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2023-07-17 08:28:09

How to Salsa - Quick Salsa Combo - Part 1 (Ballroom Dance Moves Tutorial) _ MihranTV

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Hey guys , welcome back to another salsa tutorial .

Today , we're gonna focus on a quick salsa combo .

We're working with the basic salsa step that we already did a tutorial for .

So if you're not familiar with it , there's a link in the description box .

Let me have Paula and a Lisa show you what this looks like with music first and then they'll break it down .

What's up everybody ?

It's Paul again with my partner Alisa .

Today we're gonna show you a fun little salsa combo that incorporates everything that you guys have learned so far .

Remember this video is not mirrored .

We had some confusion with the previous salsa videos .

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So just make sure that you know that whenever I say right arm or right leg , I mean my right arm and right leg .

Ok .

First , we're gonna start off showing the steps separately and then we're gonna go in and we're gonna do it with a partner work and show you how that goes .

All right , I'll start by showing you the step myself .

All right , my gentlemen , we're gonna start off with just doing the basic salsa step and then we're gonna incorporate a little variation towards the end .

Uh We have it easy .

The girls have it a little harder .

So you're gonna start off with your left leg .

You're just gonna step forward , transfer your weight onto your left leg , transfer your way back onto your right leg and step together and you're gonna step again , right leg .

Back , step forward and step together .

Ok ?

One more time , just like that .

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So we have left right together , back , left together one more time and 123567 and 123 , 567 .

Awesome .

So now that you know that it's the first basic step , let's do that again .

And let's add the next eight count that you're gonna do with the partner .

So I'm gonna face this way just to make it easier .

You're gonna start with your left leg again .

So you're gonna do the first two .

Just a normal basic .

You're gonna go quick , quick , slow , quick , quick , slow .

Now this is where it changes up a little bit .

You're gonna step forward with your left leg forward , you're gonna step side with your right leg side and as you're doing this , you're giving way for the girl to turn .

So you're gonna turn your body forward and you're gonna step side .

OK ?

One more time , just like that .

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So two basic steps , quick , quick , slow , quick , quick , slow , then you're gonna go step , step , step .

Now your weight's on your left leg now to finish it off .

You're just gonna do a basic back facing the right wall going right left together .

Yeah , one more time like that .

So we have left right together , right left together , left , right left , right left .

Right .

Now , you're gonna do the exact same thing on this side .

So you're gonna do two basics left right together , right left together .

Left , right side .

Weight is on your left leg .

Now you're gonna go right left together one more time just like that .

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So we have quick , quick , slow , quick , quick , slow , quick , quick , slow , quick , quick and repeat .

123567123567 .

Now , the arms are gonna be different .

I'll explain more in depth whenever we come and dance with the partner .

Now , let's see how the girls step is and then we'll link it together with the guy step .

All right guys , I'm gonna break down the girl step .

So let's get into it .

You're gonna start with your uh right leg back .

We're gonna do the basic salsa step .

So right leg back and forward .

So instead of collecting , you're gonna step forward from here , you're gonna take your left leg , you're gonna step forward , but I'm gonna turn .

So once I step , I'm turning my right shoulder is basically going back .

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So I'm turning towards my right shoulder and I'm stepping and collecting .

Ok , let's do that one more time .

Don't worry about hands right now .

We'll get into that when we try with a partner .

So step back with your right and forward and step , turn and collect ready one more time .

78 and 123 towards your right .

Uh Four from here .

We're gonna do another step back .

So you're gonna go step one .

Now , this step , when I take it back , my weight is pretty much on my right leg .

So I twist a little bit with my shoulders .

It'll make sense when we do it with a partner .

But there is still some weight on my left , but most of the weight is on the right .

So we go back , we twist , you're gonna step with your left .

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I know it's , it's a little weird because your left is already down , but you wanna kind of cheat it and pick it up and re step on that leg .

So if you just turned , you collect it , you're gonna do back twist step .

Once you step , you're gonna turn .

Once you turn , you're gonna continue , turn , you're gonna step and then continue turning and collect towards your partner .

Ok ?

One more time .

So let's do it from the top .

We did 1234 one and turn , turn , collect .

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Ok , let's do that one more time and right like back 12 , 34 five and turn , turn , collect one more time .

Ready and 78 and 123567123567 .

Again , you turn on your face , your partner , we're gonna do the same thing on this side .

So your partner will be in front of you and you'll go right and step , turn and collect step , twist , step , turn , step , turn again .

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Right and , and five and step , step , step , turn , step , collect just one more time .

Ready .

78123 , 567123567 .

All right guys .

Now that you've learned the guys step separately and the girl step separately .

Let's do it together .

But first , let's do it without holding hands and then we'll incorporate it with the partner .

Hold together .

All right .

So let's have a little bit of space between us guys .

Remember you're gonna start with your left leg , girls , you're gonna start back with your right leg .

So we have 123 girls turn 5671 more time .

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Just like that guys , you have your normal basic salsa step and 123567 .

Remember girls , you're turning over your right shoulder facing that wall and then you're facing back to your partner one more time .

123 and 567 .

Now from here , ladies , remember your right leg is gonna step back .

A lot of people have confusion with this but once you step back , uh finish your step with your left leg , you're shifting your weight to your left leg and now your right leg is free to step back with guys , you're gonna be doing your same basic salsa step again .

We have it easy .

So we have 123 as we shift , girls are turning in place .

So we're giving space for them to turn as they're turning in front of us .

Now , from here , we're basically switching positions .

I was on this side , she was on that side .

Now we're switching positions .

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Now guys are gonna step back with your right leg .

Girls are gonna step with your left leg , finishing your turn and facing your partner .

So you're gonna do a total of a 1.5 turns , ok ?

So you're going back , step together one more time just like that .

So we did 123 girls , five pivot turn seven , 12 girls turn guys step back , step to your partner .

Cool one more time just like that .

And now let's add the arms .

So the arms are fairly simple .

We learned this salsa step with a turn in the last video you could find that video in the description box below , but I'm gonna explain it one more time .

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So what you guys are basically doing is the girl is stepping back , stepping forward and as she steps forward , you guys are gonna raise her right hand up and you're gonna hold on to her left hand with your right hand .

As you're doing that , she's gonna turn in place .

She's gonna keep this hold together as she's turning towards the other wall and you're gonna bring her into face u one more time .

So it's like this weird position where we feel tangled , but we're gonna get out of it very soon one more time , just like that .

So we start from an open hand hold , you're gonna go left guys , right ?

Girls , step back , step forward , step together .

Now you're gonna step forward , girls , as you're stepping forward , guys , you're stepping back , you're turning the girls in place .

Now , as she steps forward onto her leg , your left arm is up , make sure your left arm is up and your right arm is down .

Now , girls , you have to be able to be flexible enough uh to bend your arms like this .

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Make sure you're not tangling your arms like this .

Make sure that you're turning your wrist and your elbow in because then you're gonna hurt yourself if you don't do that .

So make sure you're tucking it behind your tailbone and the other arm is above your head from here .

You're gonna step forward and you're gonna turn and face your partner .

Now , my right hand is holding her left hand behind her back and my left hand is holding her right hand on top in a right angle position for both of us .

So my arm is right angle here .

Her arm is right angle here .

You don't want to straighten it too much because then that's gonna be harder whenever you turn So you're gonna be in this position one more time just like that .

So we have 123567 .

Now let's continue from here , girls are gonna step back with your right leg , guys , you're gonna step forward with your left leg .

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So it's gonna go here from here , guide the girl with your left hand to turn into her position , which is a turn , turn and from here you're gonna step back , let go of the right arm .

Uh and her left arm turn her one more time and face her towards you .

Let's explain that one more time .

A little slower .

So we did 123567 .

Now guys , you're gonna step forward side side and as we're stepping side , girls are prepping for your turn .

Your first turn , you're gonna turn the girl , let go of her left arm with your right hand .

You're gonna turn , step back , step forward , step together one more time and 123567123567 .

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Cool .

Just like that a little bit faster now .

12356712 side back .

Step together .

Cool .

Now let's do it on this side .

You're gonna be replicating the same thing again except you're facing the other direction .

So we have 123567 guys .

You're gonna step with your left leg , girls , you're gonna step with your right leg , make sure you're twisting your hip back as you're stepping to , to wind your turn .

It's very important from here you're gonna turn side and from there guys who let go of the arm , holding her a right arm with your left arm , you're gonna step forward with her and you're gonna turn and both of you guys are gonna collect at the same time .

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So the counts for that are again , 123567123567 .

And now let's do it on this side .

123567 .

Do you see how she has a right angle with her arm right here .

It's very important for the turn .

We're gonna show you the wrong way right now .

If you straighten your arm like this , it's gonna be very difficult to turn the girl around because you have to use more force .

But if you keep , let's get back into that position .

If you keep this right angle , then it's gonna be closer to her body and it's gonna be a lot easier if you wanna go more advanced and do more turns .

So for example , we're gonna do three turns instead of two this time , uh 2.5 .

So you're gonna go 1234567 .

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It was a lot easier to turn her in such a short amount of time because she was more connected to her body rather than whenever you have a straight arm , you're disconnected for both the guy and the girl .

But for now let's keep it at 1.5 turns .

So we have 123567 123567 .

Again 12356712356712 .

A little faster .

567123567123567123567 .

Awesome .

So now that we've done it with partners , let's try with music .

Right ?

And then we'll speed it up as we go ready .

Right ?

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And then one 3567123 5671235 12356 .

Again 123567 .

Try to add a triple turn three 567 123567123 2.5 567 and quick 35671235671235671235 and double eight 56712356712356712356 .

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Hey guys , I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you want more salsa tutorials .

Well , Paul , please leave your comments in the comment box .

You can also follow Paul and Elise on all their social media platforms .

You can see it below if you like this video .

Make sure to hit the like button .

And if this is your first time , please make sure to subscribe .

You can also follow me on all my other social media platforms as well .

You can see them below .

I do put different content there .

So make sure to follow me there .

And if you want to see more salsa steps that you've done previously , there's links in the description box and I'll see you guys next time with a brand new video .


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