit that subscribe button and hit that bell .

So you know when we drop new videos .

All right .

Now , in case you did not know we got Mariana in the building and we got Candace in the building today , we about to get it in and I always have to inform you these ladies are learning the routine with you and you are learning it with them .

All right .

So I'm the only one that knows the choreography .

So just keep it rolling and also you guys , if you mess up , it's OK , don't sweat it .

Keep going have fun .

Laugh at yourself .

If you mess up and also keep sending us your videos enough talking you ready , let's get it Mike Peel hip hop .

Come on , baby .

Get some .

How are you doing ?

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You , you ready ?

You whip it up and make a and nobody's doing dumb .

How y'all doing at home ?

Give out .

Let me , yeah , we had lay somewhere .

Break it down , talk to me .

OK .

Swing your , I know .

All right .

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Going to the back .

What ?

Dr I like a tortoise .

You guys ?

No power window .

My feeling is I go to my is she not a dog ?

Be all right .

We know better than the last one like a play .

Yeah .

When for my car , summer time this gonna be your favorite song ?

I didn't run this money so I didn't imagine .

All right .

Come on .

Make magic down .

Um you know I drop it down .

I did .

We got to stretch this out before we start dancing .

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You switch it .

No drop it .

Nice .

Have come up great .

How are you doing ?

Open up ?

Yeah , baby echo stretch .

Come ladies , go walk it out .

Let's go .

How y'all feeling how y'all feeling ?

Come on .

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Hey , remember have a good time .

Enjoy yourself .

If you mess up , laugh at yourself .

It's OK .

First a count right here .

1234 .

Real easy .

Here we go .

123 .

Come out , 341 more time .

Come out .

123 .

Swing it they , they can , here we go .

Top 10 Y two .

OK .

I need to see it .

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All right .

Next one going on here .

You know , 123 hit .

No 123 hits two times .

123 and 41 more time .

Right .

Slow .

Yeah , look , got it one more time .

Slow .

Here we go .

Look , you got it from the top 71234 .

Swing Fox 123 and four .

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You got it .

No , no , go walk it out .

Ladies .

Come on , you should be having to be having fun bringing up babies .

All right .

34 78 .

And so right here going this way here we go .

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123 and four 78 .

So you're just crossing over cross hit hit .

Yeah here we go .

Oh notice how my hands go cross here from back notice how my hands go one more time slow here we go out out ground it's gonna go right into the next move .

Ok from here here we go .

123 and 456781 more time .

Yeah one more time .

Ok .

123 and four 78 .

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You got you we get out let's get out that way .

Hey do come on walk it out let you gotta have fun with this , don't stress .

Alright come up .

All right stop right here .

Let's go over it slow from the top 56781 and 23 .

Hit four .

Swing 5678123 and 45 78 .

She ain't got no money in .

Yeah you got that .

All right .

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Yeah 1234 .

Ok three let's she look one more time 1234567 three .

Cool ma she was on that .

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Yeah but say what ?

Come on man I do let's go .

Three you soft and warm .

Has you doing affection ?

Let me protection .

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Yeah walking out ladies you deserve it .

Come on I could got it .

Yeah here we go .

234 take your time Make sure you got every more .

Come on .

Oh right face let's go from here next move .

So 456 eight .

All you're gonna do is step out 1234 .

So you're gonna go up .

Yeah , here we go .

1234 .

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Let's go .

Bring that head forward .

Come on one more time .

Come on talk I was off beat at me at home .

Laugh at me listen to them .

Here we go .

Watch that .

Yeah .

Time one more time .

All right .

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So from here he 812345678 .

You got it .

Walk it out ladies that way .

Hey , we gotta have fun with this .

You guys bring it up .

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Come on y no , come on that .

Walk it out .

Let's go .

Come on baby reach out , reach deep inside .

Walk it out , reach deep inside .

Pull it out .

Bring it up ladies .

Let's go .

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Come on , come come you .

Yeah , let's go .

Let's go .

Yeah , let's go .

Bring it up .

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Wait that water break .

Don't you ?

That water break right here right here .

Let me 12345678123 .

Hit 456781234567812345678 .

You deserve a water break .

Grab your water .

Now let's go sit up , let's go .

How are you doing ?

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Is it which you ?

Oh November .

Right .

Yeah .

Four .

What the one more time ?

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Come on round in the right , right .

Let's go from here .

Let's go from that point .

You ready ?

Let's go from here on Saturday .

Play it is .

Ok ?

Sorry you come on I just come on next to me .

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Ok ?

I see him the right me left but right you know right come right now .

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Oh single .

I'll be thinking , don't you get it ?

Come on , Kim .

Kim .

Alright and pause switch spots .

Ladies switch spots .

How you feeling at home ?

We chill today .

We , well we're not chilling but it's , it's , it's a vibe .

Everything just but you gotta work hard for it .

Yeah , you sure are you ready ?

All right , let's go on the top .

Here we go .

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Fuck psych in the the movie 34 , the vaccine .

Bring this thing .

Here we go again .

The bitch forward right here on the and hold it back .

Yeah .

Play nothing .

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Stop , wait both feet .

We from Monday family and the bro .

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The way k what ?

Give up .

Yes .

No .

What is that ?

I love it .

You guys have fun .

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I love this , I love this .

Alright , Candace can thought she was gonna escape .

I always make Candace go first .

So let's switch it up .

Let's go .

Mary .

Mariana is like damn come on , step on up , Mary we got you all right and somebody give it to give it .

Well on the way the time co I wanna be keeping you warm I got the right temperature to shelter you from the storm .

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Want here we go .

That the by you .

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I Yeah , make a titantic and in our Yeah , you are .

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Yeah , it's right there in the park .

It's right there .

But I oh to you doing it , you let's go .

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Here we go .

Let's have another water break .

Grab your water right now .

Let's go grab it .

Let's go .

Come on , I got you .

I got you baby .

Come on .

Yeah .

All right .

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81 .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Hey phone .

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Yeah , with us .

Come on .

No , they all right .

Right here .

You good .

Yo said uh I need a minute to breathe .

You guys breathe .

Breathe .

You good .

You sure are you sure ?

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OK .

You good .

You good .

You guys bring it on up and bring it on down .

You guys bring it on up and bring it on down one more time .

Bring it on up and bring it on down right here .

You and us , you and us are them three times to my count .

You ready ?

Here we go .

My tempo 56567 and hit a one .

Get a two , get a three hit a four and a five hit a six and a seven and an 81 and two and three and 45 and six and seven and 81 and a two get a three and four hit a five and a six hit a seven and eight and one and 23 and four .

Hit a 56781 and 23 and four .

Right .

5678 .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake got it .

Second time .

567 and a one get a two .

Get a three , get a four .

Get it .

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Five , get a six , get a seven , get a 81 and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and a one and a two and a three and four hit a five and a six and a seven and eight and a one and a two get a three and a four and a five and a six and a seven and an 81 and 23 and 45 and 67 and eight .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake .

Shake one more time .

You ready ?

567 and a one get a two .

Get a three and four .

Get it five and six and seven and eight and a one and a two get a three and four get it five and a 677 and 81 and two and three and four and five and a six and seven .

And the eight get a one and two get a three and four and a five and a six and seven and an 81 and two and three and four and a five and a six and a seven and an eight and a one and a two and a three and a four and a five and a six and a seven and an eight .

You got it up on .

So listen , you guys already know what to do .

We want to thank you .

We appreciate you .

Thank you so much .

We got Candace .

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We got , oh , I'm joking y'all , I ain't forget her name .

We got Martin Mariana is like we got Mariano .

We got can you guys , we thank you guys so much for having fun with us .

Get in that description box .

See how you can support , show us your videos , show us what you are capable of , which is AAA lot you guys out there are amazing .

Make sure you hit that subscribe button , hit that bell .

So you know when we drop new videos , go on today this day , go on and be amazing .

Go be great .

Just go be great .

And if you ain't smile today , smile right now and carry that smile through the rest of the day .

We'll see you guys on the next video .


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