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2023-07-19 14:34:04

Learn Ashtanga Yoga online _ Complete Beginners yoga class _ 30 min

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Hello , everyone .

Welcome .

My name is Maria Margolis from Holistic .

And today I have an Ashan yoga for complete beginners class .

This is a video that you guys have requested a lot .

So if you're a complete beginner , you've never done yoga before or you're curious about the Ashan method .

This is a great video for you .

Also , the people that have tried my beginner video of Astana and thought they were a little bit too hard or too advanced and they were getting lost .

You can backtrack to this one .

OK ?

We're gonna go through the basics of yoga and the essence and some of the terms .

So you don't get lost whenever you go to another tango class or you do another one of my videos .

And you're like , what the heck is she talking about ?

Because we use a lot of Sanskrit words in the map .

The Han yoga is very , very dear to me because I've been practicing Ashan for over 25 years .

It's an amazing practice .

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It works really deeply in the body and transforming the body and the mind , but it requires a lot of patience , a lot of self love and a lot of persistence and discipline .

So don't get discouraged if you can't do everything or if you don't get everything perfect .

On the first time , it takes years and years and years , it is a practice .

Ok .

So just keep that in mind , the essence of yoga is the breath conscious breathing with sound .

We call it breath and this breath activates the internal fire within .

So we breathe through the nose , inhaling and exhaling through the nose and we close the back of the throat of the .

This makes it easier for us to um control the in breath and the exhale .

So you want to inhale and exhale equally .

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The inhale is as long as the exhale and you breathe with a sound , kind of like an ocean sound , you inhale and excel , you help and XL .

So it's kind of like a very meditative sound .

Why do we break with sound ?

So we can focus the mind on the sound when we're moving .

So when we're moving , we are doing the system of via , via is connecting the breath with the movement and every movement in a yoga has a account .

So we connecting the breath and the movement .

So it's kind of like a moving meditation .

And as we're doing that , we're focusing the mind on the breath .

It's easier to focus the mind on the breath if we have a sound , right ?

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So this sound kind of becomes like a mantra through our whole practice and the whole practice becomes like a beautiful moving meditation .

So we're gonna practice the breath , just sit in a comfortable position .

You can sit cross legged , any position that you want to .

You can also use Veroa if this is available to you , this is hard .

You can put a pillow under or if you can sit elevate your hips also a little bit and sit on a cushion .

If you have very tight hips , you can also use some blocks under your knees .

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So whatever you need to do , do that , get in position and let's close our eyes and bring our attention inwards into our breath a long time and just brief through the nose , inhaling and exhaling through the nose .

We want to have the inhale as long as the exhale , equal breathing with sound .

So close the back of the throat , try to make the ocean sound , the sound of the waves or sometimes I tell my students to breathe like dark Vader .

You want to have a sound that as loud that someone else who's next to you can hear it .

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Keep breathing long , deep breaths , inhaling through the nose and egg form or breath , placing your attention completely on the breath , breathing with sound .

Dr breath .

Three more .

Notice that when you connect to your breath , you connect to your body and this is what yoga is about connecting my body and spirit good .

OK .

So that is the breath breath .

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First thing we're gonna learn .

The second concept is the banda .

So the bandas are internal locks that we use in a yoga .

We're not gonna go too deep into them .

It's a really , really big concept uh that we could do a whole new video for .

I just want you to start familiarizing yourself with the concept , start using it and embodying with practice .

So is the banda from the belly , we're gonna activate the belly , pressing the belly towards the spine or the core muscles kind of lift them , lifting them and pressing them back towards the spine .

That's Vanda .

Now , Mula banda is the root banda and it's the pelvic floor or those sexual or muscles where you want , when you want to go pee and you stop the flow of the urine , you kind of contract a little bit of those muscles and lift them .

That is your pelvic floor .

That's so we're gonna practice that together with the breath with breath .

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So you're gonna close your eyes and we're gonna start breathing with sound , inhaling and exhaling through the nose .

At the same time , you're gonna press the go towards the spine , activate Vanda and lift the pelvic floor .

Activate ab banda , former Francine hale and it is a subtle contraction of the muscles .

It is not , you're not like pressing too hard and trying too hard to activate its a very subtle movement and lift and contraction or lock of those muscles .

Tumor breaths one more inhale and excel .

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Very nice .

The last concept that we're going to learn is the drift .

The drift is the focus of the eyes .

When we focus our eyes on one point , it helps us focus our mind , it helps us concentrate .

And when we do all of these things together , moving with the breath , focusing your mind on the breath and on a single point , we are teaching ourselves to have more of a clear mind , to have a steadier mind to be able to concentrate more .

And this is one of the fruits of this beautiful practice .

OK .

So we're gonna , now we're gonna work on the third concept .

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The the means the gazing point , there is nine gazing points in a and when we do a , when we focus our eyes on something , it immediately helps pre bring presence into the posture and it helps us with concentration .

So for now , we're gonna practice adriti as our nose nasty .

We're gonna again engage all the bandas lift Mula banda , the pelvic floor and a banda the belly and let's start breathing breath , focusing on the tip of our nose .

All of those three things together .

Breath , trite and bandas ready .

Five breaths inhale in exhale .

Are you here ?

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Excel in hell ?

El beautiful one more .

Inhale egg sale .

OK .

So we're gonna take all those concepts and start learning sena mascara a or sunlit A .

We're gonna come to the front of the map .

This cluster is called heat , straight legs .

You're gonna , your thighs together .

This activates the middle line of the body activates the legs , activates the pelvic floor .

The pelvic floor lift Abda within a banda , press the lower belly towards the side .

Arms are relaxed down shoulders , relax .

This is a very active post .

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We're gonna keep all that integration of the body , all the banda .

And we're gonna start with Serena mascara .

A sound a inhale .

Arms open , look up , pumps together , exhale , dive forwards , bend forwards , straight sign .

You might need to bend your knees .

If you're not very flexible hands by your , by your hands , relax your head .

If you have bent knees , you'll be here , inhale halfway lift , you're gonna lift straight in your spine straight in your neck .

You might have to come to your fingertips .

If you're a little bit more tight or even a little bit higher , depending on your flexibility .

Exhale over the legs , step both the back into Ali Post .

We're gonna do chat around the , you might need to put your knees on the floor and exhale elbows in towards the body .

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Belly in , inhale , lift , roll on top of the feet , roll the shoulders back .

Look up .

Now , you might need to put your knees on the floor as well here .

But if you can keep your legs lifted , you look back a seal down dark , roll through the backs of the feet or if you're here with your legs on the floor , you can just go through bent legs .

That's ok .

Long , deep breath here you do five long , deep breaths , breath , breath with sound , press the belly towards the spine .

Lift your pelvic floor , your feet are hip with a part .

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Don't worry if you , your heels don't go all the way down or if you need to bend your knees , keep your knees , sorry , keep your hips high , pressing the floor away internally , rotating your shoulders or pits towards each other .

And five , look forward , walk all the way to the front of the mat .

Feet together .

Inhale halfway lift , look up , exhale , bend over the legs .

You need to bend your knees , bend your knees .

Inhale , come all the way up , straight back , arms out , pass together , press your belly in , exhale arms down .

Good .

Gonna do that again .

Even iron so pumps together , look up , move with your breath .

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Exhale the breath , initiates the movement , die forwards , hands down , inhale halfway lift , look up a step back into chat around her knees off the floor or on the floor , depending on how you feel comfortable and what's available .

Chat around the bend , your elbows , elbows towards the body , push into cobra , roll through the tops of the feet , shoulders back , lift the chest , puff up the chest , look up , exhale , roll through the feet or if you're down here , you can go through force down or facing dog .

Very nice long , deep breaths through the nose .

If you're or your point of focus .

Your guessing point .

Here is the belly activate your boda .

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Breathe , please your attention in the sound of the breath .

This is your mantra .

Four five inhale .

Look forward , walk all the way to the center of the mat .

Feet together , look up , inhale , belly in halfway .

Lift , exhale over the legs .

Inhale .

Come all the way up , arms out , palms together , press your thighs together .

Exhale hands down .

Let's do one more move with your breathing .

Inhale , connecting body , mind and soul .

Exhale through the center .

Inhale halfway .

Let's look up , exhale .

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Step back to chatter .

Choose your variation move .

Keep moving .

Inhale upward .

Facing dog roll through the front of the feet , shoulders back , length in the front body .

Egg sail down dog roll through the back through the front of the feet .

He keep with apart , press back , focus your eyes on your belly .

You need to bend your knees , bend your knees , press the form away hips up towards the sky .

Long , deep relaxed , steady breaths .

Try and see if you can stay calm in setting this posture .

Four , lift your thighs .

So your knee caps are lifting .

It's a very active posture and thigh .

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Look forward , walk or step all the way to the front of the mat .

Be together .

Inhale halfway lift .

You can do whatever you need to do here .

Come up , bend your knees , it's ok in here .

Come all the way up , press the floor away .

Pumps together , relax your shoulders , space between your shoulders and your ears and exhale .

Hands down , salty to heat .

Stand straight .

Very good .

We're gonna try sensation b so we're gonna start with , it's the chair pose .

We're gonna bend your knees .

Um As if we were sitting on a chair , press your thighs together again .

Activate that belly back towards the spine .

Lift , the pelvic floor arms are coming out homes together .

Look up , exhale , you're gonna stand straight and this is the same as sem card .

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A , you're gonna dive forwards on straight legs or bent .

Inhale halfway left .

Look up , stretch your spine .

Exhale , you're gonna jump , you press target , you're gonna step back into a plank knees on the floor or off the floor .

Exhale , chat inhale upward .

Facing that roll through the front of the feet , roll on your shoulder .

Black create stays in the lower back .

If your lower back hurts here , you can bring your feet a little bit more open .

Exhale , roll through the back of your feet into a downer .

Come back inhale , you're gonna look forward and you're gonna step your right foot in between both feet .

Your left foot is gonna turn out like 45 degree angle .

Inhale .

You're gonna come up , you keep your knee band to 90 degrees over your ankle .

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Arms out plumps together .

Egg ceiling , you're gonna go down all the way down , hands on the floor , turn your left foot parallel right in the back .

Excel Chaba .

Now inhaling upper facing dog ceiling down dog art inhale .

The left side , left leg is gonna go all the way into the front of the mat .

If your leg doesn't go there , use your hand to bring your leg into the middle of the mat .

That's ok .

So your right foot out inhale , come all the way up .

Remember to have that knee over the ankle .

You don't want the knee sickling forwards , inwards or back .

Keep it in the middle .

Exhale hands down towards the floor , right foot , parallel , eel your left foot back .

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Keep exhaling chatter under than me .

Inhale .

Upper facing top big ceiling down up .

So I'm breaking it up .

We're gonna stay here for five breaths .

I'm breaking it up a little bit more for you .

So if you need to take extra breath , that's ok .

Just remember if you're going upwards , always an inhale .

If you're going down movement , it's a exhale .

Being here to settle and reconnect to the breath .

Breath , long , deep breath , look forward , step all the way to the front of the mat .

Fit together .

Inhale the up straight spine , exhale , relax over the legs .

Inhale .

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We're gonna go again to that chair post and bend your knees and see if you're sitting on a chair , lift your chest , lift your arms palms together .

If your shoulders are very tight and you can bring your hands together , keep your palms apart to stand straight very nice .

We're gonna do that one more time .

Ok .

Then journey is sit on the chair , arms up A S3 DI four .

Same thing as a follow your breath inhale .

Look up straight in your spine .

Egg sail , step back to chatter .

Elbows in inhale .

Press roll over the feet , upper facing dog , open the chest puff up your chest .

Press really active legs here .

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Excel down dog , roll over the feet , right , like forward , inhale , look forward , right , like in between the feet .

Turn your left foot out , come up arms up .

Keep that new bed 90 degrees .

Exhale hands down , right ?

Like that chat around .

And I remember if you need to put your knees on the floor , that's ok .

If you need to do a cover here , that's ok as well .

Exhale down off .

Inhale left leg , look forward red like a palms together .

Egg , sit our hands down , turn your right foot in , let it back , move with your breathing in .

Help .

Exhale round up .

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Very nice long deep breath here .

Check in with your banda .

Press your belly in .

Lift your pelvic floor , check in with your breath long deep breaths with sound .

Focus towards your belly button .

Excel completely last breath .

Look forward , step to the front of the mat feet together .

Inhale , lift , exhale , bend over the legs and then need to put us in a sit down in a chair .

Come up arms up , pumps together , arms straight .

Exhale straighten city two more times .

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Bend your knees , sit low , press your belly , arms up , plumps together .

They still stand straight and dive forward with your breath .

Same as Serena Masc A in here .

Look up straight , fine .

Do whatever you need to do here .

Exhale .

Step back to plank needs off or on the floor .

Elbows in .

I helped Cobra or opera facing dog exhale to down top , roll on the tops of the feet .

Very nice , right leg forward .

Look forward , bring that right leg all the way up .

You can use your hand if you need to turn your back foot out .

Come up in the hill .

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Exhale hands forward , hands on the floor and turn the back foot parallel right like that chat around it and the inhale upward facing dog or cobra roll into the front of the feet lengthen the upper the front body exhale down up , roll through the feet , look forward , it left leg in the middle of the mat , turn your right foot out , come all the way up .

Keep that knee bent , exhale down .

Move with the breath left my back , turn around and an awkward facing dog .

Your five long deep breaths here .

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One reconnect to the breath and reconnect with your bodas .

Check in .

Is your lower belly pressing towards the back wall .

Is your pelvic floor lifted ?

Focus your eyes to the belly but five good look forward .

Walk to the front of the mat .

Peek together straight or bent , look up , strengthen your spine .

Exhale over the legs , then sit or chair palms together , straight arms .

If you can't press your arms together , keep your arms open the sail of city .

Very nice .

Let's do one more trend .

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Move with your breath , bend your knees , exhale , die forwards .

Inhale halfway , lift straight in your spine .

Look up , step back to demonstrating with the , with the knees down into a cobra .

This is also an option eggs .

Now there is always options back to down dog .

Very nice .

Right next steps forward .

Look forward .

Bring that right .

All the way up .

Turn it back here , email up it , your hands down , right .

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Click back into our facing dog .

Exhale down dock , roll through the front of the feet , look forward , left leg forward , move with the breath .

Turn your right foot out arms up , hands down left leg , back in here upward , facing that lift those legs .

If you can open your chest lengthen , the front body exhale rolls through the tops of the feet .

Long deep breaths here .

Listen to the sound of your breath .

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At any moment , you need to take a breath or some rest .

You can come into a child's place .

Water , look forward , inhale stuck all the way to the front of the mat .

Feet together .

Inhale halfway left .

Exhale over the legs on your knees will put us in a sit low , use your belly that look up palms up , arms stuck arms together and straight .

Stand straight .

Very good .

Ok .

Now , we're gonna finish here with the finishing pastures .

We're gonna sit back down and you can sit down in a full lotus , which would be your right leg and then your left leg on top .

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If it's available , you can do that .

If that's not available , you can try and bring your right foot in half lotus , bringing the right foot all the way towards your belly button and lowering it down .

If that's also not available and you're very tight on your hips , don't worry , or just cross your legs .

Ok ?

We're gonna hold our elbows , inhale , lengthen your spine and exhale , bent forwards , long deep breaths here .

If your hips are very , very , very tight , you can also sit on a cushion to bring your hips a little bit higher , long deep breaths here .

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If this is also very hard and you're very tight in the shoulders , you might want to strengthen your arms .

Remember to stay present .

The way we stay present is by focusing our attention into a breath into the sound , into the breath that brings us back to the present moment and into the posture could even help come all the way up again .

You might want to sit on a pillow if you want to raise your hips a little bit .

If your hips are , your knees are like this and you're very tight and your hips sit on a pillow or on a block arms straight , bring your first two fingers together .

The other three fingers are straight .

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Palms are straight up towards the sky over your knees .

Spine straight , chin is a little bit down your drift to your gaze points is the nose , activate all your manda and breathe here long , deep breaths through the nose .

Breath , breathing with sound .

Three .

We're trying to make the inhale .

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As long as the exhale , your lower belly presses back towards the spine here for a lift lift moda one more breath .

I'm good .

We're gonna do the last posture we'll put to heat .

We're gonna bring our hands next to each other next to our hips .

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We're gonna cross our feet and we're gonna try and lift our butt , our hips off the floor as well as our legs .

So we're gonna inhale straight in our arms .

Use those bans .

Lift those band that's gonna give you the power to lift off the floor .

Breathe here .

If you can lift your legs , that's OK .

Just lift your hips .

Inhale one .

Hold it here too .

Uses Telegraph three , four , five , lift your legs .

If you can't , if you can't lift off the floor at all , just imagine pushing up , pressing on those bonders and just visualize it and really activate all the bundles and slowly , slowly you'll be able to get it and exhale down good .

We're gonna finish our practice there in Shabana .

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We're gonna lay it down in our mat , palms up towards the sky .

Take as much space as you need to take it .

Deep breathing through the nose .

Hey , excel through the mouth , can inhale and exhale .

Relax and let everything go .

No need to hold on to anything anymore .

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No bundles , no breath , relax , dear breath , natural breathing , relax all your muscles , relax your face and just let go rest here in complete surrender , complete presence and you can stay here for five minutes or as long as you want , it's really important to rest in .

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And now always after practice , so we can really benefit , calm the nervous system and receive all those benefits of the practice that we're gonna end our class here .

I hope you enjoyed that .

And if you did , please give me a like , please share this practice with anyone that you think that would benefit from it , especially in these times of quarantine when we most need to stay active for our mental health .

You guys a great tool for that .

Thank you so much .

Also remember to follow me on Instagram at Holistic .

I'll see you guys next week .

I must stay .


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