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2023-07-18 12:43:18

Chair Yoga for Seniors & Beginners _ Energizing Seated Stretches

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All is well , notice the back of your head now resting on that pillow .

How heavy is your head right now ?

I bet .

Even if you tried , you couldn't lift your head because it's just so relaxed , you wouldn't even want to .

Heavy is good for relaxation .

And relaxation is good for you taking the time out every single day .

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Take three nice deep breaths , inhale and exhale , blow it out through your mouth .

You can close your eyes if you like big inhale , exhale , preparing for our practice today .

One more big inhale , exhale out .

If your eyes are closed , go ahead and open .

We are going to inhale , bring those arms up palms facing in , lowering them to the sides .

Exhale as we push them down , palms down .

Two more times , inhale palms up .

Reach nice and tall exhale , lower down one more time .

Big inhale up and exhale .

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Even if it's only for 3 to 5 minutes to consciously relax will better your life in all ways .

Every aspect of your being responds positively to relaxation .

We all know how to relax .

All it takes is for you to lay down , close your eyes and slow down your breathing .

Notice how you feel right now .

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Blessed now with this beautiful state of relaxation that you have created , begin to imagine a perfect life .

Four U and the world around you all is well , you see abundance everywhere for everyone .

Wonderful .

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Allow a big smile to come across your face .

Now , open your eyes and stretch your body , feeling renewed Namas Day .

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Big inhale , roll those shoulders down and back , squeeze those shoulder blades together , opening up that chest and then come out of that and relax it down , loosen the arms and sit up nice and tall again , coming into a seated tree post scooch all the way to the edge of your chair .

I want you to lengthen your right leg with a nice straight knee or straight as you can get it and then foot can be flat on the ground .

It could be flexed or somewhere in between whatever is comfortable for you holding on to the sides of her chair and then with your left leg , put your toes close to your ankle .

And then we're just gonna open up that leg out to the side .

Continue to set up a nice and tall .

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Now option to turning out from this hip to leave your foot on the floor or we could pick it up to the ankle or maybe even pick it up to the knee .

So you pick what's comfortable for you .

I'm gonna hold it kind of in between here at my calf muscle .

Set up nice and tall .

We're balancing , engaging our core .

We can have our hands at heart center , pull up nice and tall through the crown of your head .

If you're comfortable here to level up this challenge , we can grow our branches , extending our arms up to the corners .

Hold here in hell a hill .

If this is too much , you can always lower the arms and lower the leg .

Nice deep breath again .

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And last time stretch lengthen through those arms and your exhale , release the arms down , release that left leg and let's tuck them both back in switching to the other side length in that left leg .

And then the right leg is turned out from the hip .

Toes are near the heel or ankle of your other foot , giving it a minute to allow that hip to open up and then you can keep your foot there or up to the calf or up to the knee , find a place that's comfortable for .

You may feel different on each side and let's bring our hands to heart center .

Continue lifting up nice and tall and try to keep your hips square .

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The tendency is wanting to lean to the side and how a option to grow your branches on our tree .

Hold here , take a few more deep breaths at your own pace .

Continue to reach nice and tall through the crown of your head warmer .

Big inhale on your exhale , lower the hands down to the chair .

Release that right leg and bend both the knees in again .

Arms are coming into prayer again .

So the thumbs are near our chest , elbows down to the sides , relax those shoulders down and back inhale .

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Here we're to twist to the side , one side , come back to center , twist to the other side , come back to center .

And our third one , we're going to twist hinging , forwarding the right elbow back and the left elbow down towards our thigh .

Maybe even gaze up with your head .

Hold this twist big inhale and Excel .

Let's come back to center .

Let's again , left , center , right center , hold this one to the left .

We hinge forward , hold here .

Big inhale a .

We come back to center .

We're gonna do that two more times each side .

So we twist right and center twist .

Center twist , hold and hinge .

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Maybe you can go a little bit further this time and center twist again , side and center Axelle hold hinge forward in hell , back to center one more time .

Each side , side and center side and center twist hinge and hold .

Can we get that elbow further down ?

And how ?

Aha .

Come back to center .

Here we go last time .

Side twist , center so good for our spine working our core as well .

Final side hold hinge , get that elbow down and hell , I am exhale .

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Come back to center so good .

Release those hands down to the side .

Help yourself to move to this all the way to the side of your chair .

I want you to extend your right leg all the way out .

Whatever is comfortable for your toes , I'm leaving mine in line with my leg .

So just your one leg is on this chair .

Nice and tall .

This is going to be our triangle pose .

Arms are out to the side palms facing down , relax those shoulders down and back and again , grow taller , reaching from the crown of your head .

Take a nice big inhale and we're in an axle .

We're going to hinge forward from that waistline .

Hand can come down on the leg , other arm can reach up and we're just gonna slide down as much as our body will allow to feel that beautiful stretch .

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Maybe if it's comfortable to you , you can gaze up at your other hand big inhale and exhale two more breaths .

Guys , hold this here in here .

A can you reach further last time ?

Big inhale and exhale .

Lift both arms back to the side bru that leg in lower the arms and let's switch to the other side .

So scooching all the way over and extend that left leg all the way out to the side .

Front leg is still bent at a 90 degree angle at that knee .

Sit up nice and tall arms to the side in here .

A Rios fingertips nice and long shoulders down and back .

Another big inhale as we exhale , we hinge over trying to reach that arm down that thigh .

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And then if you like , you gaze up at that other arm to emphasize that stretch , whatever is comfortable for you and for the neck , you can also look down , keep breathing nice , slow breaths wherever you're at .

Give me one more .

We're gonna exhale .

We're gonna come back to center , lifting both arms again , bring in that leg , lower the arms and sit yourself back to center then helping ourselves again to the edge of our chair .

Walk those feet a little bit further forward , squeeze those legs together , knees are touching , ankles are touching .

Now , we're gonna open up those knees for a nice inner thigh stretch .

This is like a seated butterfly and then I want you to turn to the edges of your feet , making sure you stay securely sat in your chair .

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Maybe press the backs , the palms and soles of your feet together and then very gently press those thighs open a little butterfly stretch .

This is great for our hips really lengthen through that spine .

Grow one inch taller , big inhale and exhale .

Push gently on those sides .

I got in here , I can tell , allow your breath to help you relax and one more time they inhale a nice job .

Release your arms , bring those knees back together if you have a strap now is the time to grab it starting with the tricep and shoulder stretch here .

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So I'm going to take this strap in my left hand all the way up and then stretching that tricep , gonna bend it .

So my elbow is facing the ceiling as close as I can get it .

Feeling a nice stretch down the back of my arm , other arms tend to come down back and around and ideally would like those fingertips to touch each other , but in most cases they can't .

So I'm gonna grab the band with my right arm , well , my left but it's right to you .

So you guys are ming me .

So here's what it looks like all the way from the back , stood up nice and tall and then very gently as that shoulder releases and feeling a nice stretch in that tricep , maybe even tighten up on that band .

Try to work those fingertips closer together , set up nice and tall .

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Big inhale and we'll just hold this for two more breaths using this resistance here , keep that elbow pointed towards the ceiling .

And last time they can help a exhale down , let go the back of that band and let's do that on the other side .

So taking that band all the way up , release it down your back elbow towards the ceiling .

Other hand hand swoops around here , grabbing onto the opposite side , sit up nice and tall .

Don't forget , elbow to the ceiling .

Other elbow is out to the side , pushing that shoulder down .

Big inhale , exhale , maybe walk those fingers a little closer together .

So good .

This is a beautiful exercise for our posture .

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Inhale .

Aha .

And the last time grow taller .

Inhale a sail down release with the left arm and relax both of them down , coming into a quad stretch .

We're gonna take that band on top of the shin , hold it with that left hand and scooch in again a little bit to the side of your chair .

We're gonna bring the heel back and drop that knee down .

So hold on to the side of your chair and then try to bring the heel up towards your bum .

Now , you don't have to drop that knee .

You can hold it here .

But I want you to feel stretching that quad on top of the leg .

If you're flexible enough or you just want to grab onto your pant leg or your ankle , you can do that toes are pointed towards the back , bigger stretch , you can drop that knee back , your strap is there to help you , make sure your spine is nice and straight .

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Hold big in here and exhale in here .

Again , I last time , exhale , help yourself down .

Let's release that and go toward towards the other side .

The end is there if you need it scooch slightly to the side of your chair , lift that foot off the floor and then again , ankle comes up towards your bum .

If this is enough for you here , keep it there .

Relax that shoulder down .

Try not to hold all the weight .

And again , if you like , you can grab the ankle , if you can reach it , maybe even drop that knee down again .

Just so you're feeling a beautiful stretch in the front of the leg , ok ?

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To support yourself , holding on to the other side of your chair and help and he , I can tell release the top of that thigh .

Last time they help Excel , release that band gently .

Let your leg go .

We're done with the band .

You can put that to the side coming again to the all the way to the edge of your chair and then open up your legs about three quarters .

They've turned slightly out to the side knees and line with those toes lengthen again , as much as you can sit up nice and tall , we're gonna hinge forward with a nice proud chest without rounding the back .

So hands on top of those sides , hinge hinge hinge until you feel like you can't go anymore without rounding your back .

That's the spot we're trying to get to and then palms are gonna face me and you're gonna wrap it around .

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This is a seated happy baby .

So as low as you can go .

So maybe your hands are just , you know , wrapping here if you're able to , to go from the inside and wrap them out , you're just looking a few feet in front of you keeping your spine , your neck in line with the spine .

So I think a nice proud chest .

So we hold it here in here and exhale .

Can you go one inch deeper again ?

This is really good for our spine .

Don't push yourself and stay rooted in those feet .

So you don't fall off your chair , big inhale , exhale and less time in hell a hill guide those hands back up your thighs and toe heel and relax one arm down to the side .

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Inhale , one arm comes up , reach nice and tall , side bend all the way over and release it down , inhale , side bend all the way over , really sit down again .

Inhale right arm up , reach nice and high bend over .

That should feel really nice on that side body and maybe even on the lower back , releasing that tension inhale over and down .

We're almost done .

You guys inhale a final exercises here to complete our practice in hell .

Exhale side , bend over and release it down .

We're gonna go the opposite way from which we started .

Palms are facing down on our big inhales .

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So face me , we inhale arms , come up and a put the palms together and come down to prayer .

Let's do that again .

Inhale arms down and up .

I exhale down it for last time .

He's down in , he'll reach up nice and tall , exhale down to prayer .

Final breaths , set that posture .

We're gonna relax our hands palms up this time .

On top of those thighs , roll those shoulders down and back and grow one inch taller .

Feel free to close your eyes for our final three deep breaths .

And he aha .

And how on this last one ?

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Try to slow your breath .

I'm gonna exhale .

You may open your eyes and relax your hands .

Give yourself a hand .

Thank you for joining me today .

I hope you love to this new yoga workout .

Let me know what you think in the comments .

Give it a like share with your friends .

Thanks for working out with me and I'll see you next time .


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