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2023-07-16 15:48:21

How to Make a Website in 10 Minutes _ Step-by-Step Tutorial 2021

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Friend Sam Naik from blog to dot com and welcome to another amazing video in this video .

I'll teach you how to create a classified ad listing website , like Olx ebay , classified Craigslist , etcetera , using wordpress .

I'll also teach you how to make money with this website .

Now , this website is really special because here people , people can come , they can register with this website and they can post ads .

Now , there are different types of ads that they can post .

For example , they can post ads to sell , they can post ad to buy , they can also post special kind of ads like auction ads or bidding ads .

They can also , you know , post ads for exchange to exchange products and so on .

Also you have some special features like comparing different ads and then searching for ads with the use of map and so on .

There are lots of features available and also making this website is really , really easy , very , very easy .

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I'm gonna do 10 minute web dot com and you can see here in green that it is available and if not , it'll come up in red and then you can just select a new one .

So we're gonna get that one and we're just going to scroll down and make sure that domain privacy protection is checked because without this , your information , like your email and your phone number could become public and then people will be able to spam you and it's not fun .

So host gator offers this domain privacy protection for you .

So make sure that you have that checked and then scroll down here and make sure that your package type says hatchling or whichever one that you chose .

And then you can change your billing cycle , which is automatically set to 36 months and that's gonna give you the biggest discount because you are going to be paying for all this up front , but you end up saving money by the end .

Now , what I recommend is to do the 12 months because you're buying your domain name for 12 months anyway .

So you might as well buy hosting for 12 months as well and this is still going to give you a huge discount .

Now , maybe you're just getting started .

You just kind of want to get your feet wet with designing a website .

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Now , first , let's see the demo website which we have created or which we will be creating in this video .

And after that , you can decide whether you want to watch this video or not OK .

So let's see the demo website that we have created .

All right guys .

So this is the demo website which you see on the screen at the top .

We have our header , we have this logo over here .

You can create different beautiful logos without using some coral draw and all these things .

I have a , a separate video on that .

I'll give a link to that .

OK ?

You can create a different logo that would look something like this .

Then we have our menu over here .

Very beautiful and simple menu .

At the right hand side , we have some different options .

Like we have a button over here which says submit a .

When you click on this button , you'll go through the process of submitting ads .

And when you create an account , you will see this , you can see your account , you can change your password and so on , you can log out and this is the compare button .

When you click on this , you can compare different ads over here .

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So I do receive a commission whenever you use it .

But it also saves you a lot of money and it helps me fund these free youtube tutorials that I'm able to put out .

So it's a win , win for both , but you don't have to use it if you don't want to .

So we'll just review our order real quick .

We've got our $18 domain registration went down to only $5 and we've got our one month of hatchling , which went from $10 down to $7 .

And then the hosting add-ons is just the domain privacy protection .

So at $29 not bad at all , just agree to the terms and then click check out now .

Cool .

So now host gator setting up your account .

So just give this a second and now they're gonna try to ask you some questions .

So you can just go ahead and click on the X and then you can also just go ahead and click on the X on this screen as well .

And this is gonna take us to our host gator dashboard , ok ?

So now step number two is to install wordpress .

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As you can see we have different ads make model and all these things , you can see colors , different colors and all those things .

OK ?

So a very useful feature .

Now , after that , what we have is we have this section , this is the top section and this is our home home page , by the way .

So this is our top section and we have our title Subtitle and a search form over here .

OK ?

So you can search for the product you can put in the location and you can select from the category , OK ?

Predefined categories .

Then you can search for that .

Then after that , we have this section here , we have different icons for different categories .

OK ?

You can see vehicles , jobs , furnitures and so on .

Then after that , we have another section , these are different tabs .

For example , this is the latest add tabs and the next one is ending soon tab .

OK ?

So these are two different tabs over here .

Then after that , we have this section .

Now this is a very simple and useful section .

Basically , we are saying the benefits .

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When you register with the website that you can participate in auctions , you can submit your ads , promote your ads , get viewed , get reviewed to become noticeable , say your favorite ads and more .

OK ?

So this is how it works .

Now , after that , we have packages .

Now , as I said to you earlier that you can make money with this website , we can create different packages and people will come and purchase these packages to post ads on our website .

So we can add on through that or you can also insert , you know Google adsense ads .

So you can also run through that .

Now , we also have this subscription option over your mail , mail letters , subscription option .

I'll show you how to set up this one .

Now , after that , we have a photo here .

Very beautiful and simple photo then we have the bottom photo here , we have the copyright text , we have some social icons and a bottom menu .

OK ?

So this was a very simple and very beautiful home page .

Now , let's see how a single ad would look like .

So let's see that .

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So this is how your ad would look like .

You'll have this header like this , OK ?

You'll have the name the breadcrumb and you'll have this lobo .

Now , this logo is also very useful .

This is a quick search lobo .

When you click on this and you type in something , you can search for something very quickly .

OK ?

For example , I have typed in apple .

Now when you click on the search button , you'll see the results over here .

OK ?

So very useful I can .

Now here are all the options .

You can upload different images of the product .

And this is a simple ad selling a we are selling this product for $45,000 .

This is the seller .

You can contact the seller .

Here is the phone number .

When you click on this , you can see the complete phone number .

There is a button which says contact seller .

You can click on this button , you can type in the message and you can contact the seller .

Then we have some more details or more description about the product .

You can see the make the mileage , the body color , you can you know add anything .

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So now let's just head up to our website name again and click on visit site and you can see that our website is looking a lot cleaner now , but still not where we want it to be .

So let's go ahead and click on the back button .

Ok .

And now step number four is to activate plugins .

Now , with this theme , we also need to install a plug in that allows us to build the website using dragon drop .

So let's go get it .

So we're just going to go down here to plugins and then go over to add new and then just go over to the search bar and type in astra again .

And then you should see starter templates right here .

And it's got 800,000 active installations and five stars .

So it's a great plug in .

So we're gonna go ahead and click on install now and then click activate .

Now that plug in that we just activated comes with a bunch of awesome starter templates in order to design your website .

So let's go ahead and see what those templates look like .

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Or for example , if you're selling a smartphone , you can add different things or if you're selling something else , you can add different options over here .

Then at the right hand side , we have this ad action , you can share this ad , you can print it , you can make this ad as your favorite .

So you can go to your favorite list and you can see that this ad will be , will be available .

Then we have this map available map of the person who is selling this ad , then we have some description about this product .

Now , people can also comment on this one .

Ok .

So this was a selling ad .

We have some more ads .

So let's see what we have next .

Now , this is a buying ad .

Now someone wants to purchase this product , ok ?

They'll again give some description , all these things .

Now if you want to sell your product and if you , if you , if this person is purchasing this product and suppose I have this product and I want to sell this to this person , then I can contact him .

You know , I can just take his number , I can contact the person and we can do a commerce .

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Ok ?

Then after that , we have a bidding ad .

For example , if you see , oh your five bids are already there .

So five people have bided and you can see the bidding history .

Oh year , you can , when you click on this , you'll see a bidding history .

For example , someone started the bid with $5000 then 21,000 .

Then after that , the latest bid is $12,000 .

So I suppose I also want to bid and I want to purchase this product .

Then I can maybe bid for 12,500 I can click on this place bid .

Now , you can see the number has increased to six bids and the price and the bid price has also increased .

Now there's 11 days remaining in the auction to end after that , whoever has the highest bidding will get the uh will get this product .

OK ?

Now rest everything is the same .

Then you also have an exchange ad .

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You , you can just post your something , for example , your phone , your laptop and you can post as exchange .

So someone suppose wants to exchange their product .

So if someone has a new laptop , you have an old laptop , you give them your old laptop , take their new laptop and you get and you also give them some money .

So I think this is also a very useful ad .

Then after that , we have a gift ad .

OK ?

So you can also post these kind of ads .

OK ?

So these were different kind of ads .

Now , after that , we have this page , this is the browse ads page .

Now you can see , oh , here you can filter ad by different criteria .

For example , keyword by category by location by price type , whether you want , whether you're purchasing , what kind of product you want to filter , selling auction by exchange and whether you want to purchase a new product or used product , manufacture , manufacture , refurbished product and so on .

Ok .

So very useful .

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And you have all these ads showing up over here .

Now , after that , we have the search ad with map option over here .

Now if you see over here , there are some feature ads so people can pay some extra money and they can make their ads as featured .

Also if you see , oh here this this marker is jumping .

OK ?

So this is also a very special feature .

When you pay some extra money , you can opt in for these features .

You also we have filtration options , we have some ads and we also have this map .

OK .

Then after that , we have this new section or post section , you can create different post and post on your website .

Now this is also a very useful feature .

Then we also have a frequently asked question page type of ads , how auction works , how to promote submitted ads and so on .

So you can have this fact page so that you know , frequently asked questions can be submitted over here .

Then after that , we have how it works page .

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Now let me show you how to edit the header and the footer at the bottom .

We're going to be using the theme , which is astra in order to edit these things .

So to do that , just simply click on customize and here's where you can edit the theme settings .

So if you want to change your logo up here , you can just simply hover over it and click on this little blue box or you can just go over to header and then go to site identity .

And here is where you can change your logo .

And you can also add a site icon right here , which is going to be this little symbol up here , which is just automatically the host gator gator , but you can change it to a custom one if you want to .

And I have a video on my channel on how to create a logo for free in just five minutes that I'll put in the description or you can click on the card at the top right corner right now .

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Now , in three different steps , we have explained how this thing works .

You know , you create an account and then you post an ad , then you start earning OK ?

Very simple , very useful page .

Then after that , we have a contact us page , we have the map , we have a contact form over here .

Then at the end , this is the page when the user will see when they click on this submit ad .

Now let me show you over here .

Now , suppose the user want to add or submit a new ad , they can click on this button and they'll see this screen .

Now , they can post different ads , they can type in the title , they can put in the ad type reprise images and so on .

Now we'll see these things later on in this video .

Oh yeah .

So this was a very short demo of the website that you are going to create .

I think this is a very , very nice and very useful and very profitable website .

The design is cool .

The features are tons of features available over here .

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So if you ever want to create a classified website , this is the perfect tutorial for you .

OK ?

So without wasting any time , let's get started .

And before proceeding further guys make sure you subscribe to my channel so that you don't miss any future videos .

Also , if you think this video is helpful , if this video helps you then give a thumbs up to this video .

If you have any doubt , any queries , any question , any suggestions for me , you can put them in the comment section below .

Now , let's see .

Let's get started .

All right guys .

Now to create any kind of website .

We need two basic things .

A domain name and hosting a domain name is nothing but the name of your website or the URL of your website .

For example , google dot com , youtube dot com , facebook dot com , blog dot com .

All these things are domain name and hosting is nothing but a place where in all your file has saved .

For example , you see these images , all these different images , icons and everything .


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