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2023-07-19 14:33:51


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Hello , my lovelies .

Welcome to a yoga class for my plus size lovelies .

We're at home and we are complete beginners if you're new here .

Hello .

Hi , welcome .

My name is Natasha , also known as nurse Natasha .

Um If you've been here before .

Hi , thank you again for coming back .

Don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button .

Um Yeah , I just , this is like a random class .

I felt inspired to do , I've been wanting to do more classes specifically uh for my bigger body plus size lovelies .

Now , of course , anyone in anybody , anybody can do this class , but I feel like it's important for those in plus size bodies and bigger bodies to have a safe space where they can come and practice where you feel safe and you feel comfortable .

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Um And you feel like you're able to do , you know the majority of the class and you feel like this is a space that welcomes you and this is all of those things .

Um If you've never taken a class with me before , I do teach all of my classes in this way and all of my classes are all levels , all bodies friendly Um But again , I just wanted to create this space on tiktok .

Um A lot of people have been asking , you know , where to start .

Um I've never done yoga before or I'm very new to yoga and I just don't know where to start .

And maybe all the classes that you've been to in the past have been , you know , more straight size classes and you've gone and you've been like , well that didn't work for my body .

So here is a place for you to start .

Um I do some things with some props .

So and again , this is an at home class .

So it's totally ok if you don't have props .

Um , but if you do or if you want to get some , I highly recommend getting some blocks , you can find them on Amazon for super cheap target minor from this is only with the moon phases .

If you don't have blocks , you can use books textbooks that are this general shape and size .

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Um You can also use a strap , this is a yoga strap here .

You don't have a strap , you can use a tower blanket .

I'd also recommend maybe a bolster or you can grab , I just literally use the pillows off my bed .

I don't have a bolster probably should get one .

I love them , but you can use just your pillows off of your bed .

Um Use anything that will make this practice more comfortable for you and your body that is what this is all about .

Um The if you've taken my class before , you know that I always say this , everything I say is an option , not an order .

So I want you to really listen to you and your body and , and feel that mind , body connection and do what works best for you .

Um I think there's also some discourse on should we be calling yoga classes beginner advanced ?

Because here's the thing as our physical practice of yoga is only one of the eight limbs of yoga .

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Um So the physical practice is not the end , all be all and you could , you could be in advanced Yogi without doing any physical as so people that are advanced Yogis again , you do all of these postures like there is no posture that is beginner or advanced , it is all yoga .

But this is beginner in the sense that if you are a beginner at yoga , this class is accessible for you .

So , yeah , I I've definitely heard some discourse around like , well , should we say beginner in advance ?

You know , I'm just using it as a reference .

Um For those that have never done yoga before or who are indeed beginners at yoga .

Again , all these postures don't have a , a level attached to them , right ?

So that being said , um I also like to include an affirmation , um a mantra in all of my classes .

So our affirmation for this class is it's safe , sorry .

I'm looking at my notes , my handwriting is terrible .

It is safe and ok for me to be a beginner , it is safe and ok for me to be a beginner .

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I think that , um , a lot of the times there's a lot of performative yoga out there and there's a lot of , um , of course , you know , the yoga practice as we know it , especially in Western , you know , in America and the western community is colonized .

It is um not as , as true to yoga as it should be .

I try to teach yoga as well as I can .

Um you know , as it traditionally is , but in these , in this culture of westernized yoga , it has become very performative , it has become very , I don't wanna say shameful towards beginners or bigger body people .

But it kind of is , I've been speaking about this on my tiktok a lot where , you know , it's , it's harder for people in a bigger body to go to a yoga studio and not have not be shamed , not and to even have the class work for them .

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Um And we , it's often , it doesn't feel safe , it doesn't feel ok , it feels like you should just like be able to just do all these postures and you should be able to like start it and be amazing at it and this goes for anything .

So I'm not just speaking again , this is has to do with kind of the yoga culture but this is also speaking to what I call the fixed mindset of .

Um , you feel like you can't be a beginner .

You feel like if you do a pose wrong or if you do something wrong or if you are a beginner , if you're a failure , if you're not immediately good at something that you're is bad for you and you should never do it again .

This is a fixed mindset , all or nothing mindset of like , well , I did it and I sucked at it .

So I'm never gonna try it again .

No , the effort and , and trying things and , you know , trying things more than once and um allowing yourself to be a beginner is the growth mindset .

Knowing that we're all beginners , like doesn't matter how long you've been doing yoga , we should all be beginners and we should all be open to learning .

So that being said , that's why I use this affirmation .

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It is safe and it's ok for you to be a beginner , it is safe and it's ok for you to fail , it is safe and ok for you to be , you know , just in this space where you're kind of just trying something new and seeing how it goes .

So , as our affirmation for class today , I suppose I'll stop rambling and we'll get started .

Um All right .

So we are gonna get started in child's pose and I chose this pose to get started because I feel as a person in a bigger body .

And this is a comment .

I get a lot from most of my students in bigger bodies is child's pose .

Everyone , you know , the straight side yoga teachers , like , take child's pose as a , your resting pose , your easy pose .

My dog's raising it .

I apologize .

Um , or , you know , it's , it's cute .

It's like we just take , you know , if a , um , instructor doesn't know how to teach for a bigger body , they're just like , oh , just take child's pose .

If you can't do something , just take child's pose if you can't do something .

And it's also not a very comfortable pose if you have a belly and thighs and boobs .

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So I wanted us to start in child's pose so we can make it comfortable for us and our bodies and it's a pose , it's our starting pose .

It's not just a pose that you take because the instructor has no other options to give you .

So we're gonna start in child's pose .

Now again , use the props that what you need for you and your body .

So , in our child's pose , now , the first variation that we're going to mention for making child's posts work in a bigger body is widening the knees .

You're not doing anything wrong by doing this .

It's just a variation of the post .

So we're going to honor our bodies and we're going to make space for our bellies and for our thighs , we're gonna widen our knees now again , option here to maybe put some pillows down in front of you , put a bolster , use that .

And what we're gonna do is we're going to come to our child's post .

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So our knees are wide , making space for our belly and we're going to ourselves down , our hips are gonna be pressing down towards our heels and we're gonna extend out the arms , we're gonna draw our chest towards the mat and just slowly lower down , you can bring your chin or your forehead down to the mat .

You can also sit on some blocks here , sit on that bolster if you need that extra support .

So we're just gonna sink down here into our child's pose and we're gonna breathe .

So I want you to just notice your breath .

We're not gonna change anything about it .

I'm gonna come up a little bit so you can hear me , but you're gonna stay down in that child's pose .

And I just want you to bring your awareness to your breath and just start to bring awareness also to your body .

How does it feel checking in here , noticing all the parts of you that are touching the map .

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This is a very grounding pose .

So I'll be lifting up all 10 fingers and placing them back down , feeling that grounding energy .

And so to deepen those inhales and exhales , a good technique that I like to use for bringing my awareness to my breath is picturing my nostrils picturing my nose and my head and watching that breath go in and out almost like a cartoon just means you're really aware of your breath .

And as you inhale , I want you to fill up the chest , felt the belly take up space .

There's no sucking in here .

We're gonna take up space and then we're gonna exhale and release .

And as you breathe here , I want you to start to take inventory , check in with the mind , the body and the soul .

I want you to notice any tensions , blockages , constraints that are coming up .

Whether they're physical , mental , emotional , spiritual , maybe you're feeling nervous .

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This is your first yoga class or you're already feeling some kind of blockage or tension because you know , you've maybe been to a class where your body hasn't been honored .

I totally get that .

I just want you to acknowledge these tensions , blockages , constraints .

We're not gonna practice judgment .

We're not gonna attach ourselves to them .

We're gonna know that we're human and we're gonna have some blockages .

Sometimes we know we're gonna work through them and it is ok to have these feelings .

And I want you to remind yourself that it is safe and ok for you to be a beginner , it is safe and ok for you to try new things , it is safe and ok for you to fail and it's safe and ok for you to learn and grow .

I want you to take a big inhale through the nose while the chest , feel the belly take up space and exhale on your next inhale .

I want you to walk your hands over to the right .

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So we're feeling a stretch in the left side body .

And as we breathe , we breathe into that space between the left hips and the left rib cage and continuing to press your hips down to your heels in this child's pose and you're gonna inhale , gently walk it through center and then over to the left .

So now we're stretching into that right side body again , feeling that expansion and breathing into that space between the right hip and the right rib cage .

And it's totally OK .

If your hips kind of come up from your heels , you don't have to be touching your butt to your heels here .

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Inhale , gently , come back to center and exhale just one more moment in this child's pose and then gently on your next inhale .

I want you to lift up to a table top position .

So we're coming to our hands and knees .

Now you can place a , a blanket or towel or pillow underneath your knees if you need that extra support .

I also recommend getting a thicker mat .

If that's something you find you're struggling with our shoulder , elbow , wrist are all stacked and our hips are stacked over our knees and we're going to go for a cat cow here .

So I want you to inhale , lift the chin , open up the chest arch in the back .

I'm sticking that booty out and then we're gonna exhale , rounding the back , dropping chin to chest and do out the shoulders .

Inhale .

You're gonna open up now is on the inhale , this is our cow pose .

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And then as we ask how way around this is our cat pose like you know how a cat kind of arches its back like that gets the when it gets scared .

Yeah , and we're gonna flow with our breath .

So make sure you're linking your breath to your movement here , taking it as fast or as slow as you need to go and listening to your body .

So if your body is like , hey , I wanna kind of rock from side to side .

I wanna maybe take some full circles here .

So chest or body circles , if that feels good , I want you to get into it .

I want you to feel it , the more that we listen to what our body wants , the more we're trusting our intuition and building that mind body connection and just do maybe five more rounds of these on your own breath again , linking that breath to movement and doing what feels good .

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Yeah .

Go ahead and finish the real that you're on and come back to a neutral spine here .

Now we're gonna go into a balancing exercise .

This is called bird dog .

It's just a little way to get our core fired up .

Now again , we're gonna have options here .

So option number one , we're starting with the right hand .

So I want you to extend the right arm out .

The option to just extend the right arm or option to just extend the right leg out and back or option to extend both .

So play around with it .

See like , oh , does this feel a little off ?

Maybe I feel better with my arm down , maybe I feel better with my leg down .

Either way we're all gonna do the same motion to our breath here , whether you're doing both or just the arm or just the leg , whichever option you choose is totally OK .

Listen to your body , we're gonna inhale lengthen and exhale .

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You're gonna try to bring that elbow to knee or if you're doing the arm , you're just kind of crunching that elbow in .

If you're doing the leg , you're kind of bringing that knee try almost to your forehead .

So again , options , we inhale lengthen , exhale , crunch , inhale length and exhale , squeeze and he like exhale , squeeze and last one in hill , I add it .

So squeeze it in and go ahead and release .

Now , we'll take it to the other side .

So again , listening to your body , what feels good for you here ?

You want pants slipping .

Another problem in bigger bodies .

Let yoga pants always want to slip down because my butt is way bigger than my waist .

Anyhoo , we're gonna go to the other side here So again , maybe extending just the left hand , maybe extending just the right leg .

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Either way , we're keeping those feet or hands active , so active hands at the toes , at the fingers , maybe choosing one or the other .

Going for both in how to lengthen .

Exhale .

Continent , inhale like them .

Exhale .

Squeeze in hell , exhale , squeeze .

And if he lengthen el springs and go ahead and gently release , all right to my lovelies , we are going to come to our first hour facing dog here .

So you're gonna press your palms into the map .

You're gonna tuck those toes .

So you're on the balls of those feet on those toes and you're just gonna inhale those hips up and back to the wall behind you .

Now , option here to widen the feet a little bit , make some room for that belly .

Remember that it's totally OK .

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If your heels don't touch the mat and you're pressing those palms into the map trying to push that chest towards your thighs , creating an upside down V here on your map .

Now , find some movement , maybe pedal into those feet , maybe shake your hips .

You breathing here and go ahead and find stillness .

Now , I want you to inhale gase at the top of your map and exhale .

We're gonna travel to a forward fold .

So I'm gonna give you options .

Maybe you take a bunch of little baby steps forward , maybe stepping wide if you need to , maybe you take one big step forward , either way , we're coming into our forward fold .

And again , I want you to honor your body by maybe taking your feet a little wider .

If you need , need to make room for that belly or those sides .

Totally .

OK .

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And I just want you to rag doll here .

So taking that pressure out of your lower back , maybe swaying from side to side , maybe bending into one knee and the other , maybe grabbing for opposite elbows .

Let me give a little doubts and I want you to bring your hands to your shins .

You're gonna press into them and inhale for a halfway lift , flatten that spine out .

Gazes up , exhale to fold .

Inhale , come to standing and exhale those hands to your heart .

Take a moment here .

I want you to close your eyes .

I just want you to see how you're feeling .

How does this stance feel ?

You need to adjust your feet at all ?

Do they feel like they're in a good place ?

Can you feel the grounding energy in this mountain pose or to do ?

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Maybe you want to lift up all 10 toes and lower them back down and really feel the map beneath you .

We're gonna flow through some little half sun salutes here and we're slowly gonna add on .

So I want you to inhale , lift those arms up overhead , exhale .

We're gonna dive down into that forward , fold , inhale hand ses halfway lift hill fold and hell come the standing and exhale , hands the heart in her arms up , exhale , fold in hell , halfway lift .

Helpful in hell .

Come to standing and exhale .

Hands the heart .

We're gonna add on to this one .

So I want you to inhale your arms up overhead exhale .

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We're gonna fold , inhale halfway lift and exhale .

I just want you to plant your hands down and you're gonna step back .

Option here to hold this high plank option here to lower to your knees .

Wherever you're gonna hold , we're gonna hold it for 5432 and one .

And then you're just gonna gently and slowly lower yourself all the way down to your belly .

Your hands are gonna say planted underneath your shoulders and I just want you to inhale , lift the head , the chest , the shoulders for a low cobra exhale release and how just lift the head , the chest and shoulders release in her last time .

Lift the had the chest , the shoulders and exhale release .

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And this time we're gonna inhale gently , press yourself up to a table top and then it will find your downward facing dog , taking it slow again , finding some movement in that downward dog that feels good and find your stillness .

Inhale , gaze to the top of your map and exhale again .

Go ahead and travel forward .

So maybe a bunch of little baby steps , maybe some big steps coming into that forward .

Fold again , wedding in those feet .

If you need to in hill halfway lift and exhale , fold in hell .

Come to standing and exhale hands the heart .

Take a moment here .

Check in .

How are you feeling ?

You get your hair out of your face .

If you're like me , you like to practice with your hair down .

Can't stand to have my hair back .

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So here we are breathing here .

Checking in again with the mind , the body of the soul .

How are you doing ?

Remind yourself it's OK to be a beginner .

It is safe for you to be here in this place of learning and growing .

We're gonna take a big inhale into the nose , fill up the chest , felt the belly , take up space .

I know mouth , exhale .

Go ahead and bring your hands to your hips .

Now we're gonna go through some lunges here .

A little bit of warrior postures and we're gonna do this from standing at the top of our mat .

My dog Jack is very excited about it .

So again , standing uh hips , feat hips system is apart or wider .

If that feels good for you , I'm gonna start with the right foot .

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I'm gonna bring it to the center of my mat and I'm gonna put my weight into that right foot and I'm gonna step my left leg , a legs distance back , coming to the ball of that left foot , my hips are squared to the front of the map .

My knee is over my ankle and I'm finding this power stands with my legs and my balance here first and then I'm gonna inhale my arms up .

This is our high crescent lunch .

Again , my torso and my hips are squared at the front of the mat .

This back leg is as straight as you can get it .

You're totally OK to keep a micro bent in that knee .

But your knee , front knee should be right over your ankle and we're gonna breathe here .

Yes .

Find your breath .

And I want you to take a big inhale and exhale .

You're gonna open those hips up to the long edge of your map .

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Keeping that right knee over the ankle , your back foot is gonna spin flat and we're coming to a warrior too .

So I went from a closed hip to an open hip and my back foot is now flat and parallel with the short edge of my map .

Arms are coming out and I'm just gonna look forward over my fingers and this is a warrior pose , Vera , Vera and pose .

This is a power pose .

So feel this power here take a moment .

If your shoulders are shrugged up to your ears , lower them down .

Now you're gonna inhale , shift your body forward and exhale , find an extended side angle .

So I recommend bringing this form to this right thigh and taking this into a little lateral side stretch here trying to keep the chest open at the ceiling .

You can also bring both arms as straight , maybe use a block down here if you need it .

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But this is a little supported , extended side angle , breathing here , feeling this lateral side stretch , you're gonna inhale , use your core to rise and exhale .

Reverse your warrior .

So our reverse warrior , this leg likes to straighten .

We're gonna keep it bent , you know , let that left left hand kind of come down your back leg and your right arm is gonna come up .

We're gonna gaze up now , stretching that front side , inhale , come back to that warrior two and exhale .

We're just gonna step right back to the top of our map .

Shake it out if you need to and we're gonna take it to the other side .

My darling .

So left foot is coming to the center of your map and you're gonna step that right leg back .

Now , a leg distance apart , keeping your hips square to the front of that map .

You're on the ball of the back foot .

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Back leg is as straight as you can get it .

But of course , keeping a micro bed if you need to and your left knee is over the ankle .

Now again , I'm binding my power pose here feeling where I feel good .

And then I'm gonna inhale my arms up and I'm gonna breathe .

I'm gonna feel this power .

I'm gonna take an inhale and then exhale .

I'm gonna open up to my warrior too .

So again , going from close to open hip , making sure this left knee is staying over the ankle .

Back , foot fittings flat .

Oh my gosh .

It's so tongue tied .

I am spinning flat .

It's been a disaster these past couple of days , I can't talk right .

Feeling the power here in this warrior too .

And again , we're going to inhale the shift forward and exhale .

Find that extended side angle again , try to keep that chest open to the ceiling , keeping the integrity in that lunge .

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And then I'm gonna inhale , use my quarter R and exhale .

If I'm that reverse warrior inhale , coming back up .

And so I'm just gonna step right back to the top of my mouth .

I'm gonna shake it on out .

All right , my darlings .

How did that feel ?

How do you feel ?

We feel good .

We feel in our legs .

We're gonna take a big inhaler fault .

Inhale halfway lifted and exhale fold .

Hang out here in this forward fold again , maybe rag doll here , maybe walk from side to side and take a little bounce .

Can go ahead and inhale halfway lift here .

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Exhale fold , plant those hands and just gently .

I want you to step back and just lower down to your knees .

We're gonna take a seat on our butts .

We're gonna do some folds here .

So taking a seat on your butt , you can always put a pillow blanket or block underneath your butt if you need it , extend your legs out in front of you .

I recommend scooching some of that goodness out from underneath you .

So you can feel those sit bones on the map .

We're gonna start with our , our body so bound angle pose , I'm gonna bring my feet bottoms together to touch .

My knees are gonna open up .

And again , it doesn't matter if my knees are up here , it doesn't matter if they're down here .

I don't care where they are .

It doesn't matter how close your feet are into you .

You , you , you are doing this , this pose the way it works for your body .

Now , if you have a belly , maybe kind of fine with it , scooch it forward .

So you're making space for you and your belly .

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I want you to inhale lengthen the spine and exhale , hinting at the hips , folding forward , trying to keep that straight spine .

And again , remember the measure of your worth is not attached to how deep you can fold .

It's not attached to how well you can do the pose you're worthy just because you are so don't try to force yourself to fall deeper .

Find your edge , you'll find that point where you can kind of , you feel it , you feel , you feel that little pull in the low back and the hips , but we're not going to force it to the point of pain and we're gonna breathe here and maybe we're gonna inhale lengthen and exhale fold a little bit deeper , using your breath as a tool .

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And I'm gonna inhale , gently , come on up and I'm gonna extend my legs out for a wide legged fold .

They don't have to come super wide .

Just feeling where you're comfortable trying to avoid kicking some of my crystals here .

All rights .

And again , we're inhaling for a straight spine and how we're just hinging at the hips and folding forward .

You should feel this in your ham strings in the groin , the low back , try to , again , keep a straight spine as we fold .

Maybe we inhale lengthen and fold a little deeper like God , I don't know if you guys can see my dog Fozzy .

He just said hi .

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It's on the edge of my bed and all again , using that breath as a tool to maybe inhale lengthen and exhale fold and then we're gonna gently inhale .

Come on up .

Now we're gonna take a straight legged fold and this is the one that I also feel like as a plus size person .

Uh when I go to a straight size class , they try to tell me to keep my legs my feet together .

Guess what ?

You don't have to do that .

You don't have to do that .

You can keep your feet wide again , making room just kind of adjust your belly as needed .

Keep your let feet wide .

If you need to inhale length and , and exhale fold .

And here again , it doesn't matter if you can touch your toes , you can always give a micro bend to your knee .

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If you need it , you can also use a strap here , wrap it around the bottom of your feet and kind of pull yourself down to again a towel or a blanket and you're gonna make the pose work for you and you're gonna do what you need in this pose .

So if you're like , hey , Natasha , like my lower back is really feeling it .

Maybe you bend into the knees and fall deeper , you're gonna feel it in your low back .

Maybe you're like my hamstrings are really tight .

So I'm gonna really try to keep these legs straight as little of a bend as I can in the knees and fall forward , make the pose work for you .

And again , maybe we inhale length and exhale , fold a bit deeper and inhale , we gently come up .

Now we're gonna come to our backs .

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I want you to go there nice and slow , gently lowering down to your back , taking your child .

And once you're here , we're gonna take a reclined pigeon .

So I want you to bend your knees , bring your feet bottoms to the map .

You can have your hands at your sides .

And what I want you to do is take this right ankle and cross it over your left thigh .

So you're opening up kind of creating a figure four here .

Now , you can gently press on this right thigh to open up that hip .

This is option one .

Option two .

You can reach in between that space .

You just created , grabbing the back of the left thigh and pull those knees into just like this .

You can also use a strap here .

But again , this variation is just fine .

I'm gonna hang out here because my leggings are very slippery and I can't cross the back of my leg and that's ok .

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You can gently push on that right thigh , should feel it in this right hip and the low back , I'm breathing here , feeling that release in your head .

Yeah .

Don't forget your breath .

And when you're ready to maybe gently release your grasp , but gently release that cross in the leg and lowering that right foot down .

Now , crossing the left ankle over your right thigh and again , it's opening that hip up and maybe gently pressing on that left thigh to kind of open it up a little bit more .

Maybe you draw the knees into the chest and reach in between that hole you just made and pull that right thigh back of the thigh back towards you into the body .

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Maybe just hang out right here , wherever you are at , just listen to your body , listen to what it's telling you this will help restore that mind body connection .

Mhm And whether you , when you're ready , gently releasing your grasp and then uncross the legs , now we're going to take some twists here .

So I want you to bring your arms out to its key position .

I want you to draw those knees into your chest .

You're gonna inhale here and exhale .

Drop the knees over to the right option to gaze over the left shoulder and breathe here into this twist feeling it's released in the low back .

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Did you forget your breath ?

Where is your breath at ?

Maybe if you need to bring awareness back to that breath , using that strategy of visualizing it in your brain , just picture your nose and watch the breath go in and out gently .

We're gonna inhale , come back to center and exhale knees .

Now dropped to the left , maybe gazing over the right shoulder .

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Now , I'm breathing here into this twist and when you're ready , gently coming back to center , releasing those legs , now I'm gonna give you an option to do any pose that you feel like you need here .

So this can be more twists .

This can be maybe like a bridge pose .

So keeping those feet bottoms on the matinees benches , lifting those hips .

If that feels good , maybe like Natasha , I'm ready for seba .

I'm just gonna find my final resting pose .

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Maybe you want a happy baby .

Now , there's lots of options for a happy baby .

I love happy baby .

If you wanna take happy baby with me , you can draw those knees in , you can either keep the feet bottoms touching and maybe just kind of hang out here , grabbing for the shins .

You can also use a strap here , maybe you wanna uh widen those feet out , kind of like you're pressing your feet bottoms against the ceiling .

You can grab back of thigh back of shin or your shins from your shins or for your feet .

And again , use a strap here if you need it .

I love happy baby .

Great hip open or great lower back release .

Remember that called happy baby .

Not sad baby .

So maybe try to smile while you're here , maybe walk from side to side , maybe straighten one leg and straight in the other .

Yes .

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Now , whenever you're ready to find your final pose for our seba , we're just gonna take our good old fashioned corpse post here .

Once you do extend your legs long option .

Also , uh if you're feeling it in your low back , you can bend the knees , kind of knock the knees in together .

If you're feeling some low back achiness also , maybe tucking the butt under and placing that low back on the map before you extend your legs , helps .

And what I want you to remember here is to take up space .

You're worthy of taking up space .

So I want you want , I want you to let your arms and legs fall where they want to fall .

I want you to breathe into the belly here again .

No sucking in , pushing that belly out .

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And I just want you to bring it back to your breath and spend some time breathing here and noting how you feel mind , body and soul .

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And they start to invite some movement in , maybe wiggle your toes or wiggle your fingers , maybe roll out the wrists or roll out the ankles .

When you're ready , slowly drawing your knees up , you can give yourself a squeeze if you'd like draw them into your chest and then drop over to one side , knee , still pulled in , using your bottom arm as a pillow .

Just one more moment of stillness here in our fetal pose and then gently when you're ready , pressing yourself up to a seat .

So any seat that you are comfortable in taking your time to get there , bringing your hands to either side or you feeling the map beneath your fingertips .

Inhale arms come out taking all that wonderful energy .

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We just created eggs , help bring them back down , releasing anything that doesn't serve you and how alarms come up .

Exhale , draws the palms go to touch and bringing your hands to your heart .

The light in me honors the light in each of you .

We bow to our practice .

Thank you .

That is all I have for you today and I love these .

I hope you enjoyed it .

Um I'm going to try to come out with more classes like this for uh our wonderful beginners for our plus size friends .

Um I always put out new classes for the noon and full moon of every month .

Um I'm also gonna be putting out one for the autumn equinox if you're into that kind of thing .

Um I've also started doing Spooky Saturdays .

So if you'd like to connect with me more as a person , I'm putting out some vlogs every Saturday , don't forget to subscribe .

So , you know , when these videos come out , um Please let me know what you think .

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If you have any questions , if there's any specific kind of class you would like to see .

Just let me know I'll do my best .

Um Yeah , I think that is all I got .

So thank you again .

I hope you feel good or I'm feeling good .

Kind of had a migraine today and now it's gone .

We're feeling good .

A little fast bear sleeping , it's all good .

So I will see you love these next time and yeah .


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